ugh....... the PILLS

SHINee Blue Flowers ......

SunnNi's POV

I woke up with the shirtless Jonghyun snuggling into my "chest" area.

"Jongy, wake up." I mumbled.

He just snuggled closer.

He would......

I sat up and pouted.

"Wae?" he asked.

"You went to the bar without me-3-" I pouted.

"You know how you are with alcohal." he sighed and started playing with my hair.

"There were probably drunk girls all over you." I shuddered.

"Is my SunNi-ah jealous perhaps?" he smirked.

"omo, that smirk is y.." CRAP! Did I says that out loud???

"Sunni!" he gasped.

"Wae? Wae?" I asked.

"Nothing." he smiled and started playing with my stomach.

"Humph." I sighed.

"Sunni? Do you, umm, wanna go to the gym with me?" he asked.

"Wae? You know I hate excersise." I laughed.

"But you're getting a little, umm, flabby." he mumbled.

I looked down at my stomach, and sure enough, I was getting tubby,

"I'm fat! I'm obese!!!" I screamed.

"Babe, calm down, it's nothing, forget I ever said anything." Jonghyun said, trying hard not to laugh.

"No! That's SOMETHING!!" I screamed and hopped out of bed.

I ran to my suit case and got my dance sweats and a random tee.

And slipped them on, yes in front of Jonghyun, it's not like he would avert his eyes screaming like Taemin.

"I'm going for a jog." I said.


3 days later.


Liah's POV


"Jonghyun! Where's Sunni?" I asked.

"In our hotel, weighing herself." He said.

"I can't belive you called her fat." Liah frowned.

Ever since Jjong called her freaking fat, she's been worried about her weight.

Working out, and not eating in front of us.

I opened the the door to his hotel room to see SunNi on the floor with a few diet pills in .

"Damn! JONGHYUN! COME HERE NOW!" I screamed, running to SunNi.

Yes! She had a pulse.

Jonghyun walked in, "What do you wa- OMO! SUNNI!" he screamed.

He picked SunNi up and ran to the car with me following close behind.

He put her in the back and sped to the hospital.

fwd: this is liah, sunni is unconcious and we are taking her to the hospital

Everyone replied but I didn't even bother reading them.

Jjong picked her up and ran into the waiting room.

"What the hell...." the nurse whispered.

"Help." was all Jonghyun could say.

The nurse nodded and called the ER people.

"You'll have to wait out here." the doctor said.

WE were in the waiting room for two hours.

All of SHINee and crOwn was with us by then.

Jonghyun was pacing and no one was talking.

Just then a doctor came out and said, "you are her family?"

"I am." Jonghyun lied.

"Well, you and another person can come in, she sleeping, but I'll explain everything to you." he sighed.

He motioned for me to come with.

When we got into the room she was hooked up to so many wire that I couldn't count them all.

"Since none of you are on her papers as co signers, I can't do anything without her consent, so we're as you americans say, in a pickle." the doctor sighed.

"So what happened?" Jonghyun asked.

"She has absolutely no food or wter in her system, and she overdosed on three different dieting pills." the doctor explained.

"All cuz you called her fat!!" I said, hitting Jonghyun.

She moved and we were all silent.

"SunNi?" Jonghyun asked breaking the silence.

Her eyes fluttered open, thank god.

Now I don't have to kill Jonghyun.

"SunNi! When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"Saturday night! Duh!" she smiled.

It's Wednesday afternoon.

"Aish, this girl." I sighed.

"SunNi are you hungry?" the doctor asked.

"I'm not eating." she said.

"What? Why?" Jonghyun asked.

"I'm not hungry." she lied.

"SunNi, if you don't eat you'll die." I said.

"So be it, I'm. Not. Hungry." she said.

"I'll come back." I blurted out.

"Wae?" she asked, wide-eyed.

"If you eat I'll come back." I said.

"I won't ever be erted again." Jonghyun added.

The doctor gave Jonghyun a wierd look.

"Okay!" SunNi smiled.

Jonghyun handed her a poptart when I took it away.

"I thought you wanted me to eat?" she asked.

"Get her a salad." I told the doctor as I shoved the poptart in my mouth.

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AprilGrace12 #1
Chapter 46: Update more please?? ^_^
..I totally thought of 16&pregnant
Don't think this is gonna alright for poor taemin......does he even know how to get a baby? That lil child has no ideaaaaaaa
dude wth im thrilled that updated i totally forgot bout this! i even had to reread chapters, update often!
you better be happy that I updated Unnie!!! aish~
haha yeah, i'm working on the nexr update naow!!:D ~sushi
ohh i guess wipeout is just lik tis name and oh haha yeah i am not the best with words...
@lovemykorean yeah, i'm taking over:D I've seen wipe out a few times,but just to understand the concept & haitus means on hold kind of.
haha ur doing the story now~ do u watch wipe out alot ive only seen it once or twice so looking forward and wat does haitus mean?
xoxo= hugs and kisses but u could stay luv and kisses i guess ....<br />
skay if ur busy
i still dont no wats gonna happen but not eating for more than a day would b horrible for me aish korean ppl and being skinny