Moving in


Minsung POV

"Oppa sorry." I looked at Minho oppa and felt bad because my things were so heavy "what are you sorry for?" He pats my head lightly "I'm sorry my stuff are heavy. Are you sure you don't want me to help you carry the boxes in the room?" I picked up a big box but Minho oppa quickly took it "I can't have my baby sister move heavy things. You'll get hurt then my heart will hurt." He caresses my cheeks. "YA!!! Can you guys hurry up?!?! You're taking forever!" Minho oppa yelled out the door "Ya!! Who do you think you're speaking to?!??! I'm your hyung show some respect!" Jonghyun oppa walked in with a box in his hand "sorry oppa are they really heavy?" I looked at him worried, "it's okay must be tired, go sit down and watch some TV." He smiles at me and continued. Taemin walks in with the smallest box "hyung how can she be tired if she's not even helping?" Taemin gave me a dirty look "well you're not that big of a help either." I stook out my tongue. Key oppa walks in the dorm and hits Taemin's head lightly "Aish...she's a girl, treat her nicely." He turned to me and smiled and went in the room followed by Taemin. Onew oppa walks through the front door with my box of clothes "oh, hello Onew oppa." I smile and bowed "ah, hello Minsung. Your clothes are kind of heavy." He laughed and carried the box in the room "all done! No more boxes. Now Minsung what do you want to eat?" Minho oppa walked out and asked me "uhm...oppa you guys choose." He ruffles my hair and smile. Minho oppa always puts me in first place, no matter what the situation was he always believed in me. Even when we were kids he would protect me, we are very close. When I'm scared I would sleep with him and he would my hair until I fell asleep. We would tell each other our deepest secrets and we really tell each other everything. Like when I first got my period I was so scared and my parents weren't home, Minho oppa and I got scared so he carried me all the way to the hospital.

~flash back~

"Minsung hang in there we're almost at the hospital!" Minho oppa was crying while running "oppa I'm scared...will I die?" I felt tears run down my eyes "everything is going to be okay I'm right here." When we got to the hospital the doctor looked at me and smile "doctor is something wrong with my little sister? She's bleeding." Minho oppa ask the doctor worried "haha didn't you take health? Your sister is a woman now." She smiled "a woman? What are you talking about doctor? She won't die will she?" I held on to his hand and squeezed it lightly "silly she has her period. Everything's fine, your little sister is growing up no need to worry she'll be alright. Now take care I have to go now bye bye." She patted Minho oppa's shoulder and he turns to me "Minsung-ah everything is alright!" He hugged me and I hugged him back.

~end of flash back~

"Lets go eat CHICKEN!" Onew oppa said out of nowhere and brought me back to reality "chicken?" I raised my eyebrows "you don't like chicken?" Onew oppa ask sounding disappointed "no...I LOVE CHICKEN!" I smile brightly "REALLY?!?! We can eat it together!!!" Onew oppa jumps happily and hugs me but Minho oppa gave him a death glare so Onew oppa let go. "Minsung you want chicken? I'll go buy some and bring it back for you to eat. You must be tired, now go wash up and go do a little bit of unpacking okay?" I nod and he pats my head "okay guys lets go!" They all grab their coats the left. I opened my suit case and took out my tank top and sweat pants and headed to the bathroom. I took a warm shower, it felt nice because I was so tired. After I finished I wore my clothes and put my hair in a high ponytail. I went back to my room and started to unpack but because there was only 3 rooms in this apartment Minho oppa decided to share room with Taemin and Onew oppa, and gave me his room. 

~Ding Dong~

I ran to the door and open it "chicken!" Minho oppa held up the box of chicken, I quickly grabbed it and started to eat. Minho oppa chuckles and walks in followed by the rest of SHINee "wow Minsung eat slowly or you'll choke," Key oppa looked at me worried, I look up from my chicken and smile "do you guys want some?" I look at them "I do!" Taemin raise his hand and sat down beside me, I gave him a weird look but gave him a chicken wing "thanks minsu!" He smile and started to eat his chicken "Ya! How many times did I say to not call me Minsu?!?!!?" I yell at him but he just shrugged "whatever Minsu." "Ya!" *Take a deep breath Minsung, a deep breath...* I said in my head. "Oppa I'm tired I'm going to bed." I put my unfinished chicken away and said goodnight to all of them and went to bed. "You did well today Minsung" I said quietly to myself before I fell asleep.

Minho POV

I hit Taemin lightly on the head "Aish!...hyung what was that for?!?!" He turns and looked at me "didn't you have enough to eat already? I told you to not eat Minsung's food!" I glare at him "but hyung she offered it, I'm just being nice and taking her offer." I roll my eyes "whatever I'm tired, we should sleep it's getting late." I yawn and headed to the room and so did everyone else.

Minsung POV

~ring ring ring~ I open my eyes and turn off my alarm clock, it was 8:00 am and my classes didn't start until 10:00am but I like to be early than late. I sat up and head to the bathroom to wash up, I took a nice short shower and I wore a plain white t-shirt and skinny jeans. When I opened the bathroom door a saw a sleepy Onew oppa "good morning Onew oppa." I smile and bowed he mumbled a few words but I couldn't hear "oppa do you need to use the washroom?" He kept his eyes closed but smile and ruffle my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and he walked in and closed the door. I walk back to my room and laid on my bed "I'm hungry." I walked to the kitchen and open the refridgerator "eggs? I wonder if Onew oppa wants breakfast," I walked to the bathroom but he wasn't there "I guess he went back to sleep." I walked to his room and open the door "oppa do you want-" I look in the room and Onew, Taemin and Minho oppa were still sleeping "I guess not." They all had their own bed, Minho slept on the left close to the window, Taemin slept in the middle and Onew slept on the right closest to the door. I notice their blankets were on the floor so I went to pick it up and cover them again trying not to wake them up. But Minho oppa opens his eyes then closed them again "Minsung-ah why are you up?" Minho oppa mumbles in a sleepy voice "I have class later, I will take the bus no worry just go to sleep you must be tired." I kiss his forehead "sleep well oppa." I smile and left the room. I cook some eggs and made a sandwich, I headed to the bus stop after I finished eating.

^bus stop^

I close my eyes while I waited for the bus then someone tapped my shoulder and I turn to my right "good morning Minsung!" It was Binyoung my best friend since we were babys. I smile at her "good morning Binyoung unnie!" We were the same age but she's 4 months older then me, like Taemin. She has a crush on Taemin and she talks about him all the time. "Minsung-ah did Taemin oppa wake up yet? What did he eat for breakfast? I can't believe you moved in with SHINee! You're so lucky!!!" She said happily jumping up and down, no one knows that I'm SHINee's Choi Minho's sister besides Binyoung. "Unnie...why do you have to talk about Taemin? I'm so annoyed! He's such a pig! What's so good about him? Because I think Damhyun oppa is much better looking." I smile sweetly to the thought of Damhyun (my crush by the way) "hey, if you like Damhyun that much why don't you just ask him out? I heard he broke up with his girlfriend last night." She pats my head "I can't even though I've known him since grade 7 I can't just ask him out like that. And besides like you said he just broke up with his girlfriend last NIGHT!.....I don't think he even knows that I'm alive." I look to the ground thinking of all the girlfriends he has had. "Minsung didn't he find out that you liked him in grade 7 because some how your ex-boyfriend found out about it?" I look at her and nod it was true. Somehow he found out after we broke up a few months later.

~flash back~

"hey Minsung.." Nikyun (my ex-boyfriend) said, "what is it?" I asked him "I know you like Damhyun." He smirked "w-what are you talking about?" I started to get nervous "you know that he knew it too right? I told him because I'm his best friend." Then Damhyun looked at me "I-I d-don't even know w-what you're talking about." And I walked away.

~end of flash back~

"You've had a crush on him since grade 7, it's been years Minsung. I mean I think you should just ask him out or just move on." She looks at me seriously "I know....I mean he doesn't even talk to me..." I sigh and rested my head on Binyoung unnie's shoulder and she pats my head then the bus came.


^at home^

"oppa I'm back from school!" I called out and jumped on the couch "oh, Minsung you're back!" Onew oppa sat down beside me and ruffles my hair "Onew oppa? What are you doing at home? Where's everybody else?" I look around "Key and Jonghyun went to the photo studio to take pictures for clothing line, Minho went to buy food for dinner with Taemin. So I'm stuck at home." He pouts his lower lip *cute* "well you have me now! What do you want to do oppa?" He thought about for a minute and turned to me "lets just wait for Minho and Taemin to come back, so lets just watch a movie!" He ran to his room and came back "lets watch this!" He pointed at the DVD "so you want to watch the 'Titanic'?" I asked him and he just nods like a idiot "okay, I love this movie anyway. It makes me cry every time...." I pat the seat beside me and he smiles brighter. Onew oppa got one big blanket for us to share and a box of tissue "I cry every time I watch this too,"  

When the sad part of the movie came up I couldn't help but cry to "aw....why do they have to die? That's so sad!" I lean my head on Onew oppa's shoulder "I know I mean look at the old sad..." He pats my head and wipes his tears with a tissue.  When Jack dies in the movie both Onew oppa and I hugged each other "Onew oppa why does he have to die?!?!!?" I hug Onew oppa tighter "I know! Why did Rose let go!!! I mean she could have just waited and then warm him up with a fire!" We cried harder. Once the movie ended Onew oppa and I decided to re-act the part where Jack dies and Rose lets go of him (I know we're a bit childish okay), I laid on the table and Onew oppa sat on the floor. I played 'my heart will go on' OST from the movie, I held on to his hand like Rose did and kissed it because in the movie Rose kiss Jacks hand before she lets go of him. When I leaned closer we were only a few centamenters apart and when I kissed Onew oppa's hand his eyes open and he looks at me "Minsung-ah...." He stop talking and Minho oppa and Taemin open the front door and looked at us, their jaws drop and Minho oppa rushes towards us "YA!!! HYUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MINSUNG!" He yelled at Onew oppa while he help me off the table "YA! We didn't do anything! We were just acting!"Onew oppa yelled back and pushed Minho oppa playfully "aish...hyung, we bought you chicken." Minho oppa smiles and turns to me "you're hungry right my little princess? I'll make dinner," he pat my head and went to the kitchen "what did you do at home with Onew hyung?" Taemin raised his eyebrow "none of your business!" I stick out my tongue and walked to the kitchen to help Minho oppa, but because I don't know how to cook, I only stood there and watched Minho oppa cook. "Dinners ready!" Minho oppa said out loud and Onew oppa peeked in the kitchen "dinners ready?" He askd and I nod "can you help with the rice Onew oppa?" He smiles and brought the four bowls of rice outside. We all sat down besides Taemin, he was still in his room "YA! Taemin-ah do you want to eat or what?" Minho oppa asked "Neh! I'm coming!" He yelled back, I sat down in front of Minho oppa and Onew oppa sat down beside him. Taemin ran to the table and sat down beside me "I'm hungry! Why did you take so long?!?!?" I complained "you could have just ate without me," he said annoyed *I have to live with him! Oh my gosh why does Binyoung unnie like him?* I sigh and got a piece of egg "Minho oppa have some eggs it's good for you, and you to Onew oppa," I gave a piece to Onew oppa and Taemin looked at me "Ya! Why didn't you get me one?"  "Because I don't want to," I continue eating "why not?" He ask "why do you ask so much questions? You can get the eggs yourself." I felt so annoyed right now "YA! I'm older then you so you should respect me!" He puts his bowl in front of me so I would get him a piece of egg "only by four months! Why can't you just get the egg yourself?!?!?!?" I put my bowl down and looked at him. Minho oppa and Onew oppa look at each other "okay guys calm down its just a piece of egg...." Minho oppa said in a calm voice "yeah....guys don't fight.....let's just eat. Here Taemin have some eggs," Onew oppa place some eggs in Taemin's bowl "fine! Just because hyung gave me eggs." He took his bowl and continued eating "whatever its not like I really cared," I smirk and continue eating.

"Minsung if you want you can bring Binyoung over tomorrow." Minho oppa said out of nowhere "really?!?! Can I? I mean she's dying to meet you guys!" I smile happily "is this Bin girl a crazy fan?" Taemin asked in an annoyed voice "her name is Binyoung and no. Well....maybe to you but, who cares right?" I shrugged my shoulders "I'll bring her over tomorrow." 


sorry weird chapter.....I'll try to write better. Please comment :)

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Chapter 31: So beautiful story! i like it <3 ^^
Kanianizkaa #2
Chapter 31: WAAAA I've just finished reading the story!!! it such a wonnderful storyyy. this story same as what I'm always thinking of, huuuh I hope it will be true to me somedayy. brew thankyouuu, I love this story!!
CheekySaku #3
Chapter 1: I actually thought that this would be interesting, but then after reading a little bit of it, well, I lost interest. It's too plain and the plotline isnt really what I would call original. Sounds too cliche and so much information is already being given away
SHINeeLover5646 #4
Chapter 1: I want top make my sis read this cause she have up eggs for lent and she going crazy so you get the rest right
Chapter 31: I just finished reading this story <3 It was awesome !!! I loved the ending ~