Chapter 5

B1A4's New Roommate


Jinyoung sat in his room alone as he listened to s next door waking Mina up. He didn’t care.

He thought about Kim Hana and how annoying and clingy she was tonight. They just met, yet she acted like her knew him for a long time, even calling him “oppa” immediately. He didn’t mind it much since she was pretty. But still, something felt wrong.

Next door to Jinyoung, Baro jumped on Mina’s bed while she slept. The four boys managed to sneak into her room without waking her.

Mina screamed at the sudden movement on her bed, waking her up startled.

“YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Mina yelled in shock, covering herself with her blanket.

“We feel sad…” Baro said snuggling up to Mina making cute noises as he snuggled on her lap.

CNU laughed at Baro’s bizarre aegyo.

“Hyung, you are embarrassing yourself.” Gongchan said hitting Baro on the head.

“Why are you all sad?” Mina asked trying to pretend like she didn’t know what they were doing.

Sandeul sat on the bed next to her also showing her some aegyo “We left you here Mina. You must have been so lonely…” Sandeul says with obvious regret in his eyes.

“Don’t worry about it! I was tired.” Mina said, trying to make the boys feel better. It was true. She spent the whole night sleeping. So much that she felt completely rested now. “Go to bed,” Mina continued “you guys have schedule tomorrow and you need to be fully rested” Mina says, showing the boys a perfectly sweet smile. None of them could say no to that.

Each member walked out of the room after the other, with Baro last. Before closing the door to Mina’s room he walks back over giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Jalja” Baro cooed into her ear making her blush. Mina sat wide eyed as Baro walked out of her room after turning her lamp off. She stared at the shut door, still shocked from the sudden kiss from Baro. She suddenly shook her head and mumbled to herself. “I know his type. I won’t fall for that.”

Gongchan walks into Jinyoung’s room to chat a bit before going to bed. Gongchan walked in to see Jinyoung laying on his back on the floor holding the stuffed dolphin he won in the air above his head staring at it.

“What are you doing hyung?” Gongchan asked with a hint of concern in his voice. Has his leader lost his mind?

Jinyoung jumped at Gongchan’s sudden question, quickly stuffing the toy back into his pocket.

“Hyung?” Gongchan asked again, now even more curious.

“N-nothing! Just laying here!” Jinyoung tried to say normally. But Gongchan knew very well that Jinyoung wasn’t “just laying”

“Hyung, is anything on your mind? You have been acting strange since you won that toy. You are like disturbingly attached to it.” Gongchan says, adding a little laugh at the end.

“Am not,” Jinyoung scoffed and rolled his eyes at the maknae’s stupid statement. “I was just thinking about how soon this toy will be lost in this room and I’ll forget I ever had it. I’ll forget all about tonight with Kim Hana. This toy is the only memory from it, but you always lose toys like this in the end. It’s weird…” Jinyoung trailed off emotionless. Gongchan just looked at him before walking out of the room and into his own that he shared with Sandeul.

“Gongchan, what have you been doing?” Sandeul asks from his bed.

“Talking to Jinyoung hyung. He is acting so weird tonight. He keeps looking at that dolphin toy he won tonight. It’s probably not a big deal. But for some reason it makes me feel kind of uneasy.”


The next morning, everyone woke up to the smell of Jinyoung’s cooking. Slowly, everyone emerged from the rooms, excited about breakfast.

“Hyung it smells so good!” Baro said as he watched Jinyoung pour coffee for him and the rest of the boys.

Jinyoung put the breakfast he cooked on five plates and sat them on the table as everyone made their way towards the smell.

“Alright! It’s ready!” Jinyoung says proudly and pulls out his chair to sit down. He started eating immediately.

Gongchan watched his leader noticing that he seemed to be in a very good mood today. He saw Mina walk out from her room looking extra tired. He looked back at the rest of B1A4 eating and counted the plates. Jinyoung never made a plate for Mina.

“Oh? You guys are up already? And eating?” Mina says while rubbing her eyes.

“Yeah! Grab a plate! Jinyoung made it and it tastes so good!” Sandeul says with food still in his mouth. Mina smiled at his silliness before walking into the kitchen to grab a plate of food.

She looked around noticing that all that was left were dirty pots and pants. “Oh well,” she thought to herself “I’ll just have some coffee” she reached up towards the cabinet after noticing there wasn’t any coffee left in the coffee maker. She decided she would brew more as she showered. To her surprise though, they were out of coffee.

“Can I ask why nobody saved any food for me? Or coffee?” Mina asked sadly. She never ate dinner last night since the boys left and she fell asleep. She was so hungry.

“I didn’t make you any.” Jinyoung replies calmly.

Everyone stopped eating and stared at him.

“What?” Mina asked hoping that she heard wrong.

Jinyoung smirked a little. “I said I didn’t make you any.” Jinyoung replied again, this time saying it a bit louder and turning around to look at her with his piercing eyes.

“Why the hell not?!” Mina yelled at him. Everyone was surprised. Even Mina after she realized what she said. Until now, she just let Jinyoung say anything to her, not replying. But deep inside he made her so angry. After last night, she thought that he made the guys leave her there on purpose. He was the leader after all. And now he wasn’t making her breakfast? He went too far this time. If he makes food for everyone else he should at least make some for her too.

“I just didn’t feel like it.” Jinyoung replied as if he knew it would make her angrier.

“I hate you.” Mina replied before storming off and slamming the door to the bathroom.

The rest of the boys watched in silence, unable to react to what just happened. Jinyoung turned back around and continued eating as if nothing happened.

The rest of breakfast was spent in silence. The boys each slowly got up until they were all leaving to go to their schedule.


The next few weeks were the same routine. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. B1A4 became very busy preparing for their next comeback and Mina hardly saw them. She was sad because she liked most of the boys, just not Jinyoung. It felt lonely to her when they weren’t in the dorm. Spending so much time alone made Mina sad, so she decided that instead of going straight back to the B1A4 dorm after her practice she would go to the girl’s dorm instead and hang out with her friends.

She became very close to them, always complaining about Jinyoung’s rudeness, but also telling them all the funny stories about the other members.  Minhee and Jihyun liked hearing the stories. They always wanted to meet the boys.

As for the boys, when Mina did see them, they were mostly pleasant. Baro still shamelessly flirted with her, and Gongchan was mostly quiet. Mina caught him staring at her sometimes, as if he was studying her. When they did talk he was nice to her, but she wouldn’t say they were close friends yet. Sandeul was now one of her good friends. She did a lot of things with him and sometimes if he had time he’d wait until she was done with practice and walk home with her. Mina enjoyed his company because he always made her laugh and was so silly and dorky. She and Shinwoo had a relationship like he was her older brother. Mina called him oppa often, earning mean stares from Jinyoung, but Shinwoo would always stick up for her when Jinyoung was mean to her, which was always.


Mina sat with Jihyun and Minhee drinking water after a long three hours of dancing.

“I’m so tired. I wish they’d just let us go already.” Minhee whined

“You know, if they say they want to talk to us, they shouldn’t make us wait so long. This is ridiculous!” Jihyun said with a bit of bitterness in her voice. Mina always enjoyed how stubborn and easily annoyed Jihyun could be when cranky.

“I’m sure they will be here soon!” Mina said to the girls smiling.

Not long after Mina said that, the CEO, B1A4’s manager, and the dance instructor walked into the door before all the trainees. Everyone suddenly became quiet while the waited to hear the announcement.

“Well, first of all, you all have been doing great! I have been watching your progress and I get man reports from all of your instructors and I am very satisfied with all of you.” The CEO started, while everyone continued watching him silently.

“I have a special assignment that I brought up to the dance instructor. You see, B1A4 was invited to a special concert in Japan, but some of the backup dancers we used to use either quit or moved to a different company. We need a few more dancers to go along with the boys for their performance.”

This earned some whispers of excitement mostly from girls. The thought of travelling to Japan and dancing with B1A4 was obviously very appealing.

“I have talked with the dance instructor and B1A4’s manager, and we have selected the dancers that will be joining them. I will post the list on the door as I walk out. Congratulations to those who are going; it means you have showed exceptional talent or improvement. To those who didn’t make it…I hope this is a wake-up call for you to work harder. Fighting!” The CEO says before walking over and putting the list on the door and walking out.

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!