Chapter 12

B1A4's New Roommate


Jinyoung opened the door without knocking to see a surprised Mina sitting on her bed. Her eyes were wide since he came in unannounced. He walked up to her without saying anything and took her wrist in his hand, pulling her up off the bed.

“Come on, we’re going somewhere.” He said to her as he led the way towards the hallway.

Mina followed him shocked and confused. He pulled her towards the elevator and pushed her in first before following her in.

They stood in silence as they descended.

“Where are we going?” Mina asked once she finally gained the courage to say something. Jinyoung didn’t seem mad, so she felt a little be at ease, but he didn’t seem happy either.

Jinyoung just looked at her, rolling his eyes.

“You’ll see when we get there.”

Mina nodded her head and decided not to ask any more questions. She didn’t think Jinyoung would be someone willing to engage in small talk with her, so she figured it was best to just be quiet until she found out what was going on.

Once the elevator stopped, Jinyoung grabbed Mina’s wrist again, taking her out of the elevator and into the lobby. There, many fans were waiting for Jinyoung since some people recognized B1A4 while they were out earlier today and followed them back to the hotel.

Jinyoung walked by the fans quickly, not bothering to notice any of them, and Mina followed close behind. It was very hectic with all the screams, and a few times Mina was pushed around, but Jinyoung always held her tight and helped her keep her balance. Mina heard a few of the fans saying mean things about her like “Why is she with Jinyoung oppa?” “Who is she anyways?” “She isn’t even pretty, she doesn’t deserve him.” She tried to ignore it, but she couldn’t help but believe it. She didn’t really have a crush on any of the guys, but even if she did, she knew she wouldn’t deserve to date guys like them. They were idols and she was just a plain girl. Did she even deserve to be friends with them?

Once outside of the hotel, Jinyoung whistled for a taxi. One stopped and Jinyoung opened the door and got in, pulling Mina in after him.

Mina sat back as Jinyoung said something in Japanese to the driver that she couldn’t understand and the taxi driver started driving in a new direction. The two sat in silence as the taxi went down the road, driving to someplace unknown to Mina. She turned to look at Jinyoung next to her, who was looking out the window, sitting as far away from Mina as possible while fidgeting with his fingers.

“What is with him?” Mina wondered to herself before turning away. Mina turned and looked out her window, admiring the city. She was glad she was out enjoying the sights even though she was with Jinyoung. If he is as quiet the rest of the time as he has been, she thought she might be able to enjoy herself. She hoped for both of their sakes that they wouldn’t get in an argument, but she figured with it being them two, it was unlikely for one not to happen.

“We’re here.” Jinyoung said as he opened the door and took Mina out of her thoughts. As Mina unbuckled her seatbelt, Jinyoung paid the cab fee and started walking off.

Mina opened her door quickly and got out of the car, running to catch up to Jinyoung who had left her behind.

Jinyoung led her towards a modern looking building with a sign in Japanese that Mina couldn’t understand. This trip was making her realize that she should start learning Japanese.

When she caught up to Jinyoung, he suddenly stopped, causing her to run into his back and fall to the ground. He turned around to face her and Mina looked up at him, hoping he would help her up since she was a little sore from the fall.

“If you’re going to hang out with me, at least try to keep up.” He said to her before turning back around and walking towards what looked like a ticket counter. Mina stood up and walked towards him. Once she reached him, he grabbed her wrist, holding the tickets in his other hand, and walked towards the door.

They walked in as Jinyoung handed the tickets to someone. Mina looked around, noticing they were in a beautiful looking aquarium. Mina’s heart raced, excited that Jinyoung took her somewhere so fun. Ever since she was little, Mina’s favorite place to go was the aquarium. She loved watching all the fish swim around and looking for each different kind in the tanks. Her favorite part of all though, was the dolphin show. She never told anyone since it seemed embarrassing, but she always dreamed of being a dolphin trainer and forming a close bond with all the dolphins.

“I passed by it today when I was out with the members and thought you might want to see it.” Jinyoung said coolly, like he knew he did something worthy of her approval.

Mina was surprised that Jinyoung actually thought of her and did something so kind.

“Wow, thank you. I’m really glad to be here!” Mina responded before running off to look into a tank full of fish.

Jinyoung watched as Mina looked into the tank with an amazed look on her face. He followed her around silently as she went to each exhibit and admired all the animals.

After an hour or so, Jinyoung looked at his watch, while Mina was watching a tank full of lobsters.

“Hey, come on.” Jinyoung said as he once again took Mina’s wrist leading her to somewhere in the aquarium.

“I was looking at that, you know!” Mina said annoyed as she tried to ungrasp herself from Jinyoung’s hand.

“Never mind that. I have something better to show you.”

Mina followed Jinyoung curiously. She wondered what could possibly be better than where she was when she was looking at all the animals.

Jinyoung pushed the doors open to a room with a big tank in it, filled with water. There were people walking around in wetsuits. Mina looked around, wondering where she was. A small thin girl wearing a wetsuit came up to her.

“Excuse me, are you Mina?” She asked sweetly giving a big smile.

Mina nodded, unsure of what was going on.

“Great! I’m Akane. You have an exciting hour ahead of you Mina, follow me!”

Mina followed the girl, as Jinyoung stood behind watching them leave before he turned to sit on a bench that overlooked the pool.

“You aren’t going to participate with your girlfriend?” a pretty girl came to sit next to the bench with Jinyoung.

Jinyoung looked at her surprised before letting out an awkward laugh.

“Her? She is NOT my girlfriend.” He replied.

“Whatever you say…Come on, let’s go get you ready too!” she said happily, taking Jinyoung’s hand and dragging him off into a locker room. She wasn’t going to take no for an answer.


Jihyun was watching Baro flirt endlessly with Minhee as they travelled around the city shopping and trying food. It was kind of annoying for her since she felt very much like a third wheel, but at the same time it was interesting to watch Minhee’s reactions. She knew that Minhee said Baro wasn’t her type and that she didn’t like him, but Jihyun always saw Minhee blush when Baro would say or do something sweet. Even though she would blush though, she never flirted back. Jihyun noticed that the more Minhee refused to flirt back, the harder Baro would try to get her attention and make her laugh. Jihyun started to wonder what exactly was holding Minhee back. Baro was a fun and attractive guy; any girl he flirted with was bound to fall for him eventually. And he was an idol, how much more perfect could he get?

“Are you going to still hang out with me when we get back to Korea, or will you ignore me like you did before?” Baro teased Minhee.

“Hmm. Probably ignore you.” She replied.

Baro and Jihyun laughed, but Jihyun got the feelings that Minhee was being serious.

It was now about 6pm, and they had to be getting back to the hotel to prepare to go to the airport.

Once they got back to the hotel, Minhee and Jihyun entered their room after parting with Baro.

“Okay we’re alone now, so tell me the truth.” Jihyun demanded immediately after shutting the door.

“The truth about what?” Minhee asked innocently.

“Baro. Why are you acting so cold to him. He obviously wants your attention.”

Minhee looked down at her hands as she thought of what to say.

“I guess I’m just not interested.” She finally replied, looking up to Jihyun.

“That’s BS!” Jihyun retorted angrily

“It isn’t!” Minhee shot back “He isn’t my type! I told you already!” she yelled.

Jihyun decided to let it be after seeing Minhee like this. Minhee was always so sweet and kind and it was weird seeing her angry and yelling. Jihyun kept quiet as the two girls packed up their belongings.

“Do you know where Mina is?” Minhee broke the silence between the two girls.

“No…Where is she always going? She gets into some much trouble.” Jihyun says as she starts to pack Mina’s things too, assuming Mina would arrive late.

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!