Girl attack


Minsung POV

Today is Monday. I hate today. Because today is the day where I have to go to vocals and dance class. "Unnie I don't want to go to class!!!" I pout "aigoo it's going to be fun! Now I'll see you after school." She pushes me in my class and leaves *NO!!!!please don't go yet!!!!!* I take a deep breath and step in the class, everybody turns their attention to me but I ignore them and walked up to the teacher "good morning I'm the new student, my name is Choi Minsung." The teacher looks up at me and smiles "welcome to vocals class my name is Mr.Su, now please introduce yourself to the class." I smile and I take a deep breath I turn to my class and they all look at me "hello my name is Choi Minsung nice to meet you! Please take care of me." I smile trying to hide my nervousness "you can sit there." Mr.Su pointed to a empty seat, all the girls in the room gasp and gave me a dirty look as I sat down. I noticed the seat beside me was empty "who sits here?" I ask the guy in front of me "Lee Taemin...all the girls in this room are dying to sit in your seat so you better be careful." He smirked and turned around *so....jerk face sits here....great the worst day of my life!* "now Minsung since its your first day you have to sing a song in front if the class for a test." Mr.Su said bringing me back to reality "w-what?!?!" I started to get nervous "on the first day of school everybody had to sing a song in front of the class, it counts as marks so you better sing well." He smiles and motion me to stand in front of the class. I hesitated but I walked up to the front anyway "what song will you be singing?" He ask *oh what do I sing?!?!" "Ah....60 seconds by Kim SungKyu." I bowed, he puts a stool in the front and a mic stand in front of it "tell me when you're ready" I smile and sit down. *I'm so going to mess this up!!* I screamed in my head. I started to shake and sweat "I'm ready." I said he nods and plays the song.

'I kept walking when I stopped
I look around and our eyes meet
I quickly turn my head away
I stare at my feet and then slowly look up
My eyes widen, my lips slowly part
My heart is ringing in my ears
60 seconds is enough for this story
You have entered my heart
I don't doubt that you have taken me
In this not-so-short time
That's the kind of person you are
A story that's enough for me, I don't need any reasons
You made my heart flutter and look for you
That first time 

While I was singing I didn't look up at all because I was so into the song. It was my favourite song.

Your voice breaks off
Your tears that slowly build up an fall over
I hug you in my arms for a while
Then slowly push you away
My empty eyes
My two lips that are at a loss of words
My heart stops at your sigh
60 seconds is enough for this story
You have disappeared from my life
I didn't hold onto you, I saw your heart
In this not-so-short time 
That's the kind of person you are
A story that's enough for me
Your message has been clearly told
You said you were hurting and I let you go
That last time
(My two different stories) it was a hot (story) and cold time (with you)
Both are memories that you gave me
(My two different stories)
The same times, but with different sides of you
My double-edged memories
60 seconds is enough for this story
You have entered my heart
I don't doubt that you have taken me
In this not-so-short time
That's the kind of person you are
A story that's enough for me
You disappeared from my life
But I didn't hold onto you, I saw your heart 
In that not-so-short time'
I took a deep breath after I finished and I looked up, they all looked at me with their mouths open and I turn to the teacher "was I....that bad?" The teacher blinked a few times before he answered " have a beautiful voice really do! so I think you should get a 100% on this. You seriously surprised me." I smile and went back to my seat. Everybody looked at me and started to clap "wow she's good!" "Beautiful voice!" I heard some students say. I felt my cheeks go red, then I felt someone tap my shoulder "good job Minsung!" A girl with short black hair said "thank you." I smile and turn back.
After class ended I headed to dance class "hello my name is Choi Minsung I'm the new student." I bowed and the teacher looks at me "hello Miss Choi welcome to my class I'm Mrs.Bunner and I will be your dance teacher." She turned to her class and claps her hands "class! Today we have a new introduce yourself" she motions me "hello my name is Choi Minsung please take care of me." I bowed and smile "okay now get into partners today we'll be dancing to 'I Need A Girl' by TaeYang" everybody quickly got into partners while I put my bag on the floor "Minsung!" I look up and see Kai "Kai? What are you doing here?" I look at him "I'm in this class duh..." We chuckle "you want to be my dance partner?" Kai ask "yes please.......don't know anyone here..." He smiles and takes my hands. Kai shows me the parts for the girl to the dance and then the teacher played the song "okay now who wants to go first?" She asked and looks around the room, Kai shot his hand up in the air "Kai oppa..I'm not ready." I whisper "you'll do fine." He gives me a reassuring smile "okay Kai and Minsung, now because Minsung is new are you sure you want to go first?" She looks at me and I nod "okay then." Kai and I got in our positions, she played the song and we started to dance. Through out the whole dance there was a lot of skinship between Kai and I, and from the corner of my eyes I can see all the girls give me death glares but I igorned them. When we finished our dance and the teacher stops the music "wow good job Minsung. Guys you should pay attention like Minsung! It's her first day and look how good she was!" I smile and Kai and I sat down. Some girls were giving me the dirtiest look they had but the guys in the other hand all clapped and complimented me "good job Minsung!" "Is this really the first time you danced to this song?" I laugh "it is," "hey Minsung do you want to come over to my dorm after school?" Kai asked "sure, why?" I look at him "well when you go home you'll be alone and if you come over I can make you something to eat!" He smiles like a little kid "okay," I smile and pat his head.
When class ended I went to the change room to change. I went to my locker but some girls blocked my way "excuse me." I said politely but they just smirked "you're such a faker. Just because Kai oppa is nice to you doesn't mean he likes you! And for the dance how dare you be partners with Kai oppa? You stupid !" She grabs my hair and slams my head against the lockers. I felt my head get dizzy "please stop..." I begged them but they just laughed and continued, then one girl kicked my leg and another scratched my arm "you better watch out next time." She warned and they all walked out of the change room. I slowly got up I walked to the mirror and looked at myself, my head was bruised, my leg was swelling and my arm was red and bleeding. I walked to the sink and washed off the blood and I quickly changed my clothes, and I wore my hood on hoodie to hide my bruised head, I still felt a little dizzy when I finished but I ignored it. I walked out the change room and went to find Kai. When I found him, he was surrounded by the girls that beat me up. I didn't want to go near them so I went behind the building and waited for all of them to leave Kai before I walked up to him.
"hello Binyoung unnie sorry I can't walk home with you today okay?" I called Binyoung unnie "it's okay then I'll see you tomorrow!" She said happily and hung up. I looked around and made sure the group of girls weren't around Kai anymore then I slowly walked up to him "Minsung!" Kai smiled and waved "hi Kai oppa! Lets go I'm hungry." I smile and started to walk, suddenly everything around me started to spin and I out. "Minsung! Minsung!" I heard Kai say before I fainted.
"hi Kai oppa! Lets go I'm hungry." Minsung smiles and walked ahead, suddenly she falls down and faints "Minsung! Minsung" I called out. I shook her but she didn't move I picked her up and put her on my back, I carried her all the way back to my dorm "hyung help me! Minsung fainted!" I said as I walked in the dorm, they all rushed to me and helped me place Minsung on the couch. "Hyung what happened to noona?" Sehun asked in a worried voice "I don't know she just fainted." "Okay quick, Chanyeol give me a wet towel to clean her, D.O go cook some congee and Baekhyun go get me a pillow and a blanket." Suho ordered and they all nod. I sat down beside Minsung and noticed a bump on her head, I took off her hood and saw a big bruise on her head "hyung..." I turn to Suho and his eyes widen same with Sehun. "I have to know what happened.." I turn to Minsung, 
Minsung POV
When I woke up I saw Kai looking at me with a worried face "Minsung! Are you okay?" I nod and slowly sit up, I look around and I see the rest of EXO "hello everybody." I smile but my head hurt so I laid down again "Minsung noona how are you feeling? You must be hungry I'll go get you some food." I smile at Sehun and he headed to the kitchen "Minsung what happened? You have bruise on your head...and you fainted" Kai asked me in a worried tone "I just accidentally hit my head against the locker so I got dizzy keke I'm okay." I smile he nods "noona we made some congee for you," Kai took the bowl "it's still hot so you should eat it now." He touches my arm and I flinch because that's where the girl scratched me "what's wrong Minsung?" Kai ask "n-nothing...." He puts down the bowl of congee and lifts up my seleeve, all their eyes widen "who did this to you!" Kai ask in a furious tone of voice "no-one I just..." Before I finished he asked again "who did this to you!" He didn't look at me only at my arm "Kai...calm down.." Chanyeol oppa pats Kai's back trying to calm him down. "Where else are you hurt?" He looked at me straight in the eyes "no where..." I swallow but it felt like there was a rock in my throat, he looked at me in disbelief so he touched my other arm, my face, my sides and my legs. When he touched my right leg it felt like a million knives just stabbed into me so I couldn't help but let out a tear.
Baekhyun oppa saw me and quickly raised my pant seleeve "Kai..." He said, Kai looks at my leg and started to cry "Kai...oppa...please don't...." Kai hugs me, I soothed his back "please don't cry oppa....I'm okay seriously," I pull away from the hug "just spend the night here Minsung, we don't want you to faint again. Kai take care of Minsung. We're going to bed good night we hope you feel better." Suho oppa walks to their room and everybody else followed him. I look at Kai and he caresses my cheeks and I smile "Kai I'm okay really...." He smiles " must be hungry here let me feed you." He holds the bowl of congee and blows at it to cool it off "be careful it's hot..." "Oppa I'm hurt, I'm not a baby I can feed myself," I laugh "it's okay, you're hurt just let me take care of you now ah~~" I giggle and open my mouth and he feeds me "oppa, do you have a girlfriend?" He shakes his head and gives me another spoonful of congee "no....never met the right girl..." I laugh "why are you laughing?" He raised his eyebrows "come on oppa, you're good looking you must have had one or two girlfriends." I pinch his cheeks "well what about you?" He asked and I thought about it for a few minutes "yeah....I dated 6 guys in grade school," I smile "wow! And Minho hyung never dated anyone before?" I nod "a lot of girls did like oppa but he never liked them back for some reason....." He pats my head "okay okay it's getting late, hurry up and finish eating so you can sleep." I smile and he continued to feed me.
After I finished eating he carried me bridal style to his room "D.O hyung will be sleeping with Chanyeol and Baekhyun tonight so you can sleep in my room, I'm sharing with Suho hyung and Sehun tonight. If you need anything just call, I'll be next door." He smiles and was about to leave before I grabbed his hand and he turns around "you need something Minsung?" *I don't know if I should ask him....I mean it was pretty awkward when I asked Taemin if he could my hair....but I can't sleep...* "Kai oppa...can you....s-sleep with me?" His eyes widen "what I meant is, can you sleep beside me and my hair...? Because I can't sleep...and usually someone my hair so I can sleep...." He nods and I move over a bit so he can sleep on the bed. He sat there awkwardly "Kai oppa you must feel really awkward...I'm sorry.." He chuckles "it's okay...hehe" I turn to face him "oppa can you my hair?" He turns to me and his eyes widen when he saw how close we were "o-okay...." I move closer and bury my face in his chest and he slowly my hair "goodnight Kai oppa...." I said quietly "good night Minsung." He said and I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Lyrics do not belong to me!
and just to let you EXO-K fans out there know 
Suho shares rooms with Sehun
Chanyeol shares rooms with Baekhyun 
D.O shares rooms with Kai
(this information is true. They said so themselves in a interview.)
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Chapter 31: So beautiful story! i like it <3 ^^
Kanianizkaa #2
Chapter 31: WAAAA I've just finished reading the story!!! it such a wonnderful storyyy. this story same as what I'm always thinking of, huuuh I hope it will be true to me somedayy. brew thankyouuu, I love this story!!
CheekySaku #3
Chapter 1: I actually thought that this would be interesting, but then after reading a little bit of it, well, I lost interest. It's too plain and the plotline isnt really what I would call original. Sounds too cliche and so much information is already being given away
SHINeeLover5646 #4
Chapter 1: I want top make my sis read this cause she have up eggs for lent and she going crazy so you get the rest right
Chapter 31: I just finished reading this story <3 It was awesome !!! I loved the ending ~