Chapter 11

You+Me=Love?! [Discontinued]


Sungmin yawned loudly feeling exhausted and worn out. His eyes were drooping and he had almost fallen asleep when he heard Kyuhyun whimper, " U-umma..."   Sungmin was awake in a second and he leaned over the squirming boy and gently grazed his hand over Kyuhyun's arm and squeezed it.
Kyuhyun opened his eyes slowly and was confused to see himself in an unknown surrounding. His fears were put to a rest when he noticed the familiar brown orbs locking eyes with him.  Sungmin seemed relieved for some reason. Wait..How did they get here? Weren't they at college?
With his mind flooded with so many questions, Kyuhyun sat up suddenly and clutched his head due to the sudden wave of dizzeness that affected him.
"Kyuhyun-ah! What are you thinking?! You still have fever! You can't get up so abruptly" scolded Sungmin, pushing back Kyuhyun gently back into the pillows.
Looking at the questioning eyes, trained on him, Sungmin explained gently, "You had high fever and I didn't know where you lived so I brought you here, to my house.... How are you feeling now, Kyuhyun?" 
"I feel as if a train just ran over me" he groaned, settling back into the mattress and cuddling to the pillow.
Sungmin winced, "Umma will be getting soup for us any minute now! So you can go back to sleep after having medicines." 
"What?! I can't impose myself on you and your family like that! I'll just go home and rest now...." he mumbled meekly.
" YAH! Aishh this kid! Cho Kyuhyun?! Have you seen youself? You are in no condition to go home -let alone drive. I will not allow you to leave now! Over my dead body!" replied Sungmin indignantly.
"B-but Min..", he tried again.
"Dont but Min me, You are sick! So there's no way I'm listening to you." 
"Fine..." Kyuhyun sighed in defeat.
Honestly speaking, he was glad that Sungmin had insisted.
Kyuhyun couldn't ask his mom because it would be too bothersome for her to travel all the way here. Leeteuk Hyung was currently on vacation with a secret someone  and was not expected to be back in another two weeks. So asking for his help would be useless. Kyuhyun had expected to spend his sickness in the confines of his bedroom with noone to take care of him. He usually used to spend his sickness curled into a ball hiding in the warmth of his bed, eating medicine and bread.
His reminiscing was interrupted by Sungmin's umma who waddled into the room, balancing a tray with bowls of steaming hot goodness of chicken and plates of freshly baked bread. 
Kyuhyun his lips looking at the delicious meal in front of him. It had been ages since he last had a home cooked meal as he usually used to order takeout or eat instant ramen. Sungmin got up from his seat in a hurry, almost stumbling over the chair and assisted Umma to serve the meal. 
"Aigoo, Minnie-ah! Be careful. Don't spill the soup on Kyuhyun!" Umma scolded lightly handing over the tray to her son.
"Ne, I'll take care umma." replied Sungmin cheerfully.
"Look at this kid! Being so cheerful when your friend here is sick!" teased his mother.
"Ummmaaaaa~" Sungmin whined.
"I still need to know what happened to you yesterday! But for now both of you eat properly, If I even see as much as a drop left, I shall be mad." Umma teased, ruffling Sungmin's hair affectionately and sending a warm smile to Kyuhyun. After Umma left, Kyuhyun turned over to Sungmin who was occupied arranging the spoons and the bowl.
"Your mom is so kind and generous. She didn't even ask you any questions about me! I mean- her son brings in a sick person and was missing for a day, and.."said Kyuhyun, slightly overwhelmed at the warmth and affection shown by Sungmin's mother.
"Umma trusts me, ya know? She has a special ability to determine a person's personality at the first meeting and I think she already likes you.." replied Sungmin pushing a bowl of soup and oven-fresh bread towards the latter.
"I'm glad.." Kyuhyun replied wistfully.
Sure, his umma cares for him too but he rarely received such motherly affection due to her work and his schedule. Ahra Noona used to spoil him when she was here but now that she left, he had nobody living with him and taking care of him, and he kind of missed that.
He was shaken out of his feelings of longing when a bowl of steaming hot soup was placed on his lap. "Eat.. "Sungmin commanded, handing over a spoon and chopsticks to him.
Looking at Kyuhyun's lost expression, Sungmin continued,"Your fever has gone down a bit but you still need to eat to have some tablets so eat.." Slightly nodding his head, Kyuhyun dunked his spoon into the soup and hesitantly brought it to his lips.
"Why are you behaving like you've never had soup before?" laughed Sungmin.
"You're such a dork Kyuhyun!" teased Sungmin chuckling at Kyuhyun's actions.
Kyuhyun slightly blew out on the spoon before putting it into his mouth. The deliciousness of the simple meal gave him a strange thrill. Kyuhyun sighed blissfully as the taste of chicken and slight hint of tanginess evaded his tongue, making him crave for more. 
"This is delicious! "he cried.
"Uh...Of course! Umma is a wonderful cook" mumbled Sungmin between gulps of the soup.
"You should try Umma's bread too..." he adviced, placing a roll into Kyuhyun's plate.
Kyuhyun nodded enthusiasically and sunk his teeth into the still warm bread. He nearly squealed when the sweetness of the bread roll took over his taste buds. He sighed blissfully after swallowing the melt-in-the-mouth treat and said," Your mom is so amazing Min! You're so lucky that you can have all of this whenever you want. No wonder you are so chubby."
"You did not just call me fat, you brat!" Sungmin yelled, pinching Kyuhyun's waist.
"Ouch! Sungmin.." protested Kyuhyun, rubbing his fingers at the sore spot.
"I carried you from the cafeteria into your car, drove you safely home, got yelled at by Umma and carried your heaviness upstairs and even gave you my clothes! Aishh this kid... You tell me now that I am fat?! How could you? Meanie~" pouted Sungmin.
"You did all of that?"Kyuhyun asked amazed.
"Yeah, what did you think, tinkerbell gave us a ride home? You are so heavy Kyuhyun! My spine is killing me now, you brat" 
"Min.." Kyuhyun called apologetically.
"What? Are you gonna call me more names now?" 
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way.It just came out wrong..." Kyuhyun tried again.
"Fine. I'll let you go just this once because you are sick, okay?" Sungmin replied.
"For the record, you, my friend, are not fat. You are perfect, Sungmin! And none would have been able to handle the body weight of someone taller." 
"So you are calling me short now?!" yelled Sungmin incrediously.
"Yah! Lee Sungmin! Stop twisting my words, will you?" answered Kyuhyun exasperately.
He continued, poking Sungmin's biceps, " Have you seen these muscles? You're so strong Min! " 
Sungmin squirmed in his seat and replied hesitantly," I guess..."  Feeling awkward, Sungmin laughed lightly and said," Lets just eat.....okay?"
The two slurped the remaining soup in silence with occasional groans of satisfaction from Kyuhyun. Umma returned to the room just when they were wolfing down the remaining bread rolls.
Surprised at the sudden entrance Sungmin choked on the piece of bread, gasping for breath.
"Aigoo~Minnie-ah! You greedy! How many times have I told you not to eat so quickly?" she scolded while slapping Sungmin's back lightly.
"Ummmaaaa" Sungmin pouted after he had swallowed the bread.
"Arraso. I wont embarass you in front of your friend." his mother replied smiling knowingly.
"Kyuhyun-ah, I have brought some tablets for you..Are you allergic to any medicine,son?" she asked tenderly.
"No, Mrs. Lee, I dont have any allergies of that sort." he replied politely.
"No need to be so uptight,son! You can call me Umma,okay? Sungminnie here is allergic to painkillers, you see, so its always good to ask before medication.." 
Kyuhyun's eyes widened at Umma's statement, he asked fearfully," What will happen if he have painkillers,Umma?"
Sungmin broke into the conversation and said bluntly," I'll die.."
Kyuhyun gasped at Sungmin's statement, worry infiltering his system.
"Minnie-ah! Dont say such things! I don't know why I allow you to train so rigerously and practise martial arts.." she scolded lightly.
"Ummmmaaa~ We have gone over this a million times already!" he whined.
"Okay, okay..." replied Umma handing over a glass of water and crocin to Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun gladly accepted the pill from Sungmin's mom and swallowed it in one gulp.
Leaving the two boys to rest, umma gathered the used dishes and shut the door quietly. The silence was deafening. A strange sort of awkwardess hung around the air, causing Sungmin to groan.
"Stop feeling bad for me, okay? I can handle pain well so you needn't go on a guilt trip." 
"But Sungmin, what will..."
"Kyuhyun, lets just drop the topic okay? You need to rest..." sighed Sungmin settling into his chair beside the bed.
"Come and sleep here  Min.." urgued Kyuhyun.
"Whaaaaa- NO! I dont be infected by your germs!" protested Sungmin, indignantly.
"We already shared the same plate while eating so I doubt whether that still matters.." muttered Kyuhyun.
"And you need to sleep too! You were practically falling from the chair a little while ago" Kyuhyun continued, scooting over to allow some space for Sungmin to sleep.
"Fine.." came the defeated reply. 
Sungmin was secretly glad to join Kyuhyun. He was so exhausted from that morning's activities and he wanted nothing more than to rest his sore back muscles and tired limbs.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt Kyuhyun breathing down his neck. "Thank you for looking after me today...Sungmin"
Sungmin smiled softly at Kyuhyun's words before falling into fitful sleep.


Edited: 25/03/2014
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20 Chapters edited, guys :))) I'm slowly getting my feels for this fic back.. just wait a little bit more; thank you for supporting


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Chapter 32: Will u continue all the story ?? Why ?
Chapter 32: Ehhh?? Discontinued?? Why???
nAJOnHyun #3
Chapter 32: Discontinued?! TAT
Chapter 32: i hope you will update soon>.< i really like this story! i know you have not much time but if you have some please update:) but i don't want to rush you!:) just really want to see them together...<3
I hope you are doing just fine.
I'm really wondering whether the fic is going to be completed or not?

Well, since that fic has been updated since 2013, I hope that you can reply to my curious question.
Thank you and hope you have a nice day.
Chapter 32: *Giggling cutely because I don't want to be categorized as creepy fan.

I think it is safe for me to say that angst is not your thing. Whenever you got to the angst part, your writing got a bit awkward. I think your fluffiness are more dominant, or you just don't want something bad happen to them. Like all of us too :))

*dreamily thinking about a scene where Kyuhyun and Sungmin kissing in the play in front of many people*

Thank you for the story. XOXO
AnnabelleRaen #7
Chapter 32: Ooooh, shizz just got real! C'mon, sungmin, wake your arse up and kiss the damned kitten >.<
hanie1 #8
Perfect just like always. I'll be waiting for the next chapter. I hope Kyuhyun and Sungmin will get together soon.
Minh-Phungly #9
Chapter 32: I read All of your stories, and love them All. Every Single Story
Chapter 32: uh, poor Min >.<
I hope he will get better and believes Kyu and the others when they say that everything is all right and he there's no need to feel this guilty =(
I'm so looking forward to Minnis reaction to what Kyu said at the end XD