I'll Call You Jane

Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

"She had a miscarriage?" I looked at the doctor's solemn expression as I felt agony wash over me. Honestly, I did not know how to react at the moment. There were just too many things going on in my mind. I was surprised to hear that she had been pregnant and very ticked off that she had told Onew, but kept it from me. am the father, after all. How long had she been pregnant? Three months. Shivers run up my spine as I realize that's just around the time we separated. I nervously inhale and feel my chest shake as I do it. Jonghyun placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "Tae.. man, I'm sorry."

I looked at all of my hyungs and was touched to find their eyes full of care and concern. "Will you be okay?" Onew stepped forward and looked at me quizzically. I gasped heavily and realised that I had been holding my breath all this time, "I need some air." Before walking out of the room I took a brief glance at Laila and smiled at the familiar tugging feeling in my chest. I walked down the wide, cold hospital hallways that winter evening. I reached a small corner at the end and pressed my back against the wall. My legs collapsed and I sat on the floor with a loud thud. I felt my chest sink and contort inside of me as I placed my head in my hands. 

And then I cried. I mean really, really cried. You have those moments where tears just stream down your face, when you sob softly, and then you outright bawl. I did all three of those, consecutively. All I could think was that she had been pregnant and that we lost the baby. Miracle. That's the word the doctor used to describe the reason she was still alive. If it wasn't for that miracle, I would never see her again. I was surprised when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Minho looking down at me with watery eyes. "She's going to be fine Tae," he spoke softly, "You have to be strong." He helped me up and embraced me in a short, comforting hug, "I'm sorry."

I wiped my tears and smiled at him. Of course I'd forgive him. All these years of friendship were not to be thrown out the window. I loved him. He was my brother. And anyways, you don't choose who to love. "Let's go home," he ruffled my hair, "Visiting hours are over and we all need sleep. Desperately." I laughed at his light joke and I followed him outside to go home. 

Laila's POV

Beep. Beep. I could hear a machine making the same constant noise. That's all I could do, listen. I was completely conscious but I couldn't open my eyes. It was as if they were glued down. I counted how many beeps I heard in a minute. 60. My body felt tense and tight. I stretched my fingers and was surprised at the pain my limbs responded to. Okay, it's time.  I inhaled deeply and let it out slowly as I lifted my heavy eyelids slowly and carefully. When my eyes were completely open they were blinded by the harsh sunlight seeping in through the windows.

I shut them tightly and opened them again, and I began to see things clearly. I was in a white room dressed in a thin fabric. There were arm chairs on one side of the bed and on the other side I saw the machine that had been making the sound. It had zig zag lines going up and down, and a chord that was attached to my finger. After concluding that I was in the hospital, I began to wonder what I was doing there. I sat up and I felt a harsh and overwhelming pounding in my head, "Ow!" I held my head upright with both hands. Okay, clearly something had happened to me. 

I tried to remember what it was that caused this big headache but all it did is cause my head to hurt more. "Okay," I muttered to myself, "Let's start with the basics." I looked around as I tried to figure out what hospital I was in, Allen Pavilion maybe? No. Nothing was in English, or Spanish. I surprised to find that I could actually read the sign that said the number of my room. Korean. I smiled as I recognized the language, happy that I was making progress. Right then, a man who looked to be in his mid-thirties walked inside the room. He said something in Korean and my brain quickly translated it to, "I'm glad you're awake." I concluded that I spoke the language fluently.

"What  happened to me?" I spoke in fluent Korean, and smiled as the words came out of my mouth. He smiled back, "You were in a car crash." A picture of a  vintage, red convertible came to mind, "Did I hurt anybody?" He looked at me with confused eyes, and then laughed, "No. You didn't crash into anybody. They crashed into you. The car was going 60mph." My eyes widended and I winced at the pain that I felt in my head, "That's fast." He laughed once more, "Yes. It's very fast." I felt a specific, strong pain rumble in my uterus. I hate you mother nature. 

"Can you stand up?" The doctor interrupted my cursing, and I looked at him quizzically as I grasped his question. I moved my toes and stretched my legs out in front of me, "I think I can." He walked towards the bed and stood beside me. The doctor held one hand out while the other had a clipboard filled with papers. I took his hand and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I was surprised to find red, fuzzy socks on my feet. Those are new. I stood firmly on my feet and then I felt my knees buckle below me. The doctor caught me and helped me up, "Looks like you just need some practice." 

He wrote something down on his clipboard and then smiled up at me, "Why don't you walk around the floor for a while, try to get reaqcuainted with your legs? I'll go make a phone call." I nodded and I watched him leave the room. I walked out after him and smiled at some nurses that passed by me. I heard some nurses yell out a unfamiliar name behind me and I wondered if they were calling me so I turned around. "Oof!" I felt something collide with the bottom half of my body and then looked down to find a little boy on the floor. 

He grinned at me and I saw two cute buck teeth. "Noona! Hide me!" he scuttled to a set of chairs beside me in the hallway and hid underneath one of them. Soon enough, a nurse ran up next to me and began to look around, "Shin!" She gasped and placed a hand on her forehead, "Where did the little brat go?" I stiffled a laugh and her head snapped towards me, catching me by surprised. "Have you seen a little boy around here?" she asked between gasps. I shook my head quickly and she ran off in the other direction.

Shin came out from under the chair and stood beside me, "Thank you noona! They keep telling me to rest but I want to play." I looked down at him, "You should really listen to them if you don't want to get sick again." He grimaced, "There's something wrong with my lungs. I don't know what it is but I still want to play." I smiled at his cute face and he smiled back, "I'm Shin. What's your name noona?" I smiled at him and opened my mouth to say something. But nothing came out. I felt my eyes widen and my smile fade. Oh my gosh, I don't know who I am. Shin noticed my expression and tugged at my hand so that I could come to life, "If you don't know your name, that's okay. It's weird, but that's okay. I'll call you Jane."

I laughed nervously and nodded, still worried that I couldn't remember my name. "Are you hungry Jane noona?" I was going to deny it but then my stomach grumbled. He held my hand and dragged me to a cafeteria. We walked through tables filled with patients and visitors to a woman behind a cash register. "Shin! Shouldn't you be in bed? Did you take your medicine?" I realised that Shin was well known in the hospital and began to wonder how long he had been here. He looked to be around ten. "But I'm hungry! I can't take my medicine on an empty stomach," he pouted and the lady shook her head disapprovingly, "This is Jane noona! She's my new girlfriend. It's our first date, so please give us something good ajhumma!" My eyes widened at Shin and then I looked at the lady, "It's really not like that." She nodded, "I know. I know. " 

"Why would you introduce me as your girlfriend? I just met you," I looked at him inquisitively and a little embarrassed. He just smiled at me and squeezed my hands, "I like pretty girls noona. You're pretty. Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled at him, obviously touched by his cuteness."Aw, Shin, you're so cute," I pinched his cheek, "But I'm too old for you. Besides, you're too young to have a girlfriend." Shin stuck his tongue out at me, "You'll fall for me." I laughed at his determination and ruffled his hair. 

Shin and I were on the elevator on our way up to the fourth floor, when it stopped on the second floor. The doctor from earlier stepped in, "Oh, Miss Laila. There you are." His eyes looked down to Shin, "Of course, I should have known you were showing her around. Shin you should go take your medicine." Shin pouted and got off the elevator first, "Jane noona, will I see you again soon?" The doctor tilted his head in confusion, "Jane noona?" Shin took the liberty of answering for me, "She couldn't remember her name earlier. So I named her. She'll need a new birth certificate doc." 

The doctor laughed at Shin's suggestion, "She already has a birth certificate and a name. Her name is Laila." Shin's lips split into a huge grin, "It's a pretty name, noona. See you later!" And in the blink of an eye, he was gone. "I don't know where that kid gets all that energy from," the doctor muttered to himself more than he did to me. He then turned to me and frowned, "You couldn't remember your name?" I shifted my wieght and lookd at the floor in embarrasement, "I actually don't remember much." 

"Can you tell me what is it that you remember?" he had a serious look on his face and I grew scared. "I know I'm Hispanic. I speak English, Spanish, French, and Korean. I used to live in New York. But I don't know how I got here or why," I answered in a small voice. "How could I have missed this?" he asked himself as he wrote something down in that clipboard of his. After writing, he looked at me as he flipped it closed, "I suggest you go get some rest in your room. A nurse will go get you soon. We need to have another MRI scan." He walked away, leaving me with a million questions on my mind. 

I walked to my room and I began to hear loud voices, "Calm down Taemin. I'm sure she's fine." As I walked towards the room, I realised that's where the loud voices we're coming from. I stood in front of the door and listened, "You don't understand she's in a fragile state!" "Where are you going?" "I'm going to find her." The door swung open and a tall guy stood in front of me. He had copper red hair and flawless, milky skin. His mouth split into a beautiful smile, "There you are!" He swung his arms around me and embraced me. I felt my heart beat a mile a minute and my body felt light. He nuzzled his nose in my hair, "I'm so glad you're okay." Completely thrown off by the way I reacted around him, I pushed him away, "Who are you?"

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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be