Chapter 28

B1A4's New Roommate


The next day in the dance room a pissed of Hana sat drinking a bottle of water. Her patience was growing thin and she was particularly tired of everyone around her not dancing perfectly. She wanted more than anything to go back to the dorms to relax, something that she hasn’t had much of lately.

It wasn’t just the non-stop practicing and the nagging of living with too many girls. It was also the fact that she had been waiting a week for the supposed date that Jinyoung promised her.

As she took a sip of her water, she pictured her perfect date with Jinyoung. He would knock on the door of the girl’s dorm and be greeted by a beautiful Hana, her hair blowing in the wind and her eyes sparkling as she smiled brightly at him. He would hand her a beautiful bouquet of flowers before taking her by the hand, leading her to a beautiful picnic he set up at the park. It was simple yet romantic.

Surprisingly and way out of character for Hana, she has been waiting patiently for Jinyoung and has been using all of her energies to not scare him away while she waiting for him to contact her about her date. However, a week was pushing it in Hana’s opinions. She had waiting too long. Today would be the day she would march up to him and demand he take her on the date him promised—she just had to wait for the rest of the trainees to master the dance they were learning.

After two more hours of arduous practice, Hana was free for the rest of the day. She showered quickly while thinking of how exactly she was going to approach Jinyoung. Should she act sweet? Demanding and tough? What kind of girl did Jinyoung even like? Her eyes narrowed, knowing too well what kind of girl Jinyoung liked. It was too obvious to her; there was no way it would slip past her watchful eye. Jinyoung liked girls like Mina. Or more specifically, Jinyoung liked Mina. It wasn’t like Hana to be jealous of someone. Actually, it was an emotion she had never felt before. It made her despise Mina, but she couldn’t find it in her to do anything irrational to her. Hana may have a tough personality, but she isn’t evil. She would win this fight fairly and it would start with her getting her date with Jinyoung.

After making herself look perfect, Hana made her way to the B1A4 dorm. Suddenly, she felt herself getting nervous. She started having doubts whether Jinyoung really wanted to date her or not. Pull yourself together, Kim Hana she thought as she adjusted her clothes and put her strands of hair to perfectly frame her face. She looked up at the door to the dorm, something she usually had no trouble knocking on, but today it was different. Today, this knock meant more than just seeing Jinyoung. She gained her courage and knocked on the door, quickly pulling her hand back down to her side. Her eyes scanned the ground, not daring to look up to see who would open the door.

The door opened with a small squeak. Hana pushed some hair behind her ear before looking up with a cute smile.

“Oh, it’s you…” was the first thing Hana heard.

Her cute smile disappeared immediately. This was not how she had planned it in her mind.

“I’m assuming you want to come in? I guess you can.”

Hana looked away as she walked past Mina, acting like she had all the confidence in the world, but the truth was she didn’t. Especially since she knew very well that every member of B1A4 except for Jinyoung had some sort of schedule today, meaning Jinyoung was alone at the dorm with Mina.

“Jinyoung is in the shower right now.” Mina mumbled to Hana as she plopped down on the couch with a bag of chips.

“The shower?!” Hana couldn’t believe it. Jinyoung was freely showering while Mina was at the dorm with him alone. What exactly were they doing here alone?

Hana sat down delicately on the sofa next to Mina. There was nothing left to do now but wait.

Hana snuck glances at Mina every now and then hoping to gain some sort of knowledge of what exactly was going on, but nothing seemed too out of the normal. Actually, Mina seemed more normal and relaxed than ever. She couldn’t decide if that comforted her or disturbed her.

She let out a sigh, relaxing back against the sofa feeling impatient. How long was Jinyoung going to shower anyways? Mina seemed unfazed and continued eat her chips as she flipped aimlessly through a fashion magazine.

Hearing the door to the bathroom open, Hana sat up straight and looked in the direction of the sound.

Through the steam, Hana saw a shirtless Jinyoung walk out of the shower, wrapped in nothing but a towel. Shaking the water out of his hair, water droplets landed around him looking like rain as others dripped down his sleek body. Hana was speechless.

Mina looked up once to see what the noise was before looking back at her magazine. Hana couldn’t believe that Mina could act so calmly when a perfect and nearly Jinyoung was only a few feet away from them.

“Mina~“ Jinyoung started to call as he walked over tightening the towel around him making sure it was still concealing what it was supposed to.

He jumped back; startled that Mina wasn’t the only one sitting in the living room anymore.

Hana turned her head away as her cheeks burned red.

“I-I’m sorry…” Hana began as she picked her purse off the floor.

“I must have been interrupting something…” she continued to mumble as she stood up, still not looking back at the dripping wet Jinyoung as she made her way towards the door. She left in such a hurry that she didn’t even put her shoes back on, and honestly, she didn’t even care.

Her mind raced with ridiculous theories of what Jinyoung and Mina were doing in the dorm all day. Wasn’t Mina with Sandeul? And Jinyoung clearly said he’d take her on a date. So what were the two doing together? And why did Jinyoung seem so friendly with Mina all of a sudden? Usually he was so rude to her. She mind would not slow down. Hana dropped down to sit on the curb, pulling at her hair hoping to suddenly know the answer.

“Aish!” she yelled as she stomped her foot. She collapsed her head into her hands as she caught her breath.

Seeing a pair of shoes walk up to her, Hana looked up.

Shinwoo gave her a kind smile as he gazed down at her.

“Something wrong?” he asked even though it was more than obvious there was.

“Yes! Something is wrong!” Hana yelled with attitude at the stupid question.

Shinwoo lifted his eyebrows as if asking Hana to continue.

She turned and pointed towards the dorm. “Something is going on in there!”

Shinwoo looked over at the dorm and then laughed.

“That’s a little vague.” He said with a chuckle.

“Aish, Shinwoo, I’m not in the mood for your smart remarks. You were always like this.” Hana huffed as she threw a small pebble.

Shinwoo sat down next to her now intrigued. “Oh, so now you are acknowledging that you know me now.” She said with amusement in his voice.

Hana let out a loud sigh. “I never said I didn’t.” she said matter of factly.

Shinwoo laughed at her stubbornness and stood back up.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be waiting for you.” He said as he walked towards the dorm laughing to himself.

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!