On the edge

The person who became a light in my dark life.

I was trying to sleep but things only got worse. My body was trembling. I don’t know what’s going on and why I am so weak. I’m aware of the fact that if vampires don’t feed on fresh human blood they are in a weaker state than they normally are. But is the effect of drinking deceased blood so big. And besides that, I'm a strong vampire. All these question were running through my healthy mind. I felt drops of sweat slowly making their way from my neck to my pillow. I was burning inside but I could feel my body became very cold. Generally my body is a few degrees lower than the human body but I was almost an ice cube.

I could hear the door opening. I knew someone would come and check on me, it was just a matter of time.

I wanted to open my eyes but my eyelids were too heavy. I didn’t need to open them to see who was standing there, the presence was enough to tell it was Hyuk.

‘Oh god Min, what’s going on ?’ He mumbled.

I could only guess how I was looking, probably horrible.

He stormed out of the room with a lot of noise. Was I that scary ? I thought.

Because of the failure that Eunhyuk tried to communicate Sungmin was curious and worried.

I could feel him standing in the doorway.                 

‘Oh god Min..’ He whispered.

Can’t they say anything else, instead of Oh god Min ? I thought. Although I knew I was on the edge of living, I was still having trouble with my behavior.

Sungmin placed himself beside me on his knees and caressed the sticking hair out of my face.

I was still trembling and my breathing wasn’t helping me. I was breathing very heavy and sometimes it felt like I was choking. But I knew the danger I was.

‘Min, go.’ I whispered, or at least tried.

‘What are you saying ?’ Sungmin said and leaned forward.

The smell of Sungmin filled my nose. The sweet aroma made me go crazy in my mind, I could feel my eyes changing. This wasn’t good at all.

With all my strength I turned my body around so I was lying on my stomach. My face was hidden in my soaking pillow. It blocked the smell but the aroma was still in my head. Please Kyu, hurry.  

I was in a war with myself but I didn’t had the strength to tell the confused Sungmin and Hyuk.

‘Min ?’ he asked.

‘What’s wrong with her ?’ A cracking voice said. It was Eunhyuk.

‘I don’t know Hyuk, but this isn’t right and she isn’t talking.’

‘Min I think you owe us to tell what’s going on.’ Sungmin continued.

He had a point. I slowly turned my head but hold my breath.  I continued breathing through my mouth. I actually didn’t want the rest to know about this but I never thought I would be like..this.

So I made my decision.

‘Call Kyu. He. Knows.’ I said with a hoarse voice.

Sungmin stood up but my weak arm stopped him.

‘What ?’

With a weak sign I told him to come closer. I had myself under control so for a couple second it was safe.

He came closer with his head.

‘Take Hyuk..away from..me. I’m danger.’ That was all that I could say.

He leaned back a bit. I could feel he was looking at me. To show what I meant I tried to open my eyes. I knew Sungmin wouldn’t be scared.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. He nodded so I knew he got the message.

He stood up and took Eunhyuk’s arm. ‘Come, let’s call Ky neh ?’

‘But what abo-‘

‘She’ll be fine.’

‘Why does everybody know and not me ?!’ Eunhyuk yelled. I could understand him, of course he wanted to know the truth.

‘Not everyone Hyuk, that’s why we are going to call Kyu.’

‘Neh’ Eunhyuk said softly.

They left the room and Sungmin made sure the door was closed and locked.

‘Thank you.’ I whispered, knowing he wouldn’t hear me.


I heard a lot noise coming from behind the door. A door slammed and the next second mine door was wide open. Everyone would his pans but I just lay there. A heavy bag fell on the ground with a major sound. Zippers opened and hands were greedy searching in the bag.

‘Here, quick drink it.’ Kyuhyun said

As much as I wanted it, my body didn’t show any sign of taking the bag.

‘Min ?’

I wanted to scream but nothing worked except my mind.

‘Damn it.’ He cursed. He stood up and grabbed something. I had no idea what he was doing.

He ran back to me.

‘SUNGMIN !’ He commanded.

In seconds someone said. ‘Yeah ?’

‘I need your help here, close the door.’

The door clicked in his lock.

‘What do I do ?’ Sungmin asked calmly.

‘Open .’

I was confused but after a second I knew what he was up to. The smart kid.

Two warm hands gently opened my mouth, another hand carried my head.

A warm soft liquid filled my mouth, my throat, my body. I drank it greedy forgetting about everything.

The liquid stopped flowing. I coughed like a saved drowning person.

‘More.’ I whispered.

‘Sungmin get another please.’


Two hand left my face. Energy filled my body, little electric shocks ran through my veins.

I felt two hands again and the liquid filled my throat again. A satisfied feeling took over the scared feeling. The control of my body returned.

I took Kyu’s hand and squeezed his wrist.

‘It’s allright.’ He said.

When the bag was empty I let go of Kyu’s wrist and hands left my head and face.

Slowly I opened my eyes. I didn’t wanted to look them in the eye though.

‘More ?’ Sungmin asked.

‘No, I’m allright. I just need to rest.’ I said. My eyes fell on Kyuhyun’s wrist. A red stain was caused.

‘I’m sorry.’

Kyuhyun saw me looking at the stain.

‘I’m fine.’

His hand went forward and before I could react he cupped my face.

‘I imagined your eyes a different color.’ He said calmly.

I quickly looked away.

‘Don’t worry, I’m not scared. I could even say it’s a beautiful color but I’m the evil maknae you know. So it doesn’t suit you.’

I huffed and smiled.

‘It’s good to have you back.’ Sungmin said.

I looked at him. ‘Thank you, you too Kyu. But where is Hyuk ?’

‘Waiting, should I get him ?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Neh, but could you get me up? I’m still weak and I want to sit.’

Kyuhyun and Sungmin both gently took an arm and pulled me up. They placed my back against Eunhyuks bed.

‘Better ?’ they asked in chorus. They looked at each other and laughed.

‘Kyeopta.’ I said to tease Kyuhyun.

‘Yeah we’ll get Hyuk.’ Kyu said and stood up together with Sungmin.

‘Wait, my eyes are they normal ?’ I asked them.

‘They sparkle too much.’  Kyu said with a pokerface.

‘Shut it.’ I said, also with a pokerface. ‘Let me be happy that I’m still alive and able to love you all.’






Are you guise still reading with a lot of fun~?? :) I hope so kkk

Hmm I don't have anything left to say except the fact that I'm bored..maybe because it's bedtime and I should go to sleep...seems legit ^^

Welll bye everyone *waves and bows* annyeong

jal jja~~



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Chapter 28: You have to write another fanfic!!!! You just have too! Teehee your writing is great I think you should make more fanfics for Suju ^.^
hazelbell #2
Chapter 28: awwww~ the ending is soooo cute! Please make another sequel~!!
Chapter 27: Don't die don't you dare to die
hhaha when you start a new fic of suju do tell me kekkee :p this time make them vampire OMgosh its a nice thought they will look so nice in vampires :pxD
Chapter 27: Omo.... Wow, just , wow!! You have such an amazing talent for writing, *tear* i don't want it too end!! Make another story!!! More Super Junior and more fantasy kekeke ^-^
Chapter 26: What Iam going to say is (don't think iam weird its just my way of thinking xD) real friends are those who always care for you even if they are popular they will always care for you no matter what .
Me and my best friend we are friends from 6 grade and now its almost the end of my 11 grade ( 6 to 7 years) we have had many friends but our friend ship is still the same or stronger. She is very socialized person but I am not that but our friendship becomes stronger with passing days :) don't feel sad just distinguish btw real and fake friends :)
and every one here is friend lkekekek your story is so nice *drooling* by reading your story I want to become a vampire xD *weird* lolzz
btw sorry for such a long comment :p
update kekkek :)
IWillLoveYouForever #6
Chapter 26: The last part on how you feel at school I feel exactly the same :-/ my friends don't really understand me and I only have a few proper friends but it would be strange to hang out with them but if one of my friends left me I would literally have no one to go to and this girl is slowly taking her away from me and the girl never really liked me so I know how you feel and I've started becoming more quiet than usual because of this :(
Chapter 25: Awesome update ^.^
Chapter 24: I love how you update so often!!!
Chapter 24: seriously
i love youuu!
one of best vampire stories!
Chapter 24: What truth ?*heartbeating so fast* ofcourse we don't hate you We love you kekkeke :p