Chapter 23

B1A4's New Roommate



Jinyoung travelled down the road walking towards the bus stop not knowing that s were following close behind him. When he boarded the bus, s followed, trying hard not to be noticed. They watched him closely so they wouldn’t miss when he was getting off of the bus without them. They followed him close behind slowly and quietly trying not to draw attention to themselves.

“Where are we?” Sandeul whispered to the others while looking around at where they were. They were in a part of the city they have never seen before, so they had no idea why Jinyoung was coming here.

Baro pointed in the opposite direction of Jinyoung at a flustered looking Mina walking out of one of the buildings. All the boys looked to watch Mina walking down the sidewalk not knowing she was about to run into Jinyoung.

Mina walked down the sidewalk with her head down trying not to draw attention to herself. She didn’t want strangers knowing she was upset. She just wanted to be invisible until she got to the dorm. She hoped that the boys would be able to cheer her up. They usually did, so that’s why she called Sandeul. She was nervous about calling him, but she was happy he allowed her to come over.

Little did she know, Jinyoung was right in front of her. He saw her, but she had no idea he was there.


Mina looks up to see where the voice came from. She was surprised to see Jinyoung in front of her. He didn’t look happy, but he also didn’t look angry. He just looked like Jinyoung with his small eyes looking deep into hers. His stare sent shivers down her spine. She quickly wiped her tears so Jinyoung wouldn’t see them streaming down her face.

“Why are you here?” she asked him defensively. She wasn’t particularly happy to see him while she was in this state. She never wants Jinyoung to see her weak.

“I came to see what happened.” Jinyoung said while rubbing his hand in her hair like she was a child. Mina looked up at him and noticed a small grin sneaking onto Jinyoung’s face.

“Well, are you going to tell me?” Jinyoung asked impatiently.

“It’s stupid.” Mina said quickly.

“It can’t be that stupid if you are running away from it.”

Mina sighed. It was a stupid reason to be crying and it was a stupid reason to be fighting with her father, but it was still upsetting. She was tired of getting in these stupid fights with her father, but he never cared enough to listen to her side of the story.

“Out with it.” Jinyoung said after he saw the expression on Mina’s face become sad again.

Mina sighed and sat down on a bench that they were close to and began her story.


“Mina, I need to talk to you.” Mina’s father said as soon as Mina came back from getting groceries for her mother.

Mina looked at her father, who had obviously been waiting impatiently for her to return. He was sitting in a chair that was facing the front door watching for it to open to reveal his daughter.

Mina put her bags down nervously, wondering what she did wrong or what her father was upset with her about. The only time he talked to her like this was when he was unhappy with her.

“What’s wrong dad?” Mina asked her father while standing in front of him.

He stood up and walked over to a computer opening a web page that he had saved. Mina followed him over, also looking at the computer about what her father was going to show her.

He clicked on a video to start playing. She recognized the video as soon as it started playing. It was her performance with Jinyoung during his solo. She watched herself dance with Jinyoung as he sang beautifully. She felt her face getting red watching the video with her father.

“This isn’t what I agreed to when I let you become a trainee for that company.” Her father said sternly.

Mina tried to defend herself, but her father wasn’t finished scolding her.

“You’re aware that this boy’s fans aren’t happy about you kissing him? You have ruined your reputation!” her father began to yell.

Mina wanted to defend herself saying that Jinyoung was the one that kissed her, but it was hard to get in a word in when her father was going on.

“You lied to me Mina, you said you weren’t seeing that boy!” her father yelled.

Mina couldn’t take it anymore. According to her father she had ruined her reputation. Who knows how people at school thought of her. Did they think she was some kind of girl who sleeps around with idols? The thought of that was driving her crazy. This was all Jinyoung’s fault. It always comes back to being Jinyoung fault.

Her anger at Jinyoung was taken out on her father. She was mad at both of them. She was so angry that her father wouldn’t let her explain herself. She let her emotions take over and yelled back at all of his absurd accusations until she couldn’t take it anymore. She stormed out of her house in tears. She didn’t want to be home right now. She thought of places where she could go to cool off, but it was too late to eat or get coffee anywhere. Ever since she joined the company, all her friends from school had stopped talking to her, so she couldn’t see them. She knew Minhee and Jihyun weren’t allowed to have visitors. She let out a sigh knowing that B1A4 were her only option, even if it meant seeing Jinyoung.


Mina finished her explanation to Jinyoung. She told him everything quietly and shyly, sorry that she was confiding in the person who caused all of this.

Jinyoung didn’t respond and he didn’t try to comfort her. They both sat in silence, letting the sounds of the cars driving by speak louder than them.

“Why did you really come, Jinyoung?” Mina spoke up.

Jinyoung looked at her nervously. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He said shyly, his eyes looking away from her.

“I’m okay.”

I’m sorry,” Jinyoung said looking back up at her. “for everything.”

Mina nodded, not knowing what to say. It was weird hearing Jinyoung apologize to her.

“Do you want to stay at the dorm tonight?”

Mina didn’t have time to answer before Jinyoung pulled her up forcing her to follow him down the street.

“The kids are probably waiting for you, so let’s hurry back.”

Meanwhile, the rest of B1A4 are in a panic. They see Jinyoung pulling Mina along back towards the direction of their dorm. If they aren’t back before him it’ll be suspicious. They manage to run in front of him without Jinyoung and Mina noticing and catch the bus before Jinyoung and Mina reach the bus stop.

Now that the boys are away from Jinyoung, they have the time to think about what just happened. It was hard to hear what they were saying to each other, but they could see their faces and body language. They had never seen Jinyoung and Mina acting so tame to each other. Normally they would be yelling and giving each other evil stares.


Jinyoung pushed Mina through the front door revealing the members waiting for their arrival. Mina waved awkwardly while giving them a small smile after she noticed how they were looking at her. She felt nervous because they didn’t seem as excited to see her as she imagined they would be. She worried that just a day away from them has already made them strangers.

“Are you staying the night?” Gongchan spoke up.

Mina nodded, hoping that they wouldn’t be angry at her. She originally didn’t have intentions of staying the night there. She just wanted to hang out for a little bit. However, Jinyoung said she would spend the night, and she didn’t want to go against his wishes since he was being freakishly nice to her. She liked that Jinyoung was being so nice, although it did make her feel a little weird.

“Good! You can stay in my room!” Gongchan yelled while clapping. Mina felt relieved that he had a positive reaction. Gongchan pulled Mina into a hug and started pulling Mina towards his room excited for a sleepover.

Mina let out a giggle at Gongchan’s childish behavior. “Can’t I just stay in my room?” Mina asked.

“Jinyoung hyung already got rid of your bed and changed it back into a music room.” Gongchan explained.

Mina walked over and peeked into her old room. Jinyoung had in fact already made it look like Mina never lived in there. “Was he that excited to have me gone that he changed it so quickly?” Mina wondered before shutting the door.

“I guess I will be staying with you after all.” Mina said to Gongchan.

“No you won’t.” Mina heard an authoritative voice say.

Gongchan pouted at Jinyoung while giving him lots of aegyo “Please hyung!”

“There’s no way I can trust her with you anymore.” Jinyoung said quietly so Mina couldn’t hear. “She’ll stay in my room.” Jinyoung speaks up.

Gongchan pouts more, but doesn’t say anything else.

Jinyoung pushes Mina into his room while giving the members a wave before shutting the door.

“I think it’s time for all of us to go to bed.” Were his last words to s.

Sandeul sulks off to his own room, disappointed that he didn’t even get to speak a word to Mina. He had been waiting so long to see her and hear her voice.


On the other side of the door, Mina sits on the side of Jinyoung’s bed while she tried not to stare as Jinyoung takes his shirt off in front of her. She wished so much that he had someone else staying in his room with him. What was he even doing right now? Was he teasing her?

Jinyoung pulled his shirt off while turned away from her facing his closet. Mina admired Jinyoung’s surprisingly muscular back, before he turned around, revealing his also muscular abs. Mina felt her cheeks burn as he started walking towards her on the bed. Her heart beat faster and faster the closer he got. He started leaning down towards her with a stare that could kill. Mina stopped herself from breathing, afraid that anything she did would draw attention to her. She wanted to hide her face, but she couldn’t find the motivation to move any part of her body with Jinyoung shirtless and this close to her. His eyes suddenly darted away from her eyes and looked over her shoulder as he reached for a shirt that was behind Mina. After the shirt was in his hands he backed away from her and put the shirt on with a slight smirk on his face before turning the light off. This time, a small night light illuminated the room.

Seeing Jinyoung walking back over to the bed, Mina took a pillow off of Jinyoung’s bed and placed it on the floor, before sliding off the bed. She took a blanket that was on a chair and laid it on the floor, ready to go to bed.

“What are you doing?” Jinyoung asked as Mina started settling into her makeshift bed.

Mina looked up at Jinyoung, who was now lying in his bed, with a confused look.

“I’m going to sleep.” She replied.

“But why are you on the floor?”

Mina became confused even more. “Because you are on the bed…”

Jinyoung rolled over so he was closer to Mina and gave her an annoyed look before standing up.

“Just sleep in the bed.” He said to her as he pulled her up to her feet.

“No, it’s okay, I don’t mind sleeping on the floor.” Mina said shaking her head. She really didn’t mind, as long as it kept her away from Jinyoung. She was feeling really nervous and uncomfortable around him now.

Jinyoung picked her up suddenly holding her tight before throwing her on the bed and covering her with blankets before getting into bed himself.

“You will be more comfortable here. Goodnight.” He said before turning around from her.

Mina looked up at the ceiling. It was impossible for her to sleep. So many thoughts were running through her head keeping her awake.

When she was sure Jinyoung was sleeping, Mina quietly began getting out of bed. She wanted to sleep, but she felt uncomfortable in the same bed as Jinyoung. Actually, she felt uncomfortable anywhere near Jinyoung right now.

She quietly snuck out of Jinyoung’s room without waking him. Relieved, Mina let out a sleepy sigh before walking over to the sofa in the living room. It wasn’t the most comfortable sofa in the world, but it would do.

Mina sat down at put her head in her hands while messing her hair up. She felt like she was going crazy.

“Can’t sleep either?”

Mina looked up with surprise upon hearing a voice. She turned her head to see Sandeul sitting in one of the chairs also in the room.

Mina nodded shyly.

“Now you know why none of us sleep with Jinyoung anymore.” Sandeul tried to joke, but Mina didn’t laugh.

Sandeul rubbed the back of his neck before standing up to sit next to Mina on the couch.

“You know,” he shyly began while looking down to his fidgeting hands in his lap. “I’m really glad you called. Even if Jinyoung hyung stole all you attention.”

“I’ve been meaning to call…” Mina began. She really had wanted to, but she didn’t know what to say to him. She didn’t even know how to continue what she was saying now.

“It’s okay, we all get busy.” Sandeul said brushing it off. Mina was glad Sandeul understood and wasn’t upset.

“One more thing.” Sandeul said just as he was about to stand up to go to bed.

Mina looked at him, waiting to hear what he was about to say.

“I just wanted to tell you that…that, uh, kiss…” Sandeul stuttered awkwardly. “It wasn’t just because of the game.”

Mina watched Sandeul as his eyes darted to hers and away from her a million times while saying this to her.

“It really meant something to me.” He shyly said before standing up and walking towards his room.

“Sleep well!” He called out to her. Mina was speechless. It wasn’t a full on confession, but it was enough for her to know that Sandeul wasn’t just playing around to her.

Sandeul walked away, but let out a loud yell when he saw someone unexpected.

“Oh, hyung, you scared me!” Sandeul said, letting out a laugh while holding his chest.

Jinyoung ignored Sandeul and looked over to Mina.

“You coming back to bed soon?” he asked her impatiently.

“Eh?” Mina asked confused. She was surprised that he knew she was missing.

“Come on, you need sleep.” He said to her as he walked past a shocked Sandeul to take her arm. He pulled her back to his bedroom, while wishing Sandeul sweet dreams.

Sandeul was stunned. He finally got the courage to say something to Mina and Jinyoung once again stole her attention. “Is he doing this on purpose?” Sandeul wondered out loud before closing his eyes to try to fall asleep.


Mina lays in bed silently, as she listens to Jinyoung tossing and turning. Now she certainly wasn’t going to fall asleep.


Mina looked in Jinyoung directing to see him lying close to her. His small eyes positioned in her direction. She looked over his face and his messy hair. If she actually liked his personality, she might have been happy for this moment because he looked really good.


“Are you going to go out with Sandeul?”

Mina gave him a confused look wondering where this was coming from.

“I heard what he said to you.” Jinyoung confessed.

Mina’s lips turned into an O as she thought about his question. Sandeul didn’t ask her out or anything, so she couldn’t say yes. Although, if he had asked her out, she probably would have said yes.

“I don’t know.” Mina finally replied.

“You shouldn’t.” Jinyoung replied quickly.

Mina felt herself getting a little annoyed with Jinyoung telling her what she could and could not do.

“And why’s that?”

“You just shouldn’t” Jinyoung said not giving her a proper reason. “I’d rather you go out with Gongchan than Sandeul.” Jinyoung said remembering what Gongchan was saying in the car.

Mina could tell Jinyoung meant it as a bad thing, but she didn’t know what he was talking about.

“You are so annoying, do you know that?” Mina said looking at him.

“So are you.”

“I’m so tired of you telling me what to do. Who ever said you had the right to do that?” Mina asked suddenly raising her voice.

“I’m going to sleep in the living room,” Mina continued before Jinyoung had a chance to answer. “I don’t even want to hear you breathe right now.”


Mina opens her eyes letting out a sleepy moan from the loud noises she kept hearing. She looked around to see all of the members already awake and in the kitchen.

“Looks like someone woke up!” Gongchan yelled while running over to the sofa and to jump on Mina.

“Breakfast is just about ready, come sit down.” Shinwoo motioned to her.

Mina stood up and took a seat next to Sandeul. The atmosphere was kind of heavy, but Mina ignored it. She just figured everyone was tired.

Jinyoung came over to the table with plates of food for each of the members, but not for Mina. She looked up at him wondering where her plate was.

“You can get it yourself.” He replied coldly. Mina rolled her eyes. Jinyoung was back to being himself.

Baro brought Mina over her plate of food and gave her a wink before sitting down. She looked at him confused before digging into her meal. She was really hungry.

Even thought Jinyoung was being rude, it was nice having breakfast with them again.

“We have schedules in the morning, but do you, uh, want to go out later?” Sandeul said while looking at Mina.

Mina’s eyes widened. Did he just ask her on a date?

“Is it a date?” Baro teased.

Sandeul’s entire face flushed to a bright pink. “If she wants it to be.” He practically whispered.

“Sure, I’d love that.” Mina said with a smile.

Everyone cheered to tease the two, but Sandeul didn’t care. He was so glad that he was finally going on a date with Mina. He had been waiting for this day since he met her.

Sandeul’s inner celebration was interrupted by the loud noise of Jinyoung standing up. He pushed his chair back into the table loudly before stomping of to drop his plate in the sink, not caring to wash it. He then walked in to his room and shut the door loudly, causing everyone to jump, startled by the loud noise.

“What’s wrong with him?” Baro asked pointing in Jinyoung’s direction.

“Must have woken up in a bad mood.” Shinwoo shrugged as if Jinyoung’s behavior was normal.

Gongchan looked at the smiling couple in front of him and smiled, knowing well what Jinyoung’s outburst was actually about.

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!