Chapter 15

B1A4's New Roommate


In the girl’s dorm, Hana was going crazy with thoughts of what Jinyoung and Mina were doing. All the other girls wanted to sleep, but Hana wasn’t allowing them to. Being the unofficial leader of the group, she suggested they all stay up to distract her. Minhee and Jihyun especially weren’t amused.

“Let’s just go to bed, Hana. It can’t be helped.” Jihyun said annoyed and sleepy.

“I can’t sleep right now! What if Mina tries to do something!”

Minhee and Jihyun laughed at the thought of that.

“Trust me, she won’t.” Jihyun said.

“We should go spy!” Hana suggested and everyone collectively rolled their eyes.


In the B1A4 dorm Shinwoo, Gongchan, Sandeul, and Baro all sit in the same room gossiping about the night.

“Baro, do you really like Minhee or is this just usual flirty Baro behavior?” Sandeul asks

Baro looked at Sandeul in disbelief. “YAH! It’s real!” he replied while attacking Sandeul.

“I don’t think she likes you though, hyung!” Gongchan teased.

Baro sat back and sighed, feeling a little sad that Minhee didn’t pay him any attention. “She will soon.” He replied.

Nobody really believed him, and Baro didn’t really believe himself either.


Mina came back from brushing her teeth to see Jinyoung already in sleep clothes relaxing on her bed reading a book.

“Uh…I’ll sleep on the floor.” Mina said. She assumed being a man Jinyoung would deny her suggestion, saying the girl should sleep comfortably. She was just being nice.

“Okay, that’s fine.” Jinyoung replied not bothering to look away from his book to answer her.

Mina sighed in disbelief.

“Can you leave the room for a moment? I need to change.” Mina said as she pulled out sleep clothes for herself.

“Just go change in the bathroom.” Jinyoung replied still not looking away from his book.

Mina walked out holding her clothes without saying a word. Jinyoung put his book down immediately after she left and looked around her room. It wasn’t overly girly, but he could still tell it wasn’t boy’s room. Next to her bed she had many pictures of her with her friends and family. He looked at a picture of her with her parents, noticing that she looked a lot like her mom.

Jinyoung then scanned the rest of her room, noticing all the toys and stuffed animals. “She’s such a child.” Jinyoung said picking up a stuffed animal and throwing it on the ground. He picked up a pillow for himself and a blanket and put it on the floor making it look like a bed. He then took another blanket and laid down on the floor. He squirmed around a few times trying to get comfortable, but the floor was very hard, so there wasn’t a position that was very comfortable.

When Mina returned in the room, the lights were already off. Mina took a long time in the bathroom feeling nervous about what she was wearing. Her shorts were a little short and the only shirt she had clean was a tank top. She worried that it might be a little too revealing to wear with a boy in the room.

Mina’s room didn’t have a window, so it was extra dark in the room. She felt a blanket on the floor with her feet, so she assumed Jinyoung set up a bed for her. “That’s nice of him.” She thought to herself.

Mina dropped down to the floor, feelings the blanket with her hands as she crawled to where she imagined the pillow would be. She could hear Jinyoung snoring lightly and cutely so she didn’t want to turn a light on for fear of waking him. As she got closer to the pillow, she could hear Jinyoung’s breathing getting louder. Suddenly, her hand patted something that didn’t feel like just the blanket anymore. It was Jinyoung’s sleeping head. Mina jumped back, startled that he was on the floor where she was going to sleep. She sat back, wondering what to do. She didn’t think she could stand up and get to her bed without stepping on Jinyoung at this point and the thought of waking him up terrified her.

As she quietly and slowly stood up, she tried her best to imagine where Jinyoung was to avoid stepping on him. She decided that best option was to jump over Jinyoung and land in her bed.

Just as she lifted one of her feet up to leap onto her bed, she felt Jinyoung grab her hand. Mina stopped, startled by his touch. He aggressively pulled her down to the floor with him. Mina let out a small shriek, partly from her falling and partly from that fact that Jinyoung was pulling her down to him.

Once on the floor, nothing happened. Mina laid on her back and she didn’t feel Jinyoung holding her hand anymore.

“Jinyoung?” Mina whispered.

“What?” he whispered back. But his whisper sounded a little bit angrier than Mina’s did.

“What are you doing?”

Mina heard Jinyoung rustling around next to her. She felt him moving closer to her until they were practically cuddling. Jinyoung rested his head near Mina’s shoulder while his body was close to hers. She could feel the warmth from his body radiating off of him.

“This is what you wanted, right?” he asked with a teasing tone.

Mina’s eyes widened in shock. Actually, this isn’t what she thought would happen in a million years. She didn’t even think he’d speak to her for a second.

“Uhh…” Mina replied awkwardly. She could feel her face getting redder with every passing second.

Jinyoung started loudly laughing at her reaction. Actually, it was the first time Jinyoung ever laughed around Mina.

“I warmed the spot for you. Got to sleep.” Jinyoung said after he stopped laughing. He stood up and jumped into Mina’s bed feeling more comfortable.

Mina laid on the floor not feeling sleepy anymore. Jinyoung was confusing her so much with his bipolar actions, and thoughts of him would not escape her mind. First he takes her to an aquarium out of the blue, and now he’s cuddling with her; even laughing?

She looked up on to the bed and listened to see if Jinyoung was still awake. She couldn’t hear his snores like she did before. “Maybe he was faking” she thought to herself.

“Jinyoung?” Mina whispered trying to determine if he was sleeping or not.

No answer.

“Jinyoung? Are you awake?” She whispered again for reassurance.

“What do you want?”

She heard a reply back. He was awake.

“Are you sleeping?” Mina asked

She heard Jinyoung rustle around in her bed before answering.

“I’m awake.” He replied.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” He replied with little emotion in his voice.

“Why did you take me to the aquarium while we were in Japan?”

There was a silence. Mina waited impatiently, but her heart rate quickened with each passing second.

“I don’t really know myself.” He finally replied.

Mina noticed that this time when Jinyoung spoke to her he didn’t sound as cold as he normally did.

“Are you dating Kim Hana?” Mina decided to ask another question while it seemed Jinyoung was in a good mood.


“I don’t think you should.” Mina warned. She didn’t want B1A4 to experience any difficulties in the group because of Kim Hana and Shinwoo. She assumed that Jinyoung didn’t know the situation; otherwise he wouldn’t be showing her attention.

“Why is that?” Jinyoung asked curiously, thinking that she might confess to him. He was curiously awaiting her response. Mina couldn’t see since it was dark, but Jinyoung had turned his body towards her direction as if he was looking at her while they talked.

“Shinwoo oppa likes her.”

After hearing her answer, Jinyoung felt a little disappointed. He wasn’t really sure why. He turned over so that he was lying on his back, no longer facing Mina.

“Go to sleep.” He finally said.

Mina shut her eyes, trying to obey Jinyoung’s request, but it was pointless. The floor was too uncomfortable.

Mina slowly and quietly crawled over to the door with plans of sneaking out and sleeping on the couch in the living room. She prayed that Jinyoung was asleep and that he wouldn’t catch her.

At this moment, the adrenaline was fueling her movements. Moving swiftly on her hands and knees, she finally reached the door. She twisted the knob while kneeling. The door let out a loud creak, causing Jinyoung to stir in the bed. Mina froze hoping he would fall back asleep.

After waiting a few seconds, Mina finally decided to open the door a little more. The door creaked, but not as loudly this time. She praised herself silently, excited to sleep on the comfy couch.

“Where are you going?” she heard Jinyoung ask just as she was about to close the door.

Mina panicked. Should she ignore him? Should she make something up?

Mina wasn’t someone who could easily tell a lie. She would often stutter and not know how to properly respond to make it sound true.

“I-I was um…going to the bathroom.” She responded quietly.

“No you weren’t.”

Mina sighed, disappointed in her lying skills.

“You’re right.” Mina started. “I was going to sleep on the couch. The floor is too uncomfortable.”

Mina heard Jinyoung rustling around in the bed again.

“Just come sleep on the bed.” He replied.

Mina didn’t move. She felt bad making Jinyoung move to the floor.

“Come on, hurry up. I want to sleep.” He said again.

Mina finally started to move towards the bed. She finally got to the bed and sat on it for a second before sliding under the covers.

Surprisingly, she could sense that Jinyoung hadn’t moved to the floor yet.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you already moved to the floor.” She said feeling embarrassed to be in the same bed as Jinyoung.

“I’m not moving to the floor.” Jinyoung replied sleepily.


“It’s not a big deal, so don’t make a big scene about it. Just go to sleep.”

Mina nodded nervously and settled into bed. She was aware of every move she made and tried her bed to stay as far away from Jinyoung as possible. She was incredibly nervous because this was her first time sleeping in the same bed as a boy.

As she finally got comfortable, she shut her eyes, finally feeling sleepy now that she was lying in her bed.

“Sleep well.” She heard Jinyoung say before she fell asleep.

hello again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know a lot of you are probably very excited! haha Thanks again for all the comments! They make me so happy! When I read your reactions to the story, I always laugh and get ideas for the next chapter! So thanks so much! ^^ I might do a double update tonight,so look forward to it!

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!