Chapter 21

Accidentally In Love


“Ye Jin-ssi” Baekhyun said.


“It’s been awhile, right?” Then she smiled at him.


He just gave her a fake smile then shifted his attention to Saem Yi.


“Saem Yi-ah, let’s go inside.” Baekhyun told her.


“N-n-n-e” She stuttered. Then she walks in the café.


“Chanyeol-ah, Ye Jin-ssi are you coming?” Baekhyun asked.


“Later, we need to talk first” Chanyeol finally said something.


With that Baekhyun followed Saem Yi inside.






“Chanyeol-ah, I’ve missed you. I’m sorry for breaking up with you. I still love you. I know you still love me and now I’m not leaving you again.” she was about to kiss him but Chanyeol pulled away.


“What is the meaning of this? You think you can just go back after you broke up with me?” Chanyeol said with a serious face. He was now angry with her.


“Chanyeol-ah..I’m really sorry. Can’t we just go back when we were together like nothing happened? I really love you…please.” She was now in the verge of crying.


“That’s it? You think it’s that easy? All this time I’m still thinking the reason why you broke up with me. And now you come back here like nothing happened??!”


Chanyeol turned her back on her and was about to open the door when…


“I had cancer.” She blurted.


Chanyeol stop and turned to her.


“I-I was sick and needed to go to America to treat it. I don’t want you to know so I decided to break up with you. I thought I will not recover but I did, I’m okay now. I know I was wrong for not telling you…but….but” She was now crying.


Chanyeol run towards her and hugged her.


“You should have told me. You know I’ll understand.”


She just cried on his shoulders.



Meanwhile inside the Café


“Saem Yi-ah, are you okay?” Baekhyun asked with a concerned look in his face.


Saem Yi forced a smile. “Of course”


Then the door opened. Chanyeol came in with Ye Jin and their hands are intertwined with each other.


Everyone was just looking at them with shocked expression in their faces except for Baekhyun and Saem Yi. D.O.’s eyes became wider than usual. Lu Han, Yi Xing, Xiu Min and Kris were also in the shop now.


Saem Yi-ah…Don’t cry…not this time…just bear with it…You don’t have the right to feel this. You and him don’t even have a relationship. She breathes in and out before saying something.


“Hey guys! We should put the decorations now! We should get going before Joonmyun-ssi comes back” She said with a smile on her face.


They shifted their attention to her but not saying something until Chen spoke.


“Right! Let’s get it started.” Then pat Saem Yi on the shoulder.


“Yeah, let’s do it” The others agreed.


Saem Yi gave them a smile.


“Can I join?” Ye Jin asked.


“Of course” Saem Yi said with a smile on her face.


Chanyeol just stared at Saem Yi.


“Hey, don’t just stand there put this on the wall, you know Chen can’t reach it.” Saem Yi said while handing Chanyeol some decorations and still with a smile on her face.


“Uh, yeah” Chanyeol received it. Saem Yi-ah I’m sorry.




At the movie theatre


Joonmyun’s attention was not in the movie but in the girl sobbing beside him.


“Ugh..why can’t he just say that he like….no love her” Ji Ae said while tears run down her face then turned to Joonmyun.


Joonmyun was surprised, he didn’t knew that she would look at him. He then handed her his handkerchief. “Here”


She took it. “Thanks”

“Should we go now?” She asked.


“Uhm are you sure? The movie isn’t finished yet.” He said. I guess cause my attention is all in you. He thought.


“Yeah. I had watched it already last night.” She stuck out her tongue.


He let a chuckle at her childishness.


She was about to stand up but her dress got stuck in the chair. “Omo, I’m stuck”


“I thought your name was Ji Ae?” Joonmyun teased.


She glared at him.


“Haha, I was just kidding. Here let me help you” He offered then he bent down. “Done” He looked at her not knowing their very small distance with each other. She just looked at him.


Joonmyun slowly leaned towards her and she just closes her eyes. When their lips were just an inch…her phone beeped. They immediately pulled back while blushing and Ji Ae decided to read the message while Joonmyun rub the back of his head.


>Saem Yi<

-Hey! I know you’re enjoying your date but should take him to the Café now…^^-


“I think we should go back to the café now” She said.



Then they went out and decided to walk since the Café is just a few blocks away.


Joonmyun suddenly stop and so did Ji Ae.


“Is there a problem?” Ji Ae asked him.


He faced her. She just stared at him with a confused look.


“Ji Ae…I…I…I have to tell you something” Joonmyun uttered.


“What is it?”


Joonmyun breathes in then out before saying something.


“I-I-I-uhm likeyousincewewereinhighschollandIthoughtthosefeelingsfadedawaybutthen

IsawyouagainandthosefeelingscamebackagainandIthink…I….loveyou” Joonmyun said it in a very fast way but making sure letting her hear the last three words.


She just stared at him. Did he just confess to me? She thought.


“Hey… I just uhm yeah confess to you, uhm what can you say?”


She is still not saying anything which made him really nervous. Joonmyun-ah, get ready for your rejection. He thought to himself.


“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted you to know.” Joonmyun said then bowed his head.


Just then she pulled him by his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked but slowly close his eyes and deepened the kiss. They were now making out in public.


They pulled away panting, gasping for air.


She looked at him. “Why took you so long? I thought you don’t feel the same way too”


He let out a smile then held her hand. “Shin Ji Ae, will you be my girlfriend?”


“Of course!” She smiled at him.


Joonmyun suddenly jumped and shouted. “Wooohoooo! This is the best birthday gift ever”


She chuckled. “Stop it. You’re attracting attention.”


“I don’t care. I’m with girlfriend anyway”


They went inside the shop. The lights were turned off.


“It’s still early and they decided to closed the shop?... well at least we have still have time” Joonmyun turned to Ji Ae. “ you know continue with what we are doing earlier” then winked at her.


She chuckled. “I didn’t know you have this kind of side of yourself”


“What is it?” He asked innocently.




When their lips were about to touch the lights suddenly .




All of them were shocked.


Se Hun broke the silence. “Oh my god my eyes!” then brought his hat over his face.


“Hey Hey Hey there birthday boy…you and Ji Ae can do it later but now let’s party!” Kris said.


They burst into laughter and the couple just blushed.


Joonmyun spotted a familiar face. “Ye Jin?”


“Hey there” she was now clinging at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol looked at him and send him an I’ll-explain-to-you -look.


Joonmyun nodded and whispered at Ji Ae telling her to go to Saem Yi and she obeyed.



Ji Ae sat beside Saem Yi. “Is it her?”




“Are you okay?”


“I guess so. I mean what should I do? We don’t even have a relationship.”




“Hey congratulations on both of you. I knew it when I saw a picture of him in your drawer last night”


“What you saw it?”


“Yeah” She then smiled.


“Well…uhm..Hey! we’re talking about you not me!” Ji Ae said.


“Hi! I’m Kim Ye Jin. I guess we were not properly introduced earlier.” Ye Jin suddenly came to them.


“We kno-“ Saem Yi stepped on Ji Ae’s foot. “Aaaw”


“Hi! I’m Min Saem Yi and this is Ji Ae” Ji Ae just give her a fake smile.



At the Kitchen


“Park Chanyeol, what do you think you are doing?” Joonmyun asked.


“Look she explained to me everything” Chanyeol said then told him what she told him.


“And you believed her?”


“Man, she had cancer!”


“What about Saem Yi?” Joonmyun asked.


Chanyeol bowed down his head. “I…don’t know”


“Well you should talk to her”



A/N: Hey guys! What do you think about this chapter. Well I need to remind you guys and myself that this isn’t a Joonmyun and Ji Ae story…hahaha…


Comment below I’d like to know about your thoughts…



Thank you for reading~…^^…

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Chapter 2: Hate the font T.T
Chapter 25: LOVE IT!!!!!
zeenzz #3
Chapter 25: To be absolutely honest you could have done WAAAYYYYY better. But sweet ending nonetheless.
Chapter 25: Aw. The ending is cute. :)
Chapter 24: What is his plan????!!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!!
zeenzz #6
Chapter 24: NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CANT END IT SO SOOOOONNN!
redopin #7
Chapter 23: :( I feel so bad for her. Hopefully she'll find happiness!
pixieamyoung #8
Chapter 22: author-nim
i want chanyeol and saem yi together!!
zeenzz #9
Chapter 21: Awwww! pooor Saem Yi! And she's so good natured about it tooo! :(
Chapter 21: Aww man... i feel sad for Saem Yi :( Author-nim, please update soon!!! I can‘t wait to see how Yeollie explains himself to Saem Yi! ^~^