
Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

My heartbeat grew quicker with every step I made. The sound of my heels echoed against the marble door of the hall. "Are you  here to visit the bride?" a lady in formalwear asked as I got to the reception area. "N-no," I stammered, "I'm here to see the groom. We're friends." She nodded her head and typed something into her computer, "He's on the second floor, east wing." I nodded and headed towards the stairs on my left. My peach gown hugged my legs as I went up the stairs and I ended up having to lift it up so that I I avoided tripping. 

I arrived at a door with a silver plaque that said "Husband" on it. Before turning the handle I took a deep breath and gave myself a pep talk, "You can do this. It's now or never." I pressed the handle down and pushed the door revealing a plush room with a gorgeous night view of Seoul's skyline. As I walked around, I noticed Taemin wasn't inside. "Please don't let it be too late," I said as I moved towards the windows. "Too late for what?" My heart began to flutter and I felt all the oxygen leave me. I turned around on my heels and there he was. 

Taemin's dress shirt was untucked and his sleeves were rolled up. Taemin slipped his hands into his pockets, "Why are you here?" He walked towards the mirror and placed his bowtie around his neck. "I came to see you," I confessed nervously. "Well here I am," he replied sardonically, "What do you want?" Taemin's tone was harsh and curt. I could tell he didn't want me there. I must have hurt him too much. I was about to give up on the mission until I saw him struggle with his bowtie, "Are you just going to stare at me quietly? Or will you tell me what you want?"

I giggled and his head snapped towards me, "What?" I bravely sauntered towards him and began to help him with his bowtie, "You never did learn how to tie things like these." I noticed his blush, "Well I just never really had any practice that's all." I straightened his bowtie smoothed out his shirt, "There." "Thanks," he turned to the mirror to check himself out. "You look pretty," he said without a hint of a smile. "Thank you," I replied geniunely. There was an awkward moment of silence in which I struggled to find the right time. And then I just blurted it out. 

"I don't want you to get married," I confessed as I bravely looked into his eyes. Taemin stood quiet for a moment as many emotions flashed through his eyes. Relief? Anger? And then he laughed. Not a pleasant and nice laugh. It was a mean, sardonic laugh. "Yah! How dare you come and say this on my wedding day?" he growled. "Taemin, I need to tell you how I feel, I-" "Don't you think you're being too selfish?" he cut me off, angrily, "Do you think I'm just some toy you can play with? Or a loyal dog that will always come back to you no matter what?" 

"Tae please!" I yelled in frustration, "Please let me explain!" "Explain what?" he yelled back, "That you don't want me married to another girl, yet you don't want to be with me because you're not sure of your own feelings?!" "That's what I'm trying to tell you!" I grasped his shirt and pulled him towards me, "I'm in love with you!" Taemin looked into my eyes without changing his expression, "Go on." I released his shirt and sighed, "Earlier while I was jogging, everything came back to me. I remember everything that I had lost. And then I realized that I was going to lose you, and that I didn't even had the chance to fight for you. Then Kai and Jooyoung helped me realize that if I didn't tell you all this now before you got married, I'd live in regret my whole life."

I looked at him once more and his expression was still hard, "Now I know that you don't want me here and that you won't take me back. I don't blame you because you have been through so much because of me. But before I go I just want to know one thing. Will you at least promise me you'll be happy? Once I leave, and you're married, will you be happy?"

"Where will you go?" he asked ignoring my question. I began to play nervously with my fingers, "I don't think I can stay around if I'm supposed to get over you. I figured I'd go back to the states and continue my studies at NYU." Taemin nodded and walked towards the giant windows, "Sounds like a good plan." I shrugged and nodded, "So will you answer my question?" All to quickly, he said, "No."

I grew infuriated, "Why not?! It's a simple yes or no question! Just answer and I'll leave my-" "No!" he yelled, "No I will not be happy. I can't be happy if I'm not with you. I won't be happy knowing you'll be halfway around the world. I can't be happy knowing you want to forget about me. I can't be happy thinking that you'll probably meet some guy and be with him instead of being here. Right here. With me."

I felt tears streaming down my face, "Tae..." "Here," he pointed to himself, "is where you belong. With me." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace. I couldn't help but cry, "I thought I'd lost you." "Shh," he cooed as he my hair, "Nonsense." Taemin and I stood there for a while, until reality struck me, "What about the wedding?"

"Come with me," Taemin gripped my hand and led me out the door. For a brief moment I couldn't believe it, he was mine again. It felt as if nothing had ever changed. As we walked down the hallway, Taemin glanced back at me and smiled, and I felt myself blush and grin foolishly. "Cute," I heard him whisper to himself. We arrived at two brown double doors. To the side of  them I saw a plaque that made my eyes widen, "Tae, what are we doing?" He knocked on the door, "Relax, it's going to be alright."

Please don't hate me. The door opened a little and Hina stuck her head out, "Taemin? What are you doing here?" Then she turned towards me and gasped. curled into a grin, "You came!" Opening the door wider, she invited us in, "Wow, you actually came! I've never been happier to see anybody as much as I am right now." Then she turned to Taemin, "So what's the plan?"

Taemin sat me down and sat down beside me, "We're leaving, but we have to tell everyone first." Hina shook her head, "No. You should leave and let me do the talking. My parents are much more considerate than yours, no offense." "None taken," he replied, "But are you sure?" Hina nodded her head and handed him an envelope, "These are the tickets to Maldives, go there and I'll let you know when everything is calmed down."  

"Wait," I stood up and frowned, "I'm confused, why are you giving these to us?" Hina looked at me with a confused expression that soon softened to a smile, "Oh, sweety. I don't want to marry Taemin. He and I are nothing alike and have nothing in common and are not the slightest bit compatible. I don't want to live my life with somebody like that." Again she looked at Taemin, "Sorry." He nodded and grabbed my hand, "The ceremony is supposed to be starting, so we'll leave now." 

"Okay, leave through the back, you have to make sure you don't run into anybody," she warned us as we walked out the door. Taemin led me towards the emergency staircase and out the back door. "Where's your car?" he asked me quickly. "It's parked two blocks from here," I replied  and he led me towards the car. Taemin took the keys and to my surprise, he drove us home. "Pack your things," he said as he opened the door for me, "I don't know when we'll be back, so pack plenty of jeans."

I nodded my head and he began to dial a number on his phone. He followed me upstairs and stood outside my room as I packed. I could hear his conversation. "Hyung," he said, "We're home...yes she came...I understand...the plane leaves in an hour and a half...okay, I'll see you there." Taemin walked into my room and into my bathroom, "That was Onew hyung. Just in case you were wondering." He walked outside with all of my toiletries, "They'll be meeting us at the airport."

"Okay," I finished packing and zipped up my suitcase. "Alright, I'll go change into something more comfortable," he said as he walked out, "You should do that too." He shut my door and I began to undress. I coudln't help but think about all the things that had happened that day, breakfast, breaking up with Minho...wow, and now this. Taemin and I were eloping. I slipped on a pair of jeans, and a nice blouse. I loosened my hair from it's updo and it tumbled in waves down to my s.

Finally I slipped on a pair of sandals and dragged my suitcase outside. "Let me help you with that," Taemin appeared from his room and had met me by the staircase. He lifted my suitcase up and gracefully went down the stairs. Taemin placed both my suitcase in the trunk, followed by his duffel bag. And we took off.

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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be