Chapter 16

B1A4's New Roommate


Mina stirred in her sleep, slowly awakening to the sounds of the other members of B1A4 talking loudly in the kitchen. They were impatient for the moment Mina and Jinyoung would come out of Mina’s room. Baro wanted to do nothing but tease them all day.

When they felt that they had been waiting too long, they voted on who should go wake them. Unanimously, they voted for the maknae to carry out the task.

Gongchan slowly opened the door trying not to wake them. He wanted to see them naturally first to see how they slept. They boys all guessed that Jinyoung made Mina sleep on the floor while he slept on the comfy bed.

Gongchan’s eyes widened when he saw that it wasn’t like that at all. Actually, Jinyoung and Mina were in the same bed together sleeping peacefully. Gongchan tiptoed over to the pair. Unfortunately, Gongchan didn’t know that the door was creaky, and when he opened it, it let out a loud creak. Because of this, he didn’t see a perfect view of what was happening. All Gongchan could see was that Jinyoung was sleeping comfortably on Mina’s shoulder while she slept. As soon as Jinyoung heard Gongchan opening the door, he woke up quickly and panicked. In the quickest motion possible, Jinyoung sprung off of Mina’s shoulder and pushed her away from him simultaneously. He pushed Mina so hard, that she rolled off of the bed, waking her up.

Gongchan watched amazed by his leader’s quick actions, and was still at a loss for words from what he saw. This was unbelievable to him; he couldn’t help but wonder what exactly happened last night that made the two so close. His mind wandered as he watched Mina sitting on the floor assessing her pains from falling while Jinyoung sat in bed silently not looking at anyone.

Swiftly, he got out of the bed, stepping over Mina and walking right past Gongchan without saying a word.

Mina, unaware about what Jinyoung was so bothered by since she didn’t know that he was sleeping so close to her, was confused. She looked at Gongchan with a curious look on her face and he shrugged his shoulders at her before putting a hand in front of her to help her up.

Mina and Gongchan walked out of her room to a living room full of stares. B1A4 were watching her closely, trying to get a hint of what was happening.

Mina looked around the room for the red haired boy she shared a bed with, but didn’t see him.

“Jinyoung went out for a walk.” Shinwoo said. Mina couldn’t tell if this was a statement or a question.

“I’m going to take a shower.” Mina replied, ignoring the boys who were expecting some kind of explanation.


When Mina finished her shower, she got dressed and dried her hair. Her mind wandered to the events of last night and all the other confusing moments she had shared with Jinyoung since she became his roommate.

“I’m going to meet up with Jihyun and Minhee today.” Mina announced to the boys who were playing video games in the living room. Jinyoung was still out.

The boys nodded, not really paying attention.

After she left, Baro finally registered what she said to them.

“Did she say Minhee?” he asked still playing the game.

“Mmmhmm.” Gongchan answered trying to take Baro’s moment of distraction to his advantage by shooting a goal against him.

Gongchan’s plan worked and Baro paused the game after letting out a curse.

“I should have told her to say good things about me!” he said annoyed with himself.

“That’s what you’re concerned about? Don’t you want to know what happened with her and Jinyoung last night?” Gongchan asked. “When I walked in, Jinyoung hyung was cuddling her.” Gongchan placed emphasis on the unbelievable.

“It seems that cold Jinyoung may be finally realizing his feelings.” Shinwoo replied thoughtfully.

“I don’t think so. Jinyoung would never like Mina. She isn’t really his type.” Baro replied as he stood up to get the boys some drinks and a snack.

“Oh yeah? And who is?” Gongchan asked in defense.

“Hmmm…” Baro said thinking while he looked through the fridge for drinks. Once he picked some sodas out he shut the door and walked back over, handing the drinks to each of s.

“Kim Hana is.” He finally answered. The rest of the boys let out moans and grunts of disapproval and disagreeance.


“So how was it last night?” Jihyun asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

The girls walked to a boba tea lounge that was located close to their dorms. They always liked to go there when they wanted to gossip freely.

“It was really weird.” Mina began. “He was cold towards me, but at times he was also thoughtful. I really don’t know what to think.” Mina said confused.

“Maybe he likes you!” Minhee said after taking a sip of her taro tea.

“Yeah right!” Mina replied with a snort.

“Speaking of liking someone, Minhee…” Jihyun started, earning an evil stare from Minhee.

“I know what you’re going to say.” Minhee replied annoyed.

“Come on, Minhee. Tell us the real reason you won’t give Baro a chance. I find it hard to believe it is just because he isn’t you ‘type’.” Jihyun thought the idea of Minhee and Baro getting together was incredibly cute, and she wanted to advocate it until it came true.

“Fine. I’ll tell you the real reason, but believe me, you won’t change my mind.” Minhee warned as she put her cup down signifying that the conversation was about to get serious.

Mina and Jihyun scooted their chairs closer to Minhee in anticipation.

“A few years ago I was dating this guy and I loved him a lot. We did a lot together and everyone would always say we were the cutest couple ever; and we were! Well, one thing me and him both had in common was that we both wanted to become singers. His voice was amazing and I loved listening to it. I knew that he would succeed and have a lot of fans. He tried out for a company before me and he immediately got in. The constant training he went through put a bit of a strain on our relationship, but we worked though it because we loved each other. I tried really hard to understand when he couldn’t see me or talk to me, but each day he seemed to be getting more and more distant from me.”

Minhee paused causing Mina and Jihyun to urge her to continue. The two girls were more than invested in Minhee’s story.

“Continue,” Jihyun urged.

Minhee cleared “One day I went to visit him at the company and he pretended he didn’t even know me while in front of the other trainees. When he walked out of the room to talk to me, he told me really big news. He told me that he had finally been selected to be in an idol group and that they would debut in a few months.” Minhee stopped again. This time, Mina and Jihyun could see that the story was about to get serious. Minhee’s face looked sad and her eyes were glassy with held in tears.

“He told me that he didn’t want to see me anymore and that someone like him shouldn’t date someone like me. I guess I wasn’t the kind of girl an idol would date.” Minhee said sadly.

The two girls comforted their friend, finally understanding her feelings.

“So you don’t want to give Baro a chance because of an ex-boyfriend?” Mina asked.

“I’m afraid that he would feel the same way about me. Clearly as an idol, he could date anyone, so I don’t know why he would pick me.” Minhee said sniffling.

“You should just give him a chance! Not every idol is going to be like your ex-boyfriend. He sounds heartless.” Jihyun said with poison in her voice.

“She’s right, and we know the B1A4 guys. They’re all really nice and genuine.” Mina added.

“Try telling that to yourself about Jinyoung.” Jihyun quietly added in a snarky tone.

Mina hit Jihyun and the three girls laughed.

“Maybe you guys are right.” Minhee said wondering if she should give Baro a chance.

The three girls continued to chat about other random things while sharing laughs. When it seemed that they were about done, Mina spoke up.

“I have something I need to tell you guys.” She started nervously.

Lately, Mina had been having a lot of thoughts about what she wants out of life. With all the downtime she has as a trainee, it has given her a lot of time to think.

“What’s that?” Minhee asked curiously.

“Well, I think I’m going to quit being a trainee. I don’t really want to be an idol. I’m not really a singer. I just want to dance.” Mina announced with a little bit of regret in her voice. She felt bad that she was giving up such a huge opportunity, but dancing was more important to her than singing and being an idol. The idol life didn’t really seem appealing to her.

“So what are you going to do?” Jihyun asked curiously.

“I guess, talk to the CEO. Maybe he can allow me to continue being a backup dancer at this company. I don’t want to get my hopes up though.” Mina stated.

Minhee’s face dropped at the thought of not seeing Mina every day. Minhee has always looked up to Mina and Mina was constantly helping Minhee with dancing, which wasn’t one of her strong points.

“Minhee, you look like you’re about to cry!” Mina joked.

“I am!” Minhee cut her off yelling.

“Will you not live with B1A4 anymore?” Jihyun asked.

Mina thought about it. It didn’t seem to make sense for her to continue living there. If she wasn’t a trainee, she would have a lot more independence.

“I would probably go back home and live there.” Mina answered.

“At least you live in this city.” Jihyun said relieved. Minhee nodded her head as she wiped up tears.

“You have to visit us all the time if it ends up you can’t stay as a back-up dancer!” Minhee said trying to hold in her tears.

Mina agreed, feeling nostalgic for all the memories they had shared together in such a short time.

“What do you think the guys are going to say?” Jihyun asked.

Mina laughed at the thought. “They’ll probably be glad to get rid of me!” Mina joked.


Back at the door, the boys continued to have a lazy time on their day off. Some of them didn’t even bother to shower.

While in the middle of watching a horror movie while eating lots of snacks, Jinyoung finally returned from his incredibly long walk.

s looked at him as he walked in silently holding a bag.

“Where did you run off to?” Shinwoo asked.

“I just went to pick something up.” Jinyoung replied avoiding the question. “What are you guys doing?” he asked.

“Watching a movie. Want to join?” Sandeul asked.

Jinyoung nodded, sitting his bag down on the kitchen table before walking over to sit with s.

Little did he know that now he was finally home, they had no intention of continuing to watch the movie. All they wanted to do was ask him a million questions about Mina.

“Soooo…” Baro began causing everyone else to turn to him in anticipation for his questions towards Jinyoung.

“What?” Jinyoung asked, knowing what Baro was planning on talking about.

“How was your first night with Mina?” Baro asked giving Jinyoung a wink.

“How do you think it was?” Jinyoung asked in return.

Baro let out a laugh at Jinyoung’s tactics.

“Did you kiss her?”


“Did you hug her?”


“Did you…CUDDLE her?” Baro asked this question last since he already knew the answer thanks to Gongchan.

“Nope.” Jinyoung answered, surprising everyone.

“YAH!” Baro yelled in response. “I know you’re lying!”

“What does it matter to you? Do you like Mina or something?” Jinyoung asked feeling defensive.

“N-no! You know that! You all know I like Minhee!” Baro replied.

Jinyoung stood up and walked over to pick up his bag. “I have to do something in my room now, so don’t come in until I’m done.”

With those last words, Jinyoung walked into his room and shut his door, leaving s in the living room.

“What was that?” Sandeul asked completely confused by Jinyoung’s behavior.

“I can’t believe he had the nerve to lie and then say I liked Mina!” Baro yelled.

Shinwoo looked at Jinyoung’s door wondering what he was doing in there. His gaze was interrupted when Mina came in through the front door with a serious look on her face.

“I have something important to tell you all. Where’s Jinyoung?” 

Hello again, readers! Thank you soooo much for all the comments!! I wasn't going to add a chapter tonight, but I decided to since so many of you commented. So I hope you like it! I think the story is starting to get really intesting, don't you think? I have a lot of plans, so look forward to them!!
Again, thanks for subscribing and commening! I love you all so much ahh! You motivate me to write more each day!



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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!