Whai? (kaisoo)

Stuff 'nd More Stuff


"Jongin? Whewe did you go?" Kyungsoo asked as he wandered through the big toy store.
After five unsuccessful minutes, he walked back to his umma.
"Umma, have you seen Jongin?"
Ryeowook looked up from his bag and pointed behind him. "Kyung, he's right there." he said with a smile.
Kyungsoo turned around and was met with a pair of large eyes. He stepped back out of shock but gave a small grin when a tan-skinned boy poked his head from behind the plushie.
"Wook Kyungie hyung! Wook wat I gotted you!" Kai held out the toy more, "It'z an owl. I sawed it nd thought it wooked wike you so I buyed it fow you cuz you awe my favowitest hyung in da whole wide world!" Kai said excitedly.
Kyungsoo blushed and walked over to the younger boy, hugging him and the plushie. "Thank you Jongin..." he mumbled softly before taking the plushie from Kai's arms and burying his face in it so no one can see his pink face.
Kai smiled and gave a big thumbs up to Ryeowook, who returned the gesture, before wobbling up to his hyung and hugging his squishy body.
The older boy smiled a bit.
Then he looked at the owl. What should he name it?
Should he name it Kai? Jongin?
Kyungsoo quickly shook his head. That would be too embarrassing.
Hmm... How about...
"I know!" he exclaimed out loud, shocking Kai.
He looked questioningly at his hyung. "Know wat Kyungie hyung?"
"I know wat to name da owl!" Kyungsoo said excitedly. He turned to the younger boy and gave him a small smile with his cheeks tinted a light pink. "I'll name him Kaisoo. See? It'z a mix of us... Is dat okai?"
Kai got the biggest smile ever before giving Kyungsoo a peck on the cheek.
"I wuv it hyung!" Kai exclaimed and spread his arms out to show just how much he liked the name. His favorite hyung came up with a name that involved the both of them. How could he not be happy?
He was so happy he began to dance in place.
Suddenly, Kyungsoo's stomach made a grumbly noise.
He looked at Kai, who was still dancing, before waddling over to his umma and tugging on his sleeve.
Ryeowook looked down at his cute, naturally wide eyed, son. "What is it Kyungie? Are you hungry?" he asked with a smile.
Kyungsoo merely nodded in response. His umma told him to wait there while he got Kai so he just stood there until they came back.
They began to walk to the food court when Kyungsoo noticed something weird.
Kai wasn't talking to him.
He was wearing different clothes too...
Kyungsoo stopped in his tracks.
Ryeowook stopped and turned to look at his son. "Yes Kyungie."
"Dat izn't Jongin....." he said, pointing at the boy who's hand his umma was currently holding.
Confused, Ryeowook looked down and gasped. At first glance, the boy looked exactly like Kai but after taking a good look, you could see the differences.
He bent down and was about to ask the little boy for his name when a loud shriek was heard throughout the mall.
The voice sounded not to far away so Ryeowook picked up his son and the little boy, whose name he was guessing was 'Taemin', and scurried toward the continuous screaming. If the missing little boy was with him, then his missing little boy should be with the other person right?
He soon saw a frantic looking male who was looking everywhere for his son.
Ryeowook quickly ran up to the man and tried talking to him.
"Uhh, excuse me? I think I accidentally took your son by mistake."
His words were unheard by the latter's ears, the yelling continuously tuning them out.
The boy in Ryeowook's arms wiggled before getting out of his grasp and running to the front of the panicked man.
At the sound of his child's voice, the man stopped yelling and froze for a second before grabbing the small boy and hugging him.
"Umma I'm fine. Dat man jus took me by accident." the little boy said as he pointed at Ryeowook over his umma's shoulder.
The man turned around ready to yell that it wasn't an accident, only to freeze at an all to familiar face.
Ryeowook got over the shock first and gave a large smile.
"Heechul hyung!"
The two smiled at each other and got a bit acquainted again before Heechul asked, "So why did my old baby accidentally take my Taeminnie baby?
"Ah well, he at a first glance he looked a lot like Sungmin's child. His name is Jongin but he prefers going by Kai. You're holding his hand right now. In fact, you were pulling him around this whole time." Ryeowook explained.
Heechul looked down at the tan boy he forgot he was still hanging on to.
"So this is Minnie's kid. He does look like my Taemin, doesn't he? You'd never guess how much I panicked after I realized this wasn't Taemin." he said as he chuckled and let go of the boy's hand.
Kai immediately ran over to Kyungsoo, who was just looking between the two adults, confused at what was going on.
He looked at Kai, who was now holding his hand, and the other boy that was hiding behind Heechul. They did look alike...
Kyungsoo snapped out of his trance when he heard Kai's voice. His eyes searched around until they found Kai talking to Taemin. He looked at his now empty hand and frowned before looking at the two boys. When did he go over there?
"I'm Kai. You look wike me."
"Im Taemin nd nuh-uh." Taemin responded, "I'm pwetty sure dat I'm older den you."
The two boys compared birthdays and discovered that Taemin was indeed older.
"I like to dance nd rap." Kai said.
Taemin's smile got bigger and he stepped out from behind his umma.
"I wike to dance too!!! But instead of rappin, I wike to sing."
Kai grabbed Taemin's hands.
"We could be supew awesome if we danced togeder!!! I bet we'd be da pewfect team too! Wif you singin nd me rappin den we would be da bestest in da world!!!"
At the sound of Kai's idea Taemin smiled. Suddenly, Kai gasped.
"We could be called Taekai!!! It's like an awesome combination of our names!!!"
The two were clearly happy with their new pairing name and began to dance around while Ryeowook and Heechul continued to talk.
Kyungsoo frowned before staring at his owl plushie Kai bought him not too long ago.
Didn't he like the name Kaisoo anymore?
Kyungsoo could sing too. He just couldn't dance as well as Taemin but he could sing pretty songs like his Ryeowook umma and Yesung appa. His appa couldn't even dance that well either...
Sadly, he went over to his umma and tugged on his shirt.
Ryeowook looked at his son and bent down to his eye level. "What's wrong Kyungie?" he asked as Heechul fawned over how cute his eyes were.
"I wanna go home."
Ryeowook frowned. Why would Kyungsoo suddenly want to go home? Wasn't he hungry? Maybe he was just tired.
"Okay Kyung." he turned to Heechul, "Well Kyungsoo must be a little tired from all the shopping today so he wants to go home. How about you follow us back to my house and make us some lunch?"
Heechul nodded before going over to Taemin and Kai. He talked with them for a bit before walking back. "Kai says that he wants to ride with me if that's okay?"
Kyungsoo felt something in his chest drop.
He noticed Kai looking at him and he quickly turned away and ran to Ryeowook before grabbing his leg. "Umma... I really wan go home now... Pwease..." he said in barely a whisper. Ryeowook nodded before picking Kyungsoo up and saying a brief farewell to Heechul.
Kyungsoo slightly looked over his umma's shoulder and saw Kai and Taemin holding hands while walking the other way.
As soon as they were in the car and Kyungsoo was strapped in to his carseat, he put Kaisoo on his lap and hugged him all the way home.
(25 min later...)
Kyungsoo hopped out of his umma's minivan, still clutching tightly to his owl, and ran to the middle of the lawn before plopping his down. He waited and waited while staring at the empty road and soon enough, a bright pink car pulled into their driveway. A couple minutes later, he saw Kai and Taemin jump out of the car while giggling.
He immediately turned away.
Kai looked up from his laughing fit and saw Kyungsoo, hugging the plushie he had gotten him, while also staring intently at the ground.
Deciding that there must have been something interesting on the ground, Kai ran over to Kyungsoo and tackled the older boy in a hug. "Kyungie hyung~" he sang out. When he didn't hear a response, he pulled away and saw Kyungsoo's face burried in the plushie. He frowned. What could have happened? Kyungsoo was happy when he had given the older the owl. Why did he seem so sad now?
"Hyung? Wat's wrong? Awe you okai?"
Kyungsoo peeked out from behind his plushie and, seeing the look on Kai's face, forced a small smile and a nod.
Kai smiled again and turned to the side. "Taemin hyung, come ovew hewe too!"
The boy did as told and came over, sitting on the grass, next to Kyungsoo.
Taemin began talking to Kyungsoo and asking him questions, giving some time for him to answer, and Kyungsoo soon had a natural smile on his face. After learning more things about each other, they included pouting Kai in their conversation.
They were all getting along pretty well even though Kyungsoo didn't say much.
After a while they got bored.
No one knew what to do next.
Taemin suggested that they play a game.
Kai stood up.
"Since dere's thwee of us, I think we should pway hide n' seek. Imma count while you guys go hide." he said while putting his hands over his eyes.
"Oooooone.... twooooooo.... siiiiiiiiiiiix.... foooooour.... leventeeen...."
The two boys ran off as Kai was still... counting... and split up.
Kyungsoo ran inside, into his, Luhan's and Tao's shared room, and hid in his closet. He smiled, his heart beating rapidly due to the excitement, and hugged his precious owl.
A couple of minutes passed by and Kyungsoo giggled to himself. He must have picked a super good hiding spot.
But when another couple of minutes had passed, and he heard no sounds of approaching footsteps, he began to wonder if Kai was even looking for him. Kyungsoo let out a yawn and rested his head on his plushie, deciding that he would close his eves for just a bit and then go find Kai.
Kyungsoo opened his eyes and looked up into the eyes of a confused panda.
"Gege, whai awe you takin a nap in da closet?"
He rubbed his eyes and stretched before standing up and walking past Tao. Then he turned to face his younger brother. "I was pwaying hide n' seek wif Jongin nd Taemin... Whai awe you back so early? I thought you went to school wif Kris hyung."
Tao nodded.
"Well dere were dese really big kids nd dey were pushin me so Gege came nd twied to stop dem but den da boys started picking on him so I beated dem up. Den Uncle Sungmin nd Uncle Kyuhyun came to pick us up nd take us home." he explained with a smile. "Now Imma go nd take a nap wif Kris gege." Then Tao skipped out of the room before suddenly popping his head back through the door. "Nd I sawed Kai pwayin tag wif another boy dat looks like him. Bye bye gege~"
Kyungsoo watched Tao leave the room.
Why would Kai be playing tag? Weren't they playing hide n' seek? Kai couldn't have forgotten about him, could he?
He looked down at his empty hands.
Where was Kaisoo?
Kyungsoo ran back into the closet, searching for his owl that in such a short time became his most prized possession. He panicked when he practically threw everything out and still couldn't find his toy.
He ran out of the closet and began tearing apart the room.
A sight caught his eye when he ran past the window. Kyungsoo slowly retracted his steps. He froze.
Down there, was Taemin and Kai, playing with something.
Kyungsoo his heel and ran as fast as his little legs would let him. But halfway down the stairs, he tripped and fell, causing him to tumble the rest of the way. He lay there, gasping for air, the thought of calling his umma not even crossing his mind.
After a few minutes, Kyungsoo caught his breath and attempted to get up, sending a surge of pain through his body. He looked down and saw little purple marks forming all over his arms and legs. When he poked one of them, he let out a little yelp.
It really hurt!
But telling his umma could wait until he found Kaisoo.
Wobbling outside, he made his way over to the two playing in the grass. Kai immediately took notice of his hyung and smiled at him.
"Kyungie hyung, you're awake!!! Wen I founded you in da closet, I wanned to wake you up but Tae hyung said dat we should wet you sreep." Kai smiled and then his eyes got big as he remembered something, "Dats right! Well Kaisoo was awake so we decided to pway wif him until you woked up."
Kyungsoo frowned as Kai continued.
"So den we were pwayin family wif Kaisoo nd I was da appa nd Tae hyung was da umma nd Kaisoo was our baby."
Tears stung in Kyungsoo's eyes but Kai took no notice.
"Den we thought bout it nd decided to rename Kaisoo into Taekaisoo and share him!!! Izn't dat awesome?! Now dere are the thwee of us in his name! You, me, nd a supew amazing hyung, Taemin hyung!!!" Kai happily exclaimed as he ran over to Taemin, gave him a hug, and finally... a kiss on the cheek.
Kyungsoo broke down. His tears immediately fell, causing Kai to frown. "Whai awe you cwying hyung?"
Kai stepped towards his hyung, who in turn took a step back.
How could Kai say that?
Say that he changed the name Kyungsoo had given HIS owl. Say that he wanted to share the owl he had bought especially for HIM.
Kyungsoo shook his head and took more steps back.
He snapped his head up to look back at the younger who was holding hands with Taemin.
"It izn't fair! Dat was my owl! You buyed it fow me! Whai do you want to change da name I gived it?!"
Kai was shocked. His hyung had never yelled at him like this.
"Whai did you leave me in da closet?! Whai din't you wake me up?! Whai did you wan to come back wif Taemin?! Whai do you wan to pway wif him so much? Whai don't you wan to pway wif me anymore.. Even though I wike you so much.... Whai......"
Kyungsoo got quieter and quieter with each thing he said, the tears falling from his face falling more and more.
To tell the truth, Kyungsoo really liked Kai from the day they met but was just too shy to say or do anything. He loved how Kai would follow him around and wanted to play with him even though he just sat there. When Taemin came in the picture, he felt ignored again. He felt lonely. He had grown so accustomed to the younger boy always being there he didn't realized how attached he himself had gotten. Nor how lonely it would be if Kai left.
Kai was honestly shocked.
He didn't know he was making his hyung feel bad.
He walked over to the crying Kyungsoo and hugged him. Kyungsoo immediately latched on to his shirt and cried.
"I'm sowwy hyung..." Kai said quietly, "I'm sowwy fow not pwaying wif you nd ignoring you wen I was pwaying wif Taemin hyung. I'm sowwy fow wanting to change the name you gave da owl I gave you. But most of all," he tilted Kyungsoo's head up and looked the elder in his eyes, "I'm sowwy I din't know I was huwting you so much."
Kyungsoo hugged Kai tighter and held on as if Kai would disappear if he ever let go.
From the side, Taemin smiled.
He knew Kyungsoo liked Kai and even though it wasn't his intention to get in between the two, he was glad he did because of the end result.
Humming, he walked back to the house to find his Heechul umma. He really was hungry after all. Especially after all that playing he just did.
Kyungsoo sniffled. "So Kaisoo is gonna stay Kaisoo right? I don't wanna change his name." Kai nodded and hugged his squishy hyung and the plushie.
"You know whai else I gotted dis owl fow you?"
Kyungsoo tilted his head. "Whai?"
"Cuz it'z squishy, jus like you!" Kai said and stuck his tongue out and ran away.
Kyungsoo sat there. Two seconds passed by before he got up and chased the younger boy.
"I am not squishy!!!"
Hello readers I'm back!
After a month of studying and final exams, I present this long awaited chapter to you on the first day of my summer break!!!
I sprained my wrist so I had to type with one hand and I can't draw any pictures for a while. When I do I will add them later.
So how was the Kaisoo? I put angst in here I think. Children angst.
Oh well.
Expect the next chapter to be up in about a week or so.
Baekyeol returns!!!
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Chapter 34: Aaaa.... This is so cute and precious.. Love this

starofthenight #2
Chapter 34: I loved your story. I squealed when I read the first chapter because it was way too fluffy and it was so cute. Up to this chapter I loved every single bit of it from Tao crying to Jongdae trolling the members. Update soon~
KimCai #3
Chapter 34: Awwww haha I feel like I have similarities with Kai hahaha I would have normaly done that to others also
Hahaha the feeling like saying "I don't have time for you"or maybe "I have much more important things to do than you"
sorry I'm known as the bittersweet girl in school
But srsly authornim I love the fluffiness overload!~ I'll wait for your next update~ ^^
Chapter 27: Sulay hits me so hard it hurts. And for the last chapter you should write about them grown up or at least as teenagers ^^
Lacoursiere #5
Chapter 34: Oh yeaaa~~~ update soon~~
Chapter 34: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 2: The best one is xiuchen