Epilogue: You're my light

The person who became a light in my dark life.

I was walking slowly and peacefully through the white space. I saw no corners, no walls. The white was infinite. It made me feel…quite good. Not in an emotional way but the opposite of evil.

Slowly many things appeared, things I have seen while I was alive. My mom, my brother, people I know, friends, animals. They were smiling, but I missed someone. I missed a lot people here, where are they? Where’s Hyuk ? Why isn’t he here ?

A single tear rolled down on my face, I want to see him for the last time, please.

It seems like my prays were heard because there was he walking, right in front of me. He smiled his gummy smile. How I missed that smile, and how I have to miss it.

‘Smile dear.’ He said.

‘I can’t leave Hyuk..I can’t.’ I tried to fight my tears while I said that.

‘You’re not going to leave.’

‘What ? That doesn’t make any sense Hyuk. Heaven or Hell is waiting for me.’

‘First of all, it should be heaven, second you have let us wait long enough now so I’m here to bring you back.’

‘Bring me back? Hyuk, are you sick? You never have been so vague before.’

‘Just come back, wake up.’

He grabbed my chin and his thumb over my lips. He bent a little forward and kissed my forehead. Then he pulled back and turned around.

He is not going to leave right? No, he can’t leave me.

‘Hyuk where are you going ?’ I asked in panic.

But he didn’t answer.


Again, no answer. He just continued walking and fading.

I ran after him, he couldn’t leave.

‘HYUKKIE  NO!! STAY !! EUNHYUK NOOO!! JEBAL !!’ I screamed. But he was already gone.

‘AAAAAAAAAH!!’ I screamed out of frustration and suddenly something strange happened.

I had the feeling I was falling.

 I ignored it and continued screaming with my eyes fiercely closed.

Suddenly, arms took me in an embrace. That didn’t stopped me from screaming and crying though. It wasn’t Hyuk so it wasn’t my interest.

‘sssssssh it’s alright Min, ssssh.’ I heard between my screaming and struggling.

I sensed a familiar smell, strawberry’s? Hyuk? I stopped struggling and screaming.

Carefully I opened my eyes.  It was too bright to focus on something, but after some seconds my view came back. I was is someone’s embrace while we were apparently both on the bed. I was half lying while the one who embraces me is sitting. My eyes slowly looked up to look at his face. Still scared because I  might not find what I expect. But it was what I expected. Hyukkie. 

‘It’s alright Min, calm down.’ He said.

‘W-w-where  a-am I ?’ I said trembling, still not sure of this situation.

‘Home.’ He said with his gummy smile. ‘You’re still alive, I’m sorry but you have to stick with me a little longer.’

‘H-H-…..’ I didn’t manage to say how is that possible because my crying formed a boundary for that.

I stretched my arms to put them around him and hugged him as tight as possible for him to handle.

I buried my face in his chest while he patted my back and my hair.

After some time in Hyukkies embrace, I slowly realized things. First of all, I’m alive.

And after realizing that I remembered the scene from the fight. And Leeteuk.

‘Teuk.’ I said softly. I lifted my head so I could look at Hyukkies face.

‘Hmm what is it sweetie ?’

‘Teuk, i-is he alright ?’

‘Of course he is. After you passed out we called Henry. He is one of our members who doesn’t live here but we know he has connections with some hospital staff. To be precisely, his uncle is a doctor. I know we aren’t allowed to tell you are different. But you left us no choice, and Teuk needed help also. He lost a lot of blood, he wasn’t that much in danger though, but still. So Henry’s uncle saved you and Leeteuk, that is basically the summary.’

‘B-but w-wasn’t he scared ? I m-mean he knows w-what I am right ?’ I stuttered.

‘Kyuhyun was the one together with Henry who could explain everything clear so he could understand. The moment he saw you it didn’t matter what you are. He needed to save you. Luckily you have some vampire skills so you’re stronger and a fast healer.’

It took me some time to understand all of this even though I have a fast mind.

Then I remembered what I’ve said to Hyuk as my ‘final words’.

‘So you really didn’t accept me to go huh ?’ I said smiling weakly.

‘Never.’ He whispered. He leaned forward and gently pecked me on the lips.

‘But, I still don’t understand everything.’ He said.

I knew this was something important and something everyone should know.

‘I think I can better tell this once to everyone.’ I said. He nodded and tried to help me up when he saw I had some struggles to push myself in a sitting position.

‘How long have I been out ?’ I asked carefully, and not really sure if I really wanted to know this.

A sad expression covered his face and filled his eyes. ‘8 days.’ He said.

My jaw just dropped. ‘What ? 8 Days ? I know my injuries were serious but 8 days..’ I kind of whispered to myself. I noticed this wasn’t really motivating Hyuks mood.

‘But I’m awake now, for a very very very long time.’

‘You bet you do.’ He stood up and pulled the blankets off me so all the warmth was gone.

‘YAH!! HAJIMA!’ I screamed as protest.

But he just laughed and almost fell on the ground due his laughter. I grabbed the pillow behind me and threw it at him with full force. Well full force for human beings.

Because he was still laughing like a child who just pulled off the perfect prank he didn’t notice the pillow flying in major speed at him. The pillow hit him fully in his face and now it was mine turn to laugh. Because of the impact from the flying pillow he had stumbled a little, which looked totally cute and dorky.

‘AISH !!’ He cursed.

And the childish me gasped.

‘Now you have to piggyback me.’ I said.

‘What since when are you like this.’

‘Aniyo no excuses. Come on, piggyback me.’

He placed his hands on his hips and leaned on one leg, he tapped his other foot and sighed heavily.

But after best shot of pleading puppy eyes, he sighed once more and walked towards me and kneeled down.

‘Teehee monkey, show me your strength.’ I said while I climbed on his back.

‘If you just weren’t mine.’ He said while he nodded his head in disapproval.

I ignored that and hugged his chest tightly while I hided my face in his neck. I smelled his scent and then I realized something. The old man had told me that he brought me and Hyuk together, but he also said we did it ourselves. My curiosity wasn’t created by him, that was me. I loved Hyuk from the beginning. I could punch myself so hard right now if I didn’t hold Hyuk. How could I be so blind? I actually knew that answer, it was because I never experienced love. And a pure soul showed me some.

‘Hyukkie ?’

‘Hmm ?’

‘Thank you.’

‘For what ?’

‘I love you so much.’ I said and didn’t answer his question. Because that answer is something you wouldn’t be able to explain in words.

‘I love you too.’







or not ? You can consider this as the end but I want to ask something. At first it was my plan to write the sequel in 2 parts but I really loved this ending so I don't know what to do.

So do you guise want me to write a part two of the epilogue ?

If you do want part 2, you have to wait a little longer cause school is killing me. I will try my best to write it as soon as possible if its needed ^^


Annyeong~~~I don't want to leave you mheh.

Oh yeah I have an awesome idea for another fanfic, also with a lot of fantasy and creatures and suju ^^ it will take me a lot of time to write it though. O well , love youuuu~~



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Chapter 28: You have to write another fanfic!!!! You just have too! Teehee your writing is great I think you should make more fanfics for Suju ^.^
hazelbell #2
Chapter 28: awwww~ the ending is soooo cute! Please make another sequel~!!
Chapter 27: Don't die don't you dare to die
hhaha when you start a new fic of suju do tell me kekkee :p this time make them vampire OMgosh its a nice thought they will look so nice in vampires :pxD
Chapter 27: Omo.... Wow, just , wow!! You have such an amazing talent for writing, *tear* i don't want it too end!! Make another story!!! More Super Junior and more fantasy kekeke ^-^
Chapter 26: What Iam going to say is (don't think iam weird its just my way of thinking xD) real friends are those who always care for you even if they are popular they will always care for you no matter what .
Me and my best friend we are friends from 6 grade and now its almost the end of my 11 grade ( 6 to 7 years) we have had many friends but our friend ship is still the same or stronger. She is very socialized person but I am not that but our friendship becomes stronger with passing days :) don't feel sad just distinguish btw real and fake friends :)
and every one here is friend lkekekek your story is so nice *drooling* by reading your story I want to become a vampire xD *weird* lolzz
btw sorry for such a long comment :p
update kekkek :)
IWillLoveYouForever #6
Chapter 26: The last part on how you feel at school I feel exactly the same :-/ my friends don't really understand me and I only have a few proper friends but it would be strange to hang out with them but if one of my friends left me I would literally have no one to go to and this girl is slowly taking her away from me and the girl never really liked me so I know how you feel and I've started becoming more quiet than usual because of this :(
Chapter 25: Awesome update ^.^
Chapter 24: I love how you update so often!!!
Chapter 24: seriously
i love youuu!
one of best vampire stories!
Chapter 24: What truth ?*heartbeating so fast* ofcourse we don't hate you We love you kekkeke :p