Show n Tell (taoris)

Stuff 'nd More Stuff


Sorry that the picture is awful.
My pen messed up.
I tried a cute look for the picture.
Was it cute?
I am soooooooooo sorry for not updating for about a week.
School is evil.
Uncle Ryeowook? Uncle Yesung?"
Both adults turned and saw Kris standing there holding hands with Tao.
"Yes Yi Fan?" Ryeowook asked as he took a picture with his phone.
Kris shuffled a bit and then looked up at them, "Can I take Taotao to school wif me fow show n tell tomorrow? Umm... Pwease???"
Yesung smiled before nodding.
"Of course you can, right Wookie? This'll be a good chance to show Zitao the school he'll be going to next year."
Ryeowook thought and nodded. "It's okay with us but did you ask your umma and appa?"
Kris nodded.
"I asked dem fiwst and den Umma told me to ask you to make sure it was okai dat Taotao came wif me."
(the next day...)
There was a knock on the door.
Kris ran up to the door and opened it, revealing a Tao, holding his big panda plushie, dressed in a black and white shirt with a panda backpack to match.
"Hai Kris. I'm weady to go to skull wif you." Tao said excitedly.
Kris laughed.
"It'z 'school' silly."
Tao 'ooh'ed and then followed Kris in the house. On the inside, everyone except for Kai was getting ready for school.
Kai was complaining.
"But whai can't I go too? Sehunnie gets to go nd so doez Tao hyung!"
Sungmin shook his head.
"Sehun was invited by Luhan and Tao was invited by Yi Fan. You weren't invited by anyone so you have to stay here."
Kai pouted.
Suddenly there was another knock at the door.
Sungmin answered and saw that it was Ryeowook.
"Hi hyung, Tao please stop going ahead without me," Ryeowook scolded the baby panda who was eating toast, "Oh that's right, I really came over here to offer Kai to stay over at our house with Kyungsoo since he'll be lonely without Tao around."
Kai smiled and looked at his umma for approval.
"If you want to, you can go."
Kai's face lit up.
Sumngmin smiled at the now happy boy and turned to Sehun who was staring at the wall, "Okay Sehunnie, I want you to stay close to Luhan okay? You have to listen to him and the teacher okay? And tell him if anyone picks on you. Same goes for you Tao, if anyone picks on you, tell Kris and he'll tell the teacher okay?"
Tao and Sehun nodded.
Suddenly Luhan appeared through the door. "Hewwo! Sehunnie I'm hewe to get you!"
"Okay, everyone ready? The school bus will be coming soon so all of you outside!" Sungmin said while leading the boys outside to the corner of the street where Xiumin, Lay, and Baekhyun were waiting.
Soon enough the bus came and Tao followed Kris and sat next to him.
He stared out the window and pointed to anything he found interesting.
(at school...)
"So dis is school?" Tao asked amazed at all the other little and big kids that walked past them into the big building.
Kris nodded before grabbing Tao's hand and leading him to his 2nd grade classroom.
"What about Lulu gege nd Xiumin gege?"
Kris pointed next door. "Dey awe in dat classroom."
Tao nodded and waited while Kris talked to the teacher. He looked around and saw all the big kids staring at him and pointing while whispering to each other.
It made him uncomfortable so he ran to Kris and hid behind him, hoping that it would block the stares.
It didn't work. He could still feel the stares.
"Kris gege..." Tao pulled on Kris's sleeve.
Kris looked down into the scared eyes of his panda and he filled with concern. "Taotao wats wrong?"
Tao looked around the room again.
"Da scawy people awe stawing at me..."
Kris looked around and gave everyone a glare, making them look down at their desks.
"Iss okai now." Kris said as he gave Tao a small hug. "Da teacher said dat you can just draw or somethin until we have show n tell, awwrite?"
Tao smiled and followed Kris who sat down. He decided to sit in the empty chair next to him on the double table.
Looking at the desk, he was amazed at how big it was.
Soon a loud ringing was heard and Tao watched as Kris pulled out a large book from the inside of his desk and opened it.
The teacher lady started talking about something called 'math' and Tao watched Kris write funny scribbly lines in his book.
After hugging his panda plushie and watching Kris do things he didn't know, he decided he was bored.
Tao placed his panda plushie on his lap before putting his backpack on the desk and pulling out a blank paper and some pencils. He grabbed the black one and began drawing something.
After a long boring talk about math and fifteen drawings of pandas and cake, the teacher moved on to the solar system, and a half hour later it was finally time for show n tell.
Tao waited nervously and held on to Kris's hand as a strange smiley boy talked about the bucket of fried chicken that he brought to show the class while also making unfunny and lame jokes. It was so unfunny that it was funny.
It finally got time for Kris to go up and he walked to the front of the room with Tao in tow.
"Dis time fow show n tell, I bwought my favoritest person. His name iz Tao." Kris motioned to Tao who just gave a small wave before hiding behind Kris. "He likes pandas nd cake nd he's da most amazingest nd cutest pewson I've evew met."
After saying more things he liked about Tao, Kris thanked the class and bowed. Tao, seeing his gege do that, bowed too and they walked back to their desk hand in hand.
They watched a couple more people go up before the bell finally rang, signaling recess.
"Gege whai did da thingy make that noise?" Tao asked as he watched the big kids run out of the room.
Kris chuckled before ruffling the panda's hair and saying, "It'z pwaytime nao." and grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the playground area.
Tao smiled before looking around at all the kids playing.
"Taotao I go use the bathroom m'kay?"
Tao nodded and waited for his gege to leave before sitting on the ground and waiting while hugging his panda.
Soon there were a bunch of girls standing around him. He recognized most of them from Kris' class.
"Hewwo..." Tao said awkwardly as he hugged his plushie tighter.
One of the girls, who seemed to be the leader, scoffed.
"Who do you tink you awe twying to steal our class pwince away fwom us? We had dibs on Kris evew since kindewgaden!"
There were a bunch of yells of agreement before the girl spoke up again.
"Don't you evew think you'll make Kris twuely happy! You awe just some nobody boy dat caught Kris's attention fow nao. Sooner or latew he'll come running to me! Nao, so you don't evew think of being wif Kris again, itz time to teach you a lesson."
The girl pulled Tao to his feet, "Big brudder!!!" she yelled before suddenly falling to the ground and crying.
Suddenly a 6th grade boy and a bunch of his friends came over.
"Ah! Jessica what happened?!" the older boy asked as he helped his sister stand up.
"Dis boy," she pointed at Tao, "p-pushed me over when I a-asked if I could pway o-on da swings."
The older boy turned to Tao before pushing him back onto his .
"You little punk! You think it's okay to pick on little girls?!"
Tao shook his head and tried to speak when he was pulled to his feet and pushed again. Soon the boy's friends joined in, forming a circle.
"Hey!" A voice yelled.
The voice was ignored by those boys as they continued to play push the panda.
Tao slightly opened his tightly closed eyes which were holding in tears and, past the scary boys, saw Kris standing there with a furious expression on his face.
Jessica ran to him crying. "Oppa! Dis boy is a meanie! He p-pushed me over when I asked to pway on da s-swings!" she said while fake crying.
Kris pushed her away.
"You're lying. My Taotao would nevew evew do something like dat! He's a good pewson, unlike you!"
Jessica stood stunned, as Kris launched himself through the circle and hugging the nearly crying panda.
"Stop it!" he yelled.
The older boys chuckled. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"
Kris shoved Tao away and told him to run before he was roughly pushed onto the ground. One by one the older boys began to kick the dragon.
"G-gege!" Tao cried as he watched Kris's face show pain.
Suddenly a hand came up and slapped him.
"Dis is all your fault! If you nevew came into Kris's life, he wouldn't be getting beated up!" Jessica yelled as she shoved the panda again.
Tao heard and felt nothing.
All he could do was watch as his gege was taking all these blows for him. He couldn't watch. He just couldn't watch anymore.
Tao ran in front of Kris and put his little arms up to block the older boy. "Stop huwting my gege!"
The boys laughed.
Tao let out a yell before rushing over to the bullies and kicking one of them behind the knee and giving a roundhouse kick as the boy fell backwards. He avoided the hands of another boy by slipping between the guy's legs and giving two strong punches to the ribs, making the boy cry in pain. The rest of the boys were soon taken out in a similar way and Tao looked at all the mean boys on the ground.
"Don't you evew huwt my gege again!" he yelled before running to Kris.
"Gege! Awe you okai?" Tao asked worriedly.
Kris nodded his head and smiled at the panda.
"I'm fine but awe you okai? Dose guys din't huwt you right?" Kris asked as he inspected the younger's face.
He spotted the red mark on Tao's face from the slap he received earlier and gave it a small kiss to make it feel better.
Tao blushed at the action and Kris smiled at his panda's cuteness.
"Also, Taotao dat was amazing. How did you learn to do dat fighting stuff?" Kris asked as he eyed boys still rolling on the ground in pain.
Tao smiled from the praise and jumped up to hug his gege.
"No one huwts my gege!" he yelled as he snuggled into Kris's chest.
The bell rang once again, signaling the end of recess.
Kris gazed happily at the boy and picked the baby panda up, along with the panda plushie that was almost forgotten, carrying both back to the classroom.
Upon their arrival, the teacher gasped at Kris's condition and demanded an explanation, which led to the call of his parents.
(17 minutes later...)
"OMO!!! Yi Fan! My precious Yi Fan! What in the world happened to you?!" Sungmin yelled in terror as he saw the cuts and bruises on his son's face.
Kris explained what happened once again and the boys who had done it were suspended.
Although, Sungmin would have preferred it that they be expelled indefinitely to the flaming pits of hell, but after a long talk with Kyuhyun, he settled for the suspension.
Since Kris was in no condition to stay in school, Sungmin and Kyuhyun decided to take both him and Tao home.
"Yi Fan, are you sure you're really okay?" Sungmin asked one last time as they pulled out of the school parking lot.
Kris looked next to him at, the now sleeping, Tao and grabbed his hand.
"I'm okai," he said and let a small smile grace his lips, "I was saved by a panda."
He gave Tao's hand a small squeeze and rested his head atop the younger's, slowly letting his eyes fall shut, allowing him to join his most favoritest person of his dreams.
"Sreep tight... My pwecious panda."
(PS: There was a mention of a special character in this chapter. Do you know who it was?)
Woohoo! Chapter done!
Raise your hands if you think schoolwork gets in the way of life.
*raises hand*
If it weren't for all the work I would have been able to finish this chapter sooner.
I hoped you liked it!
Sorry if you found it lame...
No offense to Jessica though.
Her name was just the first that popped into my head.
Next chapter shall be Xiuchen!!!
I think I'll stick with the school setting though so it will be during the same day.
Love you lots my dear readers!!!
~Bye bye for now until next we meet~
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Chapter 34: Aaaa.... This is so cute and precious.. Love this

starofthenight #2
Chapter 34: I loved your story. I squealed when I read the first chapter because it was way too fluffy and it was so cute. Up to this chapter I loved every single bit of it from Tao crying to Jongdae trolling the members. Update soon~
KimCai #3
Chapter 34: Awwww haha I feel like I have similarities with Kai hahaha I would have normaly done that to others also
Hahaha the feeling like saying "I don't have time for you"or maybe "I have much more important things to do than you"
sorry I'm known as the bittersweet girl in school
But srsly authornim I love the fluffiness overload!~ I'll wait for your next update~ ^^
Chapter 27: Sulay hits me so hard it hurts. And for the last chapter you should write about them grown up or at least as teenagers ^^
Lacoursiere #5
Chapter 34: Oh yeaaa~~~ update soon~~
Chapter 34: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 2: The best one is xiuchen