Chapter 6

B1A4's New Roommate



Sandeul impatiently waited for Mina to get out from her practice. He knew already that she would be coming with him to Japan. He was so excited! He hoped they could sit next to each other on the plane. He wanted to ask her out on a date to get sushi. His mind was racing with ideas of things he could do with Mina that he didn’t even notice that she came out of the dance room.

Mina waved to him, but Sandeul stood there looking dazed and smiling.

“Yah…”  Sandeul didn’t reply.

“YAH!” Mina yelled as she hit him on the head.

“MINA!” Sandeul yelled as he took her into his arms “Are you excited to be coming with us to Japan! You need to practice! Me and Shinwoo hyung will help you with the dances tonight so that you can learn them quickly! We already talked about it! We are all so excited for you to be coming with us!” Sandeul spoke so fast, Mina wasn’t able to reply. She laughed at his excitement and linked arms with him beginning to walk.

“Let’s just go back to the dorm. We’ll talk about it later!” Mina smiled and Sandeul nodded.

While walking home, Sandeul told her about his schedule and she laughed at all the funny stories her told her. When they arrived home, they were greeted by everyone’s excitement about Mina joining them in their concert in Japan. Well, almost everyone. Today Mina didn’t see Jinyoung. Usually he is in the living room and rolls his eyes or says something rude to her, but today he wasn’t there. It was nice, but kind of strange to Mina. She was used to his annoying presence now and it felt weird not having him there to say something to make her mad.

“Mina, let’s go on a date in Japan!” Bara said putting his arm around Mina and pushing Sandeul out of the way.

“Yah! Sunwoo, she’s going out with me!” Sandeul said sticking out his tongue. “We’re getting sushi, you know! I already decided!” Sandeul continued.

Mina laughed at the boys. Their cuteness was overwhelming.

“Actually, she isn’t going out with either of you.” A voice said, coming out of nowhere.

“And why is that?!” Baro replied, looking annoyed.

“We’re going there to work. Not to go on dates with the backup dancers.” The voice continued.

Mina rolled her eyes. Obviously the voice was Jinyoung’s. But where was he?

“Where are you hyung?” Gongchan said looking around the room.

CNU was the once who spotted Jinyoung, who was on all fours behind the couch looking under it.

“What exactly are you doing?” Baro asked curiously and with a hint of judgment. Jinyoung didn’t reply.

Everyone walked around to watch him as he frantically searched under all the chairs in the room. The members exchanged glances with each other. They all couldn’t help but notice that their reliable leader has been having very strange moments lately. Not always, but sometimes they catch him acting weird and spacing out, or he has moments where he is doing weird things like this.

Everyone is awoken from their thoughts after Jinyoung lets out a loud gasp.

“What is it hyung?” Sandeul asked worried. Mina looks on confused and a bit annoyed. “Jinyoung is so weird.” She thought to herself

“I found it!” Jinyoung yells as he reaches his hand under one of the chairs and pulls something out looking like an excited child.

“Found what?” Gongchan asks, walking over to Jinyoung, only to find his leader holding something he hasn’t seen or thought of for weeks.

Jinyoung runs off to his bedroom and shut the door.

“What the hell was that?” Baro asks sitting down in the chair that Jinyoung was just searching under.

Mina walks off, not really caring about the whole situation anymore. She goes into her room to get her phone that she left in the dorm all day. She actually wanted to text Minhee and Jihyun about the bizarre thing that just happened. “It’s never a quiet day in the B1A4 dorm…” Mina mumbles herself as she turns her phone on.

“Hey Mina noona, we’re leaving in 3 days you know. You should be learning the dances, not sitting around on your phone.” Gongchan scolds Mina while walking into her room.

“I just danced all day. Let me take an hour break. And don’t boss me around!!” Mina yells and drops her phone on the ground and bends down to pick it up, but Gongchan gets to it first with a curious look in his eye.

He holds the phone up, eyeing it before looking up at Mina. “What’s this?” he asks Mina curiously holding up a charm attached to Mina’s phone.

Mina looks at Gongchan confused. “A charm?” she asked, trying to figure out what it wrong with him. What kind of question is that? Obviously it is a charm.

Gongchan looked back down at the charm “dolphin” he says under his breath. But Mina still heard him.

“What of it? I like dolphins.” Mina answers back.

Gongchan looks up at Mina and around her room. He spots a big stuffed dolphin sitting on her bed and smiles.

“You and Jinyoung have more in common than you think.” He says as he hands Mina back her phone.

 “I’ll be back in here in an hour to tell you to practice.” He adds as he walks out of her room. Mina just stands there still confused.

Gongchan walks into Jinyoung’s room hoping to catch him acting weird again. Much to his dismay, Jinyoung was just sitting on his bed writing music on his computer.

“Hey—“Jinyoung starts as he sees Gongchan enter the room.

Gongchan looks to him with eager eyes waiting for what Jinyoung will say.

“Do you know who the main dancer is going to be for our concert?” Jinyoung asked curiously.

“Hmm…I think it is Mina?” Gongchan asked not sure. He vaguely remembered Sandeul telling him, but he wasn’t paying much attention at the time.

“Damn…” Jinyoung says looking back down at his computer.

“What is it hyung? Were you hoping for Hana noona?” Gongchan asked because Jinyoung and Hana had been spending a lot of time together lately. Jinyoung even took her on a secret date a week ago.

“Not really. I just don’t want to have to do my solo with Mina dancing with me.” Jinyoung replied


“You are good at this dance! I think you will perform it well!” CNU praised Mina as he and Sandeul finished practicing “Baby Goodnight” with Mina and Baro. Gongchan and Jinyoung sat on the couch watching, sometimes making commentary.

“Thanks oppa!” Mina beamed, excited to hear his approval.

“I wish there was dancing during my solo song…” Sandeul whined. “I want to dance with you all the time!”

“Speaking of, you should practice Jinyoung’s solo song with him now. I think we need a break.” CNU says wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Mina looked at Jinyoung awkwardly. She had been dreading this moment ever since she heard she’d be the main dancer. She had seen the dance before and dancing seductively with Jinyoung was far from the top of the list of things she wanted to do.

‘Let’s just get it over with then.” Mina said to Jinyoung.

Mina had watched a video of the dance many times, so she thought she knew most of it. She just needed Jinyoung to help her practice a few times.

CNU turned the music on and everyone watched as Mina and Jinyoung awkwardly started dancing. Baro let out a loud laugh and CNU stopped the music.

“Well, first of all, stop acting so weird around each other. You aren’t strangers. Second of all, Jinyoung, you have to actually touch her.” CNU told the two as they both widened their eyes at the thought of touching each other.

The music started again and they did the moves a bit better. Mina pretended he was someone else and she assumed Jinyoung did the same. They danced less awkwardly this time, but when it came time for Jinyoung to hold her, Mina shuddered at the thought. Anticipating Jinyoung’s moves, she suddenly became nervous and tripped and fell, making the both of them tangle in a mess on the floor.

“I make you that nervous when we’re close, huh?” Jinyoung whispered to her teasing a bit. Mina hid her face in embarrassment. She couldn’t help it. Jinyoung was so attractive and the thought of him touching her like that and some of the upcoming moves in the dance made her so nervous. Especially since she and Jinyoung aren’t close at all.


Mina woke up to someone’s arm around her in bed. Confused and still partly asleep, she snuggles in and starts falling back asleep.

“As much as I like this,” a deep voice starts in Mina’s ear “I came here to wake you up.”

Mina’s eyes open wide open. She turns to see Baro in bed with her.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like? I’m giving you a wake-up cuddle!” Baro smiles at her

Mina rolls her eyes and starts getting out of bed.

“Better hurry! We leave to go to the airport in 30 minutes. I let you sleep in a little.” Baro said while continuing to lie in Mina’s bed.

The past few days went by quickly. Mina practiced the dances so much with the other members. However, she and Jinyoung never finished the dance for his solo. She made Sandeul practice it with her last night though, which she thought he enjoyed a little too much. Jinyoung hadn’t said much to her since they danced. He was surprisingly quiet.

Everyone got their bags and started walking them to the van to go to the airport. It was still very early, so everyone was mostly quiet. Mina planned on sleeping during the car ride and probably the plane ride too.

“What’s that?” Gongchan pointed to Jinyoung’s bag looking at Jinyoung with questioning eyes.

“What’s what?” Jinyoung asked him sounding a little annoyed since it was early.

“That keychain on your bag.”

“Oh,” Jinyoung started, looking around “It’s a keychain! I found it the other day. I thought I lost it, but it turns out I didn’t.” Jinyoung said before walking away and getting into the van.

Gongchan walked closer to the bag recognizing the keychain instantly as the dolphin toy Jinyoung won weeks ago. “Hyung didn’t just find this. He searched for it.” Gongchan thought to himself. “What is with this toy?”

In the van, Mina was already sleeping on Baro’s shoulder and Baro was looking very proud. Jinyoung got in the van faced with two seating options. In the back sitting on the end next to CNU or in the middle row sitting on the end next to Mina. He thought for a moment and sat next to Mina. Gongchan got in the van last and looked shocked seeing where Jinyoung was sitting. During the ride, everyone was mostly quiet since Mina was sleeping.

“Yah, are we riding on the plane with the other dancers?” Sandeul asked. Nobody answered. Most members were drifting off into sleep. Jinyoung looked over to Baro who was starting to lay his head down on Mina’s. Mina looked perfectly content laying on Baro. It almost looked like she was smiling. This was annoying him.

“Yah!” Sandeul whispered louder.

“I don’t know!” Jinyoung said turning around giving Sandeul a look that made Sandeul sit back.

“Mina wake up.” Jinyoung said turning around and shaking Mina’s shoulder.

“What the hell? This is nice! She is sleeping on my shoulder just let her.” Baro interfered, pushing Jinyoung’s hand away from Mina.

“Mina! Wake up...” Jinyoung said lifting Mina off of Baro’s shoulder. Mina looked at Jinyoung with confused and tired eyes. Baro turned the other way facing the window very annoyed with Jinyoung.

“hmm?” Mina said looking at Jinyoung. She felt her face heat up when she noticed how close she was to Jinyoung.

“You can’t sleep on him.” 

I did the triple update! I hope you enjoyed. I hope the story isn't too boring. I'm trying to make it interesting without it being too clliche! Please give some feedback!!

also, for those who haven't seen it, this is Jinyoung's solo performance I am mentioning. I HIGHLY recomment watching it because it is really good and will play a part in the upcoming chapter!

Happy reading! <3


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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!