

^at school^

"Minsung did you finish your essay?" Binyoung unnie looks at me "yeah, I stayed up late last night to finish....*yawn* that's why I'm so tired..." I look to the ground and I bumped into someone "I'm sorry are you okay?" I look up and I see Damhyun standing in front of me with a smile "it's okay Minsung, are you hurt anywhere?" He smiles and my heart starts to beat faster "y-yes...ah...n-no ah...I-I'm o-okay," I swallow, he nods and walks away. Binyoung unnie turns to me and smiles "you finally talked to him!" I looked at her "yeah but it was because I bumped into him not because he wants to talk to me...." I sigh *if only you liked me back.....* I look down again and continue to walk. "Well class is going to start so I better go, see you tomorrow Minsung!" Binyoung unnie waves goodbye and left *now I'm alone again* I carry my text books to the library to return them "hello I came here to return these text books," the lady smiles "place them on the counter please," I nod and did as I was told. I look at the clock and I still had time before class starts *maybe I can take a quick nap....* I walk in the library and sit at a table in the corner where no one can see me, I put a book in front of me to make it seem like I was reading and I close my eyes and fell asleep.

Taemin POV

I had to go to school today, because I had no schedule. I decided to go to the library to study a bit and re-read some notes, I walk in the library and went to the table at the far corner because it's quiet there. When I reached the table I see someone there already with their head on the table and a book in front of them. I look at her and tap her shoulder, she turned and face me but she was still sleeping "Minsung?" I said quietly. I knew she must have stayed up late to finish her essay, because her room light was still on when I woke up at 3:00am. I sit down next to her and place her head on my shoulder so she can sleep better. I took out my notes and reviewed it. When I finished Minsung was still sleeping peacefully "ya...Minsung....wake up" I said quietly and she slowly rubs her eyes "wake up, how can you sleep in a library?" She looked at me "oh my gosh what time is it?!?!?!?" She asked me, I look at the clock "it's 10:30am why?" She started to panic "I'm late for class!!!!!" She quickly got up and ran out the library "ya....." I called after her but she was already gone "you didn't say thank you." I pout my lower lip and left the library.

Minsung POV

When I got to class everybody turned their attention to me "thanks for joining us in class today Miss.Choi. Now take a seat." My teacher gave me a death glare and continued class. After class the teacher said she wanted to talk to me "you wanted to talk to me Mrs.Jin?" She nods "well as you know you're missing two classes this semester, and as you know you need four classes to pass." I sigh "what class is there?" I ask "all the classes are full besides vocals and dance so you have to take those classes," *but I don't want those classes....* "is there another class I can take? Like maybe another art class?" I felt so desperate "I'm afraid not. Come on Minsung I know you can sing and dance you'll do fine." She pats my shoulder and left "I'm so dead..." I wanted to punch something.

^at lunch^

"Oh come Minsung, everything's going to be okay." Binyoung pats my back trying to comfort me "No! In vocals you have to sing in front of EVERYBODY!!! And for dance you have to dance in front of EVERYBODY!!!! And the school always have showcases, so those two classes will perform." I sigh and I wanted to cry. I've always had stage fright, I never liked it. But Minho oppa was different he wasn't shy or scared that's why he never mind performing. "Well for art class don't you have to present your art work as well?" Binyoung unnie looks at me, I thought about "you do but people don't see your face they only hear your voice and see your art work with a picture of you beside it." I look to the ground "I'm sure you'll do fine, when does your classes start?" "Monday...OH MY GOSH!!! GOD JUST TAKE ME NOW!!!!" I lay down on the ground and Binyoung unnie giggles.

^at home^

When I got home I notice that everybody's shoe was home besides Taemin's "oppa I'm home!" Minho oppa runs out from his room "Minsung-ah you're home!" He smiles and pats my head "your school called and told me about you joining the vocal and dance class right?" I suddenly felt sad again "yeah....." I said quickly "why are you so sad?" He looks at me, I take off my shoes and sit down "Oppa in those classes you have to perform on STAGE and in front of EVERYBODY!!!" He nods "I see I see....well it won't be that bad I mean, Taemin takes those classes and he loves them!" He smiles "T-Taemin takes those classes?!?!" *great even better! Now I get to see his Jerk face everyday!!!! =_="* "yeah, ask him for help if you need it!" Minho oppa ruffles my hair. Then I hear laughter "OMO! Minsung you're back!" Key oppa smiles and sits in front of me and Jonghyun oppa and Onew oppa sits beside him "where's Taemin?" I ask as I look around "he's at the dance studio practicing a dance with Kai." Key oppa answered "oh..." I nod. "Minsung-ah we're all going to SMTown do you want to come?" Minho oppa asks "can I? I mean I allowed?" Jonghyun oppa pats my head "of course you are! You've been there a few times before we debuted." I smile "okay" "then lets go!" We all wore our shoes and SHINee's driver drove us to SMTown.


"Minsung we have a quick meeting so you can go look around okay?" Minho oppa pinches my cheeks and left with Onew,Jonghyun and Key oppa. I decided to walk around and I stopped in front of the Dance studio where Taemin and Kai were practicing, I look through the window and saw them dancing and they were good. I slowly open the door and walk inside. They were to busy to notice that I came in. I sat down and watched them dance *wow they're really good! Well...of course they are I mean that is what they're famous for.* after the music stopped and their dance was over they turned around and saw me "OMO! Minsu! When did you come in here? You scared me!" Taemin said while wiping his sweat "I just came in here. You guys are really good at this!" I smile and look at Kai "it's nice to see you again Kai-ssi!" I smile and bowed "nice to see you too Minsung! And how many times did I tell you to call me oppa?" He chuckles "okay Kai oppa." I smile "you call him oppa? And this is the second time you guys met? How come you never call me oppa?" Taemin said while he glared at me "that's because I don't like you and you always call me Minsu." I stick out my tongue "why are you here anyway?" Taemin ask "oh..I came here with oppa, and they're having a meeting right now...something to do with going to Japan next week or something..." Taemin's eyes widen "what?!?! And you tell me this now?!?! Kai I'm going to go. But practice!" Taemin grabbed his bag and left "I should be going to Kai oppa. See you next time! Bye." I smile and bowed. I left the room and found Minho with Key, Onew, Taemin and Jonghyun oppa "so how was the meeting?" I ask "we'll be leaving tomorrow," Minho oppa said sounding disappointed "what's wrong?" I ask "we'll be gone for two weeks." Key oppa said "really?" I ask and Minho oppa nods "I'll miss you!" He hugs me "'s okay I can take care of myself, I'm 19! I'm not a little girl" I pull him away from the hug "how can you take care of yourself you're such a Pabo, you don't even know how to cook." Taemin said and I flicked his forehead "it's okay oppa! Seriously. You can't watch me forever and its only going to be two weeks." I pat his face and he smiles "okay but I'm calling you every night to make sure you're okay and if you get hungry, ask Binyoung to cook for you okay?" I nod "okay oppa I got it." 

^the next day^

"remember to sleep early. And I'll call you when I get to Japan okay?" Minho oppa said through the phone "okay oppa I got it! Just remember to buy me something when you come back!" Minho oppa chuckles " little...okay I will and take care of yourself okay?" "Okay oppa. You too, eat lots and have a safe trip!" "Okay well I got to go now bye I'll call you later." "Bye oppa" and we both hung up. I look at the clock and it was 7:00 pm "I'm hungry...." I wanted to call Binyoung unnie to come over to cook for me but she's out of town, so I decided to go buy some food. 

I was walking in the streets, it was cold and dark, I was looking around not paying attention and I bumped into someone "I'm so sorry." I bowed a few times "it's okay." *I know that voice,* I look up and I see Kai "Kai oppa?" He looks at me and smiles "Minsung! What are you doing out here so late?" He asked "I'm hungry so I was going to buy my dinner, what about you Kai oppa?" "I was heading back to the dorm, you can come and eat if you want," he smiled "No it's okay oppa, I don't want to bother you, and it's late anyway..." "It's okay I'm sure the guys would be happy to meet you!" Before I could say anything else Kai grabs my wrist and pulls me to his dorm. When we arrived I started to get a little nervous, I stopped walking, and Kai turned to me "what's wrong Minsung?" I swallow hard and took a deep breath "I'm kind of nervous..." He puts his arms around my shoulder "it's okay they won't kill you." He laughs and we walk inside. Suho was the first person I notice me "oh Kai who's your friend?" Then everybody's attention went to us "Minsung introduce yourself," Kai pushes me a little "h-hello I-I'm Choi Minsung." I bowed "nice to meet you. I'm Suho." He smiles and then everybody else started to introduce themselves "I'm D.O" "I'm Sehun" "I'm Chanyeol" "and I'm Baekhyun" "and we are EXO-K" they said at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh "she's Minho hyung's little sister." Kai smile "REALLY?!?!? Minho hyung alway talks about you!!" D.O said with a smile "does he really?" I ask and they all nod *thanks I'm totally embarassed...* "please sit" Sehun pats the seat beside him, I smile and sit down beside him "hello noona!" Sehun smiles "hello," I smile back "Minsung what do you want to eat?" Kai asked "are you hungry? Minsung-ssi?" Chanyeol asked "just call me Minsung...and yes I am a little hungry..." I said quietly "well you are welcome to eat anything you want," Suho smiles "is ramen okay?" Kai ask me and I nod. He walks to the kitchen and I follow him. Kai made ramen and he added an egg and two slice of ham "here you go!" He smiles and brings the bowl of ramen out to the living room "hyung how come you never cook for us?" Sehun ask when he saw Kai bring out the bowl of ramen "because she is our guest we can't make her cook," Kai hits Sehun lightly on the head, I let out a giggle "I will eat well everybody!" I smile and started to eat, everybody was watching T.V. While Kai sat in front of me watching me eat, I felt bad because he must be hungry " want some?" I ask him and he shakes his head "no it's okay, you must be hungry," he pats my head, I put some noodles on the spoon with a piece of egg and ham and I put it in front of his mouth "ah~~" I said "it's okay Minsung just eat it.." I shake my head "you must be hungry just eat it Oppa. Now ah~~" he smiles and opens his mouth and I feed it to him, I pat his head "good job." After we finished eating I took a cab and went home to sleep.


After Minsung left I went back to my room "Kai can we come in?" Suho said through the door "yeah." They slowly open the door and peek through then they slowly one by one made their way in the room "what's up hyung?" They all smile at each other evilly "we want to know if you like Minsung noona?" Sehun jumped on my bed "what are you guys talking about?" I raised my eyebrows "so you do like her! She's pretty and nice, and from what I heard she dances and sings very good and she's also good at art...." Baekhyun pointed out. I don't know why but I smiled and nod "yeah..." "So you do like her!!!!" Chanyeol pointed at me "well....maybe just a little..." They all start laughing "YA!! That's not funny!!!" I hit them all "sorry...sorry" they all said and wiped their tears from laughing so hard "how many times have you guys met?" D.O ask "like 3 why?" All their jaws dropped "you like her and you guys only met THREE times?!?!" I nod "is there something wrong with that?" "No. Nothing is wrong with that." "I saw what she did to you hyung" Sehun said "what did she do?" I asked "she feed you her ramen!!!! And you guys only met three times!!!! And also you cooked for her!!!! You never cook for us!" Sehun pouted and I ruffle his hair "she's different." "I think this is love at first site!" Chanyeol nudges me. *maybe*



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Chapter 31: So beautiful story! i like it <3 ^^
Kanianizkaa #2
Chapter 31: WAAAA I've just finished reading the story!!! it such a wonnderful storyyy. this story same as what I'm always thinking of, huuuh I hope it will be true to me somedayy. brew thankyouuu, I love this story!!
CheekySaku #3
Chapter 1: I actually thought that this would be interesting, but then after reading a little bit of it, well, I lost interest. It's too plain and the plotline isnt really what I would call original. Sounds too cliche and so much information is already being given away
SHINeeLover5646 #4
Chapter 1: I want top make my sis read this cause she have up eggs for lent and she going crazy so you get the rest right
Chapter 31: I just finished reading this story <3 It was awesome !!! I loved the ending ~