SHINee oppa


^two days later^ (Sunday)

^SHINee's dorm^

Minsung POV

"OPPA!" I screamed when SHINee oppa walked through the door. I jumped on them and gave them a huge hug "OPPA I MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!" I yelled "WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH TOO!!!" They screamed. We pull away from the hug "you guys must be tired from the airplane ride. Go wash up and rest, I'll clean up for you guys!" I smile, Minho oppa caresses my cheeks "aigoo...thank you my princess." "Oh! I have something to tell you guys! I can make apple soup and tomatoe soup!" I said proudly "who taught you?" Taemin asked "D.O oppa taught when I stayed at their dorm," I smile. Key oppa pouted "I can teach you too..." I hugged his arm and smiled at him "if you're not busy Key oppa, I want you to teach me how to cook," I blinked cutely at him and he smiles " cute, then I will be your teacher!" He smiles and ruffles my hair "okay, *yawn* lets go I'm tired...." Jonghyun oppa yawned "aish...okay we're going to wash up and rest okay," they pat my head and went to their rooms.

I move their suit cases to the side first then went to the kitchen to start making tomatoe soup. I took out three big tomatoes and a cutting board and a knife. I wash the tomatoes and started to cut them into eight pieces, I then felt a hand on my waist. I look up and see Taemin "aren't you going to sleep?" I asked and fed him a piece of tomatoe "no, I slept a lot on the plane." He sits on the counter "so what will we be having for dinner tonight Miss. Choi?" He asked as I start putting the tomatoes in the soup pot "well....I'm still not good at cooking so, I will be making tomatoe soup, rice, kimchi and I bought some steak." I look at him "I haven't eaten rice in two weeks!! I totally miss it!" He throws his hands in the air, he got off the counter and poured himself a glass of water. I hugged him and he was taken by surprise but then hugged me back "I missed you soooo much!" I hugged him tighter "me too. Did anything happen while I was gone? You have anything to tell me?" He looked at me *should I tell him about Kai? Maybe later....* I shake my head "nope"

^at night^

I looked over at the clock and it was 12:45am, everyone was asleep. ~ring ring~ I pick up my cell phone and knew it was Kai "so how was it?" He asked "it was good, they bought me a lot of stuff," I smile "like what?" "well...Jonghyun and Key oppa bought me a lot of clothes and jewelry, Minho oppa bought me shoes and more jewelry. Onew oppa bought me a lot of food...uhm...Taemin oppa bought me a lot of plushis!" I chuckle at the thought of their faces when they gave me the gifts, Kai chuckles "that sounds like a lot of fun...when do you want to tell everybody that we're dating again?" He asked in a serious tone "tomorrow. Lets meet up. And we'll tell all of them at once." I had a bad feeling but I push the thought aside "okay, then I'll call you tomorrow." He said " you" Kai whispered sweetly, I giggled "goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow....I love you too Kai." I smiled and we both hung up *tomorrow*

^the next day^


Today is the day where everybody will know Minsung and I are dating again. I'm nervous because the last time I saw SHINee hyung was not the best. I'm scared Onew and Taemin hyung would reject our relationship....I'm also scared EXO would reject as well. "Kai where are you taking us?" Chanyeol asked, we were on our way to the cafe where we were suppose to meet up with Minsung."you'll see just wait." I said

Minsung POV

I was so excited to see EXO, SHINee oppa and I were already at the cafe waiting. I didn't tell them anything yet "Minsung-ah are we waiting for someone?" Jonghyun oppa asked "n-no...ah...just order something to drink..." I stared at the door "we already ordered our drinks. We're drinking it already." Key oppa pointed out, I turned around and looked "oh yeah...hehe...forgot." I rub the back of my neck.

Onew POV

Minsung seems strange today but I didn't ask why. But then I knew why "Oppa!" Minsung smiled brightly as EXO walked through the door. I looked at everybody else as they had the same expression as me. 

Minsung POV

"oppa!" I smiled and EXO smiled back "come sit," SHINee bowed and EXO bowed, I notice SHINee oppa were all looking at Kai. Kai sat down beside me and I smile "oppa I have something to say." I smile and looked at everyone "Kai oppa and I are together again." Everybody looked at each other *are they really going to reject our relationship?* Taemin stood up and looked at Kai "congratulations." He smiles and I felt so grateful. EXO looked at SHINee and SHINee looked at EXO, they all smile and congratulated us "treat her well Kai! Or I'll kill you!" Chanyeol oppa punch Kai lightly on the arm "I will hyung I promise." Kai rubbed his arm. We all talked at the cafe for another two hours until everybody decided it was time to leave. "Well we will be leaving sumbae." EXO bowed "we will see you tomorrow at SMTown then," SHINee bowed "oppa, Kai and I are going out." I smile at SHINee oppa "but..." Onew oppa looked at me. I made a cute pouty face and did a little aeygo and he smiles "fine. No later then 9:30pm. If you are, you won't be going any where with him." Onew oppa glared at Kai. "Thanks oppa!" I jumped on him and gave him a huge hug "bye oppa!" I kissed all their cheeks "lets go Kai!" I held Kai's hand and we walked away from the group.

Onew POV

I knew this was going to happen "hyung what do you think?" Taemin asked Minho "as long as Minsung is happy, I'm happy." They look at me "me to, but we still have to keep an eye out for Kai. I still can't trust him all the way." They all nod in agreement "hyung lets go home I want banana milk!" Taemin said randomly and we all laugh "aish...I see where Minsung gets all the cuteness from..." Jonghyun shakes his head and we all laugh "lets go!" And we hurried home.


Minsung and I held hands and walked to the mall "Kai, why was oppa all glaring at you?" Minsung asked " it's nothing..I think...." I knew why they were glaring at me and I was glad they didn't tell Minsung, or reject our relationship, I smile at her "lets go in this store," I dragged her to a ring store "you want to buy a ring? You know we're only 19 years old right?" She asked sacastically, I chuckle and ruffle her hair "aish...I'm no asking for marriage. I just want to show people our relationship. So you better wear the ring!" I point at her "okay oppa." She smiles and kisses my cheeks. We looked around the store "may I help you choose a ring?" The worker there asked "I want a one of a kind ring, something that no else has." I said "well, we have some over here," she led us to a table and took out some rings "these are one of a kind. No else has the same ones." She smiles. We look at the rings "what do you think?" I whisper to Minsung "I want something more simple." She whisper back, I nod "do you have something more simple?" I asked "no we don't, but you can design your own rings." "Our own rings?" Minsung asked excitedly and I could tell she wanted to design our rings "then we would like to design our own rings please. How long will it take to make it?" I asked "uhm...about one month." I look at Minsung "is this what you want?" She nods looks a child "okay then," I looked at the worker. 

She nods "would you like to draw it out yourself or would you like to have our designer draw it?" She looks at me "we would like to draw it ourselves please." I said, she smiles and takes out a piece of paper and a pencil "here you go," she smiles and walks away "well start drawing," I look at Minsung, she smiles brightly at me "you want me to design our rings? You won't regret?" She asked "why would I regret? If you designed it I'll love it." I kiss her cheeks and she starts to draw. The ring she drew was simple, a plain ring with two diamonds on it. "Is that the ring you want?" I asked her and she nods, I smile and the worker came back to us "are you guys finished?" She asked politely "yes, here thank you." Minsung handed her the piece of paper "please come with me, so we can get your information to contact you." The worker smiles "Kai I'll go with her, can you go buy me some bubble tea?" Minsung looked at me "okay I'll be right back," I smile and left.

Minsung POV

"excus me..." I said to the worker while I wrote down my information "yes?" "For the ring....on the inside can you write 'Minsung loves you' for the male ring." I asked "of course we can! We will call you to come pick it up when we finish." She bowed "oh...and please don't tell the guy with me earlier, I want to surprise him." I bowed and left. I waited outside the store for Kai, I then see Yoseob oppa with Bora unnie "Yoseob oppa! Bora unnie!" I called out, they turned to me and smiled. I walk to them and bowed "hello oppa, unnie! Are you guys on a date?" I asked "yeah...what about you? You alone?" Yoseob oppa asked "no, I'm with uh....Kai," I didn't tell any of my friends about Kai and I dating again. Even Binyoung unnie doesn't know. "Ah....the player in your school? Why are you with him?" He asked, I quickly changed the subject "ah....Bora unnie, I don't see you often. You should hangout with us more." I smile "I would love to but because of work it's hard, but I will try." She smiles "well I better get going, I don't want to be the 'third wheel'" I said jokingly "okay see you later," Yoseob oppa ruffles my hair and they left. Once they left someone put their arms around my waist, I turn and see Kai take a sip of the bubble tea "OMO! You scared me," I take the bubble tea from him and took a sip "who were you talking to?" He asked "that was Yoseob oppa and his girlfriend Bora unnie," I chewed on the tapioca "so that was Yoseob? Wow." He said with a surprised expression "why? He's cute right? And also very nice," I smile, and Kai pouts "I can be cute and y..." He wiggled his eye brows and I giggle "course you are," I pinch his cheeks.

"where do you want to go now?" Kai asked "uhm.....maybe we should go home, it's getting late." I look at him and he grinned "already? But I want to stay with you longer...." I felt butterflies in my stomach when he said that " have to work and I have school also, Onew oppa said I have to be home by 9:30pm." I said, he nodded "okay, I'll walk you home." He smiles and intertwine our fingers. When we reached SHINee's dorm I unlocked the door and turned to Kai "bye, I'll see you tomorrow in class. That is if you'll be going to class." I said, (because Kai is a celebrity he is busy so can't always go to school) "I won't be going to school, we have a interview, and we have to practice." I nod "okay then call me if you have time, bye." I smile and waved goodbye. I turned around to walk in but Kai didn't let go of my hand, I turn back around and looked at him "no goodbye hug? Or kiss?" He asked, I giggled "okay bye Kai," I gave him a hug and kissed his cheeks "now can I leave?" I asked "no I want a kiss right here." He points at his lips "aish.....fine," I pecked his lips "now it's getting late you should go home, now bye~ and goodnight~" I smile "okay bye, I'll call you tomorrow." He smiled and left.

Onew POV

I was sitting in the living room watching TV while waiting for Minsung to come home, I look at the clock "9:25pm she should be coming home soon...." I mumble to myself "old man why are you talking to yourself?" Key asked jokingly "he's probably worried about Minsung........" Jonghyun said and sat down beside Key at the dinner table "here comes the chicken!" Minho brings out the fried chicken we bought earlier "YES! CHICKEN!!!" I run to the dinner table and started to eat "where's Taemin?" I asked as I take a big bite of my fried chicken, they shrug "I think he's in the room," Minho said "TAEMIN-AH COME OUT AND EAT FRIED CHICKEN!" Key yelled, Taemin walks out of the room and sat down "I'm so hungry!" He grabbed a chicken drum stick and started to eat.

As we were eating I heard the front door unlock, I look at the clock *9:29pm just in time....* I continue to eat. I waited for the front door to open but it doesn't "ya..guys," I told everybody to shut up. We all looked at the front door and waited for Minsung to come in. 5 minutes pass but the door still doesn't open, we walk towards the front door then the door swings open "OMO! scared me...." Minsung places her hand over her chest "you're late...." I looked at her with a poker face, she looks at the clock "I was outside the whole time," she pouted, I tried to stand her cuteness "aish...fine I'll let this one go.." I cross my arms over my chest "thanks oppa!" She kissed my cheeks, which made my heart flutter "Minsung we bought chicken come eat with us!" Taemin grab Minsung's hand and made her sit down and eat. *why do I protected her this much?* the question popped in my head *why do I always fall for her cuteness?* I stare at Minsung *doesn't matter about the reason, because no matter what I will always protect you,* Minsung looks at me and smiles "Onew oppa here take a bite ah~" she feeds me a piece of her chicken "yummm....that's good," I smile.

^the next day^

Minsung POV

"time to go to school~" I sang as I wore my shoes "let me take you to school," I look up and see Taemin "Taemin oppa you don't have to, you must be tired," I cup his face with my right hand, he probably slept really late last night with the rest of SHINee because you can see the begs under his eyes "no just wait 5 minutes I'll be out." He walks in the bathroom. I sit and waited for 5 minutes then Taemin walks out "I'm ready," he smiles, he looks different, not as tired as before "okay lets go," I said and we walked out. We walked side-by-side "so you're dating Kai huh?" He asked and I nod "even if he hurt you before?" He asked again. I looked at him and my eyes widen *how does he know that Kai used to....* "w-what...are you......*sigh*...........I hurt him." I look down. Taemin stopped walking and turned to me, he put both of his hands on my shoulder and made me face him "look We all know everything." Taemin said in a serious tone, my eyes widen "h-how? D-did?" I stutter "it doesn't matter. We want you to be happy. But also safe. We all really worry, promise to tell us your problems..." His eyes soften and I nod "I will. I promise." He smiles and puts his arms around my shoulder "I won't be going to school today." He said "okay, I'm taking the bus home with Binyoung unnie and Bumki oppa today." I look at him, he nods.

Taemin walked me all the way to the school gates even though I told him people will try to kill me if they saw us together "Taemin leave now," I frowned and pushed him "aish....fine." He said and I stop pushing "bye~ see you at home." He kissed my cheeks "Taemin are you really trying to get me killed here?!?!?" I whisper to him and he chuckles "okay bye," he pointed at his cheek and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek "bye!" I waved and ran in the school. 

Taemin POV

"bye!" Minsung waved and ran in the school "aigoo~ so cute!" I smile and I walk back to the dorm. When I open the front door I see Minho stretching his arms "oh, Taemin where did you go?" He asked "I walked Minsung to school" I took off my shoes and went to the kitchen "*sigh* sometimes I feel like Onew hyung and you are Minsung's real brother..." Minho sighs "don't think like that, Minsung loves all of us and we all treat her the same. It's just you don't show her that's all....." I look in the fridge and took out some ramen "I'll go wake up everybody else." Minho walked back in the room "HYUNG WAKE UP! THERE IS CHICKEN!!!" He scream and I laugh "such a kid." I shake my head.

^at school^

Minsung POV

"woah today went by fast." I said and walked to Binyoung unnie's class with Bumki oppa walking beside me "I know! But I have so many homework when I get home! Argh!!!!!!" Bumki oppa complained "me too.....I think I'll have to do an all nighters...." I frowned. Binyoung unnie runs up to us "what's with the frowny faces?" She asked "we have a lot if homework tonight..." Bumki oppa sighed "well to be you! I don't have homework!" Binyoung unnie stook out her tongue "whatever we need to go home so I can start my homework," I scoffed and we walked to the bus stop "Minsung! Bumki! Binyoung!" Jungsu yelled while running towards us "hello Jungsu!" I ruffle his hair "what are you doing here?" Binyoung unnie asked him "to take the bus with YOU...guys of course!!" Jungsu put his arms around Binyoung unnie. Even though he does that a lot with her, I still feel like something is they're hiding something from me..... "The bus is here!" Bumki oppa pointed at the bus. I push the thought away and got on the bus with everybody else. Every once in a while I would take a quick glance at Binyoung unnie and Jungsu and they seem touchy today, Jungsu kept trying to hold Binyoung unnie's hand, and he kept on trying to kiss her *are they dating?* then I saw Binyoung unnie kiss Jungsu on the lips quickly and my eyes widen *they are dating!!!! Why aren't they telling me?!?!?* "ya, Minsung this is your stop," Bumki oppa shook me "oh....ah.....okay....I'll see you guys tomorrow..." I slowly stood up and walked out of the bus. "They're dating but they're not telling their best friend? Aish....but then again I don't tell them worries they'll tell me soon." I sigh and walked home.

"oppa I'm home!" I yelled, I drop my bag on the floor and threw myself on the couch "Minsu! You're back!" Taemin ran out and sat beside me, I lean my head in his shoulder "I have so much homework tonight...." I pouted and he chuckled "then get started. If you want I'll be your butler," he smiles "butler?" I look at him "if you need me I'll bring you food, drinks anything!" He smiles widely "thanks Taemin-ah.." I smile. We walk to my room and I started to do my homework while Taemin just sat around and once in a while he would glance at my homework to see if I needed help "are you hungry? You want something to drink? Bubble tea?" He asked "it's okay..." My stomach growls and Taemin laughs "I'll buy you food while you work. How does bubble tea and chicken sound?" He asked and walked to the door "thanks oppa," I smile and he leaves my room. 

30 minutes later Taemin came back with fried chicken and two cups of bubble tea "time to eat Minsu!" He smiles happily. I walk out to the  living room and sat down at the dinner table, I open the box of chicken and started to eat "aren't you going to go out with Kai?" Taemin asked as he siped his bubble tea "he has a interview today or something...and besides I have to much homework to go on a date." I said with my mouthful "aish...didn't your umma teach you 'don't talk with your mouth full?'" Taemin looked at me "talking about umma...her and appa never called since they moved to Canada....I wonder what they're doing...." I said. I missed them a lot, even though we would have fights and sometimes they made me really mad but I still love them no matter what. "Why don't you just call them then?" Taemin asked and took a bite if my chicken "I don't have their number because they said they'll call me and oppa." I frown "I'm full I'm going to do my homework." I cleaned up the mess and took my cup of bubble tea to my room and did my homework.


*should I call her? I miss her....* I pout "Kai what's wrong?" Suho asked "nothing...." I sigh "looks like someone misses their girlfriend~" Chanyeol joked and I elbow him lightly in the stomach "then just call her, we finished everything." D.O said "but it's late...." "Aish hyung just call noona." Sehun threw me the phone and I called her "hello?" "'s me Kai," I said nervously "oh...Kai? You need something? How was the interview?" She asked "good, ah I don't need anything just wondering what you were doing," "oh, I'm doing my homework still, it's going to be an all nighter..." She sigh "you have homework? You should just sleep, all nighters will make you tired tomorrow." I said worried "I would love to but can't. Kai can I talk to you tomorrow I have a lot to do, goodnight." She hung up "well? What did she say?" Baekhyun asked excitedly "she has to do an all nighter today, a lot of homework." I sigh "go visit her," Baekhyun said "but she's busy," I protested "well surprise her, she needs a breather," Suho said "fine..." I wore my shoes and walked to Minsung's house. "Should I press the doorbell? Hyung is going to kill me," I walk around and found Minsung's bedroom window "bingo!" I climbed up to her window and I look through the window and I can see Minsung at her desk doing her homework, *she looks so tired...* I sigh.

Minsung POV

"what is this?!?!? Argh!!!! So hard!" I mumble. "I need to change," I looked at myself and I was still wearing my school clothes from this morning. I walk to my closet and picked out a pair of sweat pants and a purple sweater, I turn to change then I see Kai outside my window and I let out a little scream but I cover my mouth quickly. I walk over to my window and opened it "Kai what are you doing?!?!?!?" I asked him "ah...can I come in first? It's kind of high up here....." Kai looks down and looks back up, I let him in "what are you doing? It's 2:00 I the morning," I asked "I wanted to see you," he smiles and hugs me "I miss you to but I can't hangout I have a lot of work..." I pulled away from the hug "then can I stay here? I'll help you when you get stuck on a question, I'll get you food." He smiles "fine. But if you're tired you have to go home." I poked his cheeks and he nods. After two more hours of homework I finished it, I lean back in my chair and stretched my body. "Ah~ all done!" I said happily, I turn around and see Kai falling asleep on my bed "Kai if you're tired you can go home, I'm all finished." I stood up "no I want to spend time with you," he grinned "okay...let me shower first," he nodded and I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower because I didn't want Kai to wait, I quickly put on my clean clothes and walked to my room. I see Kai sleeping on my bed peacefully *cute*

I walk up to him and tuck him in "goodnight" I kissed his forehead and walked out the room and closed the door behind me. I walk to the Onew, Minho, and Taemin oppa's room "Taemin oppa...." I look in the room and he was sleeping "goodnight." I tuck him and I leave the room. I walk back to my room and sat down beside Kai, I his hair while he slept. *he looks like an angel...* I smile, I look at his sleeping face as my heart races. I place my hand over my chest, my heart was like bounding. I remove my hand and went to the kitchen, "it's 4:00 in the morning!!!!  I need to sleep *yawn*" I walk to the living room and slept on the couch.


I woke up and Minsung wasn't in the room, I rubbed my eyes and sat up "Minsung?" I said quietly, I walked out to the living room to find Minsung sleeping soundlessly on the couch. "You'll catch a cold..." I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room, I placed her gently on the bed and tuck her in. I laid down beside her and pull her close to me, I lean my head between her head and her shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and fell asleep.

~RING RING RING~ I turn off the alarm clock and continue to sleep, "AH!" Minsung screamed and that made me fall off the bed "ouch..." I rub my back and sit up "Kai! I have to go to school!" Minsung quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, she runs back in the room to choose clothes "'I'll walk you to school today!" I smile "okay, the tooth brush and towel you used last time is still in the bathroom." She got out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a peach colour cardigan and white spaghetti strap "now go! We'll be late!" She rushes me to the bathroom and she goes back in her room to change. When I finished washing up I went back to Minsung's room "is hyung at home?" I asked "I think they left early, I hope they didn't see you here last night." She said as she tied her hair in a side braid "why?" I raised a brow "well, if Minho oppa find out he'll kill you, Onew oppa would want to kill you to, Taemin oppa would agreed with them." She looks at the clock again "come on," she grabs my hand and dragged me to the kitchen "uhm....there have anything you like.....WAIT NO TIME FOR THAT I'LL BE LATE!" She wears her shoes and we run out the dorm. We ran to school and stopped when we reached the gates "okay bye Kai see you later bye." She gave me a quick hug and ran in the school "Minsun......" Before I could finish she already left. *sigh* I just wanted to spend more time with you......* 



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Chapter 31: So beautiful story! i like it <3 ^^
Kanianizkaa #2
Chapter 31: WAAAA I've just finished reading the story!!! it such a wonnderful storyyy. this story same as what I'm always thinking of, huuuh I hope it will be true to me somedayy. brew thankyouuu, I love this story!!
CheekySaku #3
Chapter 1: I actually thought that this would be interesting, but then after reading a little bit of it, well, I lost interest. It's too plain and the plotline isnt really what I would call original. Sounds too cliche and so much information is already being given away
SHINeeLover5646 #4
Chapter 1: I want top make my sis read this cause she have up eggs for lent and she going crazy so you get the rest right
Chapter 31: I just finished reading this story <3 It was awesome !!! I loved the ending ~