Chapter 20

B1A4's New Roommate


Aish Jinyoung thought after five minutes of waiting for a taxi to pass by.

“Let’s just go take the bus.” Jinyoung says as he picks up Mina’s bags again and starts walking towards the bus stop.

Slowly, Mina follows. As she walks, she feels the alcohol hindering her, making her walking slow and wobbly. She feels her legs hardly able to hold her up and her feet barely even move. She lets out a smile whine, not wanting to go any further.

Jinyoung turned around to look at Mina after hearing her whimper. He saw her tired body leaning against her suitcase no longer walking.

“Come on, let’s go.” Jinyoung says, calling her to him.

“I don’t want to.” Mina whines while not even moving her head in his direction.

“We have to. We might miss the bus.” He tried to reason with her.

“It’s too far…” Mina said, letting her whine trail this time.

Jinyoung sighed and began walking towards her. He pulled her up so she was standing up straight and put his arm around her waist to hold her up.

“Come on, let’s go now.” He said puling Mina along with him.

Mina’s body waved around, making it hard for her to walk and even harder for Jinyoung to guide her, but he wasn’t going to let her fall while he was holding on to her. Jinyoung grasped her waist firmly as he pulled her along with him to the bus stop. They got there just in time as the last bus of the night pulled up to the bus stop.

“Do you think you can make it up the stairs into the bus by yourself? I need to pull the bags in.” Jinyoung asked.

Mina nodded; not really listening to a word Jinyoung was saying her. Jinyoung went in first with the bags so he could find a seat for them. Mina stumbled up the stairs to the bus, but managed to get in without falling. She saw Jinyoung already sitting down with her bags all around him and began walking up to him. While Mina wasn’t paying attention, her foot caught on to someone else’s bag, making her trip.

As if it was in slow motion, Jinyoung watched as Mina tripped. He stood up quickly, hoping he could reach her in time to prevent her from falling. Just as he was about to catch her, his actions were interrupted by someone else. Another man quickly grabbed Mina, preventing her from falling to the ground. Jinyoung noticed the man holding Mina tenderly, asking her if she was okay and helping her back to her feet, still with his big arms wrapped around her.

“Yah, hands off.” Jinyoung intervened, taking Mina out of the man’s arms and pulling her towards him.

“Oh, is this your girlfriend?” the man asked. Jinyoung didn’t respond.

“You should take better care of her girlfriend instead of living in your own world. She seems she really needs help tonight. Why don’t you grow up and be a man.” The stranger said to Jinyoung in a condescending tone.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes and grabbed Mina’s arm, pulling her with him roughly as he walked back to his seat extremely annoyed by the entire night.

Mina sat next to Jinyoung feelings sleepy. She looked up to look at Jinyoung’s face and noticed the angry look on his face.

“Are you angry?”

“Just annoyed.” Jinyoung replied simply.

Mina sighed at his response. It wasn’t fair that he was treating her so cruelly when he was the one that volunteered to accompany her home.

“You didn’t have to take me home, you know.” Mina stated obviously.

Jinyoung didn’t respond and continued looking forward. Mina sighed. Now she was annoyed too.

“I wish Sandeul was taking me home.” Mina said under her breath. She didn’t mean for Jinyoung to hear it, but he did.

“Why? So he could kiss you again?” Jinyoung finally looked down at her. Mina looked into his eyes and noticed how angry they looked.

“Why do you care?” Mina was yelled now. It wasn’t any of his business who she kissed.

“I don’t care.” Jinyoung scoffed.

“It’s none of your business anyway! If I want to kiss Sandeul, I will!” Mina yelled back. She didn’t know if the alcohol was making her say these things or not, but deep down, she really meant them. On a normal night she wouldn’t let Jinyoung’s rudeness get to her, but it was getting out of hand tonight and she snapped.

Jinyoung looked away from Mina, letting out a laugh. “You’re obnoxious.”

This pushed Mina over the edge. She was obnoxious? No, he was the one being obnoxious.

“Sandeul is so much nicer than you.” Mina said to Jinyoung with poison in her voice.

This statement made Jinyoung stop and look down at Mina.

“Is that the kind of guy you like?” He asked her angrily. “The kind that is too afraid to even talk to you?”

“Maybe it is!” Mina yelled back, not even paying attention to what she was saying anymore. She just wanted to argue with him and make him angry.

“You really are too much.” Jinyoung said, crossing his arms and looking away from Mina, this time for good.

After sitting on the bus for a while, the bust finally stopped at the bus stop by Mina’s parent’s house.

“This is my stop.” She said quietly to Jinyoung as she stood up. The whole trip after their argument was incredibly silent. These were the first words she was saying to him.

Jinyoung grunted and stood up, taking Mina’s bags in his hands and following her out of the bus.

Jinyoung looked around the neighborhood, noticing that Mina must live in an apartment. It wasn’t the best looking area, but it didn’t look too terrible. It didn’t look as nice as the dorms though.

“Will your parents be home?”

Mina’s expression changed at the thought of her parents. They were probably going to be disappointed in her being drunk. Especially her dad. Sometimes he could be really mean to Mina. She was scared since he was probably already upset with her for not staying a trainee. Her dad didn’t like quitters.

“Probably.” Mina replied.

They walked into the apartment, Jinyoung sometimes having to help Mina walk upstairs without falling over. Every time she stumbled, Jinyoung would complain under his breath.

Mina knocked on the door of her apartment since she didn’t have keys with her. She hoped her mom would open up and her dad would be asleep or something.

The door opened revealing Mina’s tall and sleepy looking father.

He looked at Mina, and then shifted his gaze to Jinyoung.

“Where have you been? You said you’d be home 45 minutes ago.”

“Sorry day,” Mina began trying hard to speak each word clearly. “My friends at the company threw a surprise party for me, so time got away from me.”

Mina’s dad could still tell very well that she had been drinking. The combination of her being home late, drunk, and with a boy made him a little angry.

“Who is this?” he said looking at Jinyoung.

“Jung Jinyoung, sir. I’m the leader of the group your daughter was staying with, so I felt it was my responsibility to bring her home.” Jinyoung answered eloquently. Mina was surprised by the way Jinyoung spoke to her father.

‘Are you dating this guy?” Mina’s father asked, now looking at Mina.

“N-No, dad.” Mina answered, afraid of what her father was thinking.

“You better not.” Her father replied motioning for Mina to come into the house.

Jinyoung begins to follow Mina in with the bags, but Mina’s father put his arm across Jinyoung’s chest, preventing him from entering.

“Not you.” He said harshly, while taking the bags from Jinyoung and shutting the door.

Jinyoung stood them dumbstruck for a second. It was hard for him to believe that he was treated so rudely after making sure that man’s drunken daughter got home safely. Jinyoung really went out of his way to do this.

“I should have let Sandeul take her home.” Jinyoung says as he starts to walk away.

“You think you can come home to this house drunk after you quit training to be an idol?!” Jinyoung overheard Mina’s father yell at her through the walls. He stopped to listen as Mina’s father continued to yell at her. He could hear Mina softly crying, but she would never respond to a thing her father yelled at her.

Jinyoung didn’t really know why he was standing and listening. He had no intentions of getting involved, but he still couldn’t walk away. Maybe because it was interesting to him? Maybe he was curious about Mina’s home life. He remembered that he never really heard her speak much about her parents when she lived with them. Jinyoung remembered when he looked at the photo of Mina and her parents when he stayed in her room. They looked like a happy and nice family; he never would have imagined her father would yell at her like this.

Jinyoung heard a loud crash. It sounded like something broke against the floor. Then, he heard Mina let out a muffled scream.

Jinyoung’s heart started racing as he panicked. He ran back towards the door afraid that Mina’s father was attacking her or beating her. Luckily, Mina’s father forgot to lock the door, so Jinyoung opened it with ease. He saw Mina standing there with her hands covering her face with broken glass all around her. Her father was standing in front of her with a shocked look on his face looking at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung stormed past him, ignoring all the broken glass and took Mina’s hand. Instead of just grabbing her wrist like he usually does, this time he intertwined their fingers. He pulled her out of the living room quickly, not noticing her father yelling at them.

He continued holding her hand until they got outside of the apartment building. He walked her over to the curb and he sat down. Mina wiped a few of her tears and sat down next to him.

She put her head down so Jinyoung wouldn’t see her cry. She felt embarrassed by the situation and she certainly didn’t want Jinyoung to see her as weak. She was afraid he would make fun of her or give her a hard time.

“Did he hurt you?” Jinyoung asked, looking at Mina with concerned sad eyes.

Mina shook her head no.

“Does he ever?” Jinyoung asked. He was afraid it was too personal or too sensitive, but he really want to make sure.

“No, he never does.” Mina answered quietly while stifling her tears.

Jinyoung nodded in understanding, glad that he didn’t have to worry about her safety.

Mina couldn’t hold in her emotions any longer. Even though her dad never actually hurt her, it still scared her whenever he would yell at her. Especially when he would get really angry and throw things like he did tonight. Her tears flowed freely, but she held in her cries so Jinyoung wouldn’t hear her.

Even though it wasn’t audible, Jinyoung still knew she was crying. Swiftly, Jinyoung wrapped an arm around Mina, pulling her close to the side of his chest.

“It’ll be okay, so you don’t have to cry.” Jinyoung said in a sweet and caring tone that Mina had never heard from him before. “Stop crying, okay?” he said before giving her a gentle smile.

hehehe hope you liked this chapter! ;)

(( follow my tumblr if you want! We can fangirl together! ))

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!