Damsel in Distress

Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

Kai: Can you send me your thesis on solar energy?

Me: Why? Aren't you doing your on biomass?

Kai: I just need inspiration. I don't even know where to start! Aish! Should I quit and focus on my music career for good? >.<

Me: Do what makes you happy. Anyways, tough luck, chump. I'm on my way to the mall. Far, far away from my laptop.

Kai: Go back :P

Me: Are you crazy? ^O^

Kai: I'll just go to your house and steal your pc kekeke ^_^

Me: Aren't you a Mac person? Do you even know how to use a PC?

Kai: Is there a difference????? 

Me: Never mind. Call me if anything goes wrong.

I arrived at the busy streets of Gangnam two hours after noon on a Saturday. "Laila!" My head snapped towards the loud that called my name. Hina strutted towards me in some very high (not to mention uncomfortable-looking) heeled boots and a modest, knee-length skirt that completely contradicted the cold, winter weather. "You came," she smiled sincerely at me and it totally caught me off-guard, considering a she had no sincerity during dinner last night. "Of course," I said matter-of-factly, "I said I would. So, here I am." A small blush crept up on her flawless face, or maybe it was just the cold, "Some friends of mine were supposed to arrive earlier but they didn't make it on time."

I couldn't help the expression of disapprovement that contorted my face, "You didn't tell me you were bringing friends." I already didn't fit into the luxurious Gangnam scene, certainly I was not able to fit in with the crowd. "Whatever," Hina shrugged and averted her eyes, "It's not like they came." My mood involuntarily shifted to pity as I felt disappointment, rejection, and loneliness radiate off of her. "Alright then," I clapped my hands together and spoke with the tone of a life motivator, "Let's shop and have a lot of fun!" Hina's eye's gleamed with surprise but her lips curled into a shy smile, "Okay."

Hina and I entered a very-fancy-dress store and I felt even more out of place. I mean, this wasn't the type of clothes you'd see a girl in jeans and winter combat boots buy. Not to mention, the employee who was dressed like a flight attendant kept eyeing me with a skeptical look in her eyes. I smiled and bowed as I acknowledge her and casually made my way to a , one-shouldered dress that was draped artistically on a mannequin. I decided to take a quick peek at the price tag. Oh sweet Jesus!

The price was almost the equivalent of a semester's tuition. There was clearly no way I'd ever buy anything from this store. No way. I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans and I reached out to answer it. It was a text from Jongin.

Kai: How the hell does this work? Where's Safari?

Me: Use Google Chrome. Ohmygosh Jongin it's saved in my documents you don't need internet. 

Kai: Documents?

Me: Microsoft Word! 

Kai:....Microsoft Word?

I sighed furiously and rolled my eyes as I dialed a phone number on my phone. After a few rings Minho answered the phone, "Yes?" My face unconsciously began to heat up, "Oppa, are you busy?" "No, what's up?" I grinned sheepishly, aware that he wouldn't be able to see me, "It's Jongin, he seems to have a problem using my pc. Could you maybe give him a hand? He's more of a Mac guy." Minho's annoyance was tangible over the phone, "I suppose I could help." I bit my lip and praised the flaming charisma, "Thank you so much oppa! Sorry to bother you like this." He sighed on the other line, "If it's something that helps you, then it's no bother. Have fun shopping." "Kay thanks, again. Bye." "Bye."

I slipped my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and lingered around the shoe isle of the store, not very impressed with the latest fashion. I mean seriously, where are the heels of these shoes? "Oh.My.Gosh!" I heard Hina squeal in pure English, "Look at this dress. Isn't it gorgeous?" And indeed it was. A halter neck gown in a pearl-scented pink color. The light bounced off the dress beautifully, creating an illusion of different colors on it's shadow. I nodded quickly and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "It looks like it suits you. She lifted it up against her neck and stood before a mirror."I'll go try it on," she chimed in an overly excited manner and stalked off to the dressing rooms.

I was about to text Jongin to see if he had progressed with my computer or completely beaten it to scraps when I felt a colossal thunder clap inside my head.


I stepped out of the dressing room in the purple gown. Jooyeon's expression showed admiration and approvement of the dress, "Oh my gosh! That's amazing." Mizuki chimed in as well, supporting the dress, "Definitely."  Then I turned to Jongin and Minho. Jongin looked as of he were to burst out of love at any moment with the way he gawked a Mizuki. Minho smiled charmingly at me, "You should get it."

End of Flashback.

My knees buckled and I clattered to the ground. What the hell was that? "Oh my! Agassi are you alright?" the lady who was eyeing me earlier hovered over me with a concerned look on her face. Though I wasn't sure it was me who concerned her. I looked around and noticed that there were more people looking at us. I nodded slowly, "I'm fine." As I stood up, I held on to the small cushioned chair that was near me because I felt the room spin. "I'll be fine," I confidently dismissed her, "I just need to sit for a while." The lady nodded and stalked off to wherever she came from. I felt a huge, thumping ache in my head and felt as if I would pass out.

"Oh my gosh! I'm definitely buying this," I looked up from my lap to find Hina shimmering like a pretty princess. She looked completely gorgeous from head to toe, although her expression grew wary as she got a good view of me, "You look horrible!" I pouted and narrowed my eyes in defense, "Excuse me?" She lifted the hem of the dress and jogged towards me, "You're so pale! Like you've seen a ghost or something! Are you okay?" her expression was alert and she held he hands out in front  in a cautious manner. I shook my head slowly, " I think I'll just go home. Sorry to ditch  you like this when we've only just begun shopping." 

"Oh no! It's not a problem, besides you look really sick," I sensed disappointment in her voice, "I'll have my chauffeur take us to your house. Just wait here while I go purchase this dress alright?" I nodded weakly and then she walked back to the dressing rooms. A while later, she meet me at the entrance of the store with a big, pink shopping bag, "Ready?" Too tired to choke anything out, I simply nodded and followed her to a sleek and black Rolls Royce. Just how rich is she? Once in the car, I closed my eyes to calm my tremendous headache. "Laila...um, I can be casual with you right?" I nodded once in response.

Hina chuckled softly to herself, "I thought so." Then I turned to look at her with a sassy eyebrow raised. Her eyes widened and she shifted in her seat, "It's just that you don't look like the type to care about honorifics. You're very nice." I was going to say something then but she continued to talk, "As you may have noticed I don't have many friends. Well, none actually, not really." Where is she going with this? I turned to look at her quizzically but she kept her gaze forward on the traffic. 

"You know what's funny? At first I thought you still had feelings for Taemin oppa- you know, because of the history you shared- and that you'd try to take him away from me." Crap! She knows about Taemin?! "But last night I couldn't help but notice the way you and Minho interacted. I mean you guys even arrived at the dinner table holding hands. So I feel completely safe and happy knowing that it's Minho you like. Isn't it? You don't want to take my Taemin away right?" When she looked into my eyes they were big and watery. She wasn't asking me to stay away from him. She was begging me.

And that's when it struck me, Hina was lonely. And the only person who could heal her sorrow was the person she fell in love with. Her fiance. Her Taemin. "I don't like Taemin," my voice grew hoarse and a deep, dark feeling twisted in my stomach, "However I wouldn't say I like Minho, either." Liar. My subconscious stuck her tongue out at me. Hina nudged m arm with her elbow, "Oh come on. It's obvious he likes you, too. Let me set you up. OOHHH! I know! Let's all go on a double date!" 

"NO!" the panic in my voice was tangible and my heartbeat was frantic, "I-I mean, I don't think that's a good idea, for now." Hina smirked, "Suit yourself." The conversation stopped there and we cruised through traffic in a comfortable silence as my headache grew incorrigible. I leaned my head back on the head rest and watched as the blur of the afternoon Seoul sky turned into big, dark splotches of nothing in my vision.

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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be