Chapter 4

B1A4's New Roommate


Gongchan watched as Kim Hana shamelessly flirted with Jinyoung. Sometimes she would even flirt with the other members, probably to get them to like her, Gongchan supposed. It looked like the other members fell to her charms. Gongchan wasn’t planning on giving in though. He sensed something fishy whenever Kim Hana spoke. Like she has some other motive, but he couldn’t figure it out.

“Oppa…let’s go out to eat! I’m hungry!” Kim Hana said with an annoying amount of aegyo.

“Actually, that sounds like it could be fun…What do you think guy? Do you want to get some of the other trainees together and take them out to get pizza? It could be a good bonding experience.” Jinyoung says with a smirk.

The other members excitedly agreed as Gongchan watched. He could still sense something weird. And now Jinyoung was giving him the same feeling Kim Hana was. Maybe they both had something planned?

Everyone started getting up after Kim Hana ordered them to leave immediately since she was “sooooo hungry”. Sandeul practically ran to the door with excitement at the thought of food, and Baro the same way at the thought of more girls. Everyone started walking out the door as Kim Hana led them to the girl’s dorm to get a few more girls to go to dinner with them.

“I have an idea! Do you guys want to go to the arcade after pizza?” Baro practically screams, jumping up and down.

“That sounds awesome! It will be nice to play around!” CNU replies as the all run down the sidewalk goofing off excited about the night that is ahead of them.

Gongchan follows silently still watching s. It isn’t like he cared much, but he wondered how long it would take until someone realized Mina wasn’t there. They left her at the dorm while she was showering. He left her a note when none of the other members telling her where they were going and that she could meet them there if she wanted. But he had a feeling Kim Hana didn’t want her there. If they were really friends she would have remembered Mina and waited for her. Nobody seemed to remember Mina though. Not even after they met the two girls Kim Hana brought out from the dorm. Gongchan couldn’t help but forget about Mina as he met the new girls. They were really cute and sweet. Before long, they were all at the pizza place trying to find a table big enough for them to all sit at.

Meanwhile back at the dorm, Mina emerges from the bathroom, confused at the silence she hears. Mina walked around the dorm as she asked countless questions while checking for any traces of her roommates. Where was everyone? Was this a prank, or did they actually leave her there alone? Maybe they had a schedule they had to, but she couldn’t remember any of them mentioning anything. She dried her hair a bit with her towel while walking into the living room. She dropped down on the couch with an exaggerated sigh. Just then, she noticed a neon green post-it note sticking to the TV. Mina walked towards it curiously wondering what it was. Mina took the note off of the TV.

“We went out to get pizza with Hana noona and some other girls. Come with us if you want!


Mina couldn’t believe it. They couldn’t wait for her? Was it even worth it to get dressed and go to wherever they are? She is obviously not wanted by anyone. Mina now hated Kim Hana. It’s obvious that she was just using her.

Mina threw the note in the trash and went into her room. She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling, eventually falling asleep.


After eating a ton of pizza, the group walked to the nearby arcade that B1A4 often went to during the downtime. A few girls recognized them and joined in the group, playing games and laughing with the boys. Kim Hana continued to cling to Jinyoung tried to win a stuffed dolphin from a claw machine. Kim Hana cheered him on enthusiastically, assuming that the prize would be given to her.

“Oppa!! You can do it! Don’t give up!” Kim Hana yells as the dolphin falls out of the claw’s grasp. Jinyoung hits the machine before putting more coins in to play again. Baro walks over with two girls to watch Jinyoung. They all cheer for Jinyoung as they watch the claw drop the dolphin into the hole. Jinyoung reached down taking the small stuffed dolphin out of the machine and looked at is as if he was inspecting its quality. Kim Hana leaned over his back looking at the toy as well.

“Jinyoungie oppa! I love it!!” she yells hugging her arms around his neck.

“Yeah, me too…” Jinyoung says quietly, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

Kim Hana takes the dolphin from his hands, hugging it close to her face. “I will cherish it forever!”

Jinyoung snatched the stuffed dolphin from her hands inspecting it once again making sure it wasn’t ruined.

“Oppa?!” Kim Hana screams confused as she watches him put the toy in his pocket.

“What? Did you think I won this for you?”

Gongchan watches amused as the scene plays in front of him. He has been watching with CNU while they drank sodas and made funny comments about each other the member’s habits when they are out having fun.

“After being around these guys, I can’t help but notice that the way they have all been acting tonight is exactly how I saw it play out in my mind when I thought of the idea” CNU starts.

“What do you mean hyung?”

“Well, look,” CNU says pointing to Baro “Sunwoo has automatically clung to the two new girls who are very cute, but has mostly ignored Kim Hana because she is overbearing. He hates overbearing girls. But those other girls are sweet, so he wants to hang out with them all night, and of course, since he is so handsome, they don’t even care that they have to share.” CNU explains and takes a long sip of his soda while turning his attention to Sandeul.

“And look at him,” He points to Sandeul, who is at the snack bar, loading up on junk food as if it was his first time seeing all of it. Gongchan laughed seeing Sandeul. He forgot that he was even here with them. “Junghwan is such a strange boy isn’t he? He doesn’t even notice girls. We hardly see and hang out with girls, and yet all he cares about is food. But I think he ignores them on purpose because girls make him shy.” CNU explains with a proud look on his face.

“And what about Jinyoung hyung?” Gongchan asks curiously

“Well,” CNU begins, taking a sip of his soda once again to give him time to think. “He’s a little hard to read. Kim Hana isn’t really his type…but he’s spending a lot of time with her. I don’t really know what he is doing. I thought he was winning that prize for her and I think everyone else did too. I wonder why he wants it for himself…” CNU trails off not knowing what else to say.

“Hyung,” Gongchan starts wondering if he should mention Mina not being there. Someone has to have noticed, right? “Do you think something is missing?”

“What do you mean exactly?”

“Ehh..Never mind it isn’t important.”

CNU shrugs and takes another sip of his soda and turns away from Gongchan to watch the rest of s enjoy the outing.

Meanwhile, Jinyoung found refuge outside away from Kim Hana. He watched through the window as she searched the arcade for him. He turned away and walked out of the streetlight illuminating him. He leaned against the side of the arcade as many groups of friends and a few couples passed by him, some recognizing him and saying hello or asking for a picture or autograph. He ignored most of them, feeling tired from Kim Hana. He reached his hands in his pockets to warm his fingers from the cold January air. He felt the soft small toy as he reached his left hand in deeper. His eyes lit up as he remembered the toy. He took it out, admiring it and letting a small smile slide across his face.

Gongchan watched from afar wondering what exactly his leader was up to.


“I think it is time we start heading home. It is late and we have schedule tomorrow and I’m sure you girls have an early morning practice.” Jinyoung announces as they all sit at a table drinking sodas and eating snacks. They had used most of their money they brought playing games, and as the night went on, slowly everyone ended up joining Sandeul at the table he had been eating at all night.

“WOAH!” Sandeul says almost choking on his soda. Everyone silently looked over at him. Baro patted Sandeul’s back to keep him from choking to death.

“I just realized something! We left Mina back the dorm!” Sandeul said surprised that he of all the members could forget.

“I guess we were all so excited that she slipped our mind.” Baro reasons with himself trying to not feel bad.

Gongchan sighs. He couldn’t believe it took them this long to notice, but he played along pretending to also not notice her lack of presence during the entire evening.

“I’m sure she doesn’t mind! We still had so much fun without her! Right oppa?!” Kim Hana says as she elbows Jinyoung wanting him to chime in.

“Yeah…” Jinyoung replied coldly seeming like her had something else on his mind.

“Well, let’s get home quickly to her!” Sandeul proclaims as he quickly pushes back his seat and enthusiastically gets everyone else in the group to quickly stand up.

Sandeul runs quickly down the sidewalk wanting to get home to Mina as quickly as he can. The other members and the two girls followed close behind, but not exactly with the same excitement. Behind them was Jinyoung with Kim Hana not far behind. Kim Hana suddenly links arms with Jinyoung snuggling close to him.

“Oppa it is so cold” she manages to say through clattering teeth.

Jinyoung looks at her, noticing she wasn’t really wearing clothes meant from the cold winters in Seoul. Jinyoung took his scarf off wrapping it around Kim Hana’s neck. Kim Hana closed her eyes, taking in Jinyoung’s smell and letting him guide her home while she leaned her head against his arm.

The long awaited third chapter! Sorry for taking so long! How do you like it so far? Anything you are wondering? I'd love to hear back from you guys!

Also, I'm wondering if anyone wants to make me a poster? I'm not very good at those kind of things... In return I can write a chaper for you or something? I don't know...or you can do it just because you want to! haha

Anyways, I think I will do a double or maybe triple update tonight!? I have nothing going on, so get ready!

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!