An Eventful Evening

Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

I kissed him, my hands gripping his face. He lifted me out of the chair and held me up on the tip of my toes with his arms around my waist. My hands skimmed down his firm chest spreading across and then trailed along to grip the solid muscles on his arms.

Minho pressed our bodies closer together and I found myself slowly giving away and giving in. Losing myself in this temporary blissful kiss while glowing in his comfortable and warm arms. I forgot everything. I forgot who I truly loved; Taemin. I forgot that he was getting married to somebody else. And most importantly, that I was expecting his child.

But all of that struck me at once like a hard, cold slap on the cheek. I wanted to push it away. To really forget. I wanted to forget that my relationship with Taemin had never existed. To forget everything bad and unfortunate and just be here, basking in Minho's offer. But I couldn't do that to Minho. I didn't love him and he knew that.

I pulled away, gasping for air, and looked at him apologetically, "I'm sorry." He shook his head quickly, "Stop it. You know you wanted this as well. Just forget him Laila. He's already engaged to someone else. You should be allowed to be happy too." I frowned but in my heart I knew he was right. I did want to kiss him but not for the reasons he thought were true. Also, I should be happy. But I was far from it now.

"I don't want you to get hurt Minho. Please," I begged sincerely, "Don't do this. Don't go any further." Minho stepped back and smiled sadly, "I wish I could Laila but I'm already in deep. I'll win your heart someday. You may doubt it now, but I will." I couldn't help but laugh a little at Minho's desire to win me over, "Typical Minho. Always going for the gold." He looked at me with shimmering eyes, "You're worth so much more that that."

My eyes widened and my breathing hitched immediately. I felt my heart beat maniacally as I just stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. Minho took the lead, "I'll see you at home then?" He turned around and walked out the door, without waiting for a goodbye to slip out of my mouth. I slumped down on my chair and hit my forehead a couple of times, "Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!" My own thoughts began to surround me and suffocate me, "What should I do?"

Taemin's POV

My mother had arranged today so that after my "coincidentally" short work schedule, I spent time with Hina. As I walked towards the ballet studio, I worried continuously about Laila. All because of a conversation I had with Minho before we broke up.


Laila and I had stepped out of my room one morning when Minho sauntered over to us. He looked straight into my eyes, determination obvious in his face, "We have to talk." I nodded and hesitantly released Laila's hand, giving her a small smile of assurance before I left. Minho led us to his room and closed the door behind us. 

"What's up hyung?" I plopped myself down on his bed and looked at him expectantly. He sat down on the bed beside me, supporting himself on the back of his palms. Minho hyung shrugged, "So what's the status on this engagement thing?" A slight frown came to my face, "I don't want to talk about it hyung." He looked at me cautiously, "You're going to have to face it eventually. You know that?" I pouted and kept to myself.

"It's better you come to terms with it sooner than later, don't you think?If you wait any longer matters will just get worse" he added. I sighed dejectedly, "But hyung, I really don't want to lose, Laila," I whined. Minho tensed up, "I think it's best that you do break up." His eyes avoided mine, but I shot daggers at him, " What? Hyung, are you serious?" He sighed nervously, "It will only hurt her when she finds out."

The frown on my face deepened, "Why are you saying this? What's your motive?" Minho turned to me and finally looked into my eyes, "I love Laila, Taemin. I haven't given up on her."

End of Flashback

This was the second time I'd heard him say that. And just like the first, it felt like I was being stabbed a thousand times. My mother had been forcing me to go to company meetings with my father and learn about the business. I did nothing but sit in the gray offices, nod when I was spoken to, and pretend to care. My passion was dancing and being in SHINee. When would they understand that?

I didn't argue with my mother's orders because I was to depressed to hear her nagging. I dragged myself to a halt outside the ballet studio and half half-heartedly smiled at Hina as she came out. She gave me a full-powered, charming smile, "Hello!" I lifted my hand in a small wave, "Ready?" Hina hooked her arm in mine and we walked towards the restaurant of her choice. 

As we walked, the lively night scene of Seoul became more familiar to me. And to my surprise we ended up at The Vine (A/N: For those of you who don't know, that's the place where Laila works).  My heart began to beat a frantically as I we stepped into the dim lighting. "Hello, welcome to-" Wooyoung stopped mid-sentence. I guessed that the reason was that he didn't know that Laila and I had broken up and was probably wondering why this girl and I were linked arm to arm.

"Oh? It's you?" he said absent mindedly, then he looked at Hina and smiled professionally, "Welcome to The Vine. Please follow me." He led us to our seats and gave me a strange look before leaving us. Hina leaned over from across the table, "Do you know him?" I nodded and covered most of my face with the menu while my eyes scanned the whole restaurant for a pair of light brown eyes.

"That's nice. So you've been here before?" she asked trying to start a conversation. I nodded, "I came here with the rest of SHINee." She lit up when I answered, "I'd like to meet your mates someday." I smiled at her and nodded before returning my eyes to the menu. 

"If you've been here before, then you must have seen that foreign singer, right?" Hina beamed an excited smile, "She's so good! Of course she's no professional, but still, she has a nice voice." As she was talking I saw Minho hyung walk by our table with a huge grin on his face. I felt my face contort immediately and Hina must have noticed as well, "Are you okay?" I forced an unconvincing smile and excused myself. I ran after Minho hyung and stopped him right outside the jazz bar. 

"Hyung! What are you doing here?" Minho turned to me and was surprised to see me there. "Me? I was just seeing Laila," he answered. My fist clenched, "Why? What do you want with her?" Minho frowned, " You know very well what I want. And you have no say in it anymore. I think someone's waiting for you." 

He turned around and continued leaving. I turned around as well, determined to see Laila, when I saw that Hina was behind me. She bit her lip with a concerned look on her face, "Is everything okay?" I nodded and led us back to our table. Perhaps it isn't a good idea to see Laila.

But then she walked out. I held my breath as I watched her approach the bartender. He handed her an alcoholic drink and just as she pressed the glass to her lips, she stopped. Laila's face was contorted in pain as she pressed her hand against her abdomen. Everyone around her grew wary. "Is everything alright?" Hina asked once more, this time she was louder, demanding an answer. It was only then I realized I was on my feet and that everyone around us was staring at me.

I looked back at Laila and our eyes locked. My heart beat increased and I longed to hold her and kiss her. Hina turned around and noticed our quiet exchange. Laila's eyes left mine and went to Hina. Then she turned and walked away quickly. My instincts screamed at me and urged that I run after her. But I controlled myself.

"That was weird," Hina tried to joke, but she seemed curious, "She was looking straight at you. Do you know her?"

I shook my head and took a sip of my water, "No."

A/N: Come on guys. Is there really no one who ships Minho and Laila?

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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be