
The person who became a light in my dark life.

I gasped and shot forward. What was this what did this mean ? I stood up from my mattress, I was still trying to get my breathing under control. Water, I need water. I rushed out the room to the kitchen and ignored the people in the living room. With shaking hands I got some water. I wasn’t able to drink it because if my shaking. Eunhyuk rushed to me.

‘Min, what’s wrong ?’

‘Don’t come near me.’ I almost whispered.

‘Why ? You look sick ? Are you sick, I can make you some soup.’

‘I can’t be sick.’ I walked up and down in the kitchen with my water.

‘I think you are, sit down for a moment.’

‘NO, why do you care so much ? I can’t get sick ! I can’t get infected by human diseases!’

Within my anger I made my hands into fists, also the hand which was caring a glass filled with water.

The glass flew all over the place and clattered on the ground, the liquid spread all ways.

‘MIN !’ Eunhyuk yelled.

The people who were first in the living room were now staring at us.

‘Omo ?! Are you okay ?’ Sungmin asked.

Eunhyuk wanted to get my hand.

‘NO, I said don’t come near me !!’

‘For God sakes Min why not ?!’

‘Why are you like this ?!’

‘Like what ?’

‘Why do you care about me ?’

‘We just do, you live with us Min. I don’t understand why are you behaving like this. This is nothing like you losing your temper.’

‘But I’m a monster !’

‘You’re not, calm down and let Eunhyuk take care of your hand, you’re bleeding.’ Leeteuk said.

‘What would you do and feel when someone aims his gun at me and pulls the trigger now ?!’

‘That’s insane, that isn’t going to happen Min.’ Eunhyuk said hoping to calm me down.


‘I would cry, are you pleased now ?’

‘why would you ?’

‘I’m getting tired of this Min what do you want ?’

‘WHY would you?’

‘Because we care about you ! You are part of us now, you are in this family now ! We love you all ! That’s why ! Seriously Min what’s going on with you ?’

That was it, I snapped.

My legs couldn’t carry me anymore, I fell on the ground. I began sobbing. These people love me, even when they know I’m a monster. They say I’m part of their family. Family. That what I missed the most all my life. They say they love me. Something my mother and I did.

Eunhyuk walked to me and kneeled down. He put his arms around me which caused me to cry even harder.

‘Y-You l-l-love m-me ?’ I managed to speak.

‘Yes Min. We do.’ He patted my back.

‘Y-You p-promise ?’

‘I promise.’

I didn’t care about the blood on my hand and answered his embrace. I hugged him tight and cried everything out which I held back for years, centuries.

He changed his position and put one arm under my knees. He lifted me up and carried me to the sideboard. He placed me on top of the sideboard so I could sit on it.

‘Come on, let me look at you hand.’ He said softly.

I shook my head, I didn’t wanted to let go not now.

‘Sungmin ?’ Eunhyuk said.

‘Neh ?’

‘Can you look at it ?’

‘Yes of course.’

Eunhyuk took me back in his embrace. I buried my head in his chest, god that felt so nice. It’s so warm.

Sungmin stood behind Eunhyuk and took my hand. I could feel he was cleaning the wound and was putting on some bandage. After he was finished he carefully placed my hand back on Eunhyuk’s back.

‘Thank you hyung.’

‘No thanks, but she still looks ill.’

I felt Eunhyuk nod and heard Sungmin leave the kitchen.

‘Can you tell me what’s wrong now ?’ Eunhyuk asked.

I lifted my head to look at him. He softly wiped my tears away and looked at me.

‘You guys have changed me a lot. You made me laugh and cry. Things I haven’t done in 250 years. I lost my mother and brother 250 years ago which was my only family. Since then I was never loved and I never loved. I also never expected to be loved. I’m a bloodsucking bastard. It’s the first time I have a feeling of a family, I ignored that for a time because you all grow old and I don’t. I didn’t wanted to hurt myself with that. But now, without the confusion, I think I can be happy, even when it’s for a short time. After that I can say I have been happy right.’

‘You have been through a lot. But yes, you do belong to this family, and let’s not think about the future. Let’s enjoy these moments right now. Because I want you to be happy.’

He carefully placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead. A energy boost went through my blood. Once again I embraced him tightly.

‘Why do you look sick though ? I’m worried.’

‘It’s better I’m not telling you that. Tonight I will be better.’

‘You can tell me.’

‘I don’t want to scare you.’

‘You won’t scare me.’

‘Well, I ran out of bags, and I need to feed tonight. Else it would be dangerous.’

‘Bags, you call human bags ?’

‘No ! No, I just order some blood bags at a hospital so I can drink from that. That way I won’t have to leave the house so many times. And the blood contains diseases, hospitals keep that blood but they won’t have to use it as much as normal blood. I don’t feed on humans anymore, and when I do they are bad.’

‘Oh, you’re also very smart.’ He said. I could feel his smile.

‘What do you think ? I live for 250 years, I can do almost everything.’

‘Really ? Well I wouldn’t have expected anything else from you.’

‘Shut it.’ I laughed.

‘You laugh again, that’s good. Should I go with you tonight ? To the hospital ?’


‘Why not ? Come on.’

‘No I don’t want you to see me like that.’

‘Do you want me to follow you and be in danger ?’

‘NO…okay fine. You can go with me.’

We remained silent while both of us didn’t broke the hug. What was that feeling ?




Hello there dears, damn it's so early here >.< but I woke up and got bored so why not upload a new chapter.

I know this story is so friggin confusing but please bear with me this is my first finished fanfic xD I changed it a lot while writing it and it shouldn't be allowed to let someone write a story if that person has the worst memory ever, which is happened to be me, hooray kkk

I'm not really pleased with this story, but to see others comment nice things about it makes me happy ^^


Hmmm I think I'm going to sleep again kkkk

Byeeeee~annyeong :D





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Chapter 28: You have to write another fanfic!!!! You just have too! Teehee your writing is great I think you should make more fanfics for Suju ^.^
hazelbell #2
Chapter 28: awwww~ the ending is soooo cute! Please make another sequel~!!
Chapter 27: Don't die don't you dare to die
hhaha when you start a new fic of suju do tell me kekkee :p this time make them vampire OMgosh its a nice thought they will look so nice in vampires :pxD
Chapter 27: Omo.... Wow, just , wow!! You have such an amazing talent for writing, *tear* i don't want it too end!! Make another story!!! More Super Junior and more fantasy kekeke ^-^
Chapter 26: What Iam going to say is (don't think iam weird its just my way of thinking xD) real friends are those who always care for you even if they are popular they will always care for you no matter what .
Me and my best friend we are friends from 6 grade and now its almost the end of my 11 grade ( 6 to 7 years) we have had many friends but our friend ship is still the same or stronger. She is very socialized person but I am not that but our friendship becomes stronger with passing days :) don't feel sad just distinguish btw real and fake friends :)
and every one here is friend lkekekek your story is so nice *drooling* by reading your story I want to become a vampire xD *weird* lolzz
btw sorry for such a long comment :p
update kekkek :)
IWillLoveYouForever #6
Chapter 26: The last part on how you feel at school I feel exactly the same :-/ my friends don't really understand me and I only have a few proper friends but it would be strange to hang out with them but if one of my friends left me I would literally have no one to go to and this girl is slowly taking her away from me and the girl never really liked me so I know how you feel and I've started becoming more quiet than usual because of this :(
Chapter 25: Awesome update ^.^
Chapter 24: I love how you update so often!!!
Chapter 24: seriously
i love youuu!
one of best vampire stories!
Chapter 24: What truth ?*heartbeating so fast* ofcourse we don't hate you We love you kekkeke :p