Chubby Bunny (xiuchen)

Stuff 'nd More Stuff


Xiumin pressed his nose to the glass and stared.
A second passed.
Then another.
And there goes a minute.
Add five.
Xiumin smiled.
"You awe so cute!" he squealed and jumped as the baby bunny continued to stare at him.
Xiumin looked at the bunny one more time before turning around.
Looking around, he scanned the zoo's children discovery center.
He looked to his right and saw Luhan and Sehun going over to the deer area. On his left was Baekhyun and Chanyeol, playing with the farm animals. Henry and Zhoumi were in the petting zoo area with Lay, Suho, Kyungsoo, and Kai. Tao and Kris were somewhere not in his field of vision doing something he didn't know.
Someone was missing...
"Hey, whewe did-"
Xiumin was cut off when he felt himself being lifted off the ground and spun around. "Xiu hyung~" an all too familiar voice sang.
"Chen you put me down now!"
He felt them stop spinning and waited for the younger boy to put him on the ground. When he was still dangling, he turned his head to try and look at
Chen was smiling at him.
Xiumin nearly smiled back when he felt he was being dropped. His arms reached out but couldn't grab anything as his back was to Chen. Suddenly the falling feeling stopped and it took him a while to realize he was still in Chen's arms.
That meanie!
Xiumin crossed his arms and began pouting.
He felt Chen poke his cheeks and say 'Hyung?' over and over again.
Xiumin momentarily stopped pouting when he felt something rub against his head.
It didn't take him long to understand it was Chen doing that.
Suddenly Chen began muttering things.
"Xiu hyung iz pwetty. Xiu hyung iz soft. Xiu hyung iz a baozi. Xiu hyung iz tawented. Xiu hyung iz amazing. Xiu hyung iz pewfect."
Xiumin began to blush.
"Hi kids."
Both boys looked up and saw a lady. By her uniform, they could both tell she worked at the zoo.
"I see you're looking at the bunnies, would you like to hold one?" she asked with a smile on her face.
Chen and Xiumin looked at each other before smiling and nodding.
The nice lady chuckled. "Okay, but you need to get permission from whoever you came with first."
Xiumin, who really wanted to pet the bunny he saw through the window, nodded and grabbed Chen's hand before running off to the petting zoo area.
"Uncwe Henry! Uncwe Zhoumi! Can we go pet bunnies?!" he asked as soon as he was close enough for them to hear him.
Henry looked at Zhoumi and they both shrugged before giving the okay.
Zhoumi decided to go follow them after being persueded by Henry that he could take care of the other kids by himself.
Xiumin smiled at the baby bunny in his arms.
He looked over at Chen who was holding a big fluffy and brown bunny.
Chen sneezed a little before looking over at Xiumin and smiling. He wouldn't tell his hyung, but he really loved bunnies.
He's always wanted to get one as a pet!
He smiled at the big bunny and petted it before sneezing again.
Chen placed the bunny on the ground and began rubbing his eyes, which were starting to get itchy.
He tried ignoring the itchiness and sneezing by playing with the bunny to distract himself, but soon his nose got all stuffed and he soon began to furiously rub his eyes.
Xiumin noticed this and went over to Zhoumi who was looking at some baby bunnies.
"Uncwe Zhoumi, Chen iz acting funny."
Zhoumi looked over at chen and his eyes widened at the sight. He immediately rushed over to Chen and picked him up before telling Xiumin to wait there before leaving the room.
Xiumin stood there, confused, with a bunny in his arms.
He looked down at the soft and furry creature and frowned.
What was wrong with Chen?
Xiumin looked up when he heard the door open and frowned a little more when he saw it was only Henry. Henry stayed with Xiumin, not saying a word, until Zhoumi came back with a crying Chen in his arms.
Xiumin immediately put down the bunny and rushed over to see what was wrong with Chen.
Zhoumi led Xiumin and Henry out of the room.
"Wat's wrong wif Chen? Iz he sick? Iz he gonna be okai?" Xiumin began asking and tugging on Zhoumi's shirt, wanting him to put Chen down so he could hug the younger boy.
Zhoumi only whispered something to Henry and Xiumin was suprised when he was suddenly pulled away from Chen to stand in front of Henry. Xiumin watched as Henry pulled something out of his backpack and began rolling it all over his clothes and making him wipe his hands with an anti-bacterial wipe.
"Uncwe Mochi, whai awe you doing dis?"
Henry gave a sad smile.
"You'll understand soon Baozi."
As soon as Henry gave the okay, Zhoumi put Chen down and the younger boy immediately rushed into Xiumin's arms.
Xiumin patted Chen's back and asked him what was wrong.
Chen burried his face in his hyung's shirt.
Zhoumi cleared his throat and Xiumin looked at him. "Well from his reaction in the room, we think he's allergic to the bunnies or at least their fur."
Chen let out another cry and began sobbing more into his hyung's arms. "I-I really like d-da bunnies! I always w-wanned one fow a p-pet! It izn't f-faiw!!!" he cried.
Xiumin frowned and hugged the younger boy.
Where did his happy Chen go?
His happy, and evil, troll of a Chen.
Suddenly he got an idea.
He pulled Chen away from him and looked into his eyes. Xiumin smiled  and wiped away some of Chen's tears.
"It'z okai Chen. You wanned a bunny, right?"
Chen nodded.
"Den I'll be your bunny! How does dat sound?"
Chen smiled and hugged his hyung again.
"You'll be my bunny?"
Xiumin nodded. "Mhmm."
Chen nuzzled into his hyung's hair.
"My bunny..."
"Xiu hyung, wet's go look at dat!"
"Nonono! Dat ovew dewe!!!"
"Ooh! Wat's dat?!"
The two boys were currently running around the children discovery center. Well more like Chen was running around while dragging Xiumin around with him. The bunny incident was already forgotten and Chen was back to being happy.
Suddenly, Xiumin stopped and stomped his little foot on the ground.
Chen stopped running around and turned around to face his hyung, who had a pouty frown on his face. "Wat's wrong Hyung?"
Xiumin opened his mouth to speak when a grumbling noise came from his tummy. "You'we hungwy?" Chen asked as he tilted his head. The older boy blushed and looked down before nodding.
"Hmm, wet'z go find Uncwe Zhoumi den! Or maybe Uncwe Henwy." Chen said before pulling on Xiumin's hand and leading them in a random direction.
"Chen I think we awe lost." Xiumin said.
Chen shook his head. "Nuh-uh. I know whewe we awe. We awe..." he looked around and spotted a sign with a picture on it on it, "...just stopping to look at da pigs." he finished with a smile.
Xiumin gave him a blank look.
"Wat's wrong?" Chen asked with a frown.
The older merely pointed to the exhibit, "You realize dat dis exhibit iz closed, right?"
Chen looked at the empty exhibit and back at the sign. He didn't notice it before but there were big bold letters in red across the writing next to the picture..
Chen looked at Xiumin, who looked back at Chen.
"I din't see dat."
"I could tell." Xiumin sighed before grabbing Chen's hand and leading them away from the empty exhibit.
"I'm hungwy!" Xiumin whined and stomped his feet.
After walking around for a while, the two boys still couldn't tell where they were or if they were even in the Children's Discovery Center anymore. They dubbed themselves as completely and utterly lost.
Xiumin was now tired and feeling sweaty on top of being hungry.
Right now, he was currently in the first stage of his little break down, which was whining.
"We awe still lost too! Wat if we nevew find Uncle Henwy or Uncle Zhoumi nd da zoo people put us in cages to be pawt of it?! I dun wanna be locked up!!! Wat if a monkey eatz us?!"
Stage two, out of control thoughts.
"No, I gotta stay positive! I'm da hyung hewe nd I can't let Chen see me like dis!"
Stage three, seemingly back to normal and getting ahold of himself.
"WE AWE GONNA DIE!!!!" Xiumin yelled and began to run around in panicked circles.
There we go, stage four, which is losing his mind and freaking out.
Suddenly he stopped and looked around. Chen wasn't anywhere in sight.
He was all alone.
Xiumin stuck out his lower lip and threw himself to the ground. A short while later, he began to bawl his eyes out.
He didn't want to be alone in the zoo!!! He wanted his brothers! He wanted his umma and appa! He wanted his Uncle Henry! He wanted Chen!!!
"Ch-Chen!!!" he wailed.
Quick footsteps suddenly approached him. "Xiu hyung wat's wrong?!"
Xiumin looked up and sniffled. His eyes widened when he saw Chen. He immediately sprung up and pounced on the younger boy. "Chen w-whewe did you go! I w-was so s-scawed!!!" he cried.
Chen patted his hyung's back.
Then he led them over to a bench and pulled something out of a bag that Xiumin didn't notice until now. Chen smiled. "Look wat I got, Hyung!" he said and revealed a bag of soft white marshmallows.
Xiumin's eyes sparkled.
He hadn't had marshmellows since the time he went camping with his family a couple months ago.
"Whewe did you get it!" he asked while eyeing the wonderful sweet treat in Chen's arms.
Chen smiled.
"I used da money Uncle Henwy gave me nd went ovew to a small stowe we passed a while ago to buy it just fow you. Well you nd me. We awe gonna shawe dem, okai?"
Xiumin nodded and squealed when the bag of marshmallows was finally opened.
Chen popped one in his mouth before grabbing another one and holding it to Xiumin's mouth. "Say 'ahh' Xiu hyung~"
Xiumin closed his eyes and opened his mouth and waited for Chen to put the marshmallow in it.
When his mouth was still empty, he opened his eyes and pouted when he saw Chen eating his marshmallow. "Chen dat izn't nice! I'm hungwy! Feed hyung, pweeeeeeeeeease?"
Chen pretended to think about it, making Xiumin puff out his cheeks, and finally shoved a marshmallow into the older's mouth.
Xiumin smiled and chewed on the gooey treat, not even finishing when there was another marshmallow in front of his face.
Not wanting it to be another joke, Xiumin ate the enire thing, making his cheeks slightly bigger.
This kept on happening until Xiumin's mouth was full of marshmallows and he couldn't talk.
Chen chuckled and looked at his cute hyung who was trying to chew the marshmallows in his overstuffed mouth.
"Hey hyung."
Xiumin looked up.
"Wanna know why I bought mawshmallows?"
Xiumin nodded.
"Evew heawd of the game 'Chubby Bunny?' "
Suddenly Chen bolted off the bench laughing, leaving a stunned Xiumin there.
As soon as his senses came back, Xiumin shot off the bench after Chen.
"Chnn yr gt bchk hrrr!!!" Xiumin yelled, well tried to.
Chen laughed and looked back at his hyung. "Sowwy, hyung! I dunno wat you'we saying!" he yelled and giggled until he was picked up by someone.
"I see you guys are having fun."
Chen smiled and hugged the person. "Uncwe Zhoumi!" Xiumin had stopped running by now and squeaked a little when he was picked up too. "Hi Baozi, I see your face is stuffed." Henry giggled and poked his nephew's cheeks.
Xiumin tried his best to swallow the marshmallows in his mouth before looking up at Henry. "Uncwe Henry, whewe were you? We have been looking fow you nd Uncle Zhoumi dis whole time!"
Henry tilted his head.
"But we've been following you this whole time. Well I have. Zhoumi was watching your and Jongdae's brothers. They're all in the bathroom right now.
We're going to go eat lunch after they're done."
"Oh." was the only thing Xiumin could say. He looked over to Chen and Zhoumi and pouted when he saw them talking so happily.
He wiggled out of Henry's arms and went over to them before tugging on Chen's shoe.
"Chen." he whined.
Chen looked at Zhoumi, who put him down.
Xiumin immediately latched on to Chen's arm.
Then he lowered his head.
"Mine..." he said softly.
Chen bent over to look at his hyung's face, and sure enough it was covered in a cute blush.
Both adults 'aww'ed.
Then all of a sudden, Xiumin bolted away from him.
It took Chen a while to realize the bag of marshmallows had been stolen from him.
"Xiu hyung give dat back!" he yelled and chased after the older.
Xiumin looked over his shoulder and stuck his tounge out.
"You've just been twolled you twoll! Baozi style!!!"
Zhoumi chuckled and watched as Henry began to chase the two to get the bag of marshmallows.
"You guys! Give me that bag of marshmallows right now! You have to eat lunch!" Henry yelled before glancing over his shoulder at Zhoumi before running faster. "Baozi, at least give some to Uncle Mochi! Uncle Fox is a big meanie who won't let him have some!!!"
Zhoumi quickly realized what was happening.
"Xiumin, don't listlen to him! Henry don't you dare eat any of those marshmallows! You know how you get afterwards!!!" he yelled and began running.
Meanwhile, ten boys stood on the side and watched as Zhoumi chased a marshmallow obsessed Henry who chased a trolled troll Chen who chased a laughing baozi.
"So... when awe we gonna eat lunch?"
Was this chapter okay?
Should I delete this story?
I'm almost up to 200 subbies though...
Anyway, I'm sorry for such a long wait.
School was being evil and giving out lots of work.
Even when I didn't have schoolwork, I always ended up being too exhausted to write.
I really hope this chapter is good.
I'm not sure if my writing got a little rusty or not.
So I'll try to update again soon, and by soon I mean in like a week, but I can't promise anything because of school.
Umm, if I remember right, Hunhan is next.
I already have the idea in my head so don't worry. ^^
~I bid you all farewell until next time~
^    ^
=(O u O)=
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Chapter 34: Aaaa.... This is so cute and precious.. Love this

starofthenight #2
Chapter 34: I loved your story. I squealed when I read the first chapter because it was way too fluffy and it was so cute. Up to this chapter I loved every single bit of it from Tao crying to Jongdae trolling the members. Update soon~
KimCai #3
Chapter 34: Awwww haha I feel like I have similarities with Kai hahaha I would have normaly done that to others also
Hahaha the feeling like saying "I don't have time for you"or maybe "I have much more important things to do than you"
sorry I'm known as the bittersweet girl in school
But srsly authornim I love the fluffiness overload!~ I'll wait for your next update~ ^^
Chapter 27: Sulay hits me so hard it hurts. And for the last chapter you should write about them grown up or at least as teenagers ^^
Lacoursiere #5
Chapter 34: Oh yeaaa~~~ update soon~~
Chapter 34: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 2: The best one is xiuchen