Hoo Awe You? (kaisoo)

Stuff 'nd More Stuff
"Whai doez he keep dissapeawing?" Kyungsoo muttered to himself as he continued looking for Kai, who had vanished a while ago.
Kyungsoo sighed as he passed by a shrub.
Kyungsoo turned around. Nothing was there. He began to walk forward again.
The wide-eyed boy stopped and looked around but saw nothing once again.
Kyungsoo turned back arou- "PSSSSSSSSST!"
The squishy boy puffed out his cheeks. "Hey, c'mon! dis in't funny!" Kyungsoo yelled, slightly annoyed that the sound seemed to be coming from nowhere.
All of a sudden, he saw brown hair pop up from behind the shrub.
Kyungsoo walked over and peered behind it.
Kai nervously smiled at his hyung. "Hi Kyungie hyung..."
Kyungsoo pouted.
"Jongin, whai din't you jus tell me you were hewe? Nd whai did you dissapeaw eawliew?" the older asked.
Kai rubbed his arm. "Well, I din't think you would get mad... I was jus twying pwaying nd I wanned to get youw attention..."
Kyungsoo looked at the younger boy who had his "kicked puppy" face and tugged on his shirt.
Kai looked up.
"I-it'z okai, Jongin, I'm not mad... Jus let me know whewe you go fwom now on."
Kai jumped up and hugged his hyung. "Okai, Hyung! I pwomise I will!"
Kyungsoo blushed.
"Hey Jongin, I think we awen't in da Discovwy Centew anymowe..." Kyungsoo said as they walked down a stone paved road.
Kai smiled. "I jus wanna show you sumthin! We'll go back aftew."
Kyungsoo hummed in response and followed Kai, who kept on rushing ahead and waiting for his hyung to catch up before running ahead again.
"C'mon Kyungie hyung! We awe awmost dewe!" Kai yelled excitedly and waved his hands.
Kyungsoo giggled and walked a little faster.
Kai waited for Kyungsoo to catch up, but instead of running ahead again, he grabbed Kyungsoo's hand and began running to where he wanted to go.
"H-hey Jongin! Slow down! I-I'm gonna twip!" Kyungsoo managed to get out as he stumbled over and over. Kai looked back and slowed down a bit, letting his hyung get his footing.
The two boys ran through the zoo until Kai finally stopped, causing Kyungsoo to crash into him, and knocking both of them over.
"Jongin... whai'd you stop?" Kyungsoo asked as he rubbed his head.
Kai groaned.
He loved his Kyungie hyung and all, but the older was kinda heavy... "You'we squishing me, Kyungie hyung..." Kai whined.
Kyungsoo blushed and scrambled up. "I-I'm so sowwy, Jongin!"
He grabbed the younger boy's arm and helped pull him up.
How emberassing!
Kyungsoo looked down at himself and then back at Jongin who was dusting himself off before looking at himself again.
He was so... so... squishy.
And Kai.
Kai was so... not squishy.
Kyungsoo frowned and teared up a bit. He could have hurt Kai because of his squishyness.
"Hyung? Wat'z wrong?"
Kyungsoo turned and ran away.
Kai stood there confused.
"Hey! Hyung! Whewe'd you go?!" Kai yelled.
He had been looking for his hyung high and low but he hadn't found him yet.
Suddeny he heard sniffling.
Kai took a couple steps back.
The sniffling got louder.
Looking to his left, Kai saw a bench. He bent down and peeked underneath.
Kyungsoo looked up and froze.
Kai was here.
Kai found him.
Kai was looking at his squishyness.
"Hyung, awe you okai? Whai did you run away like dat?"
Kyungsoo opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. He ended up just looking like a fish.
"C'mon Kyungie hyung, wet'z go." Kai spoke softly, reaching out his hand to grab his hyung's arm. He frowned when Kyungsoo flinched away.
Kai stood up again.
"Hyung... awe you mad at me? Did I do somethin wrong? Did I say somethin? Did I... D-did I..."
Kyungsoo turned his head. His eyes widened when he saw little drops of water fall onto the concrete. He peeked his head out and looked a Kai's face.
The younger was crying.
Kai cried.
"Wa-wat did I do w-wrong?!" he sobbed.
Kyungsoo rushed out from under the bench, hitting his head in the process. He pulled in the younger for a hug. "No no, Jongin, don't cwy! You din't do nothin wrong!"
Kai hugged the older tightly.
He sniffled. "D-den whai did you r-run away fwom m-me?"
Kyungsoo sighed.
He looked at Kai and leaned his head on the younger's shoulder. Well... I fell on you... I'm pudgy... Wat if I huwt you someday because of my squishiness? If I'm gonna huwt you den I can't be awound you..."
Kai stared at his hyung in disbelief.
"Kyungie hyung, you awen't pud-pudgy?" he had to stop and think of the word before continuing, "You awen't pudgy, nd besides, I love your squishiness."
Kyungsoo blushed.
He felt Kai nod.
"I really really like evwythin bout you. Your smile. Your voice. Your squishiness. You. Evwythin."
Kyungsoo smiled and took a step back. He felt a lot better now. Lots of things that Kai said usually made him feel better.
"Okai, Jongin, we can go back to whewevew we were goin now." Kyungsoo said as he held out his hand for the younger to take.
Kai shook his head and bent down.
"Hop on Kyungie."
Kyungsoo looked at Kai in shock. "N-no Jongin, I'm gonna s-squish you again..."
Kai stood up again and faced his hyung. He pulled the older into a hug. "It'll be awrite. I jus wasn't ready dat time. I'm ready dis time! I pwomise I am! So hop on," Kai said and got back into his previous postition.
Kyungsoo bit his lip before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
Slowly, he walked over to the younger, and proceeded to wrap his arms around Kai's neck. He squeaked a bit when Kai grabbed his legs and he was suddenly lifted off the ground.
Kyungsoo held on for dear life. "A-awe you okai, Jongin? I c-can get off if I'm too h-heavy."
Kai shook his head again.
"It'z okai Kyungie hyung, you awn't heavy at all. Still really squishy, but not heavy."
Kyungsoo blushed at the compliment.
"Thank you, Jongin."
And so, the two made their way through the zoo, finally going to the place Kai wanted to go.
"Hewe we awe, Hyung." Kai announced and bent down so Kyungsoo could get off his back.
Kyungsoo looked around in awe.
They were in a large caged area.
The whole cage was in the shape of a dome, but it had a little hollow part on the inside where people could see the animal from.
"Wat animal iz in hewe?" Kyungsoo curiously asked.
Kai smiled. "It'z one dat reminds me of you."
Kyungsoo was about to speak again when he was suddenly interrupted by a noise.
Kyungsoo turned his head and stared at the large-ish bird.
The bird tilted it's head.
Kyungsoo did the same.
They both stared at each other with their large eyes.
On the side, Kai was giggling like crazy. This was so cute!!!
"So do you like it, Kyungie hyung?" Kai asked after calming himself down.
Kyungsoo looked to the younger and smiled. "Dis iz amazing, Jongin! You awe so awesome!" he said and rushed to hug the younger.
Kai smiled back and walked them back to the owl, who was still staring at them.
"Hi Mistew Owl. I'm Kai." he introduced himself.
"I'm Kai!"
I AM KAI!" he finally yelled.
Kai huffed for a bit.
Kai snapped
Kai turned to Kyungsoo. "Hyung!" he whined, "Dat owl is being mean to me!"
This time it was Kyungsoo's turn to giggle.
"Silly Jongin. Da owl izn't saying 'who'. The owl is saying 'hoo', az in the noise it makes." Kyungsoo explained.
Kai sheepishly looked down, emberassed.
Kyungsoo giggled again.
"Jongin, you'we funny."
Kai blushed.
He looked at the older boy in front of him. This happy Kyungsoo who laughed a lot, he liked it. He liked that it was him who made the older boy be this way.
He wanted Kyungsoo to always be smiling.
He wanted it to be that only he could make the older happy like that.
Kai's heart skipped a beat.
He looked at his hyung again.
What was this feeling?
"Hey Jongin?"
Suddenly, an urge washed over him.
"Jongin? Wat awe you stawing at?"
Kai didn't reply.
Instead, he just moved closer to his hyung.
He looked up an met the older's curious eyes and saw his sligtly flushed face.
He leaned in closer.
And there, in the owl dome, Kai and Kyungsoo shared their first real kiss.
It was short, and merely a peck, but it was still their first kiss.
The two boys took a step away from each other and akwardly stood there.
They both fell silent.
"There you two are!"
The two boys looked up.
"Hi Uncwe Zhoumi," they chimed.
Zhoumi sighed.
"You weren't supposed to leave the Discovery Center." he scolded, "But come on. It's lunchtime. All we need to do is find Minseok and Jongdae."
Zhoumi walked away.
He stopped when he noticed the two boys weren't following him.
"Come on you two lovebirds! We've gotta get going!"
Kai and Kyungsoo looked at each other before smiling, the awkwardness going away immediately.
"Hold hands?" Kyungsoo asked.
Kai nodded, "Of couwse. Anythin fow my squishy Kyungie hyung~"
Aww, so cute~
This chapter may not be as long as the others, but it is still really cute and sweet.
First kisses.
Oh the fluff.
Oh the feels.
Is anyone dying yet?
Maybe so?
Or not?
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So, umm, moving on...
Next chapter is Baekyeol, and that chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.
Please wait until then.
You'll hear from me soon.
But until then...
~Bye bye~
^   ^
=(O u O)=


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Chapter 34: Aaaa.... This is so cute and precious.. Love this

starofthenight #2
Chapter 34: I loved your story. I squealed when I read the first chapter because it was way too fluffy and it was so cute. Up to this chapter I loved every single bit of it from Tao crying to Jongdae trolling the members. Update soon~
KimCai #3
Chapter 34: Awwww haha I feel like I have similarities with Kai hahaha I would have normaly done that to others also
Hahaha the feeling like saying "I don't have time for you"or maybe "I have much more important things to do than you"
sorry I'm known as the bittersweet girl in school
But srsly authornim I love the fluffiness overload!~ I'll wait for your next update~ ^^
Chapter 27: Sulay hits me so hard it hurts. And for the last chapter you should write about them grown up or at least as teenagers ^^
Lacoursiere #5
Chapter 34: Oh yeaaa~~~ update soon~~
Chapter 34: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 2: The best one is xiuchen