Chapter 19

B1A4's New Roommate


Mina greeted everyone at the party, giving them wide smiles, and some friendly hugs.

When everyone seemed distracted with food, Jihyun pulled Mina away from everyone else to talk.

“So,” Jihyun started excitedly “how was your date with Jinyoung?”

Mina rolled her eyes at Jihyun persistence in calling it a date. “It wasn’t a date.” She said sternly. “And it was weird. He wasn’t very nice to me.”

“You think that’s weird? That’s how he always is to you.”

Mina stopped to think. “You’re right…but why would he invite me out then?” Mina wondered.

Gongchan ran over to the two girls suddenly, interrupting their conversation.

“Mina~” Gongchan crooned with tons of aegyo. “Come play with me!”

Gongchan grabbed Mina’s hand, taking her away from Jihyun and over towards the rest of the group who had begun drinking soju and dancing to the music that they had playing.

“What is this for, anyways? It isn’t my birthday!” Mina asked Gongchan while Shinwoo poured her a drink.

“It’s your going away party!” Gongchan yelled.

Mina nodded, suddenly realizing what this was all about and took a sip of her drink. This was actually Mina’s first time drinking, but she was too embarrassed to tell anyone. Immediately, she felt her face begin to heat up and her limbs starting to loosen up. Gongchan took her hand again, this time starting to dance to the music with her in the crowd of everyone else. It wasn’t serious dancing, mostly just the group having fun and being silly with each other.

When everyone was starting to slowly stop dancing from being tired, Baro noticed the party was starting to slow down only after an hour of it starting. Not wanting to part from Minhee so quickly, he thought of a plan to keep the party going as long as possible; keep drinking.

“How about we play some games?” Baro asked everyone who were already sprawled out on the sofa and floor.

“Another game?” Mina asked, remember what happened the last time she played one of Baro’s games.

“Yes another game!” Baro snapped at her.

“What kind of game?” Hana’s friend Yui asked.

Baro stopped to think for a second. He hadn’t gotten that far in his plan.

“Something with pairs!” Hana suggested while scooting closer on the couch next to Jinyoung.

Baro tapped his head, trying to think of something they could do involving pairs.

“What about charades?” Gongchan asked, thinking of a random game.

“Ok, yeah, I like that.” Baro said, approving the maknae’s suggestion. “But let’s make it a little more fun. If your partner can’t guess your word, you both have to drink a glass of soju.”

Everyone nodded, looking around at who their partners could be.

It was decided that in order to fairly choose a partner, a game of spin the bottle would be played. Whoever the bottle landed on would be your partner.

“We have an odd number of people.” Minhee said as she counted all the guests.

“That’s okay,” on of Mina’s trainee friends named Minki said. “I’ll sit out and be referee.”

At the end of many spins the pairs were finally decided. Much to Minhee’s dismay, she spun and landed on Baro. Jinyoung was with Hana’s friend Yui, which Hana pouted at. Mina spun and landed on Sandeul, who blushed at the thought of teaming up with Mina. Hana’s other friend, Hani, landed on Gongchan. Jihyun landed on the other boy trainee, Joowon. When it was Hana’s turn to spin, there was nobody left but Shinwoo.

Each pair moved so that they were sitting next to each other and Minki stood in front of them, ready to explain to them how the game was going to work.

“I will tell you a word and you will have to act it out in front of your partner. You have a minute to figure out the answer and if you don’t get it in time then you have to take a drink.”

Everyone nodded, understanding the rules.

“First up is Minhee”

The group proceeds to play the game, laughing and making fun of each other. The group best at understanding each other was Jinyoung and Yui. Every time Jinyoung would win the round, he would give a menacing smile to Mina, who wasn’t doing so well in the game. Since Sandeul feels so shy around Mina, he was having a hard time thinking quick enough about Mina’s actions to get the answer in time. Sandeul noticed that Mina was starting to get a little competitive after seeing Jinyoung win so many times, and they were both were getting drunker each time they lost.

“Sorry I’m so bad at this game…” Sandeul said embarrassed because of his lacking skills.

“Shhh” Mina shushed him while pointing to Hana who was taking her turn.

Sandeul looked at her confused and Mina sighed.

“Shinwoo oppa likes Hana, so I want to watch their interactions.” Mina explained while whispering into Sandeul’s ear.

Sandeul blushed at the closeness of Mina’s lips. When Mina backed away from him, she noticed Sandeul’s chubby pink cheeks and giggled.

“Cute!” she said as she pinched one of his cheeks before turning her attention back to the game.

“I’m bored of this game!” Hana whined after losing her round with Shinwoo. Shinwoo was in the same situation as Sandeul and felt very nervous working with Hana.

“Well, then what do you want to do?” Baro sarcastically snapped at Hana.

Hana shrugged, not having a good idea.

“I have an idea, Jihyun said menacingly, seeming to have a plan.

“What’s that?” Mina asked curiously.

“Let’s play Never Have I Ever!” she exclaimed while clapping her hands together.

Everyone agreed and sat in a circle, ready to play the game. By this point, everyone had had a reasonable amount to drink and was either buzzed of drunk.

“Ok,” Jihyun started explaining the rules. “You have to put your hand up with all five fingers up. When someone says a statement about something they have never done, you either agree or disagree. If you have done that thing before, you put a finger down. Whoever is the last to have their fingers up is the winner. Got it?”

“I’ll go first,” Jihyun stated. “Never have I ever…had a crush on someone in the company.” She said looking straight at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung keeps all fingers up, which Jihyun rolls her eyes at. She didn’t believe him at all. Next to Jinyoung, Hana put one of her fingers down while smiling at Jinyoung. Baro put a finger down, along with Yui, Sandeul, and Shinwoo. The B1A4 members look at Shinwoo each silently wondering who it was that Shinwoo liked. Sandeul was the only one that knew who it was thanks to Mina.

“Jinyoung, do you want to go next?”

“Never have I ever seen someone in the dorm .”

Sandeul put a finger down, remember a time when he walked in on Baro changing. Hana put a finger down, to which the boys asked who it was.

“One time, I walked in on Minhee taking a shower.” She explained simply.

“Lucky…” Baro said under his breath, earning a slap on the arm from Minhee.

Everyone else’s fingers stayed up.

“Never have I ever gotten drunk before tonight.” Hana said.

Everyone’s fingers went down except Minhee’s and Mina’s.

“You two are so innocent! I should have known!” Shinwoo laughed. Minhee and Mina both shot evil glances to him making him immediately shut up.

“Never have I ever gone on a date.” Sandeul said after being told it was his turn.

Baro, Minhee, Jinyoung, Minki, Joowon, Yui, Jihyun, Shinwoo, and Hana all put their fingers down. Nobody was really surprised by the results.

“Alright, if Baro puts one more finger down, he is out. Someone think of a good one!” Jihyun said.

“Never have I ever been kissed.” Mina said shyly. This was a secret that she kept most of her life because it was embarrassing to her. Most people her age have at least been kissed once, but she had never been on a date before, so she also had never been kissed.

Everyone put their fingers down, admitting defeat.

“Normally I would be upset about losing, but I’m too intrigued.” Baro said looking curiously at Mina. “You have never been kissed?”

“Nope.” Mina said quietly with her head down.

“I can’t believe it!” Jihyun yelled. “But you’re so cute!” Minhee nodded at her friend’s statement. “I bet so many guys want to kiss you though!” she said trying to cheer her friend up.

“I can think of a few.” Baro said looking around the room. Baro saw Sandeul put his head down trying not to notice the situation before moving his gaze to Jinyoung, who was sitting with a non-caring look on his face. A sudden and evil idea came into Baro’s head. It could turn ugly, Baro thought, but it could also be interesting to see how this turns out.

“Why doesn’t Mina get her first kiss right now?” Baro suggested looking around at everyone.

Due to everyone’s drunkenness, this seemed like a great idea. Everyone started cheering and clapping. Hana watched Mina’s expression, feeling the need to egg her on more to embarrass her.

“Who would want to kiss her though?” she asked them half trying to upset Mina and half trying to get a volunteer.

“Someone would!” Baro said, nudging Sandeul next to him. Sandeul blushed, not wanting to look at Baro or Mina.

“Sandeul?” Hana asked, noticing Baro’s movement.

Everyone watched, mesmerized by the events as if they were watching a very interesting drama.

“Come on, Sandeul, we all know you want to kiss Mina.” Baro said to his best friend.

Mina watched as Baro nudged Sandeul. Mina felt bad for him. Thanks to her and her stupid secret, Sandeul was now getting picked on. Sandeul looked up and Mina made eye contact and both of them immediately blushed.

Hana noticed and laughed to herself. “Look at them! They are blushing!” she yelled while pointing to them, causing them to blush even more.

“Don’t tease them.” Shinwoo intervened feeling protective of the two.

“It’s okay, they know it’s all just fun!” Baro replied before turning his attention back to Sandeul.

“Come on Sandeullie, just kiss her!” He said, pushing Sandeul towards Mina.

“Yah, why don’t you just kiss her yourself!” Jihyun said, feeling back for Sandeul. “Yeah, stop picking on Sandeul.” Minhee said.

Baro couldn’t disobey Minhee, so he immediately stepped back from the situation. However, Hana refused to let the situation end. She walked over towards Sandeul and pushed him closer to Mina.

“Come on, don’t be afraid.” She said as she now started pushing Mina towards Sandeul too.

Mina tried to fight back, but Hana wasn’t about to give up. When Mina looked at Sandeul, she could tell that he was nervous. Everyone in the room was oohing and aahing at the two’s moment. Hana grabbed Sandeul’s hand and made it hold Mina’s. Sandeul blushed, putting his head down so he was no longer looking at Mina.

“I’m sorry…” Mina said quietly so only Sandeul could hear her.

Suddenly, as if Mina’s words gave him a boost of confidence, Sandeul looked up at her. He quickly moved him face towards hers, making the movement swift enough that he wouldn’t have enough time to regret her rash decision.

Sandeul’s lips hit Mina’s. Everyone in the room became quiet and completely taken aback by Sandeul’s sudden confidence that seemed to come out of nowhere. Mina’s eyes were wide as Sandeul’s lips lingered on hers.

Sandeul’s hand that was still holding hers squeezed her hand, making Mina feel comfortable. She slowly started to close her eyes, feeling more relaxed. When she closed her eyes, everyone in the room silently freaked out while jumping around and quietly high-fiving each other.

Mina didn’t know if it was all the alcohol she had that was making her feel this way, but the way her heart was beating so fast as Sandeul kissed her in front of the whole room made her so curious. She never saw Sandeul as more than a friend and never realized that he felt this way about her. She has to admit that she thinks he is cute and really funny, but it was hard for her to view any of B1A4 as more than friends or brothers since she lived with them. Feeling this was way unexpected.

While Sandeul and Mina’s kiss lingered, Hana has a permanent grin on her face.

“Now she will be too distracted with Sandeul to bother me and Jinyoung.” She said to her friends and Jinyoung.

Jinyoung suddenly stood up and walked towards the front door, walking out of the dorm without letting anyone know where he was going.

Baro watched Jinyoung walk out, feeling accomplished in making his leader feel jealous. Even if it was at the expense of Sandeul in the long run, it was nice to see Jinyoung show some kind of emotion towards Mina other than anger or annoyance. However, Baro still felt bad for doing this to his friends. It may have been from the alcohol, but he felt extra sneaky and felt that this was the only way to answer some questions he had. Now he knew well that Sandeul did in fact like Mina. Maybe this would be a deciding moment for them and Mina would like him back. In that case, how would Jinyoung react. This event made Baro believe that Jinyoung liked Mina too, even if he didn’t admit it to himself or anyone else. It was hard to see past Jinyoung’s obvious actions.

Sandeul pulled away from Mina’s lips and gave her a shy smile. Mina looked away, feeling too shy to look at Sandeul. It was unbelievable to her that she had her first kiss, especially in front of so many people and especially with Sandeul, a member of an idol group.

As the night went on, everyone continued to have fun, not paying much attention to Mina and Sandeul. The two didn’t talk much to each other; both felt too shy and embarrassed to start a conversation.

Jinyoung eventually returned to the dorm, ignoring Mina and Sandeul completely and only talked to Hana and her friends. Mina noticed that Jinyoung seemed extra attached to Hana now. He was talkative to her and was always smiling and laughing. She felt a little jealous that no matter how hard she tried, Jinyoung would never be that way with her. At least I’m close to the other members, she thought.

As the night came to a close and the only ones that were left were B1A4 and Mina, everyone was exhausted.

“I think you should just stay here tonight.” Shinwoo says, noticing the tiredness of everyone. No one had the energy to accompany Mina home and he didn’t want her to go alone.

“I can’t,” Mina was now slurring her words from drinking too much alcohol. The fact that this was her first time made it affect her quickly and strongly. “Your manager said I have to be out of the dorms tonight.”

Mina’s slurring made Shinwoo worry even more. Now he definitely would let her go home alone.

Shinwoo looked around at each of s. Baro was lying on the couch half asleep, obviously too drunk to be trusted with anything. Gongchan was in the kitchen sleepily making noodles for them to all eat before bed, so he was too busy. Shinwoo wasn’t going to even bother forcing Sandeul and Mina together right now, and Jinyoung was definitely a no. Shinwoo would do it himself, but he needed to go to bed as he was the only one with a schedule tomorrow.

“Someone needs to take Mina home then.” He stated to s firmly, hoping someone would be responsible.

Everyone ignored him.

“Just have her sleep here.” Baro said sounding half asleep.

“Didn’t you hear her? She said she can’t.” Shinwoo snapped at Baro.

“I’ll take her home.” Sandeul volunteered nervously.

Mina came back into the living room from getting her bags that were now old bedroom.

“Okay, I trust that you’ll get her home safely.” Shinwoo says before walking off to go to bed.

“Ready to go?” Sandeul asks Mina while picking up her suitcase.

Mina nods while following Sandeul to the door.

“Let’s go find a taxi.”

Sandeul feels the weight of the suitcase suddenly feel lighter and easier to carry. He looks to see Jinyoung attempting to the take the bag from him.

In shock and confusing, Sandeul releases his grip on the suitcase.

“I’ll take her home.” Jinyoung says once he successfully takes the bag from Sandeul.

“It’s okay, I can manage.” Sandeul argues wanting to have the extra time with Mina before she moves out.

Jinyoung shakes his head. “No, as the leader, this is my job. You need to sleep.” Jinyoung argues.

Unable to argue that point and stand up to his leader, Sandeul steps aside for Mina to pass him.

“Wait, Mina!” Sandeul calls out just as she is about to close the door. “I almost forgot, I got you a gift.” He says, handing Mina a wrapped box that he ran quickly to retrieve.

“Thank you!” Mina said bowing and waving goodbye to Sandeul and Baro and Gongchan who have gained the energy to say goodbye to her.

“Come on, let’s go.” Jinyoung says ruining the moment between them all.

Mina looks at Jinyoung as the walk, who every now and then turns to sneak glances at the box Mina is carrying. 

Please don't hate me subscibers! I was having Sandeul feels tonight hehe
I hope the party was interesting for you! But now what will happpen when Jinyoung accompanies Mina's home?
Please leave many comments! I love to know what you think! 
Thanks for reading ! ^^


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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!