New life


^the next day^

Onew POV

Today Minsung will be leaving, I looked at her and I knew she didn't want to leave. I could tell she was waiting to see f Kai would send her off. But he never showed up "goodbye oppa." She bowed, we all gave kisses and hugs we also said our goodbyes. Once they cross the grates Taemin gets a phone call "hello?.......what?!?!?.......okay we'll be there," he hung up "who was that Taemin?" Minho asked "it was Suho hyung he said Kai is in the hospital. We need to go see him." We got in our van and drove off to the hospital, when we reached the hospital we saw all of EXO. Suho was walking back and forth, Chanyeol was mumbling to himself with a worried face, D.O was sweating and totally spaced out, Baekhyun was shaking and Sehun was crying "Suho hyung what happened?" Taemin asked "he got in a car accident," Suho said "everything is going to be fine," we all tried to calm them down, then the doctor came out "how is he doctor?" Their manager asked "he's fine, he just hurt his head a little, he got 3 stitches on his head. And no worries there should be no scars. He can leave after we give him cream to help with the healing" The doctor bowed and left "everything's fine..." EXO all sigh I relief "lets see Kai," we all walked in his room, he was laying there with a sad face "Kai, how are you feeling? Does the stitches hurt?" D.O asked "hyung, did Minsung leave?" Kai looked at us, we looked away "sorry but you can't have so many people in here," the nurse said "sorry we will be leaving," we all bowed and she went out "Kai I'm going to get your cream, the rest of you go in the van." Their manager ordered and the left "we should be leaving too," Taemin said "take care," we left him.

^at the dorm^

"Do you think Kai got in an accident because he wanted to see Minsung for one last time?" Key asked as we sat in the living room "when we walked in the room he seemed sad and disappointed, maybe that is why he got in an accident...." Jonghyun said "should we tell Minsung about this?" Taemin asked "don't, I don't want her to be worried. Moving to a whole new place and learning a new language is enough stress for her." Minho said "I agree with Minho, lets tell her when things settle down over in Canada." I said and they all nod in agreement.

^two weeks later^


Minsung POV

I started school for about a week now, and things are hard. Everything was in English so that made things even harder, and I don't know anyone, I don't talk to anyone. As I walk down the hallways I was studying my math, then I bumped into someone. I quickly apologize and bowed "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said in English "it's okay, I'm sorry I should have been looking," they said in English. I look up because I didn't understand what they were saying "sorry...ah...I don't understand..." I tried my best " don't speak English?" He asked and I shake my head "oh....what language do you speak then?" He asked and I understood "Korean," I said and he smiled "I speak Korean too," He said in Korean "oh my gosh! Are you Korean than? Oh, and my name is Minsung! Choi Minsung," I stick out my hand, he smiles and takes my hand "yes I am Korean, my name is Seojoon. Oh Seojoon but just call me Joon" The class bell rings "it was nice meeting you Joon-ssi, goodbye." I waved "wait, I'll walk you to class. You look kind of lost," he smiles, I was lost, this school is so big "thank you so much Joon-ssi," I smile. And he walked me to class.

Joon is a very nice guy, he is tall and handsome, he had chocolate brown hair. He also has a really sweet smile, "so you're new here?" He asked (we're speaking Korean by the way) "yeah, so Seojoon-ssi tell me about yourself," I smile "well, I was born in Canada. My parents are full Korean, I think they're from Seoul, I have no siblings. What about you Minsung-ssi?" He asked "I was born in South Korea Seoul, I have a lot of friends there, I have one amazing oppa. I love him to death! His friends are my friends, he took care of me well. I lived with him and his friends for a year before my parents came back and here I am," I smile, all the memories start flashing in my mind "I'm so jealous of you..." He pouted *aigoo....Joon-ssi is so cute* "why?" I giggled "because you have someone to turn to, but for me it's just my parents and I. I always wanted a sibling..." He lowered his head, he kind of reminded me of Taemin.

After class I went to the second period which was art class, I then notice Joon-ssi  was in this class to, he was surround by a bunch of girls so I didn't approach him. I looked at my math text book trying to figure out the answer when I notice someone sat down in frot of me, I look up and see Joon smiling at me "OMO!....Joon-ssi," I place my had over my chest "hello Minsung-ssi, sorry I didn't notice you were in this class too," he looked at me "me too, *hehehe* what class do you have next?" I asked " drama, what about you?" He asked "I have dance class next too! Then I have vocals, I took all the classes I took in Seoul," he nods "lets be friends Minsung-ssi," he smiles brightly "I WOULD LOVE TOO! JOON-SSI YOU'RE MY FIRST FRIEND HERE!!" I smile big. We went to class together and ate lunch together. He was really funny, I notice a lot of girls would stare at him. Not like in Seoul, these girls don't approach him they just look at him from a distance. Even though I've only known Joon for a day it feels like we've know each other for years, he's so open ad it was relaxing being with him. 

^at home^

I was in my bedroom drawing the moonlight from outside my window "I wonder if he's awake he eating well?" I look at the bright round moon "Kai do you miss me?" Since I moved to Canada I haven't called back, even though I promised to visit and call. So I decided I would call Binyoung unnie and Jungsu because I knew she would freak if I didn't.  


"Binyoung unnie!" 

"Minsung?!?!? YA! WHY DO YOU CALL NOW? IT'S SO EARLY IN THE MORNING!" She complained 

"I miss you too unnie," I said sacastically 


"aish...unnie how are things without me? How is Bumki oppa? Yoseob oppa and Bora unnie?" I asked 

"they're good, what about you Minsung-ah?" She asked sweetly 

"I'm good unnie. Today I made my first friend!" I said excitedly 

"who are they? Tell me!" She said excitedly to.

I told her everything about Joon that I knew.

"wow, that's great Minsung, but don't forget about us okay?" She said

"of course I won't unnie, Joon-ssi and I met only for a day. He can't replace you guys," I smile 

"you better not! *yawn*" 

I giggled "unnie, I better let you finish sleeping, goodnight." I said 

"okay, call back soon," and we hung up.

"Minsung, time to go to bed," umma walks in my room and sits on my bed "how's school today?" She asked as she my hair "good, I made a new friend. His name is Oh Seojoon, we have two classes together." I smile "Oh Seojoon? he cute?" She asked jokingly "umma...." I blushed "okay okay, time for bed okay?" She kissed my forehead and left the room. I finished up the drawing and put everything away, I laid down on my bed and looked out the window *Choi Minsung you have to move on now. You told him to leave and he did. So time for you to forget about him, forget about everything.* I nod in agreement to myself and went to sleep.

^South Korea^

Minho POV

"AISH!'s been two weeks and she still hasn't called!" I frowned, Minsung promised to call but she never did. "Hyung give her time, she's probably really busy trying to catch up with all the school work and everything," Taemin said as he sipped his banana milk "Minho-ah you were the one saying 'she's so busy it's okay if she doesn't call us yet'" Jonghyun looked at me "but still....she should know that I worry for her, she can at least call me." I crossed my arms over my chest. ~ring ring~ 



"Minsung?" I stand up

"oppa I missed you~" she said sweetly


"aigoo~sorry oppa I've been really busy, I have a lot to catch up in class and English is hard for me...." I could tell she was pouting just by her voice

"my poor you like it there?" I said in a calm voice

"I do! I made a friend here in school! Minho oppa put me on speaker I want I tell all of you guys," she said. I called the guys over and put her on speakers

"okay Minsung what do you want to say?" I said

"so I met a new friend his name is Oh Seojoon, he's my sumbae and really nice to me!" She said happily

"that's good!" I smile

"MINSU!!! I MISS YOU!!" Taemin suddenly said

she giggled "I miss you too Taemin oppa~,"

"What about us?" Key said

"of course I miss you guys!"

"Minsung is school hard? Are you eating well? Dress warmly? Don't over work yourself okay?" Onew said in a worried tone

"okay Onew oppa, school is kind of hard....but I will do my best!"

we all chuckle at her cuteness

"oppa take care okay? Try to sleep as much as you can, eat healthy and dress warm. Onew oppa always carry band aids in your bag, and don't eat so much chicken it's bad for you. Jonghyun oppa, sleep well okay? Go out with your girlfriends sometimes but not always. Key oppa don't shop so much, your closet is over flowing. Minho oppa don't work to hard okay? Sleep regularly okay? Taemin oppa-ah don't drink to much banana milk, to much will give you stomach ache. Take good care of each other, look out for each other okay? You guys are very clumsy so before I left, I bought a huge first-aid box with a lot of different kind of bandaids. There is Hello Kitty, Mickey Mouse, Winne-the-Pooh, eggs, strawberry, spider-man, aliens and more! So use it when you need it. I put it in my room on my shelf." She said motherly

"Minsung-ah when will you come back to visit?" Key asked

"I'm not sure, umma and appa made plans for me, to tour around and meet new friends, I will be busy all summer because I have summer school. So I guess we won't be seeing each other for a long time......I'm sorry oppa...." She sounded disappointed

"aigoo~ it's okay Minsung, as long as you're happy. Just call or come back when you feel like it okay?" I said, I want to see her.

"I will oppa, I have to go now I have school. Bye!" And she hung up.

"she called are you happy now?" Jonghyun pat my shoulder "I still wish she could have stayed. Now I'm all alone in Korea, you know I've never left Minsung before? Besides trainee years." I'm said, "aigoo~you're such a child. Stop missing her so I don't have to hear you complain about missing her everyday! I'll go crazy!" Key threw his hands up in the air and we all chuckle.


Its been two weeks, "hyung! That's the wrong move! It should go like this," Sehun showed me that dance move. We were practicing for a show. "Sorry..." I rub the back of my neck "Kai you've been messing up a lot lately, are you okay?" D.O asked "yeah. I'm fine maybe I'm just tired that's all." I sit down and drink my water "does your scar still hurt?" Baekhyun asked "no it doesn't," they nod. *I can't believe I let you go again.....Kim Jongin you let Minsung slip away.* 

^two weeks later^


Minsung POV

Joon and I have been closer now and I call him oppa. He helps me with school work and always brings me out and show me around town. He teaches me English so I'm a lot better now. I haven't called anyone back in Seoul, I'm to busy to call back. Here in Canada you can also watch Korean shows, so when I have time I would watch the shows SHINee oppa goes on, and Onew oppa is so funny. But I also once in a while hear about EXO because SHINee and EXO have a lot of activities together. Every time I see EXO unknowly my eyes would go straight to Kai, my heart would flutter when I see him smile. I didn't tell Joon oppa who my brother is, and he never asked. 

"So you've been in Canada for a month now right?" Joon oppa asked and I nod "have you been anywhere fun?" He asked and I look at him "no...I haven't had time to have fun. So much work, I've been so busy studying that I haven't been anywhere beside the places you bring me, or at school and at home. And to be honest, the only places I go at home is my room, bathroom, kitchen and living room. I don't even know my own house." I frowned *so much work it's killing me!* he chuckled "then lets go somewhere fun!" He suggested, I raised an eye brow at him "fun?" I asked ad he smiles "lets meet up at school tomorrow. Since you don't go anywhere else, lets meet at 7:00am at the school gates. Since it's the weekend we will be out late so tell you parents." He ruffles my hair "where will we be going?" I tilte my head "aigoo~you'll see," he pinches my cheeks.



Red means its in English by the way.

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Chapter 31: So beautiful story! i like it <3 ^^
Kanianizkaa #2
Chapter 31: WAAAA I've just finished reading the story!!! it such a wonnderful storyyy. this story same as what I'm always thinking of, huuuh I hope it will be true to me somedayy. brew thankyouuu, I love this story!!
CheekySaku #3
Chapter 1: I actually thought that this would be interesting, but then after reading a little bit of it, well, I lost interest. It's too plain and the plotline isnt really what I would call original. Sounds too cliche and so much information is already being given away
SHINeeLover5646 #4
Chapter 1: I want top make my sis read this cause she have up eggs for lent and she going crazy so you get the rest right
Chapter 31: I just finished reading this story <3 It was awesome !!! I loved the ending ~