


I woke up hoping that everything that happened last night wasn't a dream. I look beside me and I see Minsung sleeping peacefully in my arms *last night wasn't a dream, Minsung is by my side again.* I smile, Minsung rubs her eyes "good morning" I smile and caresses her cheeks "good morning," she smiles. She sat up and stretched her arms "do you want breakfast? I'll cook," I sat up, she smiles "woah having Kai oppa cook for me in the morning sounds great!". Minsung gave me new clothes to change into and a new towel and tooth brush. We stood in the bathroom side-by-side brushing our teeth together, I watch her brush her teeth through the mirror "what are you looking at?" She asks and tiltes her head *cute* "n-nothing..." I look away and she giggles. 

We walk to the kitchen together and looked for food "well we can cook rice...and there is four eggs left in the fridge. And some kimchi," I said and looked up at her "I can help you cook the eggs," she smiles and gets out the pan "no, I said I was going to make breakfast. Now you just have to wait." I lift her to sit on the counter like a little girl "okay, if you need help with the eggs tell me!" She smiles and pinches my cheeks. I start washing the rice, then I put it in the rice cooker to let it cook "eggs!" I said quietly to myself. I take out the four eggs "how do you want your eggs? Scramble? Fully cooked? Sunny side up?" I look at her "SUNNY SIDE UP PLEASE!" She gives me a bright smile and my heart flutters, I made all the eggs sunny side up and put it on the plate. I took out the kimchi and put it in a small bowl, I got out two bowls and filled it with rice. I look up at Minsung and she was drawing something in her sketchbook, so I set the table and brought everything out to the dinner table. When I finished setting up I walked over to Minsung who was still sitting on the counter drawing "what are you drawing?" I stand in front of her, she showed me the drawing. It was an old couple sitting on the bench waiting for the bus "this is for a school project. We we're suppose to find a 'pair'," she said "a 'pair'?" I asked " a pair of shoes or a pair of cherry, something like that. The teacher said we shouldn't use people for this project but I thought this couple was really something I want to draw it out and remember." Minsung puts down her sketchbook and looked at me "lets go eat breakfast," she smiles sweetly and jumps off the counter, she holds my hand and my heart skipped a beat. She sat down across from me "woah...this looks delicious!" She smiles brightly "I will eat well Kai oppa!" She smiled and started to eat *I wish I can make you breakfast everyday and see you smile...* I smile, she looks up at me and poked my cheek "aren't you going to eat?" She asked "" I started eating and she chuckles. Through out the whole meal Minsung and I talked about random stuff like about puppies, turtles, flowers, babies, and marriage. When we were talking about babies and marriage, I imagine Minsung and I together getting married and having kids together. I felt myself blush thinking about Minsung and I making babies *aish! Kai snap out of it! You seem like a total ert right now!* "Kai? Kai? Hello?" Minsung poked my head and that brought me back to reality "hmm..? were saying?" I look at her.

"I said we should hurry up and eat, Suho oppa might be looking for us." She repeated, I nod. After we finished eating we cleaned up and washed the dishes, I don't know why but just washing the dishes with Minsung made me so happy. Normally I would hate washing the dishes but right now I wish there was more dishes to wash so I can be with Minsung. "Ah, finished! Lets go get changed." Minsung walked to her room and I followed behind her "right I forgot to get you clothes." We walk to Taemin's room and she opened his closet "hmm....lets see Taemin oppa has lots of clothes," she picks out a plain white V-neck t-shirt for me and I wore my own jeans. "Now wait in the living room while I change." She pushed me to the living room and made me sit down on the couch and she the TV "I won't take long," she pats my head and headed to her room *cute* 

Minsung POV

I open my closet and looked through my clothes "I'm going to wear this!" I wore a dark blue skinny jean with a white tank top and a purple sweater. I tied my hair in a high ponytail "this looks good," I smile to myself in the mirror and walked out "okay I'm ready," I smile, he stands up and we wore our shoes "lets take the bus," I look at him "the bus?" He asked and I nod "do you not like the bus? We can always walk." I smile "okay then lets walk, taking the bus is dangerous, with fans around remember..? When we got chased? Longest run of my life!" He laughed "I remember! Oh my gosh, not doing that again," I laughed "I actually took Taemin oppa on the bus before, it was funny because he was scared too," I said "you and Taemin hyung know each other for a long time?" He asked "well.....yes, I met him when oppa was still a trainee." I look at my shoe "oh...." He nods. We walked side-by-side quietly and didn't say anything to each other *should I hold his hand? But what if he doesn't want to? *sigh* why am I thinking about this? AISH!* I played with my fingers. I put my hands to my side and calm myself down *forget it! I'm not going to do it.* I then felt a pair of hands grab mine and intertwine our fingers, I look at my our hand and smiled *kekekekek* didn't have to do it myself*


*come on Kai just hold her hand! It's right there! Just grab it! Why are you so nervous? You've held hands with her before,* I breathed deeply and I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers, I looked straight and acted cool. But from the corner of my eyes I can see her look at our hands and smile *good job Kai!* I high five myself in my head. When we got to the dorm the both of us stopped "do you want to tell them yet?" We both asked at the same time "maybe we shouldn't yet." We both said again at the same time "okay," we let go of our hands and walked in the house "MINSUNG!" They all yelled and ran to us "where were you? You two didn't come home to sleep," D.O frowned "I went home with Kai and we spent the night. I called Suho oppa and told him." They all looked at Suho "oh....sorry...forgot....." He rubbed the back of his neck and everybody gave him the death glare "it's okay oppa," Minsung smiles and pats Suho's cheek "well, I have to start packing. I will be leaving in a few days...can you believe it? Two weeks past so fast," she smiles and walks to the room. 

Minsung POV

I go to Sehun and Suho oppa's room and started to pack my stuff ~knock knock~ "come in," I said, the door opens and Chanyeol oppa walks in "hey Minsung," he sits down on Sehun's bed "you need something oppa?" I asked him and he shakes his head "okay then," I continue packing. I walk to the window and looked out "I'll miss this room," I pouted, I felt hot air down my neck so I turn around and bumped into Chanyeol oppa "ouch..." I rub my forehead "sorry you okay?" Chanyeol oppa rubs my forehead, "I'm okay," I smiled and continued packing, I felt him staring at me so I turned around "Chanyeol oppa do you need something?" I asked him, he stands up and I stand up with him, he walks closer and closer and he leans down and kissed my cheeks. I was shocked, he stood straight again and smiled "I just wanted to kiss you," he smile like a little kid "if you wanted to kiss me you could have said so," I hugged him and he jumped a little "I love you guys," I go on my tipy-toes and kissed his cheek. He blushes a little and I giggle "can I dance with you?" He asked "dance? Right here? Right now?" He nods "okay than," I pull him closer to me and his eyes widen "let's slow dance, because you're special to me," I whisper the last part in his ear. I place one of my hands on his shoulder and the other one in his hand, I leaned my head on his chest and I can hear his heart beat go faster and faster " heart beat is getting faster and louder." I look up at him "don't be so nervous, " I give him a reassuring smile.

"You'll be a great boyfriend Chanyeol oppa," I smile sweetly at him, he blushes "why don't you have a girlfriend? I'm mean you're tall, handsome, nice, cute, sweet, caring and many more." I look at him "well I'm to busy working to find a girlfriend," he smiles "I know you guys are busy working but you still need to go out and date." I grinned "okay, I think we should go now." I lets go "it was nice spending 20 minutes with you alone oppa!" I said sarcastically and chuckled, he ruffles my hair.


*what are Chanyeol and Minsung doing together in the room?* "oppa I want ice cream!" Minsung runs out of the room with Chanyeol behind her. "Okay, we'll go buy it." Baekhyun said "okay, well I'll go shower then!" She skipped to the bathroom "aish...this girl..." D.O shakes his head "okay lets go." Suho said and they wore their shoes "ah...Hyung I'm kind of tired you guys go," I said and they nod "okay then rest." I nod and they leave. When Minsung finished showering and walks back in her room I walked in her room "Minsung.." I open the door a little "Kai? I thought you went with them to get ice cream," she said, I open the door and walked in and sat on Suho's bed "I'm tired so I didn't you'll be leaving on Saturday?" I ask "yup, I miss oppa so much!!" She smiles and sits down on Sehun's bed. I laid down and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Minsung POV

I take out my sketchbook and was planning on drawing the window view "Kai do you think I should draw..." I look over at him and he was asleep "sleeping huh?" I smile and walk over to him and tucked him in "sweet dreams," I kiss his cheeks, I look at his face and I take my sketchbook and started to draw his face sleeping. After I finished drawing I closed my sketchbook and left the room, I sat down on the couch and the TV to watch 'Star King'. I look at the clock "why are they taking so long to come home?" I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips and started to eat "I have school teachers are so going to kill me for skipping yesterday!!" I said to myself "Minsung we got ice cream!" Chanyeol oppa yells once they walked in "oppa! What took you guys so long?" I ask and take the ice cream from D.O oppa " little..." Chanyeol pinches the tip of my noise "but thanks for buying it for me oppa!" I kiss all of them on the cheeks and they blush.

^three days later^ (Friday)

Minsung POV

"today is your last day!" Sehun cried and hugged me tight "I know," I pat his back "since we're off today and tomorrow, lets do something!" Baekhyun oppa suggested "like...?" We all asked "hey I don't know! I'm just suggesting! You guys think of something!" Baekhyun oppa looks at us "lets drink! It's been a while since I dranked..." Chanyeol oppa smirked "but I'm not old enough..." I pointed out and Sehun nods "it's okay just a little bit, and it's not like you've never dranked before." Kai smirks at me *what?* "okay fine." I frowned "if noona is drinking I'm drinking to!" Sehun said and I smile at him "Sehun you don't have to drink if you don't want to, besides you're still young." I pat his head "no. If you drink I drink." He protested "fine only a little bit don't want you wasted," I pinch his cheeks and he smiles.

We all sat down in a circle on the floor and I was the only girl, I sat down between Chanyeol oppa and Sehun. So from my left to my right there was Chanyeol, Suho, Baekhyun, D.O, Kai and Sehun. "Lets play a game!" Baekhyun oppa suggested "what game?" We asked "uhm....rock, paper, scissor. Who ever loses have to drink!" He smiles evilly, we all nod "rock! Paper! Scissor! Awh!!!" So Chanyeol, Suho oppa and I lost, we dranked half the bottle of beer and continued to play until we were all half drunk "lets play truth or dare!" D.O oppa waved his hands up in the air, we all nod "what's the rules?" I asked " can't back out of any dares." D.O oppa said and I nod "okay! I start! Uhm.......Chanyeol truth or dare?" D.O oppa asked "truth!" Chanyeol oppa screamed "did you steal all my candy and ate it?!?!?" D.O oppa looks at Chanyeol oppa " was half half. I stole the candy and shared it with Baekhyun," D.O oppa shot death glares at Baekhyun oppa. "Okay okay my turn! Kai! Truth or dare!" Chanyeol oppa points at Kai "truth." Kai takes a sip of his beer "did you have with anyone before?" Kai's eyes widen at that question, but the rest of EXO was to drunk to care "yeah Kai did you?" D.O oppa pokes Kai's cheek. I dranked my bottle of beer and opened a new one and chugged it all down at once, "no." He answered "okay then it's your turn." Chanyeol oppa sips his drink "Sehun truth or dare," Kai asked and Sehun thought about it "dare!" I look at him and he was drunk "I dare you dance to 'Gee' by SNSD sumbae." We all look at Sehun, he stands up but almost fell and he starts dancing to 'Gee' after he finished Sehun looked at me "noona! Truth or dare?" I open a new bottle of beer and chugged it all down "d-d......dare!" I smile "and man it's getting hot in here..." I start fanning myself with my hands "I dare you to 'ice cream' by HyunA," I nod and stand up, I stumble but manage to stand.

I started dancing and they all knocked out, the first one to knock out was Sehun "I told drink so much!" I shake him "Sehun-ah wake up! Go back to your room!" I shake him, the next one was Suho, then D.O then Baekhyun oppa "well we better bring them back to their rooms." Chanyeol oppa and Kai carried them all back in their bedrooms while I sat on the couch "it's so hot in here!" I my shirt a bit. Kai and Chanyeol oppa walk out to the living room "Minsung you're drunk too, you can sleep on my bed. Sehun doesn't look that well. So don't sleep with him tonight." Chanyeol oppa said "it's okay...I'll just share with Kai!" I laughed. I wrap my arms around Kai's neck "goodnight Chanyeol oppa!" I kiss Chanyeol oppa on the cheeks and he went back to his room.


"Kai it's really hot in here....!" She her whole shirt so you can see her bra. I quickly close my eyes and looked away "time to go to bed." I grabs her hands and led her to back to my room "button your shirt....M-Minsung." I faced my back to Minsung "but it's so hot!" She whined "fine!" She button ups her shirt "okay it's buttoned." I slowly turn back around "now lets go to bed," I smile. she leans in closer to me and puts her arms around my neck "kiss me..." She whispered "M-Minsung...y-you're d-drunk..." I stutter and tried to push her away. "Lets just go to sleep," I makes her sit down on the bed, but she pulled me down, I open my eyes and I was on top of her "ah....sorry...." I try to get up. She cupped my face and kissed my lips, my eyes widen. We pull away "you're so cute!" She pinch my cheeks "it's still really hot in here...." She her shirt again but I held onto her hands so She wouldn't "just sleep. Forget about it. Just sleep." I pull her down and I slept beside her "okay goodnight Kai oppa!" She kisses my lips again and fell asleep.



sorry short chapter and random chapter :/

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Chapter 31: So beautiful story! i like it <3 ^^
Kanianizkaa #2
Chapter 31: WAAAA I've just finished reading the story!!! it such a wonnderful storyyy. this story same as what I'm always thinking of, huuuh I hope it will be true to me somedayy. brew thankyouuu, I love this story!!
CheekySaku #3
Chapter 1: I actually thought that this would be interesting, but then after reading a little bit of it, well, I lost interest. It's too plain and the plotline isnt really what I would call original. Sounds too cliche and so much information is already being given away
SHINeeLover5646 #4
Chapter 1: I want top make my sis read this cause she have up eggs for lent and she going crazy so you get the rest right
Chapter 31: I just finished reading this story <3 It was awesome !!! I loved the ending ~