Chapter 9

B1A4's New Roommate


“What exactly were you doing?” Baro asks Jinyoung as soon as B1A4 and all the backup dancers are seated to eat dinner.

“What do you mean?” Jinyoung asks confused.

“The kiss. You kissed Mina on stage.” Baro says in an annoyed tone.

Jinyoung laughs and puts down his chopsticks, leaning across the table to be closer to Baro.

“I thought it would bother her,” Jinyoung says before looking around the table for Mina. “And it looks like I was right.” He finished with a smirk before leaning back in his seat continuing to eat.

“I think you took it too far, Jinyoung. You and Mina could get in a lot of trouble.” Shinwoo says, trying to scold him. He felt bad for Mina. After seeing her walk away, the image has been haunting him.

“It doesn’t matter. I know she wanted it.” Jinyoung says.

“Can we just stop talking about this?” Hana says with an annoyed tone, trying to change the subject from Mina.

“Yeah, for once I agree with Hana.” Sandeul says with a sad look plastered on his face.

“Well, what is everyone doing tomorrow?” Shinwoo asks trying to change the subject.

“Probably just resting. Maybe a little shopping?” Baro answers back while shoving rice in his mouth.

Sandeul’s face brightened at the mention of tomorrow. He won the kai bai bo match against Baro, which meant he was going to get to take Mina out. His heart fluttered at the thought. A whole day in a foreign country with the girl he liked. Nothing could be better.

Jinyoung noticed Sandeul blushing across from him and gave him a weird look.

“Yah—what trouble are you causing tomorrow that is making you blush so much?” he asked, trying to get Sandeul to confess.

“It’s nothing, hyung!” Sandeul says, shaking his hands, trying not to bring it up.

“With a reaction like that it must be something. Spill.” Jinyoung replied with little emotion.

“Fine. I was going to ask Mina to spend the day with me.” Sandeul says blushing. He looks down to his lap so the other members don’t see his pink cheeks.

“You’re what?” Jinyoung asks, getting a little angry.

Gongchan and Shinwoo exchanged glances at their leader’s sudden outburst.

“I’m…hoping to hang out with Mi—“

“You aren’t. We’re going a group outing. Just B1A4.” Jinyoung says quickly cutting Sandeul off.

“Since when?” Baro asks surprised. “I was planning to go around shopping and meeting girls.

“Since now. It’ll be fun.” Jinyoung replies.

From then on, the atmosphere was a little awkward. Sandeul didn’t talk much for the rest of the night and neither did Jinyoung. Gongchan and Shinwoo paid close attention to their words and actions, trying to figure something out.


Back at the hotel, Mina laid in her bed restlessly. She couldn’t get that moment out of her head. “What the hell was he doing?!” Mina yells while throwing a pillow against the wall.

She couldn’t stand being in the hotel any longer. She didn’t want to meet up with all the guys, but she needed to do something. She put her shoes and coat on and left to wander around the city. It seemed like a good way to get her mind off the recent events and have a little fun.

While she was looking up in the sky at all the bright lights and tall buildings, she bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

“I’m sorry!” someone replied in English with a heavy Japanese accent

“Don’t apologize! I should be sorry!” Mina said quickly while laughing a little from embarrassment.

He reached his hand out to help her up. His grip was strong around her hand and he easily lifted her up to her feet.

“Thank you,” Mina replied bowing slightly to which the boy responded by laughing.

“No need for that. It’s my pleasure.” He says, giving her a bright smile. Mina couldn’t help but notice how cute he was. He was tall and had wispy black hair that was blowing a little in the night wind. When he smiled, his eyes closed shut very small, which made Mina giggle a little at his cuteness. To her, he looked just like a cute anime character. She thought it was a little funny.

“Hey, what’s your name?” he asked while he watched her smiling back at him.

“My name is Mina.” She replied reaching her hand out.

“Mine is Seiki. It’s nice to meet you Mina.” He replied as he shook her hand. “Are you busy? You wanna go somewhere?” He asked. Mina nodded, and Seiki grabbed her wrist and started running.

“Let’s hurry! I’ll take you to my favorite café!”


Back at dinner, the boys were starting to have more of a good time. A few pretty fans came in and wanted to hang out with them, so the boys were passing the time entertaining and impressing the girls like most boys do.

Jihyun and Minhee watched them rolling their eyes every time they did something stupid or obnoxious.

“These boys are idiots. Cute idiots.” Jihyun says, looking in amazement.

“They’re so dorky. I can’t believe these girls want to spend time with them.” Minhee added while she watched Gongchan do a sequence of aegyo.

“I guess a girl will do anything to have a special night with an idol.” Jihyun replied while she watched two girls trying to get the attention of Jinyoung.

“Jinyoung is so cold hearted. Why is he so popular with the girls? The other members seem so much kinder and more pleasant to be around.” Jihyun adds.

“Maybe Jinyoung isn’t that bad…there could be something we don’t know about him.” Minhee says, while watching Jinyoung closely before getting bored. “Hey, I’m going to get another drink. I’ll be right back.” Minhee says, while waving to her friend.

Minhee walks towards the bar, which has many drinks set out. She looks at each one trying to decide which one she wants.

“Is it that important of a decision?” Baro whispers in Minhee’s ear, surprising her.

“Oh! Sunbae! You scared me.” Minhee says, letting out a little laugh of relief.

Baro laughs at her reaction. “Yah, you don’t have to be so formal with me.”

“Oh...O-okay.” Minhee replies while blushing a little. She never imagined she’d get close enough to B1A4 for one of the members to want to be informal with her.

“Did you decide what you want to drink?”

“Hmmm.” Minhee says while thinking. She puts her finger up to her forehead and taps it like she is thinking hard about what to choose.

Baro laughs at her cute gesture.

“How about I choose for you?” he asks, thinking he found the perfect solution.

“And what if I don’t like what you choose?”

“Well then I’ll pour you another!” Baro says while smiling at her before walking over to grab her cup. “Close your eyes!”

Minhee closes her eyes while Baro picks her a drink. He decided to choose a fruit punch that was there that had a lot of tropical fruit pieces floating in it. It was a pretty pinkish orange color, which Baro thought looked cool.

“Here, I picked one!” He says excitedly while pulling Minhee onto a couch to sit down. He hands her the drink and Minhee laughs.

“Yah, what’s funny?” Baro asks suddenly, worried by her laughter. Did he do something wrong?

“How did you know this was my favorite color?” Minhee asks while giving him a big eye smile and taking the cut out of his hands. He watched as Minhee’s pink lips hit the cup and he eyes closed, letting her long eyelashes flutter while she took a sip off the punch. Baro blushed noticing these features on the girl next to him.

“It’s really good! Great choice!” Minhee replied, once again giving him an eye smile.

“Glad you like it! Well, see you later!” Baro says while standing up quickly and leaving immediately. As he walked away, the images of Minhee kept flashing through his mind, making his heart beat faster.


“So did you have a good day?” Seiki asks Mina while he took a sip of his latte.

“It was alright! What about you?”

“Hmm…It was a little lame. I had to my sister to a k-pop concert.” He answered before letting out a loud sigh.

Mina’s eyes widened and she choked a little on her tea. “K-pop?”

“Yeah…a group of boys... I don’t remember what they were called. Do you know K-pop?” he asked curiously.

Mina laughed nervously. “Yeah…I know it.”

“The only good thing about it was the back-up dancers. A lot of them were really pretty. It seemed the group thought so too.”

“W-what do you mean?”  Mina asked nervously, even though she thought she knew what he meant.

“My sister had a fit on the way home. He favorite member…Youngjin…Jinyo…I don’t know…he kissed one of the back-up dancers. She was pretty angry. It was obnoxious.”

Mina laughed again nervously. She didn’t really know what to say. Actually, it made her a little nervous. Did all of B1A4’s fans hate her now because Jinyoung kissed her?

“Hey, you okay?” Seiki asked noticing Mina spacing out.

Mina snapped back to reality. “Yeah, I’m fine!” Mina replied giving him a fake smile.

Mina sipped her tea while Seiki took out his phone to answer a call.

“Mina, I have to go home. My mom needs to go to work and I have to watch my little sister.” He says with a disappointed look on his face.

“It’s okay! Go take care of your sister!”

“I had a fun time with you…Do you want to meet up tomorrow and I can show you around the city more?”

Mina blinks, trying to think of a response. Was she allowed to go out?

“Here, this is my number.” Seiki says while writing his number on a napkin. “Call me tomorrow if you want to do something.”

He hands Mina the napkin and she looks at it before putting it in her coat pocket. She looked up to see Seiki already walking away. He turns around to walk backwards and gives her a big smile and waves.

“I hope to hear from you tomorrow Mina!” he yells before turning around and running off.

Mina looks around, not quite remembering how to get back to the hotel. Seiki ran so fast that it was hard to keep track of where they were going.  Her only option now was to call her friends or B1A4. She took her phone out of her purse to call Jihyun. She hit the buttons, but nothing happened. Mina started to worry. Her phone was dead.


It was now 12am and everyone was arriving back at the hotel to go to sleep. Minhee and Jihyun wave goodbye to the boys and other dancers before entering the room they were sharing with Mina.

“What do you think Mina has been doing this whole time?” Minhee asks while unlocking the door.

“Probably sleeping. That girl can sleep through anything!” Jihyun responds with a laugh.

They enter the room in complete darkness.

“Seems like you were right.” Minhee whispers so she doesn’t wake up Mina.

The walk over to the bed to check on her, but she wasn’t there. Minhee turns on a light to look around the room for Mina but the room was empty.

“What the hell? Where is she?” Jihyun asks a little angry.

Minhee looks around for a note or any sign that she left while Jihyun took out her phone to call Mina. She tried five times before accepting the fact that Mina wasn’t going to answer.

“Yah, what do we do?!” Minhee yells, tears starting to come from her eyes. She was getting really scared that something bad happened.

Jihyun sat on the bed trying to think of how they could find their friend.

She suddenly stands up and grabs Minhee’s wrist, dragging her towards the door. “Let’s go see B1A4.”

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!