Chapter 22

Accidentally In Love



“Saem Yi-ah can we talk?” Saem Yi was startled by the voice. She was just getting some air outside. She didn’t know that Chanyeol would follow her.


“You scared me”


“Sorry” He said with an apologetic smile. “We need to talk”


“About what?”


“Ye Jin and I-“


“Oh look they are now cutting the cake. Maybe we should go back inside” Saem Yi cut him. No I don’t wanna hear it, I knew it already. She was about to open the door when Chanyeol grabbed her hand.


“Listen to me first”


“Let me go”


“She had cancer”


Saem Yi stopped, turned around and just looked at him.


He brought her hands over his chest. ”I know you’re angry. Punch me if you want. Hurt me. Saem Yi-ah.”


She looked at him and he can see tears forming in her eyes. “Look you don’t have to explain. I knew it already, you and her got back together. You don’t have to explain that ‘cause we don’t even have a relationship. Now, will you please let go of my hand?”


He was shocked. He lets go of her hand.


“Just take care of her”


 She then went inside.


You’re a jerk Park Chanyeol. He thought to himself.




Saem Yi can’t take it anymore. She needs to get out of here before she burst in tears. She went to the birthday boy and bid goodbye.


“Joonmyun-ssi I-I-I don’t feel well..Uhm I need to go home now”


“Do you want Ji Ae to go with you or I should request Kris to take you home?”


“No need. I can handle myself. I don’t mind sleeping alone in the apartment tonight.”


Joonmyun blushed. Saem Yi chuckled. “I need to go now. Happy Birthday again”


“Thank you.. Take care okay? I’ll tell them later.”


“Okay” then she waved at him.


Saem Yi was now sitting on the chair at the bus stop. She suddenly cried.


“Saem Yi-ah you’re so stupid” she said to herself making her cry even louder. She doesn’t care even though people are looking at her. Suddenly someone offered her a handkerchief.


She looked up to him.


“Hey, why are you crying?”




He smiled and sat beside her.


Since, she just looked at him. He just wiped the tears on her face. She was surprised with his sudden gestures so she grabbed the handkerchief from him and wiped it herself.


“Sorry” He apologized.


“Oh, it’s okay”


“So….can you tell me what happened?”


She hesitated for a moment but decided to tell him anyway.


“Well, let’s just say I was such a fool for loving someone knowing that he loves another.”


“Don’t you think you’re watching too many dramas?”


She slightly slapped his arm.


He chuckled. “I was just trying to lighten the mood.”


“They just got back together.” She said with a weak smile. A tear suddenly fell.


He didn’t say anything but bring her head closer to him, making it lean on his shoulders. “Don’t talk anymore just make sure that after this you won’t be crying anymore, okay?”


She then cried and cried and cried. Until, she is tired from crying.


“Are you done?” He asked.


She nodded.  “Sorry”


“I know how it felt. I also love this girl but I hurt her and now she broke up with me. Even though she left, I know she still love me.”


“Then go after her. If she still loves you and you really love her you should tell her. Maybe you’ll have a happy ending unlike me.”


“Don’t say that. You’ll have your own happy ending maybe it isn’t your time yet. Wait, why do I sound so gay?”


She then laughed.


“Look you’re smiling again.” He smiled.


“Thank you for comforting me.”


“Should I take you home now?”


“No need. I can go home myself”


“Tch. Well then, Miss Independent, I’m not taking a ‘no’ for an answer.”



Chanyeol’s POV


I saw Saem Yi talking to Joonmyun then left.


“What did she say?”


“She’s not feeling well so she decided to go home”


Chanyeol knew the real reason why Saem Yi left. Joonmyun just tapped his back then went to his girlfriend.




“Where is Saem Yi?” Ji Ae asked Joonmyun as he went to her.


“She said she’s going home”


“What? She didn’t even tell me?”


“Guess she needs some time alone. Don’t worry”


“Argh” Then she glared at Chanyeol then at Ye Jin.


“Woah~ you look scary”




“Honey~ I was just kidding.” Then he hugged her.




“Oppa, what’s wrong?” Ye Jin asked him.




“I asked what’s wrong”


“N-n-n-othing. I just need to go somewhere. I’ll come back soon.” He stood up and went outside.


Chanyeol went to the bus stop and saw Saem Yi and she has a company. It was Chansung. He stiffened. She was laughing. What was I thinking? I thought she was hurt but it seems that she’s happy. I was such a fool going after her. I’m really pissed right now.


Then Chanyeol decided to go back to the café.




A/N: Hi everyone!...


I’m announcing that this story is going to end soon so please look forward who will end up with each other. Will it be Chanyeol and Ye Jin? Chansung and Saem Yi? Or the other way around?..


Comment below I would love to hear your thoughts or should I say read?...haha






Thank you so much for reading…^^…


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Chapter 2: Hate the font T.T
Chapter 25: LOVE IT!!!!!
zeenzz #3
Chapter 25: To be absolutely honest you could have done WAAAYYYYY better. But sweet ending nonetheless.
Chapter 25: Aw. The ending is cute. :)
Chapter 24: What is his plan????!!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!!
zeenzz #6
Chapter 24: NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CANT END IT SO SOOOOONNN!
redopin #7
Chapter 23: :( I feel so bad for her. Hopefully she'll find happiness!
pixieamyoung #8
Chapter 22: author-nim
i want chanyeol and saem yi together!!
zeenzz #9
Chapter 21: Awwww! pooor Saem Yi! And she's so good natured about it tooo! :(
Chapter 21: Aww man... i feel sad for Saem Yi :( Author-nim, please update soon!!! I can‘t wait to see how Yeollie explains himself to Saem Yi! ^~^