Showcase? (Part 1)


Minsung POV

When I woke I felt something wrapped around my body, I look up and I see a sleeping Kai. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and it was a nice feeling. I close my eyes again and I felt Kai pulling me closer to him "Kai oppa...Kai oppa..." I call Kai trying to wake him up but he wouldn't, I look at the clock and it was 12:30pm *I'M SO LATE FOR CLASS!!!!* I tried to get out of Kai's grip but he tighten his grip on my waist "Kai oppa I'm late for class....." I said then suddenly Chanyeol oppa walks in "Kai the school......." He looks at us and smiles evilly (which kinda scared me) "no-no it's not what you think.....I...ah....." I started to panic and all my words just jumbled up "it's okay I're hurt and Kai is taking care of you it's okay..." He smiles "thank you for understanding" I sigh in relief "Chanyeol oppa can you help me get up I'm late for class..." He looks at me "no we called in sick for you so you don't have to worry. And we're all going out besides you and Kai. There is food in the kitchen if you need it." He smiles and closes the door "no-oppa....wait...." Before I could finish he left. I sigh " if Minho oppa finds out about this...." I poke Kai's cheek and he wakes up "good morning Minsung" he smiles while still hugging my waist "ah...Kai oppa..can you let go of me now? I want to eat..." He looks at what he's doing and let's go "sorry.." He rubs the back of his neck. I laugh "it's okay Kai oppa and thanks for taking care of me," I smile "no problem..."

We both sat there awkwardly until my stomach started to growl and we both laughed "come on I'll make you food while you wash up okay?" I nod "but oppa I need clothes..." He looks at me and smiles he grabs a plain white V-neck t-shirt and sweat pants for me to wear "here wear those for now." I take the clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a nice warm shower, it felt nice because it didn't hurt my scratches. After I finished I wore the clothes Kai gave me and comb my wet hair with my fingers, I head to the living room and Kai was still in the kitchen "and breakfast...I mean brunch is served!" He brings out two plates of pancakes "yum! Pancakes!" I quickly sit down "Minsung your hair is wet you should dry it or you'll get sick." Kai looks at me "I don't know where the hair dryer is." He grabs my hand and leads me to his room, he made me sit down on the bed and he sat behind me and he started to blow dry my hair "I can do it myself Kai oppa..." I said "it's alright, after I finish we need to put some bandages on you." I smile *Kai oppa you're always so nice to me...* "Kai oppa....we didn't finish talking about your girlfriends...." I turned around and faced him "well, I did date this one girl in grade school...." He started "what did she look like?" He thought about for a minute "she had long black hair, big eyes and a dimple on her left cheek." He smiled "why did you guys break up?" I asked curious "she was a noona and a lot of guys liked her....I wasn't good enough so I let go of her..." I started to feel bad for asking ".....I'm sorry....I didn't mean to...." "It's alright I don't like her anymore." He smiles "all finished now let's put some bandages on you!" He got the first aid box and opened it, he put some cream thing on my bruise and scratches then bandages around it "there! now lets go eat." He smiles and we ate brunch.

After brunch it was 2:20pm and I decided to go home "Kai oppa I should go now. Bye and thank you for taking care of me. And please help me thank Suho, Chanyeol, D.O. Baekhyun oppa and Sehun." I bowed "it was my honor, and I will" he ruffles my hair "if you need anything just call okay? And your welcome here anytime you want!" I smile "thanks oppa bye." I bowed again and headed home.


*shes so sweet...* while thinking of her my heart started to beat faster and faster and my stomach start to have butterflies "Kai come on what is wrong with you?" I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face "I think I do like Minsung......" I couldn't help but smile at the thought of how pretty she was when she was sleeping like a angel. 

Minsung POV

When I got home I got a phone call "hello?" "MINSUNG-AH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!? I CALLED YOU YESTERDAY AND NO ONE PICKED UP!!!!" Minho oppa screamed through the phone "oppa I'm okay it's just that I had to study for a test so I went to Binyoung unnie's house," I lied because if I told him the truth he would worry "you scared me Minsung-ah you should have called me back." He still sound worried "oppa sorry when I came home it was late and I was tired...." "Okay okay I just want to make sure you're okay, now I got to go now bye!" He hung up "aish....oppa." I laid down on the couch and the TV "there is nothing to watch.....!" I flip through the channels then I stopped at a Japanese channel "HELLO, we are the shining SHINee!" I smile "oppa you guys are so handsome!!!" "Hello I'm Onew!" "Hello I'm Taemin!" "Hello I'm Jonghyun!" "Hello I'm Minho!" "Hello I'm Key!" "We would like to share good news with our fans in Japan! (Yeah!) On July 17th we will be coming back to Japan and have a concert!!!" Key said "And we will be looking forward to see you guys there!" Taemin pointed at the camera "Bye!!" "Bye!" "Bye!" "Bye!" "Bye!" they all bowed and waved and I noticed that Minho oppa winked at the camera "aigoo....oppa trying to make all the girls in the world melt?" I laugh "their Japanese are really good." I smile.

^two weeks later^

Minsung POV

SHINee oppa came back from Japan two days ago they were all really tired. But Minho oppa remembered to buy me a gift, he bought me a peach coloured dress with a thin white bow belt around the waist. It fitted me just perfect and I decided to wear it to school.

"Minsu when are you going to school?" Taemin ask with a mouth full of rice "9:00am why?....oh right I have class with you..." I roll my eyes "I'm glad you remember..." He smirk "YA!!! Kids eat faster! You're going to be late for school!" Key oppa scold us, we quickly ate our breakfast "Driver hyung will drive you guys to school, now go go GO!" Key oppa pushed us to the door "it's okay I'm taking the bus with Binyoung unnie I'll go first." I smile and bowed "okay then, be careful." Key oppa smiled and waved bye (it's not that I don't want a drive its just that it's dangerous.) I ran out the door and went to the bus stop "Minsung!!!" Binyoung unnie waved "unnie! You came so early!" I hugged her "I like your dress! It's cute." I smile "I know oppa got it for me from Japan!" I jumped up and down "kekeke okay here comes the bus." We got on the bus and we drove to school.

^at school^

"okay I'm going to class now bye unnie!" We waved bye and we both went to class. When I walked in the classroom there was a bunch of girls surrounding my desk area and as I walked closer I see Taemin there *of course he would attract all the girls...* I roll my eyes and sit down at my desk, all the girls looked at me and rolled their eyes and continue to talk with Taemin. "Okay class sit down! I have an announcement to make." Mr.Su said and everybody went back to their seats "okay, next month our school will be holding a showcase. So people from the vocals and dance classes will perform. Now for this showcase you will be doing a duet, and just to be fair I will be choosing your partner." Mr.Su smiled "what about Taemin oppa then?" A girl with red hair asked "well because he in still a student he will have to participate. Oh and Taemin that is alright with you right?" Taemin nods "yes...and I will try my best." He smiles and all the girls screamed a little "okay then, I will tell you, your partner....Fan Chensung and Jung Sugae. Luu Gain and Oh Dajin. Choi Minsung and Lee Taemin..." "WHAT?!?!?" All the girls yelled and the teacher looks up "Choi Minsung and Lee Taemin..." The girls all gave me death glares. After Mr.Su told everybody who their partner was, we had to come up with a song to sing together. I turn to Taemin and looked at him "so what song do you want to sing Minsung-ssi?" He smiled sweetly which kind of grosses me out "well maybe I need to introduce myself before we work together. My name is Choi Minsung nice to meet you Taemin-ssi" I bowed and smile at him *you jerk.* he smirked "nice to meet you. Now Minsung-ssi tell me what song you would like to sing?" He looked at me "let's sing 'closer' by Taeyeon from SNSD?" I smile and he nods "okay then," I really didn't want to be Taemin's partner, but because I have no choice I'm stuck with him until next month. we talked more about the way we should perform and the bell rings. 

^dance class^

"everybody heard about the showcase right?" Mrs.Bunner ask and we all nod "well as you know, we will be participating as well and of course we will be dancing. Now because Mr.Su's vocals class will be doing a duet, we have to dance with a partner." Everybody cheers "now choose your partner!" She claps her hands and all the girls ran to Kai. "Kai oppa can you be my partner?" "No Kai oppa be my partner!" "No be mine! I'll cook for you!" "No Kai be my partner!" I couldn't help but laugh, "sorry...I already have a partner..." Kai said quietly and all the girls gasp and let go of him "who?" One girl asked. Kai ran up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder "Minsung is my partner!" I look at him and my eyes widen. I could feel all the girls giving me death glares and I swallow my saliva "Kai...I don't think..." I whisper and he whispers in my ears "please help me....those girls are crazy...." We looked at them and we chuckle "okay fine. But you owe me." He smiles and pinches my cheeks. *oh god I'm making so much enemies...* "since we're doing a duet dance what song do you want to dance to?" Kai ask "why ask me? You think of a song!" I poke his cheeks "uhm.....lets dance to 'Only One' by BoA noona!!" He said excitedly "okay then! We should practice, when are you not busy?" I ask Kai and he thought about it "lets do it today after school?!?! I have to go to SMTown to meet up with the guys anyway, and we can practice in the dance studio!" He smiles bigger "oppa you seem so excited..." I chuckle and ruffle his hair.


"Minsung I have a laptop so we can watch the dance." Kai sat down on the floor, suddenly my phone starts ringing "hello?" "Minsung where are you?" Onew oppa ask "I'm at SMTown at the dance studio, why?" "Don't go anywhere wait for me there." And he hung up "Onew oppa? Onew oppa?" "Is there something wrong?" Kai asked as he stood beside me "I don't know Onew oppa told me to wait for him here." I was scared something bad had happened because Onew oppa sound so serious. We waited for five minutes and Onew oppa comes to the dance studio with a big bag. I quickly ran to him "Onew oppa what happened? Is something wrong?" I was so worried, he shakes his head "no but.....I have CHICKEN! And I didn't want to eat I called you!" He smiled sweetly like a little kid. I hit him lightly on the arm "oppa! You scared me!!! I thought something bad happened!" I pouted "aigoo..sorry I wanted to give you a surprise!" He ruffles my hair "hello Onew hyung!" Kai said and bowed, we were so busy talking we forgot Kai was even there "oh, hello Kai, what are you doing here? And you too Minsung why are you here?" Onew oppa raised his eyebrows as he sat down and took out the boxes of chicken, "we're having a showcase next month at school and Kai oppa and I will be dancing together," I took a chicken drumstick and started to eat "really? Taemin never mentioned it...?" Onew oppa motions Kai to eat some chicken too and he does "oh yeah Taemin and I are doing a duet too," I smiled "you and Taemin hyung are doing a duet?" Kai ask and I nod "yeah, the teacher chose the partners," I took another chicken "what song are you guys going to sing?" Onew oppa took a bite of his chicken "'closer' by Taeyeon. I chose it!" I smiled proudly "really? That's a good song, something good to sing to your love." Onew oppa smiled "so what song are you guys going to dance to?" Kai and I looked at each other "'Only One' by BoA noona" Kai smiled "oh...Taemin danced to that song, you can ask him for help too, but you can ask Sehun or just watch it online.." Onew oppa suggested I laughed when I noticed Onew oppa had sauce on his face "Onew oppa you have a little......just a little..." He looked at me confused and Kai laughed "hyung it's right there...just..." Kai pointed where the sauce was, "aish forget it..." I took a napkin and wiped the sauce "there you go!" I smile and continue eating "thanks Minsung!!" He was about to ruffle my hair but I stopped him "chicken fingers!" I pointed at his hands and we all laugh.

After we finished eating chicken Onew oppa had to go, so Kai and I decided to start practicing. "For this part where I'm on the four guys back, I was wondering if we can ask Sehun, Suho, D.O and Baekhyun oppa? To help us?" I ask "sure but why not Chanyeol hyung? He's tall.." "Exactcally, he's too tall it would be hard." He nods "okay, and for this part of the dance where we go up close are you comfortable with it?" Kai looks at me "of course! Do what you have to do okay?" I smile and he ruffles my hair. 


After practice we both headed home "hyung?" I open the door and everybody's watching TV "oh Kai you're back." Chanyeol said "yeah...hyung I have a favour to ask," they all turn their attention to me, I take a seat beside Suho "for school we have a showcase next month...and Minsung and I are dancing together...." "Hyung really?!?!? Wow there's going to be a lot of skinship!" Sehun interruptes me and laughed "wow Kai this is your chance!" D.O pats my back "guys, that's not what I'm trying to say," I sigh "we're dancing to 'Only one' by BoA noona and we need four back up dancers and we were wondering...if you guys would like to help...." They all look at me "YES!!!" They all said together "I really want to see Minsung noona dance!" Sehun smiled big and they all nod "everybody besides Chanyeol hyung though..." He looked disappointed "why?" He ask "because you're to tall but you can still watch..." I said trying to make him feel a little better "fine." He frowned "when are we going to practice?" Baekhyun asked "tomorrow." They all nod.

Minsung POV

When I got home I threw myself on my bed and someone knocked on my door "come in..." I sit up and Taemin opens the door "what do you want?" I asked in an annoyed voice because I was so tired "woah...calm down little miss sassy! Lets go practice," he sat down on my bed "practice what?" He flicked my forehead "for the showcase pabo," I puffed my cheeks "I'm so tired though!!! You know I also have to dance? But I'm partners with Kai oppa so it's alright..." I smile, he raised his eyebrow "Kai is your dance partner?" I nod "is there a problem?" "No." I lay down and close my eyes "YA!! Pabo get up let's practice!!" Taemin yelled "fine! Oh my gosh!!" I stomp out of my room "where are we going to practice?" I ask him in a rude tone of voice "tsk tsk you're so mean to your oppa..." He smirks *man this guy is driving me crazy!!!* "we're going to the dance studio, because during the showcase we have to do little movements and show the emotions the song has."



the date for SHINee's visit to Japan is fake. So NOT REAL..

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Chapter 31: So beautiful story! i like it <3 ^^
Kanianizkaa #2
Chapter 31: WAAAA I've just finished reading the story!!! it such a wonnderful storyyy. this story same as what I'm always thinking of, huuuh I hope it will be true to me somedayy. brew thankyouuu, I love this story!!
CheekySaku #3
Chapter 1: I actually thought that this would be interesting, but then after reading a little bit of it, well, I lost interest. It's too plain and the plotline isnt really what I would call original. Sounds too cliche and so much information is already being given away
SHINeeLover5646 #4
Chapter 1: I want top make my sis read this cause she have up eggs for lent and she going crazy so you get the rest right
Chapter 31: I just finished reading this story <3 It was awesome !!! I loved the ending ~