Chapter 7

Accidentally In Love


Next Day


Saem Yi’s POV

“We ran out of stock. Saem Yi-ah can you go to the grocery and buy the things in the list?” D.O. said

“Ne” then reached for the list.

2 kilos of mango…

7 boxes of chocolate…

5 dozens of eggs…

2 bags of flour…

“2 bags of flour??! How am I supposed to carry this all? Can someone go with me?” I asked

“Hey guys can one of you accompany Saem Yi to go the supermarket?” D.O. asked but it seems that everybody was busy. “Sorry Saem Yi I want to go with you but I’m not yet finished cooking”

“It’s okay. I understand.” I answered then suddenly Chanyeol entered the shop, just finished throwing the garbage outside.

“Oh good. Chanyeol-ssi please accompany Saem Yi to the supermarket. She can’t carry all the things listed in the list and we’re running out of stock” D.O. said

“Why me?” Chanyeol asked.

“Because the others are busy” D.O. answered.

“No, It’s okay D.O.-ssi you can’t force someone who doesn’t want to do it. I’ll be going now”I said then walked away.


Chanyeol’s POV

I just finished throwing the trash then I quickly went inside when suddenly…

“Oh good. Chanyeol-ssi please accompany Saem Yi to the supermarket. She can’t carry all the things listed in the list and we’re running out of stock” D.O. said

I looked at her then turned to D.O. “Why me?”

“Because the others are busy” D.O. answered.

“No, It’s okay D.O.-ssi you can’t force someone who doesn’t want to do it. I’ll be going now” she said then walked away.


What’s wrong with her? I just asked a question.


“Aish stupid, go after her” I heard D.O. say.


I quickly went outside and saw her from afar. Why is she so fast with those short legs? I ran to catch up with her.

“Hey! Wait up!” I called her.

She stopped and turned around. I am now in front of her.

“Why are you so fast?” I asked.

“Why are you here?”

“*sigh* we’re going to the supermarket ,right?”

“I thought-“

“Let’s go” I grab her then walk fast.


Saem Yi’s POV

Why is he here? I thought he doesn’t want to accompany me? And now he’s dragging me? What is his problem?

We suddenly stop. We are now in front of the supermarket. I looked at him and saw him looking at me than I looked at my hand he was holding it.

“Ah Chanyeol-ssi”


“My hand”

“Oh!” then he quickly let go of my hand.


We grab a cart and one by one we completed the list. We are now at the counter to pay then I heard the whispers of the two ladies behind us.

Girl1: OMG! Do you see the guy ahead of us? He’s so handsome. Just my type.

Girl2: I know right. But I think he is with that girl. You think it’s his girlfriend?

Girl1: *scanning me from head to toe* I don’t think so. I think she is not his type. I’m prettier than her.


What did she just say? Aish jinjja. Why is the cashier so slow? Then suddenly I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. I was shocked. It was Chanyeol. I looked up to him and saw him smiling. What is wrong with this guy eh?


“What are you doing?” I whispered to him.

He lowered his head and whispered to my ear. “Look at them” I felt his breath and it felt weird. I decided to look at the two girl behind us and I saw them looking at us. Haha serves you right.  I guess Chanyeol heard them also. After paying we went out and I can’t help but laugh.


“Why are you laughing?” he asked me.

“Didn’t you see their faces? It’s epic. Hahahaha”

Then he chuckled. “Yeah”

I stopped laughing and looked too him.

“What?” he said.

“Why did you do that?” I asked him.

“Oh that, uhm just wanted to tease them. They shouldn’t talk about people they don’t know, right?” he answered.

“Oh okay”

“Wanna eat ice cream?” he asked.





A/N: Chapter 7 is up….Omo.. Chanyeol asked Saem Yi to eat ice cream. Is it a date? What will happen?...haha…Wait for Chapter 8.

Thank you for reading my story. *bows 90 degree*




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Chapter 2: Hate the font T.T
Chapter 25: LOVE IT!!!!!
zeenzz #3
Chapter 25: To be absolutely honest you could have done WAAAYYYYY better. But sweet ending nonetheless.
Chapter 25: Aw. The ending is cute. :)
Chapter 24: What is his plan????!!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!!
zeenzz #6
Chapter 24: NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CANT END IT SO SOOOOONNN!
redopin #7
Chapter 23: :( I feel so bad for her. Hopefully she'll find happiness!
pixieamyoung #8
Chapter 22: author-nim
i want chanyeol and saem yi together!!
zeenzz #9
Chapter 21: Awwww! pooor Saem Yi! And she's so good natured about it tooo! :(
Chapter 21: Aww man... i feel sad for Saem Yi :( Author-nim, please update soon!!! I can‘t wait to see how Yeollie explains himself to Saem Yi! ^~^