Chapter 18

B1A4's New Roommate


Jinyoung woke up the next morning feeling sleepy. He looked over at the clock, reading the time. 8:30am.

He rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust them to the light shining into his room. He rolled over to his side with a sigh, remembering his conversation with s last night.

“Either you stay here and help us prepare for the party or you take Mina out to get her out of the dorm so we can prepare.” Jinyoung remembered Shinwoo tell him.

Jinyoung threw his pillow to the ground, regretting his choice. Either way, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself, but leaving the dorm seemed like the better option.


“You’re wearing something cute, right?” Minhee asked Mina on the phone.

“Uh, I guess?” Mina answered looking down at her clothes unsure if they were cute or not.

“You have to look cute!” Minhee yelled.

“YAH, GIVE ME THE PHONE!” Mina heard Jihyun yell. Mina heard some rustling and arguing between the two girls before a panting Jihyun said hello.

“Mina!” Jihyun yelled.

“What?” Mina asked in response.

“You and Jinyoung are having your first date! Soon you will be calling him oppa!” she teased.

“I will not.” Mina snorted. “Besides, this isn’t a date.”

“Then what is it?” Jihyun asked curiously.

Mina stopped, unsure how to answer. “I…I’m not really sure.”

“Just don’t give it up on the first date. We gotta go to practice now, see ya!” Jihyun joked.

“YAH!” Mina yelled, but Jihyun had already hung up.

Mina threw her phone down on her bed, annoyed and confused. Why was Jinyoung telling her to be ready at 10. What were they doing?

Mina looked at her clock. 9:55…We’ll be leaving any minute now she thought to herself.

Jinyoung knocked on Mina’s door, then opened it not even bothering to wait for Mina’s response.

“Come on, it’s time to go.” Jinyoung said as he looked at Mina.

Seeing Jinyoung look into her eyes for the first time she could remember, she felt chills down her spine. His eyes made him look even colder and meaner than her personality did.

Mina followed him out the door, into the living room where all the boys were sitting casually, trying not to give any clues about the upcoming surprise party.

Waving goodbye happily to the boys, Mina followed Jinyoung out the door.

“Where are we going?” Mina asked curiously.


“Are you driving?” Mina had so many questions she wanted answered, she couldn’t help but to asked them rapid fire.


“Then what?”

“The bus.” Jinyoung answered sounding annoyed.

The two waited at the bus stop in complete silence. Mina looked at Jinyoung noticing he didn’t do much to cover his identity.

“People might recognize you.” She warned him feling worried about his safety and privacy.

“It’s okay. I take this bus route all the time to this café and I never have any problems.” He states matter of factly. Mina nods and the silence continues where it left off.

The bus ride, as well as completely silent. Mina sat awkwardly, trying not to touch him or look at him. The silence made things really weird and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Jinyoung stood up, signaling that this was their stop. He waved his hand, telling Mina to follow him. She walked close behind him, following him off the bus and into the city street.

Jinyoung led Mina to a small café that was hidden from street view. The owners of the café immediately recognized Jinyoung, waving to him and asking if he wanted his “usual”. Mina looked in amazement, as Jinyoung became a kind, normal boy, smiling to the owners, and saying nice things. It was a strange sight for Mina to see.

Mina sat down with Jinyoung at the table near the window and started waiting for the drinks they ordered.

Looking away from Jinyoung, Mina started fiddle with her fingers, trying to take her mind off the silence shared between her and Jinyoung.

“So,” Jinyoung started while looking out the window. “What are you going to do?”

“What am I going to do?” Mina asked confused by Jinyoung’s sudden and ambiguous question.

“Once you leave the company as a trainee.” He expanded.

“Oh.” Mina nodded. “I’ll still be a backup dancer. I guess I’ll go to school or find a job as well.” Mina said, thinking out loud.

“It’s good you won’t be training to be an idol.” Jinyoung stated.

“You think?” Mina asked curiously.

“Yeah.” Jinyoung said, turning to Mina. “You aren’t pretty enough.”

Jinyoung’s words shocked Mina. They surprisingly went right to her heart, breaking it into a million pieces.

“Oh.” Mina said sadly.

Interrupting the sour moment between the two, a waitress handed them their drinks, smiling brightly.

“Jinyoung, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend! She is so cute!” she smiled, smiling brightly at Mina and patting her on the head.

“She isn’t my girlfriend!” Jinyoung defended himself.

“Oh, don’t kid me! I can tell when you are lying!” the waitress beamed, thinking she knew everything about Jinyoung since he comes by so often.

Mina looked up at the waitress with an awkward smile “He’s right. We aren’t dating.” She said through her teeth, trying not to seem too rude.

The waitress smiled, and walked away, looking back at Jinyoung giving him an understanding wink.

Mina watched carefully as Jinyoung took a sip of his coffee. Jinyoung looked up after taking a sip to see Mina staring at him.

“What?” he asked abruptly.

Mina shook her head. “Nothing!”

Jinyoung set down his coffee cup. “Is there anywhere else you want to go?” he asked.

Mina’s eyes widened, confused that Jinyoung still wanted to spend time with her. “N-Not really…” she managed to respond.

“Let’s just go to the park then. It is right across the street.” Jinyoung said while standing up.

Mina stood up too, following Jinyoung. After he paid for the drinks, he walked out of the café, smiling and waving at all the employees before closing the door.

“You come here often?” Mina asked.

“Yeah, it’s away from the younger crowd, so I’m not recognized that often.”

Mina nods.

“I come here often to think and write music without the other members. Sometimes I need to get away from them. They can be really loud, you know?” Jinyoung continued.

Mina laughed at that statement because it was 100% true.

As they neared the crosswalk for that would lead them to the park, they noticed that they didn’t have much time to cross the street.

“Come on, let’s hurry.” Jinyoung said, taking Mina’s hand and interlacing his fingers with hers.

Mina gasped at the action, but didn’t have much time to process it as Jinyoung had already started running across the street. Mina followed quickly, running after Jinyoung with her hand in his.

They two panted as they stopped on the other side, both too tired and distracted to remember that they were still holding hands.

When Jinyoung finally noticed, he quickly let go and starting walking. Mina blushed, as her heartbeat quickened at the thought of her hand intertwined with Jinyoung’s. What are you thinking Mina? He just held your hand she thought to herself, quickly pushing the thoughts away.


“Hurry up, they’ll be back in a half hour!” Gongchan yelled.

While Jinyoung and Mina were out, the boys along with Minhee and Jihyun frantically got the B1A4 dorm ready for the party.

Shinwoo and Jihyun were in the kitchen cooking food, while the rest decorated and set up the room for the party.

The room was b with excitement as everyone anticipated Mina’s arrival. They all planned on having an awesome night with lots of fun that Mina would never forget.

Baro came in the door carrying a few bags of groceries, making a grand entrance.

“I’M BACK!” He yells. Everyone stops what they were doing to look at him confused.

“We didn’t even know you were gone!” Sandeul replied with a laugh.

“Yah!” Baro replied, pretending to be hurt.

Gongchan walks over to his hyung and takes one of the bags out of his hand. “Where did you go, anyways?”

“To the store! I got soju!! We will definitely have fun tonight!” Baro said with a wink.

Shinwoo, being the responsible one, walked over and took the bags from Baro. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Things could get pretty wild.” He warned.

“Who cares? It’s out last night with Mina! It should be wild!” Baro replied.

Gongchan cheered, agreeing with Baro.

“Maybe Sandeulie can even gain the strength to get a little heated with our Mina!” Baro joked, adding a wink at the end to Sandeul.

“Never going to happen.” Gongchan replied.

“Do I sense a bet?” Baro inquired, becoming more excited if it was even possible.

While the boys made their bets on the night’s events, the rest of the group continued to prepare, causing the time to pass quickly. Before they knew it, Mina was expected to be back any minute now.

“Stations everyone!” Sandeul yelled as he jumped behind a sofa.


Jinyoung and Mina walk towards the dorm from the bus stop after a long day. They never really did too much, since Jinyoung was mostly unsure of how to distract Mina, so he made her run all over the city doing random and uninteresting things.

“Are you tired?” Jinyoung asks after noticing Mina had fallen behind quite a bit while walking back.

“A little.” Mina nodded, while trying to quicken her pace towards Jinyoung.

“Better hurry!” Jinyoung teased as he started to run back to the dorm.

“I don’t even care.” Mina said out loud as she continued to walk slowly, not bothering to use her energy to catch up to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung used this as an opportunity to warn the others that Mina was almost home.

Jinyoung opened the door to yells and screams of “surprise” which died down as soon as they realized it was only Jinyoung.

“You could have warned us it was only you!” Gongchan whined as he sat back down in his hiding spot.

“What? Did you lose her?” Shinwoo joked.

“I don’t lose her!” Jinyoung snipped back at Shinwoo. “She’s walking slowly back to the dorm. Almost here.” Jinyoung said as he walked over to his room, bored.

“Oppa~” Jinyoung heard Hana’s voice. “Aren’t you going to enjoy the party. We have a reason to celebrate!” Hana stopped Jinyoung from walking into his bedroom by grabbing the same hand that was holding Mina’s earlier in the day.

Jinyoung looked down at Hana’s hand in his and shrugged. “I guess so.” He replied as Hana pulled him quickly to her hiding place.

“Okay, back to hiding!” Sandeul yelled just in time.

Within seconds, Mina was starting to open the door.

Her eyes widened and she jumped back startled when she heard all the yells and screams of all her friends. Mina looked around the room to see all of B1A4, Jihyun and Minhee, Hana and two of her friends named Yui and Hani, and two trainee boys she was friends with named Minki and Joowon.

Mina smiled as she realized what was going on and ran into the room ready for an exciting night of fun.

ahh I thought I posted this last night but something must have happened because it never posted :(
Anyways, sorry that this isn't the party is coming next! I think a lot of you are looking forward to reading it. I'm really excited to write it! I have a lot planned >;) I am using some of your ideas too! hehe look forward to it!!
Thanks to all my new subscibers (hello~ ^^) and thanks for all the comments! <3


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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!