TRAIN ABUCTION!!!!!!!!! [(Part TOO)]

SHINee Blue Flowers ......

"Okay, I only have 200 on me, I don't get paid til tomorrow." Sunni sighed and reached for her money.

"Wahh! Where is it??" she screamed.

"Honey, you're half , all your money is in your pants." Liah sighed.

"Oh, sorry mister, but I'm but I'm broke." Sunni pouted.

"But, but you're Sunni and Liah of CROWN!!" they guy screamed in their face,.

"And we are half and on a hangover." Liah scoffed.

"Dude, I think we failed." the shorter guy sighed.

"Naw, we'll just take them as hostages." then guy laughed.

"Omo, Liah, Sunni is scared now." Sunni gulped.

"I like your hair." the shorter guy said to Liah changing the topic.

Liah  flat out beeoch slapped him.

"That hurt." he chucked, as he rubbed the mark she left.

He slapped her back and gave her a bloody lip.

"Oh no you didn't!" Sunhi laughed.

"Shut up!" the taller guy said as he hit her across the face, knocking her out.

( although she was faking it)

"Ugh, know I have fight both of you alone?" Liah scoffed.

















A window broke and Jonghyun burst in.

"y Ninja Dinosaur is Here!" he yelled.

Both of them turned their guns toward Jonhyun.

He cursed under his breath.

Sunni came out of the her small sleep and looked at Liah.

After a few seconds they both knocked the guys out and Jonghyun was cheering.


"I gotta say, you're a good actress." Liah laughed.

"I know!" Sunni giggled and went to hug Liah.

"But next time don't leave me alone to fight them."

" Dae, Un~nie!!"

"Two half girls hugging? I can dig this." Jonghyun said giving his erted smile.

"Oppa!" Sunni yelled as she grabbed her blanket and stormed out.

"Sunni-ah!" Jonghyun whined.

"You know I hate it when you act all erted." Sunni murmured.

"I'm sorry he said as he kissed her forehead.

" Wait, you hate it when he acts erted?" LiAh asked with a smirk.

" Yeah" Sunni said hugging her dinosaur.

" hate him. Cuz he's a ing erted MAN!" LiAh laughed.

" NO! YOU HAVE NO PROOF!" Jonghyun denied, shaking his head, making it very obvious that he was.

" Yeaaaaah? Then why did I find magazines under your bed?!!!??" LiAh asked pointing at Jonghyun with a HUGE grin.

" ANDWAE! ANDWAE! I WAS KEEPING IT  FOR KEY!! HE WANTED THEM! I BOUGHT THEM, FOR HIM!" Jonghyun said blushing realll hard.

" ohhhhhhh so, you were getting ideas, to have with Key huh?" LiAh said with an evil smile.

" ANDWAE! ANDWAE! KEY ISN'T IN TO !" Jonghyun said shaking his hands.

" ? You just said . YOU JUST IN ADMITTED IT!" LiAh said teasing JOnghyun.

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Jonghyun said covering his face from embarrassment.


 Then Key and chanNi showed up from no where.

" You were cheating on me, with SUNNI weren't you!" The eomma said getting into his diva mode.

"So it's true!" SunnNi said looking at her boyfriend.


The Sunni turned BiPolar and started to hurt Jonghyun.

" So you wanted to have a with sunNi and Key huh?" asked LiAh giving Jonghyun a smile.

" What does that mean?" Sunni saked again turning bipolar.

" You really are biPolar  aren't you?" LiAH asked.


" Yep, she's Bipolar" ChanNi agreed nodding her head.

" Agreed" Key and LiAh said at the same time.


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AprilGrace12 #1
Chapter 46: Update more please?? ^_^
..I totally thought of 16&pregnant
Don't think this is gonna alright for poor taemin......does he even know how to get a baby? That lil child has no ideaaaaaaa
dude wth im thrilled that updated i totally forgot bout this! i even had to reread chapters, update often!
you better be happy that I updated Unnie!!! aish~
haha yeah, i'm working on the nexr update naow!!:D ~sushi
ohh i guess wipeout is just lik tis name and oh haha yeah i am not the best with words...
@lovemykorean yeah, i'm taking over:D I've seen wipe out a few times,but just to understand the concept & haitus means on hold kind of.
haha ur doing the story now~ do u watch wipe out alot ive only seen it once or twice so looking forward and wat does haitus mean?
xoxo= hugs and kisses but u could stay luv and kisses i guess ....<br />
skay if ur busy
i still dont no wats gonna happen but not eating for more than a day would b horrible for me aish korean ppl and being skinny