Three Days

Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

We arrived at Incheon safely, some with headaches and others high on caffeine. Five days of barely any sleep was enough to drive anybody insane. Key was leaning on Jonghyun, sleep embodying his spirit. We barely made it through the mob of screaming fangirls and to top it off there was a tremendous amount of traffic in the highway. In the car, we we're either sleeping or dead while waiting to get home to our soft and lovely beds. "Has anybody heard from Laila?" Minho interrupted my light slumber with his intriguing question. 

We each answered "no" one after the other. Some of us grew wary while the rest of us were too tired. "She's probably fine," Key tried to shrug off our worries. I was reaching for my phone when I noticed Minho had already dialed. I stared at him waiting for some kind of response. He cursed quietly, but loud enough for me to hear him, "Straight to the machine. I think it's dead."  "Let's just wait until we get home," said Onew. I looked out the window and groaned at the large amount of cars ahead of us. It seemed to me we were going to last eternity on the highway.

After nearly three unbelievable hours, the moon appeared and we were pulling into our drive way. We entered the house and we were surprised to find that it was dark and desolate. "Maybe she's at my house," Jonghyun smiled reassuringly after noticing my expression. I nodded and called Jooyoung. A masculine voice answered the phone, "Yeoboseyo?" I tilted my head in confusion, "Jooyoung?" The voice laughed, "Is this Taemin? Hyung! It's me! Jongin!" 

A small smile of embarrassment grew on my face, "Ah, of course. Sorry, I haven't slept in a while." I heard Jongin inhale, "You should really sleep hyung." I laughed and placed my unoccupied hand on my hip, "Just wait until you debut! Anyways, I called to check if Laila is there or if you've heard from her." Jongin chuckled, "Did you guys fight again? Hold on, let me ask noona."

"NOONA!" he yelled as if he were talking to someone miles away. "WHAT?" I heard Jooyoung's voice boom as well. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHERE LAILA IS?" he asked, still yelling. "WHY? WHO IS IT?" she said a little bit lower. "IT'S TAE-" I cursed desperately, "For God's sake Jongin! Stop yelling!" Jongin apologized to me and continued talking to Jooyoung, "It's Taemin hyung." After a few seconds of silence, Jooyoung spoke to me, "Taemin? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I sighed, "It's just that we haven't heard from Laila in days and she's not home. Plus she won't answer her phone. She isn't with you?" Jooyoung answered with a worried tone, "No. I actually haven't spoken to her in days." My heart did this thing where it sunk into my chest and I felt myself begin to freak out, "Thanks." I hung up on Jooyoung and rushed over to Onew, "Hyung. Jooyoung says she hasn't heard from Laila in days."

"She probably just went out," Key groaned in annoyance, "Stop worrying so much. She's going to be twenty years old soon, she's not a child." Minho rubbed his face sleepily, "Still, it isn't like her to not let us know where she is or what she's doing. And she already knew we were coming back today." Onew held his hands up, "Why don't we wait a while longer. Maybe she did go out and will be back soon."

"I don't think that's the situation hyung," our heads snapped to Jonghyun, who was arriving from the pet room, "If we had waited any longer, our pets would starve." Key shot up, "What do you mean?!" Jonghyun held his hands out, "Calm down Kibum. I'm just saying that they're bowls are nearly empty. Knowing Laila and her moments of slight OCD, she'd have them full at all times." I grinned slightly at his reference to her perfectionist ways but grew wary.

"Okay, now we can all freak out," Key concluded. I went upstairs quickly and made my way to her room. I remember Laila had said something about babysitting, maybe her friend's address was somewhere written around here and I could find her. Luckily, I spotted a small piece of paper with a phone number on her bedside table. I took the initiative and dialed the number on my cell phone. 

"Yeoboseyo?" a woman answered the phone. "Hello. I'm calling from Woex Laila's house. Sorry to interrupt you but we're very worried about Laila because she hasn't arrived and we were wondering if you had any idea of her whereabouts." The lady on the other line some air through her teeth, "I haven't seen Laila since she brought back Jieun and Yoogeun three days ago."

"Is that so? Well then, sorry for the inconvenience," I hung up and began to wonder why nobody has had any type of contact with her in days. I went back downstairs and saw that Minho hyung was about to explode, "We have to go look for her! People don't just disappear!" Key crossed his arms, "Where would we look Minho? We live in the city!" Onew grew crossed, "Stop yelling! Both of you! Let's just file a missing person report at the precinct."

All the yelling and frustration that filled the house grew stale when all of our attention turned to a ringing house phone. Key was the closest and he answered it, "Yeoboseyo?" Silence filled the room every time the other person answered. "Yes, this is where she lives" Key answered a question. We flocked around him like sheep."How long?!" his eyes widened and his expression grew dark. Minho punched him lightly on the shoulder, "What's going on Kibum?" Key swatted Minho away and hung up the phone. "Well?" Jonghyun looked at him expectantly but Key held on to the counter top and exhaled.

"Stop stalling!" I grew impatient, "Tell us what happened!" Key's head snapped towards mine, "She's in the hospital." Instinctively we all rushed out and got in Jonghyun's jeep. Key explained everything as we headed towards the hospital, "Apparently she was hit by a speeding vehicle as she crossed the street. She's been in a coma in the hospital all this time." I grew silent as I wondered how interesting it was that you could talk to a person and then suddenly find out days later that they're in a coma. 

When we arrived at the hospital, a doctor led us to the room where Laila was sleeping peacefully. Her hair laid beautifully in curls across her chest and her big eyes were shut. I longed to see her big brown eyes smile at me as I held her hand. "Is she going to be alright doc?" Minho asked the doctor in a completely cliche manner. The doctor nodded his head, "She's going to live, that's for sure. She suffered some injuries on the head but after a brief check, we concluded that it was nothing serious."

I noticed Onew's posture go straight with tension. His eyebrows furrowed and he gulped deeply, "Um, doctor? What about, um-" The doctor's eyes grew wide, "I almost forgot. I assume you're the father since you brought it up." All of our heads snapped towards the doctor, "Who's father?" Key looked angrily at Onew, "What's he talking about?" The doctor tilted his head in confusion, "You haven't noticed? This young lady is nearly three months pregnant...well was."

"Pregnant?!" I burst out, "You got her pregnant?!!" "No, pabo!" Onew yelled back, "It's your baby!" I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach and my heart skip a beat, "Me? An a-appa?" All eyes  turned to me and I suddenly felt suffocated. Jonghyun spoke up, "Wait a minute. Doctor, you said 'was,' what did you mean?" The doctor walked up and looked at me with a solemn expression. The kind of expression that doctors are notoriously known for.

"Well," he spoke clearly, "The car was going at 60 mph down a 12mph street. It collided with her and she suffered many injuries, the most severe being that of her head. She survived however because...well some miracle because the car was going really fast. The baby however...there was too much pressure and the baby..." Minho crossed his arms, "Go on, sir. He can take it." I looked at him and he nodded reassuringly at me. My eyes returned to the doctor, "Please continue doctor."

The doctor sighed, "She suffered a tragic miscarriage."


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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be