Chapter 26

B1A4's New Roommate


It had been a week since Mina had seen the boys. She was avoiding them the best she could. She felt sorry to Sandeul and the rest, but not to Jinyoung. Especially not to Jinyoung. The memories of Jinyoung’s passionate kiss would always sneak up on her when she least expected it. When falling asleep, brushing her teeth, walking down the street, it was always Jinyoung’s soft warm lips coming in contact with hers.

She sat at her desk, surrounded by the pictures of her and B1A4 that Sandeul took at the party. She would often look at them when she really missed them. All but Jinyoung since she didn’t have that picture. She opened her laptop lazily, hoping to find something to distract herself with. She browsed the internet, unable to escape the news of B1A4’s imminent comeback that was to happen in a few days. She let out an exaggerated sigh, annoyed that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t escape these boys. She looked at Jinyoung’s new teaser picture. Glaring at it, she let out a small grunt feeling annoyed by looking at his attractive face.

Her attention soon turned to her ringing phone that was sitting on her desk, spread among her pictures.


“Mina! I have been trying to contact you all week!” Jihyun exhaled, relieved to finally hear from her friend. Actually, along with B1A4, Mina had been avoiding everyone she knew.

Mina scratched her head awkwardly “Sorry…I’ve been uh, busy.” That was Mina’s lame excuse.

“Thing have been crazy here! You have missed a lot!” Jihyun practically screamed into the phone.

“It’s only been a week; I doubt any of it is that exciting.” Mina faked a yawn trying to sound disinterested.

“Do you want to meet up for bubble tea? I can catch you up on all the events.”

Mina tapped her long fingers against her desk trying to quickly think of an excuse.

“I’ll take that as a yes! I’ll meet you at our usual place in 10!”

And with that, Jihyun hung up.

Mina threw her head back while letting out a loud moan. She really didn’t feel like seeing Jihyun. She didn’t really feel like seeing anyone. She didn’t know why she was in this slump. Did it have to do with Jinyoung?

She walked over to her closet in an attempt to look semi-decent for the first time in a week. Putting on a pair of jeans and a casual top she walked over to the mirror to asses her face. She tried to cover the dark circles she had acquired from the lack of sleep with make up at the same time as she brushed out some of the knots that had appeared in the back of her hair from rolling around her bed in fits of boredom.

Walking out of the house, Mina breathed in the fresh air. She had to admit, it was nice to feel the sun on her skin. Maybe going out wasn’t that bad an idea after all.

Once Mina arrived at the designate bubble tea café she, Jihyun, and Minhee always met, she was immediately greeted by an overly excited Jihyun.

Over here!” Jihyun waved obnoxiously.

What is with her today? Mina wondered as she walked over to the table Jihyun was saving for them.

“Hey, Jihyun.” Mina greeted lifelessly.

“You look awful!” Jihyun stated as she looked at Mina with concern.

“Yeah, thanks.” Mina said, brushing off Jihyun “compliment”

“Have you even been sleeping? Eating?”

“Yeah, I have been doing those things.” Mina replied as if she rehearsed it. She looked around looking for Minhee only to not see her anywhere in the café.

“If you are looking for Minhee, she isn’t here.” Jihyun said slyly.

“Where is she?”

“You won’t believe it, but she is on a date right now.” Jihyun said with a wink.

“A date? With who?” Mina asked, suddenly with a spark of interest.

“Who else? Baro!” a slight laugh escaped from Jihyun laugh, as if she couldn’t believe it herself.

Mina’s eyes widened, amazed at the news she just heard.

“Huh…I can’t believe it. She actually gave in…”

“Actually,” Jihyun corrected “it’s the opposite! Minhee was the one that asked him out. Well, she tried, but Baro never answered. So I convinced her to walk over to the dorm the next day and ask him out in person if he wouldn’t answer the phone.”

Mina let out a small laugh. “I bet that was embarrassing for her.”

“Yeah, you should have seen her face!” Jihyun started laughing uncontrollably.

Mina gazed at her friend laughing across from her. Suddenly she regretted losing contact with them for a week. She became curious as to what other “crazy” things she missed this past week.

Jihyun looked at Mina who looked like she was deep in thought.

“You must be wondering what other things you missed.”

Mina nodded in agreement.

“Well, as you probably know, the boys are preparing for you comeback. The company is buzzing! Everyone is practicing hard, we rarely see them around actually, but when we do they look exhausted.”

Mina felt a little sad thinking of them exhausted. Before she moved out she would have been the one cooking for them and cleaning. Now they didn’t have anyone to do that for them.

“Somehow they still all look so handsome.” Jihyun continued beaming. “Have you seen their new hairstyles? They are amazing!” Jihyun was starting to sound like one of their fan girls. Mina never thought she’d see the day that Jihyun acted like a star struck teenage girl.

“Yeah, I have seen them.” Mina replied, remembering looking at Jinyoung’s picture just before talking to Jihyun.

“You are probably curious about what Sandeul is up to, aren’t you?” Jihyun asked, leaning closer to Mina while raising her eyebrows up and down.

“uhh…” before Mina could answer, Jihyun cut her off.

“Actually, that’s the main reason why I called you here.”

“Oh yeah?” Mina asked, suddenly interested again in what Jihyun has to say.

Jihyun reached over and slapped Mina on the head. Mina let out a loud yelp as he ears rang from the sudden attack.

“What was that for?!” Mina yelled while holding her head.

“You idiot! It’s for not talking to Sandeul for a week! Do you know how many times he has asked me if I have heard from you? You are terrible…” Jihyun leans back in her chair as she crosses her arms while she shakes her head in disbelief.

Regret starts to race through Mina's body. All this time Mina felt so confused about the kiss with Jinyoung that she forgot about Sandeul. She actually forgot about him.

“!” Mina yelled as she sprung up from her seat. Jihyun looked up, surprised by Mina’s sudden movement.

Mina began running, not even paying for her bubble tea or looking where she was going. She had to get to the dorm quickly. She had to apologize to Sandeul. It didn’t even occur to her that he would be wondering if she made it home safe that night, what or how she was doing each day, or that he would be longing to see her. She felt terrible. The thought of hurting Sandeul made her want to cry. Images of a sad looking Sandeul raced through her mind as she continued to run down the street, urging her to move faster.


“Have you heard from Mina today?” Baro asks Sandeul as he adjusts his clothing while admiring himself in the mirror.

“Not today.” Sandeul answers, his voice filled with pain.

Baro flashes himself a smile and winks before walking over to his friend who was lying helplessly on his bed. He reaches his hand out to give Sandeul a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry; you’ll hear from her soon.”

In the other room, Gongchan was sitting with Jinyoung, going over the game plan once again.

“She isn’t coming today either.” Jinyoung said feeling annoyed. He wanted to give up on this plan. Just as he wanted to change his ways and show Mina the real him, she stops appearing. She doesn’t answer anyone’s calls. It’s like she doesn’t even exist anymore.

“Don’t give up!” Gongchan says while giving his leader a big smile. “Maybe today will be the day.”

Jinyoung can’t help but feel reenergized by Gongchan’s smile. For a second he feels like he can do anything. If Mina walked through the door right now, he would walk up to her and kiss her passionately before sweeping her into his arms to stay there forever. However, his fantasy is interrupted when he hears Baro rapping nonsense about his date throughout the entire dorm.

Jinyoung let out an exasperated moan upon hearing Baro. He loses all hope he previously had.

“Never mind. It’s impossible.”

“I’m leaving~” Baro yells in sing song.

Nobody in the dorm really cares. They all grunt in jealously, some giving him half-hearted waves goodbye and others—like Jinyoung—ignoring him completely.

With Baro gone, the dorm becomes distractingly quiet. Everyone was now lazing around the living room, waiting for something to pop up to brighten their day. It seemed hopeless. Gongchan looked at all his hyungs sadly. It was painful to see them all like this. With everyone upset and missing the same girl, he could only hope that Mina would show up today and give them all hugs and apologize. Gongchan’s mouth crept into a smile when his fantasy turned into Mina taking them all out for chicken. Much like Jinyoung, his fantasy was disrupted by the sounds of the front door opening abruptly. Everyone looked up, terrified that a fan girl was breaking into their dorm.

Mina stood in the doorway panting with beads of sweat dancing down her face. She dropped to the ground abruptly, allowing herself to rest for a second, before slowly looking up at the four boys sitting on the couch stunned.

“I’m…sorry…” she manages to speak before she lays her head down on the floor to rest more.

Jinyoung pops up from his stupor to rush to Mina.

“Get her some water!” Jinyoung barks as he collects Mina into his arms.

He looks down at her and sees a smile on her face.

“What?” Jinyoung asks confused.

“I’m just glad you guys don’t hate me now.” Mina says quietly before shutting her eyes. feels god to be writing again. Being so busy made me kind of lose my flow, but I think I gained it back! I hope you like this chapter! I left a cliffhanger, but if I get some comments I will post the next chapter right away because I already wrote it! hehe~

I hope you guys like how I incorporated the comeback into the story! I'm just so excited so I had to!

I can't wait to read you comments! You all are still reading my story even though I was gone for a little, right?

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!