Chapter 1

B1A4's New Roommate


CNU walked back to the B1A4 with mixed emotions. He was excited that him and the group would meet and be living with a girl, but it also made him nervous. He was unsure what it would be like and how the other members would react. He had a feeling they might be mad he decided without him, especially since he isn’t the leader. But what could he do? This unknown trainee needed his help. He didn’t want the other members to be too selfish and ruin it for this innocent girl.

When CNU walked into the dorm, he arrived to the sight of his fellow members sitting on the floor eating without him.

“YAH! Why are you eating without me?! You could have waited!” CNU yelled in rage. There was hardly any food left for him.

“Sorry, hyung…Junghwan couldn’t wait for you…” Gongchan said sounding disappointed.

“Its okay, whatever. I have something important to talk to you guys about actually.” CNU proclaimed, to which each of the members looked up anticipating nervously hearing the reason why CNU was called to the manager’s office.

“It turns out that the managers overlooked the housing situation for the new trainees and well…one will be living with us.” CNU explained. He was a little nervous about revealing the tiny detail that she was a female.

“Wow! When does he move in?” Sandeul asked with food still in his mouth.

“Well….SHE moves in tomorrow…” Everyone’s jaws dropped in shock. CNU continued before anyone could say anything “So we need to clean out the extra room. And we should probably clean the dorm up a bit. Let’s do this quickly, arrasso?” CNU walked off to clean the extra room out before any of the members could interject and get angry with him.

“Is he being serious?” Baro asked. “It seems like it…He’s actually cleaning out our room.” Gongchan said as they all watched CNU. “Maybe she will be cute!” Baro said, trying to be optimistic about the situation. Jinyoung snorted. “Even if she is, she is taking my room away. I use that room to write music.” He was obviously the least excited about the new arrangements. “Don’t be so pessimistic, hyung! She can cook and clean for us and we can relax every night.” Sandeul said while still putting food into his mouth. Jinyoung just rolled his eyes.


The next day, Mina arrived at WM Entertainment with her bags in tow. She was excited to meet all the other girls and become friends with them. It was like summer camp for her. She was an only child, so the thought of living with a bunch of girls that would become her sisters was so exciting to her. Little did she know that she wouldn’t get to experience that at all. Mina practically skipped into the manager’s office as someone took her bags from her, saying they would take it to her dorm. She sweetly thanked him, making the older man blush a little at her charm. She often had that effect on people because she had such a sweet looking face and lovely smile.

“Mina—Welcome! I hope you got enough sleep! I think today will be a very eventful day for you!” the manager smiled at her. Mina giggled in response and smiled. “Yes, I am very excited to meet all the other girls!” the manager’s smile faded as he remembered that she was the one that would be living with B1A4. “Mina, unfortunately you will not be staying with them…” the manager started. Mina, already surprised, feared the worst. “What? Did I not make it in as a trainee?” The manager’s heart sank as Mina’s expression looked like she was about to cry. “No, No! You are still a trainee! We just made a mistake, and well, you will be staying with a group of boys instead. We sincerely apologize. As soon as a spot opens up in the girl’s dorm you will be the first to move in.” Mina was speechless. She was unsure about living with boys. She was a fairly shy girl and didn’t have much confidence around boys. Especially talented boys, whom she could assume they all were. “Do you know the group B1A4? That’s who you will be living with. We recently moved them into a bigger dorm to make room for the trainees and they have an extra room right now that you can stay in. They have already been informed and are anticipating your arrival. Are you ready to go?” Mina stuttered a bit, but never really spoke any real words. She stood up and followed the manager out the door and they walked towards her new dorm filled with boys.

The manager knocked on the dorm room’s door as Mina played with her hair while hiding behind her four suitcases. It was a habit of hers she did when she was nervous. Mina’s eyes widened as a cute blonde boy opened the door smiling. “Hyung, good morning!” he said, not yet looking at Mina. “Sunwoo, I have your new roommate. Show her around and treat her well. I have to go meet all the other trainees so I can’t stay with you. Have a good day!” And with that, the manager left Mina there to deal with the boys herself.

“I’m Sunwoo, but my stage name is Baro. You can call me that if you prefer!” Bara said kindly as he walked closer to Mina trying to get a good look at her. He pulled two of her suitcases away to reveal her more. He saw an average height girl with a fit body. Her long strawberry blonde hair curled at the ends and shined in the morning sunlight. She was wearing high waisted shorts and a t-shirt, revealing her toned legs and small waist, which Baro couldn’t help but admire. He was having a hard time getting a good look at her face though since she was only looking down at the ground. “Follow me into the dorm. Can you get those bags, or should I call one of the other guys?” he asked her while walking towards the door. “I can get them myself.” Mina said as she rolled her bags after Baro. “YAH! SHE’S HERE!” Baro yelled as he and Mina entered the dorm. Sandeul and CNU came running, while Gongchan continued lying on the sofa. Jinyoung didn’t bother coming out from his room. The members each introduced themselves. Mina could tell that CNU and Sandeul would be the friendliest to her. She could tell they weren’t mad that she was there.

“One member isn’t here…but don’t worry about it. You’ll meet him later I’m sure.” CNU explained while looking into Jinyoung’s room.

“So, what is your name? And how old are you?” Baro asked the questions he had been wondering since he saw her.

“Oh mianhe…I’m so rude. My name is Mina. I’m 20.” Mina said in a shy cute voice. Sandeul couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she was when she talked like that.

“Mina, I’ll show you the dorm!” CNU said as he grabbed her wrist, taking her around the dorm and showing her all the rooms and telling her about how things worked around there.

“So what do you think? Does she pass your test?” Sandeul asked Baro. “Yes! Absolutely! She is the cutest. She hardly looks our age. She gives off an innocent vibe, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s all for show.” Baro explained as they all sat watching her walk around the dorm with CNU.

“I can’t believe Jinyoung hyung didn’t even come out to greet her.” Sandeul said sounding disappointed in his hyung.

“I can…we were talking last night and he seems really mad about this. He really liked having that room to write his music and I think he is worried about having a girl here because she might restrict us and boss us around.” Gongchan explained. “I actually agree with him a little. Especially now that I see she is older than me. We aren’t trainees here and she is. She can’t come in here and boss us around.” Gongchan continued, this time sounding a little madder. “Channie, don’t worry, I get the feeling she isn’t that kind of girl.” Sandeul reassured.

Meanwhile, CNU walked Mina to the last room of the dorm. The room Jinyoung was in. “This is where Jinyoung is. I think he might be writing music. Want to meet him?” CNU asked. “S-sure…if he wants to.” Mina said unsure of what to do. She was very overwhelmed by this whole thing already and she had already been there for 10 minutes. CNU knocked on the door and then opened it, revealing Jinyoung sitting on his bed with his keyboard. “Yah, our new roommate is here. Her name is Mina, she’s a year younger than us.” CNU explained the Jinyoung. Mina looked at Jinyoung and immediately knew he was the most attractive member in the group. The one she’d feel the most shy and nervous around. He was so good looking. He looked at her with his piercing and gorgeous eyes as Mina began to twirl a strand of her hair nervously. “Great.” Jinyoung said sarcastically looking away from Mina and back at his keyboard. Mina’s heart sank. “Don’t worry; he’ll warm up to you! I think he’s just busy with his music.” CNU made an excuse to make Mina feel better after seeing her saddened expression. “I think I will go to my room and take a nap. I had a long trip here. Thanks for showing me around.” Mina sulked off to her bedroom and shut the door, jumping onto her bed. She couldn’t help but feel like this was a disaster.

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!