Chapter 10

You+Me=Love?! [Discontinued]


Sungmin stirred from his sleep and tried to get up only to find out he was being squished by Kyuhyun's arms. The storm had subsided leaving a breathtaking beautiful rainbow painted across the sky. He tried to wriggle out of Kyuhyun's hold who was still fast asleep. Sungmin saw Kyuhyun's cellphone sprawled across the floor next to them and stretched his arm towards it.
Just as he was trying to grab the phone, his palm accidently came in contact with Kyuhyun's face. He gasped when his palm sensed Kyuhyun's burning hot skin.
The boy had high fever. Sungmin cursed himself for not noticing it sooner. Kyuhyun's face was adorned with an unusual flush, his lips were dry and he was drenched in cold sweat.
"K-kyuhyun?" he spoke out fearfully. "Kyuhyun? You need to wake up! Its morning already-"
Looking at Kyuhyun's unresponsive state, Sungmin started shaking the sleeping boy, "Kyuhyun..You're burning up!"
"M-min..?" Kyuhyun gasped out.
"You're awake!" Sungmin breathed in relief.
"It h-hurts.." he whimpered.
"What's wrong, Kyuhyun? What hurts?" asked Sungmin worriedly.
"C-cold" he mumbled a response barely audible.
'Oh what should I do?! I don't know where Kyuhyun lives and there is no signal on his phone...I can't even contact his family. What should I do?' thought Sungmin frantically.
He took off his sweatshirt and covered Kyuhyun's shaking form with it. Gritting his teeth at the sudden invasion of cold air.
Its good thing that its a Saturday today...So know one would come across them and start asking weird questions.' he thought while feeling Kyuhyun's jeans pocket for the car keys.
He gently brushed away hair from Kyuhyun's forhead and sighed. Kyuhyun had fallen asleep again but was still shivering due to the cold atmosphere.
Without hesitating, Sungmin gathered Kyuhyun in his arms and started walking towards the exit.
"Hang in there Kyuhyun!" he whispered softly to the sleeping boy.
Fortunately there wasn't even a single soul out on the roads that day. Otherwise people would have been surprised by a boy dressed only in a black wifebeater carrying an unconscious person in his arms. He might have been stopped or even worse the paparazzi might have spotted them causing tongues to wag.
Sungmin stepped over the broken branches of the trees and spotted Kyuhyun's blue sports car.
He opened the door of the car with a lot of difficulty with Kyuhyun sleeping in his arms. Sungmin laid Kyuhyun down carefully on the backseat and then shoved their backpacks on the floor of the car. He made way to the front and started the ignition of the car and the heater; and drove carefully not wanting to disturb Kyuhyun's sleep.
Sungmin breathed out in relief feeling the warmth of the heater slowly seep inside the car causing the atmosphere to become deliciously warm.
After driving for a couple of minutes, he stopped the car at the curb of a chemist shop. But unfortunately it was closed due to the previous evening's happenings.
Sungmin banged his fist on the wheel in frustration. Hopefully his Umma would have some medicine that would make Kyuhyun feel better.
He restarted the car after glancing behind to see how the sick boy was faring and sighed in worry when he noticed Kyuhyun's chest rising and falling rapidly.
It seemed as if his fever was refusing to decrease.
Sungmin pushed his foot down on the accelerator and drove as fast as he could without causing Kyuhyun any sort of disturbance. The neighbourhood had been badly affected by yesterday's storm, he thought on seeing boughs and branches sprawled on the road.
His attention was rapidly taken by the sick boy when Kyuhyun whimpered, "U-umma, N-noona it hurts...."
Sungmin's eyes widened on hearing Kyuhyun's murmers and started driving as fast as he could. He broke several signals but it did not matter anyways because there were no automobiles around that early morning.
"Hang on, Kyuhyun-ah!" he whispered, his mind full of anxiety and worry for the sleeping boy.
Sungmin leapt out of the car as soon as it touched the sidewalk of the house and jogged towards the car door. He felt Kyuhyun's forehead and sighed anxiously when there was no change in his temperature. Sungmin gingerly picked up the sick boy and after holding him in a safe position walked towards the house.
He rapped on the front door and rung the bell frantically, wanting to give Kyuhyun medical aid as soon as possible.
Mrs. Lee  opened the door with a frown and scolded, "SUNGMIN! WHERE THE HELL WER...!"
Her words died down when she saw the sleeping boy in her son's arms.  "Umma please..I'll tell you everything later. Kyuhyun is very sick." he pleaded.
"That is ...t-that is Cho Kyuhyun?!" his mother wondered her eyes widening in surprise.
Seeing her son's exhausted and frantic state, she did not ask anymore questions and wordlessly let them in. "Minnie-ah, take the boy to your room...Change his clothes into something warm. I shall come up to your room in a couple of minutes.." said Umma gently, pressing a kiss to her tired son's head.
Without replying, Sungmin just nodded his head weakly and walked up the stairs. His spine was screaming in protest but this was no time for him to be selfish.
"Jinnie-ah! Come here quickly!" yelled umma.
"What is Umma? Is hyung back yet?" Sungjin yawned sleepily and rubbed his eyes.
"Yes! I need you to get me the box where we keep all the medicines." his umma instructed while filling a bowl with cold water and soaking a peice of cloth in it.
"Umma? Hyung is sick?!" asked Sungjin worriedly as he walked towards the closet.
"No.. His friend is.. I'll explain later. Now hurry!" replied umma.
"O-okaaay..." he mumbled before jogging to the drawer where the box was kept.
Meanwhile upstairs, Sungmin finally reached his bedroom after a lot of huffing and puffing and had put down Kyuhyun on his pink bed.  'Clothes, Clothes, Clothes...' he thought while rummaging through his closet for fresh clothes to keep Kyuhyun warm.
He felt very awkward looking down at Kyuhyun's sleeping form but it had to be done.
'Heck?! Both of us are guys so it shouldnt matter right?' Sungmin thought hesitantly.Taking a gulp he started ing Kyuhyun's uniform. He wanted it to be over as soon as possible. The situation was positively mortifying.
Sungmin wanted to wake him up and command him to change but he obviously couldn't do that to a sick person now,can he?  No, he wasn't that heartless.
He slowly raised Kyuhyun up just enough to remove his pants. His fingers moved quickly and he soon finished dressing Kyuhyun in a fresh pair of pajamas that belonged to him.
He leaned over Kyuhyun who looked much more comfortable out of the uniform, and placed his palm over his burning forhead. Kyuhyun visibly seemed to relax under Sungmin's cool touch and he groaned slightly. Their moment was interrupted by the entrance of Umma who brought the bowl and Sungjin tagging along behind her.
Sungjin's eyes threatened to drop out of his socket when he saw Kyuhyun, The Cho Kyuhyun sleeping in his brother's bed under their roof.
Before he could shriek, Sungmin who already predicted his brother's reaction clamped his palm across Sungjin's mouth, effectively causing the latter to swallow all his words.
Sungmin dragged Sungjin outside, momentarily leaving Kyuhyun under his mother's care and he whispered harshly towering over his shocked brother's form , "Kyuhyun is sick now.So if you even dare of calling your little girlfriend over, I'm gonna pound you to the floor! I don't want Sunny here shrieking and fangirling all around her right now..The last thing that Kyuhyun needs now is a headache and I am definately not gonna let that happen. Do you understand?" 
"Someone's pretty chummy with Cho Kyuhyun." Sungjin commeneted with a sly grin.
"Shut your mouth right now or I'll spank you so hard that you won't be able to sit for a week" threatened Sungmin.
"Fine fine. I won't call Sunny over, I promise. I don't want her attention to be occupied by him." .
Ruffling his brother's unruly hair Sungmin said, "Do I smell jealousy here?" 
"Okay Fine! I won't tease you. Now go scram and make your hyung a cup of green tea." replied Sungmin affectionately. He gently gave Sungjin a push forward before returning back to his room.
He saw umma soaking the cloth in cold water, squeazing it to remove the excess water and gently placing it over Kyuhyun's forehead. He walked slowly and sat down on the bed. Umma glanced at him after feeling the bed dip due to the added weight.
She motioned for him to take over the task and whispered, "I'll prepare some soup for you and Kyuhyun. Minnie-ah you must be hungry,right? I can't give Kyuhyun any medicine on an empty stomach so stay here and look after him, okay?"
Sungmin nodded.
"Sungmin-ah, you need to change into something warm too! You can't just sit there in a wifebeater!" his mother commented before taking her leave.
Sungmin walked to Kyuhyun and followed his umma's administrations with the cloth. After placing it back on Kyuhyun's forehead, he rummaged through his closet and was soon dressed in a pair of pink pyjamas covered with bunnies and hearts.
Sungmin pulled the chair from his study table and sat near Kyuhyun. He glanced wistfully at Kyuhyun's sleeping form and murmured softly," Get well soon Kyuhyun-ah, I need you to be well again."
Sungmin turned around to change the cloth and he missed the gentle smile that came across Kyuhyun's sleeping form, subconsciously registering Sungmin's whisper....


Edited: 24/03/2014

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20 Chapters edited, guys :))) I'm slowly getting my feels for this fic back.. just wait a little bit more; thank you for supporting


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Chapter 32: Will u continue all the story ?? Why ?
Chapter 32: Ehhh?? Discontinued?? Why???
nAJOnHyun #3
Chapter 32: Discontinued?! TAT
Chapter 32: i hope you will update soon>.< i really like this story! i know you have not much time but if you have some please update:) but i don't want to rush you!:) just really want to see them together...<3
I hope you are doing just fine.
I'm really wondering whether the fic is going to be completed or not?

Well, since that fic has been updated since 2013, I hope that you can reply to my curious question.
Thank you and hope you have a nice day.
Chapter 32: *Giggling cutely because I don't want to be categorized as creepy fan.

I think it is safe for me to say that angst is not your thing. Whenever you got to the angst part, your writing got a bit awkward. I think your fluffiness are more dominant, or you just don't want something bad happen to them. Like all of us too :))

*dreamily thinking about a scene where Kyuhyun and Sungmin kissing in the play in front of many people*

Thank you for the story. XOXO
AnnabelleRaen #7
Chapter 32: Ooooh, shizz just got real! C'mon, sungmin, wake your arse up and kiss the damned kitten >.<
hanie1 #8
Perfect just like always. I'll be waiting for the next chapter. I hope Kyuhyun and Sungmin will get together soon.
Minh-Phungly #9
Chapter 32: I read All of your stories, and love them All. Every Single Story
Chapter 32: uh, poor Min >.<
I hope he will get better and believes Kyu and the others when they say that everything is all right and he there's no need to feel this guilty =(
I'm so looking forward to Minnis reaction to what Kyu said at the end XD