Chapter 23

You+Me=Love?! [Discontinued]






Sungmin clenched his eyes as the heavy rays of the sun fell upon his face. He wriggled slightly as and then tried to clutch his head, feeling a major headache coming up.

He frowned as he was unable to move his arms. Feeling something heavy draped across his waist and pinning down his arms,he opened his eyes slowly only to be met up with a mass of poodle hair.



Kyuhyun had his arms wrapped around him, caging Sungmin comfortably against his chest. Sungmin groaned slightly as he felt his head pounding away. His entire body was aching.

He whined pitifully as he felt his mouth as dry as the sand in Savannah desert. So ing thirsty.
Kyuhyun simply tightened his arms around Sungmin's waist and subconsciously settled his face into the crook of Sungmin's neck.

Sungmin tried moving to a more comfortable position, and it only hurts more. To make matters worse, when he moved, he discovered that he felt very dizzy and nauseated.

He whimpered slightly, clutching Kyuhyun's shirt into his fists and leaning on the sleeping boy as though his life depended on it,"K-kyuhyun.."

He felt so dehydrated, his body frigid cold, and head felt like missiles are being blown every second inside it, and of course his stomach was churning.

Sungmin weakly hit Kyuhyun's chest with his fingers curled into fists, causing the sleeping male to groan,"N-nghh. M-min..?"

Kyuhyun gazed sleepily as Sungmin attempted to push him away. He unwraped his arms around Sungmin slowly and watched as Sungmin tried to sit up.

He mumbled burying his face into Sungmin's back," You should take it easy, Min. You did drink a lot yesterday night."

Sungmin whined as the room seemed as if it were spinning. He put one foot on the floor to make it stop. It didn't work.

Kyuhyun supported his weight on his elbows and raised himself up. He scrambled to his feet seeing Sungmin toppling over the floor.

Before the swaying boy could hit the floor, Kyuhyun steadied Sungmin by firmly wrapping an arm aroung Sungmin's waist.

"K-kyuhyun.. I'm g-gonna throw u-up.." Sungmin mumbled weakly completely leaning over Kyuhyun and allowing him to support his weight.

Kyuhyun widened his eyes in worry and tugged Sungmin to the bathroom....



He kept caressing Sungmin's back comfortingly as the latter doubled over the toilet, disgorging all of the stomach acid. Kyuhyun wrinkled his nose as the awful smell tingled his senses.

He brushed hair out of Sungmin's eyes carefully and the boy gently.



Kyuhyun asked slowly,"How do you feel now, Sungmin?"

"I f-feel like someone had taken a sledgehammer to my s-stomach, Kyuu.." Sungmin croaked pathetically allowing Kyuhyun to lead him to the wash basin.


Kyuhyun sighed worriedly as he quickly moistened a towel under the running water as wiped Sungmin's mouth carefully. He rubbed Sungmin's cheeks and forehead, treating the boy delicately like a piece of glass.

Pushing Sungmin to sit on the bed, Kyuhyun turned to get a bottle of water . Sungmin clutched Kyuhyun's pants refusing to let go and mumbled childishly,"Dont leave me Kyu.."

Kyuhyun smiled softly and answered,"I'll be back before you know it."

"No." Sungmin pouted.

"Come on,Min. I'll get back soon. You wouldnt even miss me." Kyuhyun tried and pinched Sungmin's cheek affectionately.




Sungmin flushed darkly as he felt Kyuhyun's soft fingers on his cheek. What was that all about?

All these thoughts that plagued his mind only caused him more fatigue and dizziness. With his legs on the floor, Sungmin stretched down and slept on his back, covering his eyes.


Kyuhyun scratched his head and thought about what Leeteuk Hyung used to do for him when he had a hangover. It had been a while since he drank until getting buzzed. The last time was when his album won platinum, a year ago.

Asking Siwon for help? He wouldnt do that.






Not even in a million years.



Beside the said horse was still sleeping with his mouth comically open on the couch. He was highly tempted to pour water and laugh at Siwon's reaction but Sungmin comes first.

So back to the question. What should he prepare?


Eggs.  Helps breaking acetaldehyde in the body, lowering the hangover-causing toxin.


Bananas. Replinishes the lack of potassium.


And mineral water.The quickest way to relieve hangover symptoms is to drink lots of water.


He quickly poached two eggs in a saucepan containing boiling water and carefully placed it on a porcelein plate. Kyuhyun had the tray ready in a couple of minutes and he walked into his bedroom.

His eyes softened at the sight of Sungmin staring at the ceiling, unfocused and delirious.


"Sungmin.." Kyuhyun called out gently placing the tray on the bed.

He pushed the tray towards Sungmin who simply blinked innocently back at him. Resisting the urge to coo at Sungmin's natural cuteness, he unpeeled the banana and brought the fruit towards Sungmin's lips, coaxing him to take a bite.

Sungmin hesitantly took a small bite and slowly chewed on the fruit.

"What happened last night?"

Sungmin's question completely threw Kyuhyun off guard. How was he supposed to say that they accidently....kissed? And that he took Sungmin's first kiss. Sungmin may end up never talking to him ever again.

He couldnt risk it when he... fine.





He liked Sungmin.  A lot .  More than a friend should. But he wasn't going to act upon his feelings.


Not at the moment.

Kyuhyun hesitated for a second before gathering his wits around and answering smoothly," You passed out at the club and I had to piggyback you to the car."

"Sorry.." Sungmin mumbled apologetically while swallowing the last bit of the banana.

"And you kept giggling and squealing throught the ride back home, pulled faces at my neighbour, spluttered water over Siwon..That was very comical actually.." Kyuhyun chuckled thinking about the look on Siwon's face afterwards.




"I did what?!" Sungmin yelped and then groaned when he felt his head split again.

Kyuhyun remarked amusedly," It was all really cute and hilarious, Min. Nothing to be worried about."



"Oh God. Just kill me."

Bringing the uncapped bottle of water to Sungmin lips, Kyuhyun continued, "And then you refused to go to sleep. I tried everything. Fluffed up the pillows, sang to you. But you kept squealing and laughing at me."

Sungmin groaned embarrasedly and mumbled,"I'm sorry Kyuu."

"And then I gave up and pinned down your arms and hugged you to sleep to stop you from moving.." Kyuhyun admitted.

Sungmin simply pursed his lips together and answered timidly,"Thank you for looking after me,Kyuhyun."


"I told you, Min. It's nothing. Now open up." Kyuhyun remarked holding a spoon with a lil bit of the poached egg.

Nodding his head slightly, Sungmin opened his mouth slowly and swallowed the small portion obediently. The serene atmosphere was disturbed by a sudden growl.


 Kyuhyun covered his tummy embarressedly and stuttered,"T-that wasnt m-me."

Sungmin giggled adorably and teased,"Are you hungry Kyuu?"

"I j-just.."

"You can have the other poached egg, Kyu. Im not hungry for two." Sungmin assured the flushed boy gently.

With a quick embarassed nod, Kyuhyun grabbed another spoon and the duo ate in silence.Their spoons clinking the plate, and the birds chirping in the late morning sun were the only sounds they could hear.


After making Sungmin drink a complete bottle of water, Kyuhyun pushed the empty tray on the bed side table and turned to Sungmin who stared at him expectantly.

Kyuhyun hesitated a bit before asking,"Do you want to wash up,Sungmin?"


"Yes. Please.." Sungmin replied quickly wanting to get rid of all the dirt and sweat that covered his body.

"I'll just run downstairs and get some electrolyte supplements,okay? Will you be able to handle yourself?" Kyuhyun asked anxiously while looking for his wallet.



Sungmin was dressed in one of Kyuhyun's blue pajamas that fitted his body loosely, causing him to feel very small in Kyuhyun's clothes. He perched up on the Kyuhyun's study table, swaying his legs like a little child and drinking from the glass of water mixed with electrolyte supplements slowly.

Kyuhyun was currently occupied in the shower and Sungmin was bored. Setting down the glass of water, he leaned over Kyuhyun's desk and saw a small blue box.

Extremely curious about what cryptic things it held, Sungmin opened it.

"What is this.." he mumbled quietly to himself uncovering the contents of the box.

A small starcraft keychain, an old tattered photograph of Kyuhyun's parents from their wedding. He smiled softly seeing how nicely Kyuhyun had kept these small articles that certainly was very significant to the boy.

Sungmin came across some music sheets. Kyuhyun wrote his own music? That was unexpected.



He scrunched his eyebrows as his fingers ran through a couple of money notes.Why was Kyuhyun preserving money notes? It did not make sense at all.

Sungmin gasped as he saw his familiar handwriting.



                                                 You didnt really expect me accept your treat that easily right?
                                                              Dont pay for me! I dont like owing people money!
                                                    You better accept this or I shall come and kill you in your sleep!

                                                                                          ~Lee Sungmin :)



This was back from when Kyuhyun had bought him the blueberry yogurt. Sungmin remembered penning it down hurriedly and attaching a money bill to the piece of paper before Kyuhyun drove him home.

Kyuhyun had kept it all this while? Why would he do that.




Sungmin's heart fluttered strangely and then he closed the box in a hurry hearing the sound of the running water ceasing.

He dove into the bed and brought the blanket upto his nose as the door to the bathroom opened. Kyuhyun sauntered outside wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.



'Talk about an awkward situation', Sungmin thought flushing crimson while clenching his eyes shut and manuvering himself so that he couldnt see Kyuhyun.

What? He did not take a peek. He totally did not. Okay. Maybe he did.

Sungmin stiffened as now fully dressed Kyuhyun walked closer and arranged the comforter properly over him.

Kyuhyun sat down beside Sungmin and dialled a number. He carressed the sleeping boy's hair gently as he waited for the Ahra Noona to attend the call.

"Hello? Kyubaby,what's up? Ahra chirped merrily over the line.

Kyuhyun whispered softly," Noona. Can you cover for Sungmin?"

Ahra answered skeptically,"Hmm, why should I do that Kyubaby?"

"I'd do all your chores for three days." Kyuhyun offered slowly.

"Make it a week and we have a deal."

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and exclaimed,"Alright alright. Just don't tell Mrs.Lee about Sungmin resting from a hangover, okay?  Say we're working on...homework. Yes. Say that he's staying to complete homework."

"Really Kyuhyunnie? Okay fine. I shall improvise. But how did Sungminnie get so drunk? And you did not stop him,hmm?" Ahra asked sternly.


Kyuhyun yelped indignantly," I did Noona. Of course I did. It was all for some challenge. Forget about it okay? I have to go now."


Ahra Noona laughed,"Alright. Take care of Sungmin,okay Kyubaby? Im counting on you."

Kyuhyun tossed the phone to the bedside after bidding his noona goodbye.


He gently slide into the comforter and scooted closer to Sungmin who cuddled to him automatically.

Right when Kyuhyun was about to fall asleep he heard a small whisper. Almost Inaudible.


"Kyu. When you said that I wouldnt even miss you while you were gone? You lied to me."

"Cause I did miss you.."






Its been a while, hasnt it? >//< I had been updating my other stories, To Your Heart and When Sandeul Stays Over.

Do comment and upvote, alright? I would love to hear from everyone.



Have a nice day~! Until next time :))

~95anichan signing off <3




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20 Chapters edited, guys :))) I'm slowly getting my feels for this fic back.. just wait a little bit more; thank you for supporting


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Chapter 32: Will u continue all the story ?? Why ?
Chapter 32: Ehhh?? Discontinued?? Why???
nAJOnHyun #3
Chapter 32: Discontinued?! TAT
Chapter 32: i hope you will update soon>.< i really like this story! i know you have not much time but if you have some please update:) but i don't want to rush you!:) just really want to see them together...<3
I hope you are doing just fine.
I'm really wondering whether the fic is going to be completed or not?

Well, since that fic has been updated since 2013, I hope that you can reply to my curious question.
Thank you and hope you have a nice day.
Chapter 32: *Giggling cutely because I don't want to be categorized as creepy fan.

I think it is safe for me to say that angst is not your thing. Whenever you got to the angst part, your writing got a bit awkward. I think your fluffiness are more dominant, or you just don't want something bad happen to them. Like all of us too :))

*dreamily thinking about a scene where Kyuhyun and Sungmin kissing in the play in front of many people*

Thank you for the story. XOXO
AnnabelleRaen #7
Chapter 32: Ooooh, shizz just got real! C'mon, sungmin, wake your arse up and kiss the damned kitten >.<
hanie1 #8
Perfect just like always. I'll be waiting for the next chapter. I hope Kyuhyun and Sungmin will get together soon.
Minh-Phungly #9
Chapter 32: I read All of your stories, and love them All. Every Single Story
Chapter 32: uh, poor Min >.<
I hope he will get better and believes Kyu and the others when they say that everything is all right and he there's no need to feel this guilty =(
I'm so looking forward to Minnis reaction to what Kyu said at the end XD