Chapter 14

B1A4's New Roommate


After a week of the same thing that normally happens at WM Ent., everyone was starting to feel really bored. All the trainees were exhausted from the constantly training they were going through. There was a rumor that they were planning to debut a new rookie group, but a lot of trainees thought it was just a ploy the company was using to get them to work harder.

Meanwhile, B1A4 was busy promoting themselves like usual. Mina hadn’t seen much of them in the dorm because when they would return she had always fallen asleep. Her only interactions with them occurred in the morning. She missed spending time with them, but she was glad she didn’t have to see much of Jinyoung.

Today, Mina was home in the early evening from practice. She walked into the kitchen, hungry from all the dancing she did today. While looking in the fridge for ingredients to make a salad—since she was on a diet—she heard someone unlock the door to the door. Surprised since it was still so early for any of the boys to return, she walks over to see who it was.

Mina stopped in her tracks, unsure how to respond, when she saw only Jinyoung walk through the door.

“Oh, you’re here?” Jinyoung said after seeing her.

“Um…yeah.” Mina said unsure what to say. Her relationship with Jinyoung was so confusing to her. He took her out while they were in Japan, but now he still acts so cold to her.

“I’m making a salad. Do you want me to make you anything?” She added, trying to do something nice for him. She never knew why she always wanted him to like her and be her friend. He made her so angry all the time, yet still she yearned for his approval.

“That isn’t necessary,” he replied “I’m going back out.”

“Oh you are? Where are you going?” Mina asked curiously.

“Does it really matter to you?” Jinyoung asked annoyed by her question.

“I’m sorry. Just trying to make small talk…” Mina replied sadly.

“Well, don’t.” Jinyoung replied as he walked into his room and shut the door.

Mina sulked back into the kitchen, disappointed that she couldn’t get Jinyoung to open his mind to her. No matter what she did, he was never happy with her. She still had no idea why he took her to the aquarium or how he knew that she loved aquariums and dolphins.

As Mina sat at the table eating the salad she made, there was a knock at the door. Excited that it might be one of the other members, Mina jumped up and ran towards the door opening it with a smile. Her smile quickly faded when she saw it was only Hana.

“Is Jinyoungie back yet?” Hana asked as she peeked her head around Mina and into the dorm.

“Um…yeah.” Mina replied, letting Hana come in. Mina went back to the table to continue eating her salad. Just as she did this, Jinyoung came out of his room wearing something different.

“Are you ready?” He asked looking towards Hana. “Let’s go then!” he added with what Mina thought looked like a smile.

Hana nodded and with that, they both left without saying a word to Mina.

Mina sat there, astonished that Jinyoung and Hana were leaving to go somewhere and that he was smiling about it. Mina threw her fork on the table, which brought her back to her senses.

“What am I so mad about anyways? Why do I care if they are going out on a date?” She wondered out loud.

“Oh, I know! It’s because of Shinwoo oppa! I’m mad because Hana isn’t paying attention to him, it's because she is hurting Shinwoo oppa!” Mina reasoned with herself. Proud that she reached a conclusion, she picked up her finished meal to take it back into the kitchen.

For the rest of the evening, she did her own thing. She cleaned the dorm a bit, did some of her laundry, and a few other things. It was closer to 8pm, which was when Shinwoo said they would be returning, so Mina decided to make some ramen for them for dinner to surprise them.

While she cooked, the thoughts of Hana and Jinyoung swirled through her brain distracting her. It was annoying her a lot.

“Mina?” someone patted Mina’s shoulder.

Mina turned around to see Shinwoo right next to her and Sandeul, Baro, and Gongchan looking around the corner at her with a concerned look on their faces.

“Oh! You guys are back!” She said excitedly.

“Yeah, we’ve been back for five minute!” Baro said laughing.

“We’ve been trying to get your attention, but you have just been cooking away.” Sandeul said.

“What were you thinking about?” Shinwoo now asked, looking at her with a hit of worry in his face.

“It’s really nothing! I must have been daydreaming.” Mina said thinking of an excuse. “Here, I made you all dinner. Go sit down!”

The boys all ran to the table, sitting down with outbursts of excitement towards the meal they were about to eat.

They sat at the table, all eating and talking about their days. The boys told Mina all about their schedules for the day while Mina told them what she practiced with the trainees.

When they were finished catching up, Gongchan noticed that Jinyoung wasn’t there.

“Hey, where did Jinyoung hyung go? He said he was staying in all night?”

Mina looked at him surprised. “Did he? He came home and went straight out.” She said, hoping to avoid the fact that he went out with Hana for Shinwoo.

“Did he say where he was going?” Baro asked

Mina let out a laugh at the question “Do you really think he’d tell me?”

The boys laughed “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Baro said.

“Well, what are we going to do now?” Sandeul asked already feeling bored now that there wasn’t any food to eat.

“Why don’t we have some fun of our own?” Baro said.

“I know that look, hyung! What do you have planned?” Gongchan asked.

“Mina, call your friends to come over. We’ll clean up while you do.” Baro replied.

Mina did as she was told and when Minhee and Jihyun arrived, the boys had finished cleaning. They all sat in the living room, some on the floor and some on the couch not knowing what they were going to do now.

“Let’s play a game.” Baro said, obviously having some kind of plan.

“What kind of game?” Jihyun asked

“Truth or Dare” Baro replied

Everyone had excitement plastered on their faces. It was probably the most exciting thing they got to experience all week.

“Who starts?” Shinwoo asks

“You start since you asked.” Baro answers.

Shinwoo sits and things of whom his first victim will be. And points to Baro.

“Truth” Baro answers without even being asked the question.

“Hmmm” Shinwoo says out loud thinking of how to torture him. “Do you have a crush on someone?” he asks thinking back to Mina’s question when they were in Japan.

“Of course!” Baro replied with a smile looking over at Minhee. Minhee rolls her eyes at Baro’s obnoxious answer.

“Okay, my turn!” Baro says, not even caring about Minhee’s response to his secret confession. “Mina! You are my victim! Truth or Dare?!” he asks excitedly.

“Dare.” She answers, not wanting Baro to ask her anything about crushes.

Baro smiles evilly when he thinks of the perfect dare. “I dare you give Jinyoung a hug and say ‘Welcome home oppa!’ with lots of aegyo when he returns!” Baro says. His dare earns laughs and some gasps of shock.

“That’s a good one, hyung!” Gongchan says giving Baro a high-five.

“He’s going to kill me if I touch him!” Mina says afraid

“You have to do it. That’s the rules of the game.” Baro said giving her a wink.

“Fine…” Mina sighed in defeat. She then looked around at everyone, wondering who she could ask.

“Minhee! Truth or Dare.”

Minhee looked at Mina and gave her an angry look. She had a feeling Mina would ask her a truth about Baro or dare her something about Baro so she was annoyed.

“Truth” she answered figuring it would be better than being dared to kiss Baro or something.

“Who is your ideal type in B1A4?”

Minhee let out a sigh of relief when she heard nothing of Baro mentioned.

She then looked around at the boys, wondering herself who it would be.

“I guess it would be someone cute and sweet like Gongchan!” she replied. Gongchan jumped up in victory and teased Baro that the girl he liked picked him instead. Baro just scoffed and hit Gonchan’s leg making him fall back down with a thud. Everyone laughed at the boys’ reactions.

While everyone was laughing, they heard the door begin to open and Jinyoung and Hana walked in the door. While they took their shoes off, everyone looked at Mina with anticipation, trying to get her to get up and fulfill her dare.

Reluctantly, Mina stood up. She started walking over, but stopped when she imagined Jinyoung’s reaction. She slowly turned back around, but Baro was right behind her and pushed her towards Jinyoung.

Jinyoung looked up at her after he is finished untying is shoes and stands up giving her an annoyed look. Mina moves towards him, nearly paralyzed by her nervousness.

“Welcome back, Oppa!” she says loudly and cutely giving him a big eye smile before wrapping her arms tightly around him. Hana gasps at Mina’s sudden moves, while the rest of the room lets out “oooh!” and “aww!”

Gongchan and Baro high-five and Gongchan watches as Jinyoung stands there motionless with wide-eyes as Mina hugs him tightly.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Hana screams.

As a reaction to Hana’s yells, Jinyoung quickly pushes Mina off of him. She loses her balance and balance and falls to the floor right in front of Jinyoung and Hana’s feet.

The room is quiet as they watch the situation unfold.

“Jinyoung brings me back from a date and this is what you do? You really have some nerve!” Hana responds angrily.

At the mention of a date, Shinwoo’s face drops

Mina doesn’t say anything and neither does Jinyoung. He looks down at her shame-filled face, confused by her welcome.

“Yah! Don’t take it seriously! We were just playing truth or dare!” Jihyun steps in defending her friend.

“She’s right! Why don’t you guys sit down and play with us?” Gongchan says as he helps Mina up. Jinyoung rolls his eyes at Gongchan’s actions.

“No, I’d rather not.” Hana replies but it quickly cut off when Jinyoung answers “Okay” and walks over the sit down the with others.

Not wanting to be left behind, Hana sighs and sits down next to Jinyoung and holds his hand. Shinwoo stares at Hana’s hand that is intertwined with his group member sadly.

“So whose turn is it?” Minhee asks

“Let’s let Jinyoung hyung go first!” Gongchan replied. Everyone’s attention rested on Jinyoung as he thought about who to choose.

“Gongchan, truth or dare?” he asked Gongchan’s eyes widened, surprised to be picked.

“Umm truth” he answered.

“Do you like Mina?” he quickly asked as if he already planned his question.

Gongchan immediately blushed and started stuttering while avoiding the question.

“Just answer the question.” Jinyoung said annoyed.

“N-no, hyung! It would be weird liking her since she lives with us!” Gongchan said still stuttering.

Sensing a weird atmosphere, Jihyun quickly interfered. “Okay, Gongchan! Your turn!”

Gongchan looked directly back at Jinyoung and asked him “Truth or Dare”

Feeling competitive, Jinyoung picked dare. Gongchan sighed because he hoped he would pick truth.

“ummm…You have to sleep in Mina’s room tonight!” Gongchan said suddenly thinking of something.

“My room?!” Mina yelled shocked.

“Fine.” Jinyoung replied, not going to back down from a dare.

“Jinyoung, you don’t have to do it!” Hana said.

“Is Mina going to be in the room?” Minhee asked curiously.

Gongchan replied with an obvious tone. “Of course, where else would she sleep?”

“Why are you torturing me? It isn’t my dare!” Mina replied.

After a few more silly dares and truths, it was getting late and everyone was feelings tired.

“I think we should head back to our dorm.” Minhee said, pulling up a very sleepy Jihyun with her.

“I’ll walk you back!” Baro said quickly standing up.

“Jinyoungie, will you walk me back?” Hana asked Jinyoung

“Just walk back with Baro.” Jinyoung said showing her his cold side again. “I’m too tired.”

Hana pouted, but Jinyoung paid no attention to her.

“I’ll walk you back, Hana…” Shinwoo said shyly. Hana looked at him and refused. “No that’s okay. I’ll just walk myself back.” She said as she walked away from him to put her shoes on.

After everyone left, all eyes were on Mina and Jinyoung. Everyone lazily sat on the floor, not wanting to go to bed before Mina and Jinyoung, but they weren’t moving.

Soon Baro came back and saw that everyone was still awake.

“Come on guys, let’s get to bed! We have to give the newlyweds their privacy.” Baro said winking at Mina and Jinyoung. 

Like always, thanks everyone for reading, subscribing, and commenting. It really motivates me when I read your comments reacting to the story and I immediately start writing more when you comment. I just want to make you all happy! And it makes me happy when you comment and tell me you enjoy reading. So please continue!
I hope you were entertained by this chapter! I'm sure you're all looking forward to the next chapter hehe!


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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!