How it happened

The person who became a light in my dark life.


While I was walking my way back to home at night from a friends house I was wondering I live a good life. Well yeah, I did had a rough time but I’m healthy and happy now right ?

I loved these kind of walks, where you have almost nothing on your mind and just enjoying the beauty of the night. Busy people couldn’t see that stuff. How stars shine for you and how the moon is keeping you from the dark. I loved the stars, I don’t know why but I just do. I was silently walking on the pavement and crossing a road when I saw in the corner of my eye someone completely black. I was surprised I noticed the man in the dark with black clothes. I wondered what he was doing there, he just stood there.. weird.  I didn’t feel comfortable and quickened my steps. I didn’t hear anyone following me but I still kept the tempo I had. I just wanted to go home. I have seen the stars and the bright moon so let’s go home quick I thought.

Out of nowhere I felt something cold dragging me backwards.

What is this ? No one followed me ?! I thought. I wanted to scream but a cold hand was covering my mouth and I was leaning against a cold massive person. What the hell is happening. A cold breath was trailing down my neck. I was terrified but I didn’t manage to let any sound come out.

Please someone help me and don’t hurt me..I thought but definitely no one is going to hear that.

I panicked, I had nowhere to go and I can’t go against this man.. I panicked so much that my sight blurred and I could feel I was passing out. Everything went black.

End of flashback.


That’s how he kidnapped me. Years passed after that. My mom suffered from not knowing where I was. She never have up loving me and trying to believe I was still alive. Even after all those years she wanted to believe I was still walking around. She was right indeed.. but different.

I suffered also, I hated to see my mom suffer like that. How much I wanted things to be different. How much I would sacrifice someone else just to see my mother and to make her smile again.

But I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t let someone else be in my place being used as a pet and so on.

Maybe I should explain everything now.

I was kidnapped by a vampire a long time ago. He brought me to his place where his ‘family’ was. All vampires of course. I was so scared all the time. And angry. How they could use a 17-year old for their games. I never believed in vampires but as soon I was used as their pet and drank my blood every day. I sure was willing to believe in them. Every day a vampire doctor came by and I had to lie down for an hour to fill my body with blood again. So I wouldn’t die.

In the mean time I was also trained. I was a young girl, which was considered by them as being pretty. A perfect bait. They would train me, turn me in one of those disgusting creatures and I would be send off to get victims for the whole ‘family.’

Seemed to be a good plan, but they didn’t know I had my own plan. After living in total fear I decided I had no other chance than stick to their plan. My behavior was good and I did everything they wanted me to do. It was a hell.

But in the end I got what I wanted. They thought after a 2 year training I was ready.

A whole ceremony was set up for me. I thought it was disgusting but they didn’t know that. And I couldn’t show that. That would be my death. Well, my heart is going to stop beating anyways but you know what I mean.

The pain of turning into a vampire is something I would never wish someone to have. It’s the most painful matter that takes 2 days before it finally ends. 2 Days of total torture. Your whole body is screaming and burning. The pain keeps you awake till the end so you won’t miss a thing.

But it was worth it I guess. It was the best if I waited longer for my plan to manifest. That was easier said than done. I couldn’t wait anymore, after 2 years being a pet I had to take my revenge.

They never expected a thing, they thought I finally was on their side an accepted things. I guess I’m a good liar.

My revenge was killing every vampire of this family who made my real family suffer so much.

It was a hard battle but it’s something I would rather not talk about. I hate that side of me.

But that’s what I am now, a killing disgusting cold creature.

Every clan was afraid of me. Cause you know, the clan that practically ‘raised’ me was the highest strongest and richest clan of al vampire clans. And because they raised me and I killed them all.. You could say I was a big danger for everyone. I really was, not only for other vampires, also for human.

It would have been smarter if I just had waited till I learned to control myself.

As a newborn vampire you have uncontrollably moon swings and most of all terrifying thirst.

Which I knew that that part had to come. Drinking blood of innocent people.

But I was a strong monster and was able to train myself while I was living from place to place. No one noticed me. After a long time I was able to control myself and all bad habits I had. Now I had to prove it. I decided to under the people, but not anywhere near here. Here was my mom and how painful my decision was. I couldn’t bring her into danger with myself. I should wait with that and when the time comes I’ll write her a letter. I couldn’t be any near her, she would never let me go and that could be her death. I knew it was going to be very hard but I had no choice. This was for the best.





So it might be still boring now,(and short :(. ) the first couple chapters are about her life and information you need to know... Sorry that I let you wait for Super Junior x3

I'm going to try update every 2 days or so and  if this story is very wanted I'll try everyday ^^

Feel free to comment and criticize me, and if you have questions please ask, I'll try my hardest to reply :D


YAYY I'll be going nowwwww Annyeongg fella's kkkkkk~~~~ \( `3 ` )/




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Chapter 28: You have to write another fanfic!!!! You just have too! Teehee your writing is great I think you should make more fanfics for Suju ^.^
hazelbell #2
Chapter 28: awwww~ the ending is soooo cute! Please make another sequel~!!
Chapter 27: Don't die don't you dare to die
hhaha when you start a new fic of suju do tell me kekkee :p this time make them vampire OMgosh its a nice thought they will look so nice in vampires :pxD
Chapter 27: Omo.... Wow, just , wow!! You have such an amazing talent for writing, *tear* i don't want it too end!! Make another story!!! More Super Junior and more fantasy kekeke ^-^
Chapter 26: What Iam going to say is (don't think iam weird its just my way of thinking xD) real friends are those who always care for you even if they are popular they will always care for you no matter what .
Me and my best friend we are friends from 6 grade and now its almost the end of my 11 grade ( 6 to 7 years) we have had many friends but our friend ship is still the same or stronger. She is very socialized person but I am not that but our friendship becomes stronger with passing days :) don't feel sad just distinguish btw real and fake friends :)
and every one here is friend lkekekek your story is so nice *drooling* by reading your story I want to become a vampire xD *weird* lolzz
btw sorry for such a long comment :p
update kekkek :)
IWillLoveYouForever #6
Chapter 26: The last part on how you feel at school I feel exactly the same :-/ my friends don't really understand me and I only have a few proper friends but it would be strange to hang out with them but if one of my friends left me I would literally have no one to go to and this girl is slowly taking her away from me and the girl never really liked me so I know how you feel and I've started becoming more quiet than usual because of this :(
Chapter 25: Awesome update ^.^
Chapter 24: I love how you update so often!!!
Chapter 24: seriously
i love youuu!
one of best vampire stories!
Chapter 24: What truth ?*heartbeating so fast* ofcourse we don't hate you We love you kekkeke :p