'One Jameson please.'

The person who became a light in my dark life.

Time flew by and I am 19 for about 250 years.  I am capable of a lot of things since I learned a lot. I have  lived in many countries and have had many different jobs. Now I was back in Seoul again since I really loved it here and decided to work in a bar again. Seoul had changed a lot, it was a pretty modern city now with beautiful parks. It became a charming place so I definitely wanted to stay here for a while. I was doing pretty good on myself although I was still a bitter person to people around me. Still, when I was in Australia I met very nice people who definitely took a spot in my heart, unfortunately they were dead now. A long time. But I got used to that. I was immortal and normal people died around me. Every time I got a bond with someone I prepared myself that one day, they wouldn’t exist anymore. It was sad but it was true. But not all people I liked died, on my trips I even got to know some other vampires. Sometimes I’ll talk to them on the phone when I miss them or they miss me. They feel like family for me, the ones that will never leave me behind that easily.

Well that was my life until now. I already said I live in Seoul again so let’s start ‘a new life’. Of course it wasn’t new but for humans there it was.

I have an apartment not in the center of Seoul but more in the outskirts of the city. It is an old building but my apartment was on the inside quite modern and cozy. It’s something you wouldn’t expect from me when you would met me.

When you open the front door you would be immediately standing in the open kitchen and if you walked further the living room. On the left there is my bedroom and bathroom on the other side there is a spare room. Not that I needed that room but it was in my apartment anyways.

My way of living didn’t changed much, I still eat human food and drink human drinks and so on. Well you know.

Right now it’s 10.40pm so it’s time to leave and go to work since I needed about 20 minutes to get there if there was much traffic.

I rushed out the bathroom to the front door, almost tripping over the couch. ‘Sh*t’ I whispered, I really need to get used to that I thought.

Hurried I put my boots on and grabbed my keys of the sideboard and left through the front door. The door behind me slammed a bit hard. My neighbors would love me already I thought and smirked.

I quickly walked my way down and when I was outside I walked over where I left my motor last and got on my motor. I have really many drive licenses, I can even fly a helicopter. That was typical something I learned because of my boredom.

Snapped out of my thought when I saw on my watch it was already 10.49pm I my engine and drove off. I need to hurry my I thought while I had to stop because the traffic light was red.

Just my luck. Annoyed I looked around me, there was a park on my left side and I thought it would be nice to walk around there after my shift.

From somewhere behind me came symphony that didn’t sound good . I looked at the traffic light and is was green. I guess for quite a while since cars hooted at me . Irritated I drove off with high speed. In no time I  arrived at my workplace. I slowed down a bit and when I was standing still my foot touched the ground. I swept my other leg over my motor and turned it off. While I walked to the entrance of CLUB14 I took my helmet from my head and walked inside.

It was a very dark club with music that for my luck wasn’t too loud. You could talk to each other without losing your voice. It was a charming bar with all kind of glasses hanging above upside down. The light above the bar gave them a color. Behind the bar I saw Min Soo.

I smiled happily and raised my hand at her. She smiled back ‘You’re here ! Quick take my shift I need to go home please’ She said with puppy eyes. Min Soo is actually the only one I like here.

‘With those puppy eyes no. But go change your clothes I’ll serve some people now.’ I said to her with a smile. She knew I was teasing her but she could take those things of me. She knows I don’t hate her so it was all fine with her.

A bright smile appeared again on her face and suddenly I felt a huge warm human hug me. I was surprised by that action but didn’t show her. She pulled back and almost screamed ‘Thank you!!’ at me.

Little brat that you are I thought smiling. After some time she left the place and now I was alone running the place. Since it was Wednesday not many people are at the café so one person could handle. Perfect situation for me so I could shut down by myself and easily kidnap my victim. It has been 3 days since the last ‘feeding’ so it is about time. Normally vampires could only live 1 full day until the burning feeling comes up in their throats. Mostly vampires who live a couple centuries can hold on longer. But I don’t want to risk anything so tonight I’ll be a disgusting life taking monster again. That is still one think I can never get used to. Unfortunately that is the likely part of being the vampire, drinking blood.

‘One Jameson please’ was heard from behind while I was cleaning glasses.






sheesus I'm such a tease right now, sorry guys I guess I like to tease a bit hahah ^^ bear with me xd


AND thanks again for my readers, subscribers and for the comments ^^ I love it

and I love you ALL !! :D


*bows 90 degrees* *hugs all of you*




A/N : oh yeah :::: WARNING :

I don't know when I'm going to start bad words but somewhere I use them, and sometimes it's covered up like this : sh**.

But yeah I'm such a lazy so not always, I hope you don't mind but there's quite a lot I think....not sure ^^




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Chapter 28: You have to write another fanfic!!!! You just have too! Teehee your writing is great I think you should make more fanfics for Suju ^.^
hazelbell #2
Chapter 28: awwww~ the ending is soooo cute! Please make another sequel~!!
Chapter 27: Don't die don't you dare to die
hhaha when you start a new fic of suju do tell me kekkee :p this time make them vampire OMgosh its a nice thought they will look so nice in vampires :pxD
Chapter 27: Omo.... Wow, just , wow!! You have such an amazing talent for writing, *tear* i don't want it too end!! Make another story!!! More Super Junior and more fantasy kekeke ^-^
Chapter 26: What Iam going to say is (don't think iam weird its just my way of thinking xD) real friends are those who always care for you even if they are popular they will always care for you no matter what .
Me and my best friend we are friends from 6 grade and now its almost the end of my 11 grade ( 6 to 7 years) we have had many friends but our friend ship is still the same or stronger. She is very socialized person but I am not that but our friendship becomes stronger with passing days :) don't feel sad just distinguish btw real and fake friends :)
and every one here is friend lkekekek your story is so nice *drooling* by reading your story I want to become a vampire xD *weird* lolzz
btw sorry for such a long comment :p
update kekkek :)
IWillLoveYouForever #6
Chapter 26: The last part on how you feel at school I feel exactly the same :-/ my friends don't really understand me and I only have a few proper friends but it would be strange to hang out with them but if one of my friends left me I would literally have no one to go to and this girl is slowly taking her away from me and the girl never really liked me so I know how you feel and I've started becoming more quiet than usual because of this :(
Chapter 25: Awesome update ^.^
Chapter 24: I love how you update so often!!!
Chapter 24: seriously
i love youuu!
one of best vampire stories!
Chapter 24: What truth ?*heartbeating so fast* ofcourse we don't hate you We love you kekkeke :p