Chapter 10

B1A4's New Roommate


Gongchan runs alone, looking frantically for Mina. He still hasn’t received a call from anyone saying they found her, so his heart was racing wondering where she was and what she was doing.

“Pabo…” Gongchan mutters as he looks around trying to decide which way to go next.                                                                                  ~

As soon as Minhee and Jihyun told them that Mina wasn’t in the hotel room, everyone became frantic. Sandeul panicked before grabbing his coat and putting his shoes on, not even bothering to tie the laces. Surprisingly, Jinyoung seemed the most nervous of everyone. He didn’t even grab a coat and ran out before everyone, leaving the rest of the group behind.

Without their leader, Shinwoo took initiative to construct a plan to find their missing friend.

“Have you tried calling her?” he asked Minhee and Jihyun while Baro was already using his phone to call Mina’s.

“We did many times, but she never picked up.” Jihyun answered.

They were all waiting in the elevator now, wishing that it would get to the ground floor faster.

“She didn’t answer my call either.” Baro says and tried again with a defeated look on his face.

Minhee starts to tear up, letting a few tears fall from her eyes.

She suddenly feels a soft hand wiping them away. She looks up to see Baro’s concerned face. He took the phone down from his ear and pulled Minhee into a sudden hug, surprising Minhee and everyone else in the elevator. For the rest of the ride, Baro didn’t let her go; He kept hugging her until they heard the bell telling them they had finally reached the ground floor. Everyone started rushing out of the small elevator. Baro quickly grabbed Minhee’s wrist.

“Search with me.” He said with a very serious look on his face. “We don’t want you to get lost too.”

Minhee nodded and looked at her friend, who nodded back.

“I’ll go with Sandeul.” Jihyun said while looking at him. She figured he needed someone with him so he didn’t do anything stupid. He doesn’t seem to be in his right mind.

“Right, that’s a good idea.” Shinwoo says to Jihyun. “The rest of us will go alone. Call me if you find her.” He continues before running off.

Everyone goes their separate ways, looking in every corner and store yelling for Mina.


Gongchan looked at his phone. It was already 2am and nobody had found Mina yet. He wondered if anyone would ever find her.

“Where could she possibly be?” he wondered to himself out loud.


Gongchan hears a voice, but looks around and sees nobody. He rubs his eyes assuming he is losing his mind.


Gongchan stops walking, this time looking harder for the voice he keeps hearing.

“Who-Who’s there?” he asks confused.

He hears a cute giggle in return. He knows that laugh. He doesn’t hear it often, but he knows it.


“Pabo! What took you so long?”

Mina stands up from where she was leaning against an abandoned building, but winces and drops back down to the ground.

“Are you hurt?” Gongchan asks running over to Mina.

“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it!” Mina says with a smile trying once again to stand up. She puts her weight on her left leg, not letting her right foot touch the ground.

“You are hurt.”

“Really, it’s nothing. I just hurt it while running.” Mina says while trying to take another step. As soon as her right foot touches the ground, she starts to collapse. She closes her eyes, bracing herself for the fall. She never feels the impact of hitting the ground. Instead, she feels Gongchan grab her waist, holding her tight in his arms. Mina opens her eyes to see herself pulled close towards Gongchan.

Feeling her face get hot, she immediately pulls herself away from Gongchan and puts her head down.

“Gomawo…” She says quietly.

Gongchan kneels down towards the ground with his back towards Mina.

“Get on.”

“W-What?” Mina says shocked.

“Get on. I’ll carry you back.”

Mina looks at Gongchan shocked. Gongchan has never really done something so nice for her. He usually just keeps to himself or teases her.

“Pali!” Gongchan says, pulling Mina out of her thoughts.

Mina awkwardly leans onto Gongchan’s back, letting him take control. He wraps his arms under her legs, and stands up in one swift motion.

“Put your arms around my neck; you might fall off.”

Mina awkwardly places her arms around his neck and leans her chest onto his back.

“What were you doing out anyways? I thought your friends said you wanted to sleep?” Gongchan asks as he walks her down the street.

“I just went out for a quick walk, but then I met someone. We went to a café, but he had to leave suddenly and I couldn’t remember how to get back. I tried, but I just ended up getting even more lost.”

“He?” Gongchan asks, feeling a little jealous. He was surprised by this feeling.

“Yeah…It was nothing. Just a random person I met.”

“You shouldn’t go around meeting up with random guys.” Gongchan says back trying to hide his jealousy, but Mina still caught on.

“What does it matter to you?”

“Well…” Gongchan pauses trying to think of a good reason. “My friends,” he says suddenly “Some of them have a crush on you. I don’t want you to hurt them.” He finishes frantically and smiles to himself feeling glad that he figured out the reason he felt so jealous. “My friends…” he whispered to himself.

“Right. Mianhae…”

The rest of the way back to the hotel was silent. Gongchan suddenly remembered he never called anyone to tell them he found Mina.

“Yah, I have to make a call.” He says back to Mina as he stops walking. Mina doesn’t respond, but her breathing gets louder.

“Are you sleeping?” he asks her, but still no response.

Gongchan sighs, not knowing what to do.

“They will be mad, but Mina has probably had a long night. I shouldn’t wake her.”


Jinyoung waits in front of the hotel, pacing back and forth quickly. It was getting close to 3am and nobody has found Mina yet. Jinyoung was restless while searching. He went back to the venue, the restaurant they went to, and looked at all the places in between. He decided the best option was to wait back at the hotel and hope that she would arrive there.

Jinyoung called all the guys asking if they found Mina, but nobody had. The only one that didn’t answer was Gongchan.

“Hopefully that pabo didn’t get lost too…” Jinyoung said annoyed hanging up the phone after leaving a very angry voicemail.


Jinyoung stood up from the steps he was sitting in and looked anxiously in the direction the voice came from.

Jinyoung saw Gongchan walking with a sleeping Mina on his back. Jinyoung sighed at the sight, partially for seeing that Mina was safe, and partially from seeing Mina on Gongchan’s back.

“Why didn’t you call?”

“Sorry, hyung. Mina was hurt and I put her on my back before I remembered to call. When I remembered, she was asleep, so I didn’t want to wake her. Can you call the other guys? I’ll take her up to her room.” Gongchan said without letting Jinyoung say anything in response.

Jinyoung watched annoyed as Gongchan walked up the steps.

“YAH!” Jinyoung yelled at the maknae, annoyed that he didn’t allow him to say anything.

“hmm?” Gongchan asked turning his head around.

“Wake Mina up. I want to scold her.”

“Hyung, scold her in the morning. She should sleep now.”

Jinyoung walked up the steps to where Gongchan was standing and started to unwrap Mina’s arms from around Gongchan’s neck.

“What are you doing?” Gongchan asked confused.

“Put her in my arms. I’ll carry her up.” Jinyoung said.

“Why? I can take her up, hyung.” Gongchan replied, confused by his leaders actions.

“You aren’t strong enough. Just give her here.” Jinyoung said, annoyed that this was taking so long.

Gongchan laughed at his leader’s actions. Gongchan could tell that Jinyoung wasn’t happy seeing Mina clinging to another guy. This was more proof for Gongchan that his cold leader actually had feelings for the girl he was always so mean to.

“Fine. But don’t wake her up.”

Gongchan moves closer to Jinyoung so he can carry Mina.

Jinyoung walks away, carrying Mina bridal-style into the hotel. Gongchan watches as his leader carries the girl he just found and carried all the way back to the hotel. Gongchan sighs in defeat, wishing that he could be the one to tuck Mina in to her bed.

Gongchan’s quickly rubbed the back of his hair, messing up the perfectly placed strands.

“It can’t be helped” Gongchan mumbles before following his leader into the hotel. “At least she has Jinyoung hyung now.” He thinks as he watches Jinyoung enter the elevator. Instead of taking the same one, Gongchan waits for the next one so he can go alone.

Thanks and annyeong to all my new subscribers! I'm really thankful!
I'll try to make a story that you'll all enjoy!

Thanks for all the comments too! I really enjoy reading them.

Have a good week!


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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!