Chapter 12

What? Again?


Hoya’s POV

            I finished chugging the water bottle and tossed it to the side.

            “Let’s run it again.” Dongwoo said.

            The two of us were practicing for a dance competition coming up. It would be our first one since I’ve been out of a coma. It was an annual contest and Dongwoo and I won it last year as well.

            Dongwoo played the music and we got into our positions. Then I saw Sungyeol next to me and it threw me off. Dongwoo went over and stopped the music while I looked at Sungyeol.

            “ChanSook is in trouble.” He said.

            “What?” I asked.

            “Don’t act like you don’t know.” Dongwoo said.

            Oh, that’s right. Dongwoo can’t see Sungyeol.

            “Right, sorry. I need to use the restroom I’ll be right back.”

            I ran out of the room and Sungyeol followed.

            “In trouble?” I asked him.

            Sungyeol nodded.

            “Her dad has her.”

            He took her again? Before I could ask anything more, Sungyeol grabbed my hand and transported us to a room.

            “Hey! Warn somebody before you do that ghost teleport stuff!” I yelled at him.

            I then heard someone scream and covered my ears and closed my eyes, trying to quiet the sound. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and opened my eyes to see ChanSook hugging me. I took my hands off my ears and crushed her in a hug.

            “Are you okay?” I asked her.

            I stepped back to examine her and besides the fact she looked exhausted, everything seemed okay.

            “Yeah, I’m fine.”

            “What the heck?!”

            I now noticed that JinAe was in here as well.

            “Hoya, how did you get in here?” she asked.

            “I think I need to explain some things.” ChanSook said.

            She started to explain the situation to JinAe while I pulled Sungyeol aside and asked for one from him.

            “If you can do the teleport thing, then why haven’t you teleported ChanSook out of here?”

            “Trust me I’ve tried. I can only teleport myself out of here though. There is something up with the house.”

            “Then why did you bring me here? Dongwoo thinks I went to the bathroom so I need to be back there soon. Do you expect me to stay here?”

            Sungyeol shrugged.

            “I don’t know. I didn’t really think this through. Oh well, I guess that your stuck here now.”

            I took out my phone and texted Dongwoo telling him I had an emergency and needed to leave. He sent me a text back and he wasn’t happy but he would deal with it which is what I needed right now.

            “Uh-oh.” Sungyeol said.

            He disappeared and then the door opened and in came ChanSook’s dad.

            “Well if it isn’t Hoya. I’m not sure how you got in here but welcome.”

            “I’m here to take ChanSook away from you.” I said.

            Her dad laughed.

            “Your not going anywhere with her.”

            “You freak!” ChanSook yelled which shocked me. “Just go check yourself into a mental institute and let me go!”

            “What did you just tell me?”

            ChanSook ran behind me and hid.

            “I didn’t say anything.” She said.

            “Say anything else and my proposition is going down the drain.”

            “What proposition?” she asked and poked her head out from behind me.

            “You bring my son here and I let the three of you go.”

            “She’ll do it.” I answered for her.

            ChanSook came out from hiding and put her hand over my mouth and told me not to talk.

            “What if I don’t want to give you Sandeul?” she asked.

            Is she serious right now? She would stay here and not tell him where Sandeul is?

            “If you don’t, then it’s simple. The three of you stay here until I feel like letting you go.”

            “What about school? I have a perfect attendance record I can’t break it.” JinAe said.

            “That’s none of my business.” ChanSook’s dad said.

            He came up to ChanSook and me and waited for her answer. She needs to just tell him we’ll give him Sandeul. Why does she want to protect that guy anyway?

            “So what’ll it be? Your freedom or does Sandeul get to keep his?”

            I looked at ChanSook and anxiously waited to hear her answer.

            “I’m not telling you where Sandeul is.” She said.

            She’s not?! I took her hand off my mouth and made her face me.

            “ChanSook, are you crazy? Just let him have Sandeul.”

            “It’s too late Hoya. She has spoken.”

            I watched her dad slowly make his way to the door. He then stopped at the door and turned around. He then went over to JinAe. He grabbed her arm and I watched JinAe start to freak out and beg him not to take her. He was taking her out of the room and JinAe was trying to stay. I went over to help but her dad just pushed me out of the way and took her out. I got off the ground and turned to ChanSook.

            “Are you happy?! Who knows what he’s going to do to JinAe! Are you happy?!”

           I then noticed that ChanSook’s eyes were full of water. She shook her head and closed her eyes, holding back tears.

            “I’m not.” She said.

            As mad as I was at her choice, I couldn’t really be mad at her. Not right now. I went over and made her sit on the floor with me and told her that everything was going to be okay. I held her in my arms and never let her go. I tried to listen for JinAe but I never heard anything. I didn’t know if that was good or bad.

            “Either way I wouldn’t have been happy. Sandeul didn’t do anything to me to make me rat him out.”

            “I understand. I’m sorry for yelling at you. I bet Sungyeol is devising a plan right now.”

            “It’s Sungyeol. He doesn’t come up with plans. He comes up with ideas and acts on them before thinking.”

            “Right now, he’s our only hope, so I’ll just believe in him and you should too.”

            ChanSook nodded and started to mess with my hair.

            “I’ve been trying to keep this to myself but I can’t help it anymore. Hoya, you need a shower.”

            I chuckled.

            “I was at dance practice before Sungyeol brought me here.”

            “Okay.” She said.

            She closed her eyes and I grabbed the blanket that was next to me and placed it over her. I kissed her forehead and even though it wasn’t night, I wished her goodnight. Sungyeol then appeared and winked while giving me a thumbs-up. Then he was gone. Was that his way of telling me he has things under control or is he being immature about ChanSook and I right now? Only time will tell. 


This time I wrote from Hoya's POV. What did you think? Was it good?? :) Let me know~!

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Areumda #1
great job!
omg i love it. you are the best!
Sequel! Yay! Ok, going to start reading now.
Aw, I liked the reoccurring scenery~~.<br />
I wonder how Chansook's family will think of this, lol.<br />
But whatever~~.<br />
Great story!~
lolol that pool is a miracle...XDDDDDD pool of magical wonders i see. her mom..shes kinda eh...getting preggo with a random dude. gross. lolol. sanduel..XD he will probably live with his dad now :) errrrr -runs away- I LOVE IT!! :DDDDDD
ThePowerChaserToYou #6
Great job! Love it!!!^^
maeryok #7
love the sequel to this story so much too *0* !<br />
the pool is really great, haha daebak ;)<br />
really enjoyed reading these stories, going to miss them already... HAHA ):
namwustar #8
woaaah its overrrr~<br />
congratulation congratulation (?)<br />
I love the ending, its sooo sweet and sungyeol remember chansook again <3<br />
look at @missuslee comment.. MAGICAL POOL hahaha omg right right I agree xD<br />
this is finally over ;--;
Yeonsu #9
AHAHAHAHA @missuslee and @bulba_chan comment. Magical pool. Ahahahaha N1! :x <br />
<br />
<br />
LOVE IT! <3 :D