Chapter 21

B1A4's New Roommate


“Is Mina coming out for breakfast? She’s usually awake by now.” A sleepy Gongchan asked while waiting patiently for Shinwoo to finish cooking breakfast.

“Are you going crazy?” Baro asked while hitting Gongchan on the head.

“I don’t think so?” Gongchan replied not knowing what Baro was talking about.

Baro rolled his eyes. “Mine moved out last night. Remember?”

Gongchan dropped his shoulders once his memory came back and began to pout. “It’s sad and quiet without her.”

“At least you aren’t Sandeul.” Baro said cheerfully. “I’m sure he is taking it much worse.”

“I think Jinyoung is too. He hasn’t come out of his room yet.” Shinwoo said as he walked over to the tabled with plates for each of the boys.

“I what happened when Jinyoung was taking Mina home.” Baro wondered out loud.


Mina woke up slowly, remembering that this was the first morning where she wouldn’t be greeted by a cheery Shinwoo or a sleepy Gongchan. She wouldn’t get to hear Sandeul’s joke first thing in the morning and she wouldn’t be forced to Baro talk about Minhee until his mouth was tired. And surprisingly, Mina even felt a little sad about not seeing Jinyoung today.

Mina already knew today wouldn’t be a good day. She had to confront her father after last night and she had to find a part-time job. Mina hated the thought of getting a meaningless job that’d she’d have to go to. Mina had no motivation to do things she didn’t want. At least when she danced and was going to shows to perform she actually enjoyed it.

Mina slowly inched out of her bed and towards her mirror to examine what the night did to her hair. She ran her fingers though it trying to place each piece back it its spot. She let out a groan of annoyance as she turned around towards the door. Her eyes found something on the floor she forgot about. Her feet stopped moving once she remembered she never opened the gift Sandeul gave her. She ran over and picked up the gift and examined it. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper; her favorite color. She let out a small chuckle at his wrapping skills. They weren’t very good, but Mina wasn’t one to judge.

She carefully unwrapped the gift, trying not to ruin Sandeul’s hard work. Her heart began beating faster at the thought of what was in it. Or was it beating at the thought of Sandeul? Mina hadn’t had much time to think about what happened with Sandeul last night. Her mind was too distracted with her family and with Jinyoung. When Jinyoung decided to let her back in her house, Mina was exhausted and went right to sleep.

Mina’s eyes looked down at the box as she opened it up, revealing a small photo album covered with stickers. She flipped through the pages, each one filled with memories of her living in the dorm. Mina didn’t know that some of these pictures were even taken. Most were of her playing games with the guys and some of her and Minhee and Jihyun. Mina turned the page and saw a few pictures of her preforming in Japan and smiled at the memory. She really did have a lot of fun with them. She turned the page again, revealing polaroids that were taken last night. Mina actually remembered these being taken. Sandeul insisted she get her picture taken with each member and one as a group.

Mina smiled looking at the polaroid of her and Shinwoo. He had his arms around her and they both had huge smiles on. Mina laughed noticing that Shinwoo wrote a note on the bottom. “Oppa will miss you. Visit often!” Mina read aloud while imitating Shinwoo’s voice.

Next, Mina looked at her polaroid with Gongchan. She remembered how Gongchan told her to show her cutest pose while he did the same. The result was a disgustingly cute picture of them both. She let out a giggle thinking of how adorable and irresistible Gongchan is when he looks like that. Gongchan didn’t write a note, he just drew a picture of a boy and a girl and a heart. “He’s such a child!” Mina said laughing.

Mina rolled her eyes and let out a loud laugh after looking at her picture with Baro. He was hamming it up in front of the camera like he usually does while Mina was looking at him and laughing. Mina thought the picture perfectly described their friendship.

Mina’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the picture of her and Sandeul. He looked really cute and happy and there was a slight pink tinge to his cheeks. Mina looked at the photo carefully, noticing how good she looked next to Sandeul. It actually looked like a couple’s photo. Sandeul wrote “Don’t forget me!” on the photo and Mina sighed, knowing well that she never would be able to forget him.

Mina turned the page, expecting to see the picture she took with Jinyoung. It wasn’t a pleasant experience taking a photo with him. It was actually quite awkward, but Sandeul insisted. When Mina saw the next page, her face turned confused. There weren’t any more pictures. She remembered well taking a picture with Jinyoung. “I wonder where it is…” Mina wondered.

She took the other polaroids and walked over to her desk and grabbed her tape. She taped each polaroid to her mirror so she would be able to look at them all the time. She was glad Sandeul had this idea. Having these pictures would help a little more when she started really missing them.


“Jinyoungie hyung?” Gongchan sang while knocking on the shut door.

Breakfast was now over and Jinyoung still hadn’t come out of his room.

Gongchan knocked again a bit louder, wondering if Jinyoung was still sleeping. He had to wake up soon because they had practice in 30 minutes.

“Hyung, are you still sleeping?” Gongchan asked while opening the door a tiny bit to peek in.

He was right; Jinyoung was still sleeping.

Gongchan tiptoed in, ready to pounce on Jinyoung and surprise him.

Gongchan got closer to the sleeping Jinyoung, but stopped when she noticed something on Jinyoung’s nightstand.

He aborted his mission, suddenly intrigued by his findings. There on Jinyoung’s night stand, lay the polaroid of Jinyoung and Mina that was meant to go in Mina’s photo album. Gongchan knew very well since he was the one that decorated it with stickers.

Gongchan picked up the photo, planning to show it to the other guys. Just as he started walking away he heard Jinyoung moving in his bed.

“What are you doing?” A sleepy Jinyoung said.

Gongchan jumped, hiding the photo behind his back “N-Nothing hyung!” Gongchan stuttered

Jinyoung opened his eyes a little more. Gongchan’s strange actions were enough to help him wake up quicker.

“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Jinyoung said, standing up and trying to look around to what was behind Gongchan’s back.

“It’s really nothing!” Gongchan said, speaking too fast for Jinyoung to understand.

Gongchan ran out of the room quickly looking for Shinwoo to hide behind.

The other boys looked at Gongchan strangely, wondering what was going on.

Jinyoung came running out of his room after Gongchan trying to catch him to find out what his is hiding.

“Get away, hyung!” Gongchan yells from behind Shinwoo.

Shinwoo looks around confused and Baro and Sandeul enter the kitchen where all the noise was coming from.

“What’s going on?” Baro asked looking at the three.

Shinwoo shrugs and looks behind at Gongchan who wasn’t hiding the photo very well anymore due to all the commotion.

Baro walks over, noticing the photo as well and grabs it quickly out of Gongchan’s hands.

“What’s this?” Baro says while looking at the photo. He was failing to see the significance of this since he didn’t know it came from Jinyoung’s room.

“I found it in Jinyoung’s room!” Gongchan said as if he was tattling on Jinyoung.

Baro’s eyes lit up and let out a loud “oh” finally understanding what was going on.

He looked at Jinyoung, holding the photo up for him to see. “So this is yours?” Baro teased.

Jinyoung didn’t say anything. Sandeul walked over, taking the photo out of Baro’s hands to see what it was. He felt his heard skip a beat upon seeing Mina’s smiling face.

“This was supposed to be for Mina’s photo album!” Sandeul complained.

“Hyung must have been sad about not seeing Mina’s smile anymore so he took it for himself.” Gongchan guessed.

“He didn’t have to. I kept the group picture for us!” Sandeul said pointing to a picture that was on the fridge.

Baro laughed. “Regardless, I’m sure Jinyoung prefers this one.” Baro says as he takes the photo out of Sandeul’s hands to examine it more. “It is just of him and his girlfriend.” He continued to tease.

Sandeul’s expression turned sad as the thought of Jinyoung and Mina entered his mind. Did they really like each other?

“Just give it back to me.” Jinyoung said taking the picture violently from Sandeul.

“I didn’t keep it.” Jinyoung started. He paused, looking around. “Mina, she..dropped it. I was going to give it back to her.”

It was obvious Jinyoung was lying. Everyone saw right through him.

Baro decided to quit teasing and get down to business.

“Do you like her?” he bravely asked. He didn’t expect an answer, but it was worth a try.

“What?” Jinyoung asked dumbfounded.

“You heard me.” Baro replied.

Everyone stared at Jinyoung as he looked around to each of s. The silence was killing Baro, but at the same time, it was just implying that Jinyoung really did like her. Just as Baro was about to say that, Jinyoung spoke up.

“Of course not.”

Gongchan hit his head, knowing well that Jinyoung was lying. Once again, everyone knew. It was too obvious. Jinyoung wasn’t hiding it well. Gongchan couldn’t help but wonder if Jinyoung was actually unaware of his crush on Mina. Maybe he didn’t realize how cute and sweet she was yet. This gave Gongchan an idea. Instead of trying to force Jinyoung to tell the truth, maybe they needed to be convincing him how great Mina was to make him realize his true feelings.

While Gongchan was thinking of various plans, Jinyoung walked back into his room, preparing for a shower before their schedules for the day.

Gongchan looked at the other members. “I have an idea.”

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!