Chapter 17

B1A4's New Roommate


“You’re what?!” Sandeul yells in shock.

Each of the members of B1A4 sat in astonishment as Mina told them what she told Minhee and Jihyun.

“Guys, it isn’t a big deal!” Mina smiled. “I already talked to the CEO before I came here and he said he wants me to still be a backup dancer in the company.”

The boys still frowned at the idea of Mina no longer living with them. Even though Mina was still staying in the company and would be there to practice all week, the boys still felt that they’d hardly see her because of their schedules.

“So I’ll still see you from time to time.” Mina smiled.

“But who will clean the dorm?” Shinwoo joked.

“And who will get Minhee to come over all the time?” Baro sulked more at the thought of not seeing Mina or Minhee anymore.

“Yah! That’s what you guys are concerned with?” Sandeul yells, genuinely upset that he won’t be seeing Mina anymore. “You have to promise to visit us!” he said looking at Mina.

“I promise!” Mina says putting up a pinky. “Now, I have to run! I have to meet with the dance instructor. I’ll be back in an hour or two!” Mina yells as she puts her shoes on about to leave.

Once she left, the boys all look at each other trying to assess the situation.

“It’s going to be really weird not having her here anymore.” Gongchan says sadly. “Maybe I was too harsh to her all this time, but I was only joking. I wish I could have become closer to her.” The maknae says sadly.

“She isn’t dying!” Baro yells.

“He’s right. She said we’d still see her, Channie.” Shinwoo replies.

Jinyoung was sitting on the couch expressionless. He hadn’t said anything since Mina called him into the living room to tell them the announcement.

“I have an idea!” Sandeul suddenly yells. “We should throw a surprise going away party for her!” he finishes smiling feeling proud of his good idea. He wants to make sure Mina remembers them all and is seen off in a fun and exciting way.

“That’s a really good idea! Minhee will be invited!” Baro’s eyes light up at the idea.

“Is that all you think about?” Jinyoung asks in a mocking tone as he stands up from his seat.

“I’m going to go out to buy supplies for the party!” Sandeul yells as he puts his shoes on, too excited to wait until later.

“I’m coming with you!” Gongchan chimes in.

“We can have the party tomorrow afternoon, since she said she would be leaving tomorrow night.” Shinwoo adds.

With that, the boys separately break off to prepare. Sandeul and Gongchan go out to get party favors and food. Shinwoo begins cleaning with Baro. Jinyoung returns to his room secretively when nobody is watching and closes the door, ignoring the party preparations.

Jinyoung sits on his bed with his guitar trying to write a new song, but nothing is coming to his mind. Feeling frustrated after a half hour of absolutely no productivity, he sets his guitar down on the floor and dramatically falls back on his bed.

As soon as he does that, he hears a knock at the door. Shinwoo enters, looking around at what Jinyoung was doing, which was absolutely nothing.

“Do you have any ideas for the party?” Shinwoo asks.

Jinyoung rolls his eyes. “Not really.”

Shinwoo walks over and sits on the bed. “You’re going to miss her, aren’t you?” he asks suspiciously.

“What are you talking about?”

“Mina,” Shinwoo starts. “You’ll miss her once she isn’t living with us.”

“I won’t.” Jinyoung states firmly. “I’ll finally have my room back.” He continues.

“Well, we’ll all miss her. Especially Sandeul. I think he is really starting to like her.” Shinwoo says.

“Sandeul?” Jinyoung asks curiously.

“Yeah, haven’t you noticed?”

Jinyoung shakes his head no.

“Whenever Mina is around, Sandeul is always blushing and he isn’t making as many jokes as he normally does.” Shinwoo explains. “I can’t believe you haven’t noticed.” He adds when he sees the blank expression on Jinyoung’s face.

“Well, anyways, I have to go finish cleaning!” Shinwoo says getting up to walk towards the door.

“Hey,” Jinyoung interrupts before Shinwoo leaves the room.

Shinwoo stops and turns around anticipating what Jinyoung is going to say.

“What’s something nice that girls like as gifts?” Jinyoung asks. “Not like something I can buy, but something more meaningful.” He adds.

“For Mina?” Shinwoo asks, thinking he sees though Jinyoung’s ambiguous question.

Jinyoung shakes his head. “No, it’s for Hana.”

“Oh…” Shinwoo says disappointed. “Well,” Shinwoo starts “Girls like memorable things. From what I have learned, they don’t always have to have expensive gifts. Just something that shows that you were thinking about them and what they like. I hope that helps.” Shinwoo says with a bit of sadness in his voice.


“Should we get blue streamers or pink streamers?” Gongchan asks Sandeul while looking curiously at both of the colors in his hand.

“Blue.” Sandeul answers. “She likes blue more.”

Gongchan puts the blue streamers in the basket and the continue walking around the party supply store.

“We need to get a lot of balloons.” Sandeul says.

“Like in the video for Only Learned Bad Things!” Gongchan jokes.

“Exactly!” Sandeul yells as they high-five.

The boys continue to get balloons and other decorations, casually chatting about the upcoming party.

“Are you going to miss her?” Gongchan asks curiously.

Sandeul’s expression drops to a frown. “A lot.”

“We should get her a gift!” Gongchan proposes. “That way she’ll always remember us!”

“I was already thinking of that, actually, but I don’t really have any ideas. Do you?” Sandeul asks

“Actually, I do.” Gongchan says with a smirk

“Well, what is it?” Sandeul asks impatiently.

“I know that you’ll take a lot of pictures at the party; you always do.”

Sandeul nods in agreement

“So, we should get her a photo album and she can put all the pictures from the party in it!” Gongchan finally says, feeling proud.

“That’s a good idea! Let’s go find one!”


Back at the dance studio, Mina practices with the dance instructor on some of the dances she will have to know quickly.

Her attention to the dance moves are somewhat lacking. She feels nervous about leaving so soon. Not only because of leaving all her friends she has made, but also because she will be going back to the boring life she once had. Living with B1A4 and being a trainee was really exciting, and although it wasn’t really something Mina wanted to do in the long run, he had a really fun time doing it. It was going to be sad leaving it all behind so soon.

She quickly shook her thoughts away, telling herself that it wasn’t like she was leaving forever. She was still in the company and she was still dancing and she’d still see her friends as much as possible. She couldn’t figure out what it was exactly that was making her so sad.


That night after Mina got home, the boys, sans Jinyoung, were incredibly clingy to her. They wouldn’t let her go to bed, and instead they stayed up really late playing games, eating, and talking about whatever came into their minds.

Mina was exhausted, but she was having a really fun time and she wanted it to last as long as it possibly could since it was her last night staying with them.

She regretted not trying to spend more time with them when it was possible and she wished that she had become closer to some of them, especially Jinyoung. Mina felt like a failure leaving without being on good terms with Jinyoung yet. Or were they on good terms? It was hard for her to tell, and the whole situation confused her.

“Good night, Mina!” Baro yelled as Mina started sleepily towards her room.

“Don’t sleep in too late tomorrow! We don’t have any schedules!” Gongchan added.

“Good night!” Mina waved, about to close the door to her room.

Within a second Mina felt the door stop. Confused by the door’s inability to close, Mina looked up, only to see Jinyoung’s face.

Mina looked at him confused, asking him with her eyes why he was there.

“Don’t plan to do anything tomorrow morning.” He said looking down at her.

“Why?” Mina asked confused.

“Just don’t. Be ready at 10am.” He said and walked off.

Sorry that this chapter is kind of filler, but it needed to be done! mianhe!!
Next chapter will be much better, which leads me to an important question: Anyone have any fun ideas of things that can happen at the party? I might use your idea if I see some that I like! Just my way of saying thanks! ;)
I have something cool and interesting planned if I can pull it off. so look forward to it!

Again, thanks so much for reading! Recently I got a lot of new subscribers, so thank you all so much! I want to get to know all of you! hehe
I'm looking forward to your comments! <3


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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!