One Night... (kim family)

Stuff 'nd More Stuff

So I drew a family picture of the Kim family!

Do you people like it?

It's hand drawn by me.

I spent around 6 hours drawing, outlining, and coloring in colored pencil just for you guys~ ^^

Can you guess who is who?



Ryeowook groaned and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and he came face to face with a little panda.
"Yes Tao?" Ryeowook asked while rubbing his eye. Looking slightly to the left, he looked at the time and saw that it was near 2:00.
The small boy sniffled and looked at his umma.
"Nightmawe... Can I sreep wif you nd Appa?" Tao looked up and hugged his panda plushie closer to his tiny body.
Ryeowook smiled and picked up the little boy, placing him in between himself and the sleeping appa. Said appa stirred slightly before shifting and looking at the small source of heat that suddenly appeared next to him.
"Zitao? Did you have another nightmare?" Yesung asked.
Tao only nodded before cuddling closer to his appa and falling asleep.
The two parents cooed over how cute he was before closing their own eyes. Both pairs of eyes jolted open when they heard a knock at the door.
"Umma? Appa?" A small voice entered the room.
Yesung sat up this time and looked at two boys standing in the doorway.
"Luhan, Kyungsoo, why are you two up?"
Luhan walked over and used his little hands to pull on the blankets until he finally climbed onto the bed. He immediately crawled himself to the sleeping Tao and got under the blanket next to him before going to sleep too.
Yesung sighed and looked at the boy still in the doorway. Kyungsoo's normally wide eyes were half lidded and the boy was beginning to wobble on his feet. He got up and walked to the boy before picking him up and placing him on the other side of Luhan.
"Aww you're such a good appa~" Ryeowook said as he looked at the three boys occupying their king-sized bed.
Yesung smiled. "It's only because you're such a good umma. You must be rubbing off on me." He leaned over and gave Ryeowook a small peck on the lips. Ryeowook smiled and gave him one back.
After their little kissing session, both adults lied back down and drifted off to sleep.
(1 hour later...)
The two woke up once again when they felt the bed shift.
Looking to the middle of the bed, only two kids were seen.
"Hey where's Tao?" Yesung asked trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
Whimpering was heard at the foot of the bed. Turning their heads, they saw the baby panda who was previously sleeping, holding on tightly to his pants.
"Tao gotta go potty?" Ryeowook asked sleepily.
He quickly nodded his head while squirming in place before running up to his appa and pulling him out of the room to the bathroom.
Ryeowook laughed slightly at how much the small boy loved his appa.
"Umma... tummy huwts..."
He turned and saw Kyungsoo awake now. Ryeowook's motherly instincts kicked in as he began to rub small circles on his back.
"You okay Kyunggie? Do you think you're gonna throw up?"
"I gonna-" Kyungsoo never finished his sentence as he puked all over the bed, including poor little Luhan who jolted awake. As soon as he realized what had just happened, Luhan began to cry. Kyungsoo started crying too because he felt bad about throwing up all over his umma and appa's bed.
The two who went to the bathroom finally returned to the chaotic bedroom.
"What the? Wookie what the fudge happened while we were gone?"
Ryeowook was about to answer when they heard a loud gasp.
They turned to the small panda-like boy.
"M-m-my p-panda..."
Turning their heads to the bed, they saw the panda plushie covered in the up chucked remains of last nights dinner.
Tao immediately began crying as well.
Ryeowook, who finally let everything sink in, began to panic. "Ooh no no no! Don't cry Tao! We'll go wash your panda okay?! And it's okay Lulu! You'll be fine after a bath! Kyunggie it isn't your fault okay?! It was just an accident!" Ryeowook said in one breath, trying to comfort the three crying children at the same time.
"Whut's going on?" a sleepy unicorn named Lay asked. Holding his hands were Baekhyun and Xiumin.
Yesung face palmed as Xiumin fell down, bringing the other two with him, causing them all to cry. Now faced with six crying children and a panicked Ryeowook, Yesung sighed loudly.
Only one thing to do now...
He took a deep breath and began to sing.
Ryeowook, who finally calmed down at the sound of his singing husband, began to smile and started singing too.
The children immediately stopped crying, all entranced by the magnificent voices of their umma and appa.
By the end of the song, all six children were already fast asleep.
Even Luhan and Kyungsoo who were still covered in, well you know.
"What do we do now?" Ryeowook asked while leaning onto Yesung's shoulder, watching their six angels sleep.
Yesung looked at the room and sighed again before saying, "Wookie, I don't think we're gonna get much sleep for the rest of tonight..."
Double update!
Mainly because I haven't updated since Monday and the fact that I already had this chapter written out before I even wrote the first chapter.
Did you like my Baekyeol chapter?
In all honesty I had no idea where that chapter was going.
= ="
Oh well.
Thank you my 46 subbies~
Your comments mean a lot to me. ^^
They always make me smile when I read them so be sure to leave me some okay?
Next chapter will be about the Cho Family!
Look forward to it!
Should I draw a family picture for them too?
Your opinion counts!
~Panda-kitty out~
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Chapter 34: Aaaa.... This is so cute and precious.. Love this

starofthenight #2
Chapter 34: I loved your story. I squealed when I read the first chapter because it was way too fluffy and it was so cute. Up to this chapter I loved every single bit of it from Tao crying to Jongdae trolling the members. Update soon~
KimCai #3
Chapter 34: Awwww haha I feel like I have similarities with Kai hahaha I would have normaly done that to others also
Hahaha the feeling like saying "I don't have time for you"or maybe "I have much more important things to do than you"
sorry I'm known as the bittersweet girl in school
But srsly authornim I love the fluffiness overload!~ I'll wait for your next update~ ^^
Chapter 27: Sulay hits me so hard it hurts. And for the last chapter you should write about them grown up or at least as teenagers ^^
Lacoursiere #5
Chapter 34: Oh yeaaa~~~ update soon~~
Chapter 34: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 2: The best one is xiuchen