Eyes Wide Open


He was popular, he was cute and funny, he was everything that a girl ever wanted. He was talking to me in the classes that we had together, why was he paying me any attention. Was my being all that big of a deal. I had been ignored all my life and then this boy comes into my life and looks to me. I wasn't important, I was just a human being just like everybody else. Life isn't fair but I dealt with that.

There he was again, walking into the classroom so perfectly. The way the sun hit his face was mesmerizing, irrestable. Taemin seemed to walk to me in slow motion with a smile on his face. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was real, like I was alive. All because of Taemin. My emotions were showing and my heart felt like a rollercoaster. The way that he walked and talked to me was hypnotizing, like I was living in a dream that was real. Butterflies formed in my stomach every time I was near him.

"Good morning, Jin-Hee," he said as he slid into his seat next to me.

"Good morning, oppa." My lips twitched up at the corners in an awkward way.

"What was that?"

"Um, a smile?"

"That's not how you smile, silly," he said with a juge grin on his face. It was like he was cutely mocking me with his smile that had me caving in on myself every time I saw it.

"Well, how would you do it?" I asked raising a brow. It had only been a week since I had first met Taemin and I was already talkin to him like I had known him all my life.

"Like this."

He reached over and put both of his fingers on either side of my mouth, pulling up the sides into a huge grin that made my eyes crinkle. I blushed at the contact, this was so unlike me. What was wrong with me? Every time I would see him, I would get a rush. Maybe that was just common sense leaving my body becasue when he was around me I didn''t know what to say, how to react. Were people like this with everyone, or was it something more. These questions wouldn't leave me alone, it was like they were glued to the insides of my eyelids.

Sometimes it was like I was walking through a dark hallway, too dark to see. I felt so blind. And then there he was, it was like I was attracted to him like a magnet. I was pulled towards Taemin. There was something about him that made me feel like I could trust him, like I could tell him all of my secrets.

He had just reached some place inside of me and opened my eyes to the world. Realizing this, I knew that I needed to get my life back in line. To what it was before I had become the ghost of a girl that I was now.

I came out of my thoughts as he let go of my blushing face.

"Why is your face red, are you feelling all right?" He asked, looking at me with concern lacing his voice. He reached out to feel my cheeks, but then he would feel the heat contained behind them.

I swiftly pulled away.

"I'm fine oppa."

He nodded and turned to the front of the classroom as the class began. Why was this happening to me? Why me out of all the pretty girls in the school that I couldn't compete with? Was I really that special, what had I done to deserve this? I was left with my questions for the rest of the long day, alone with my thoughts.

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bnbrow3 #1
Chapter 22: Oh.Meh.Ger!! Too cute author-nim!! Pat yourself on the back... or anywhere else you feel should be patted ^.^
Chapter 13: Oh how much i like this story....
Chapter 22: It was great author-nim, but where were they? some kind of a garden?
Chapter 22: this is such a cute ending!! :D
Chapter 22: *cries silently* all the fluffy....I can't
Ayamegumi #6
Chapter 22: I loved reading ur fanfic!!! I would like to read more of ur other stories too!!!
Isalovestaemin #7
Chapter 21: OMO! Where did he take her? And AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! Authornim hwaiting! ❤
Chapter 21: Hmmm I wonder where Taemin took her?
Isalovestaemin #9
Chapter 20: AAWWEE!! KYEOPTA!! THAT WAS SO CUTE!! YAY!! XD ^^ OuO update soon Authornim! <3
Isalovestaemin #10